Results for 'Giovanni de Gaetano'

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  1.  42
    Electroencephalographic Correlates of Sensorimotor Integration and Embodiment during the Appreciation of Virtual Architectural Environments.Giovanni Vecchiato, Gaetano Tieri, Andrea Jelic, Federico De Matteis, Anton G. Maglione & Fabio Babiloni - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Psychological Resilience, Cardiovascular Disease, and Metabolic Disturbances: A Systematic Review.Anwal Ghulam, Marialaura Bonaccio, Simona Costanzo, Francesca Bracone, Francesco Gianfagna, Giovanni de Gaetano & Licia Iacoviello - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundPositive psychosocial factors can play an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease. Among them, psychological resilience is defined as the capacity of responding positively to stressful events. Our aim was to assess whether PR is associated with CVD or metabolic disturbances through a systematic review.MethodsWe gathered articles from PubMed, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and Google Scholar up to October 28, 2021. We included articles that were in English, were observational, and had PR examined as exposure. The CVD outcomes (...)
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  3. Ethica.Benedictus de Spinoza, Gaetano Durante, Giovanni Gentile & Giorgio Radetti - 1963 - Sansoni.
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  4. The Enactive Approach to Architectural Experience: A Neurophysiological Perspective on Embodiment, Motivation, and Affordances.Andrea Jelić, Gaetano Tieri, Federico De Matteis, Fabio Babiloni & Giovanni Vecchiato - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  5. Mémoire de Gaetano Mosca á l'occasion du quarantième anniversaire de sa mort.Giovanni Spadolini - 1984 - In Ettore A. Albertoni, Etudes sur la pensée politique de Gaetano Mosca: classe politique et gouvernement. Milano: Giuffrè.
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    L'analogia dell'essere: testi antichi e medievali.Giovanni Catapano, Rita Salis, Cecilia Martini Bonadeo & Giovanni Gambi (eds.) - 2020 - Padova: Padova UP.
    Il volume contiene i testi più significativi relativamente alla nascita e allo sviluppo della dottrina dell'analogia dell'essere. I passi sono riportati a fronte con traduzioni originali annotate e sono raccolti in due sezioni: quella di filosofia antica e tardoantica e quella di filosofia medievale araba e latina. La prima sezione comprende i principali testi aristotelici che della dottrina dell'analogia dell'essere hanno costituito l'origine, e i passi fra i più rilevanti della tradizione commentaristica antica e tardoantica, da Alessandro di Afrodisia (II-III (...)
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    La ricerca della Sapientia in De resurr. 278-292.Miryam De Gaetano - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):181-204.
    The aim of this study is to analyse a passage of the pseudoepigraphic Carmen de resurrectione which relates to insipientes, interpreted as those who do not accept that the rational observation of nature proves the existence of a unique creator God. Such a refusal is believed to make them worthy of eternal damnation. The resulting concept of sapientia involves both ratio and voluntas; it is also connected with gnoseology and soteriology. A similar concept can be found in the Aquitanian poetry (...)
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  8.  31
    The Florentine Academy and the advancement of learning through the vernacular: the Orti Oricellari and the Sacra Accademia.Armand L. De Gaetano - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    Nell’attesa del Giorno. Il contesto storico-culturale del Carmen de resurrectione.Miryam De Gaetano - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (1):129-142.
    The aim of this study is to determine the historical and cultural context of the pseudoepigraphic Carmen de resurrectione. The Carmen treats poetically many subjects of Christian eschatology: the second coming of Christ, the final judgement, heaven and hell, the universal conflagration. The author believes that the end time is imminent. This perception is common to all the Christians who experienced tribulations: persecutions, natural calamities, barbarian invasions. These painful events urged the Christians to undertake a path of true conversion, in (...)
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  10.  14
    Associations of Job Insecurity With Perceived Work-Related Symptoms, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and the Moderating Role of Organizational Support.Giovanni Di Stefano, Gaetano Venza & Davide Aiello - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Carteggio.Giovanni Gentile, Gaetano Chiavacci & Paolo Simoncelli - 1969 - Firenze: Sansoni. Edited by Donato Jaja & Maria Sandirocco.
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    Deleuze, pensare il cinema.Roberto De Gaetano (ed.) - 1993 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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    Critica del visuale.Roberto De Gaetano - 2022 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Il cinema e i film: le vie della teoria in Italia.Roberto De Gaetano - 2017 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Politica delle immagini: su Jacques Rancière.Roberto De Gaetano (ed.) - 2011 - Cosenza, Italy: L. Pellegrini.
  16.  10
    Il cinema secondo Gilles Deleuze.Roberto De Gaetano - 1996 - Roma: Bulzoni.
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  17.  92
    Moral Actors and Political Spectators: On Some Virtues and Vices of Rawls's Liberalism.Giovanni De Grandis - 2007 - Politics and Ethics Review 3 (2):217-235.
    The paper defends the theoretical strength and consistency of Rawls's constructivism, showing its ability to articulate and convincingly weave together several key ethical ideas; yet it questions the political relevance of this admirable normative architecture. After having illustrated Rawls's conception of moral agency and practical reason, the paper tackles two criticisms raised by Scheffler. First the allegation of naturalism based on Rawls's disdain of common sense ideas on desert is rebutted. It is then shown that, contrary to Scheffler's contention, Rawls (...)
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  18. Ciência e Conhecimento.Giovanni Rolla & Gerson Albuquerque de Araújo Neto (eds.) - 2020 - Editora da Universidade Federal do Piauí.
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  19. Grice, Augustine, and Aristotle: Understanding ancient semiotic thought in order to understand contemporary thought.Giovanni Manetti & Walter de Gruvter - 1997 - Semiotica 114 (1/2):151-168.
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  20.  63
    Evolutionary Ethics and Contemporary Biology.Giovanni Boniolo & Gabriele De Anna (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can the discoveries made in the biological sciences play a role in a discussion on the foundation of ethics? This book responds to this question by examining how evolutionism can explain and justify the existence of ethical normativity and the emergence of particular moral systems. Written by a team of philosophers and scientists, the essays collected in this volume deal with the limits of evolutionary explanations, the justifications of ethics, and methodological issues concerning evolutionary accounts of ethics, among other (...)
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  21. The four faces of omission: Ontology, terminology, epistemology, and ethics.Giovanni Boniolo & Gabriele De Anna - 2006 - Philosophical Explorations 9 (3):277 – 293.
    In this paper, the ontological, terminological, epistemological, and ethical aspects of omission are considered in a coherent and balanced framework, based on the idea that there are omissions which are actions and omissions which are non-actions. In particular, we suggest that the approach to causation which best deals with omission is Mackie's INUS conditional proposal. We argue that omissions are determined partly by the ontological conditional structure of reality, and partly by the interests, beliefs, and values of observers. The final (...)
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  22.  83
    On the Philosophical Foundations of Measurements in General Relativity.Giovanni Boniolo & Fernando de Felice - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (10):1629-1641.
    In this paper, first, the question of what a measurement is in General Relativity is tackled; then, some foundational problems it involves are analysed. In particular, by recalling what a measurement is in general, we will try to precisely define what it is in General Relativity. Then, we will analyse, by means of a suitable example, some foundational problems it involves. It will be stressed that such foundational problems do not arise owing to the gauge invariance or the correlation among (...)
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  23.  15
    Experiências em realidade virtual.Giovanni Rolla, Nara Miranda de Figueiredo & Guilherme Nunes de Vasconcelos - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (2):1-15.
    A realidade virtual tem se tornado cada vez mais presente, o que dá origem a novas questões filosóficas: qual a natureza de experiências em realidade virtual? Seriam elas exatamente como percepções usuais, ou elas possuem algum traço que as diferencia? Seriam ilusórias? Nós argumentamos que experiências em realidade virtual não devem ser tratadas como ilusórias, assim como defendido pela maioria dos teóricos contemporâneos, mas sim como alusórias, condicionadas à incorporação do hardware e ao conhecimento prático envolvido no uso da tecnologia. (...)
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  24.  12
    Cine y filosofía: las entrevistas de Fata Morgana.Emilio Bernini, Roberto De Gaetano, Daniele Dottorini & Nuccio Ordine (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Cuenco de Plata.
    Pensar en el cine como ocasión y potencia del pensamiento significa en efecto, en primer lugar, sustraer la imagen contemporánea del dominio de los estudios especializados y, en segundo lugar, pensar a partir de aquello que el cine crea (como recordaba Deleuze): esto es, las imágenes mismas. El cine redescubre su potencia a través de sus propias formas. Entrevistas de la revista italiana Fata Morgana con: Jacques Rancière, Roberto Esposito, Jean-luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek, Julia Kristeva, Werner Herzog, Raúl Ruiz, Yervant (...)
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    Tacit knowledge and a multi-method approach in Asset Management.Giovanni Holanda, Jorge Moreira de Souza, Cristina Y. K. Obata Adorni & Marcos Vanine P. de Nader - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (2):197-212.
    This paper has two main objectives. The first one is to reflect on the validity of data in analysis and projections that underpin the engineering asset management of organizations, considering, on the one hand, a certain resistance or even inadequate use of data and information of a subjective nature and; on the other hand, a consolidated reliance on quantitative approaches and decisions based on data series. The second objective is to contextualize the applicability of combining qualitative data based on experts’ (...)
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  26.  8
    Das Transzendentale und die praktische Philosophie.Marco Ivaldo, Giovanni Cogliandro, Carla De Pascale & Ives Radrizzani (eds.) - 2020 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Der vorliegende Band befasst sich zentral mit dem Problem der Anwendung der Transzendentalphilosophie auf die praktische Philosophie. Zu Ehren von Marco Ivaldo haben sich einige der führenden Fichte-Interpreten zusammengetan, um das Thema diachronisch zu behandeln. Angefangen bei Kant bis hin zur zeitgenössischen Philosophie werden einige der philosophischen Hauptpositionen (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl, Deleuze und viele weitere) auf ihre Verträglichkeit mit dem transzendentalphilosophischen Ansatz in praktischer Hinsicht geprüft. ********************** The present volume deals with the problem of the application of transcendental philosophy (...)
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    Kant crítico da analogia técnica cartesiana.Giovanni Sarto & Pedro Nagem de Souza - 2022 - Kant E-Prints 17 (1):101-118.
    Objetiva-se mostrar que a filosofia crítica comporta uma refutação integral da analogia técnica operada por Descartes. Para tanto, após apresentar a pertinência do tema da analogia em relação aos movimentos gerais da _Crítica_, utilizamo-la para interpretar o debate moderno acerca da razão dos animais. Posteriormente, acompanhamos a consolidação da noção kantiana da analogia a partir dos cursos de _Lógica _e centramo-nos, em seguida, na _Crítica da Faculdade de Julgar Teleológica_, a qual abriga uma reelaboração do conceito de arte, bem como (...)
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  28. The Ethical Work that Regulations Will not Do.Carusi Annamaria & De Grandis Giovanni - 2012 - Information, Communication and Society 15 (1):124-141.
    Ethical concerns in e-social science are often raised with respect to privacy, confidentiality, anonymity and the ethical and legal requirements that govern research. In this article, the authors focus on ethical aspects of e-research that are not directly related to ethical regulatory framework or requirements. These frameworks are often couched in terms of benefits or harms that can be incurred by participants in the research. The authors shift the focus to the sources of value in terms of which benefits or (...)
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  29. Harvesting the Promise of AOPs: An assessment and recommendations.Annamaria Carusi, Mark R. Davies, Giovanni De De Grandis, Beate I. Escher, Geoff Hodges, Kenneth M. Y. Leung, Maurice Wheelan, Catherine Willet & Gerald T. Ankley - 2018 - Science of the Total Environment 628:1542-1556.
    The Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) concept is a knowledge assembly and communication tool to facilitate the transparent translation of mechanistic information into outcomes meaningful to the regulatory assessment of chemicals. The AOP framework and associated knowledgebases (KBs) have received significant attention and use in the regulatory toxicology community. However, it is increasingly apparent that the potential stakeholder community for the AOP concept and AOP KBs is broader than scientists and regulators directly involved in chemical safety assessment. In this paper we (...)
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    Playing with knowledge: A virtual player for “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” that leverages question answering techniques.Piero Molino, Pasquale Lops, Giovanni Semeraro, Marco de Gemmis & Pierpaolo Basile - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 222:157-181.
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    Entre a Pulsão de Morte e os Três Registros Lacanianos.Giovanni Vieira de Carvalho Novelli - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Esse artigo visa demonstrar como o psicanalista francês Jacques Lacan delineou e reformulou o conceito freudiano de pulsão de morte no interior dos três registros da experiência humana. Dito isso, iremos inicialmente compreender de forma geral como o conceito de pulsão de morte aparece na obra lacaniana, de maneira a demonstrarmos como ela é reformulada pelo autor francês. Depois, iremos delinear como esse conceito aparece no interior dos registros do Imaginário, Simbólico e Real; desse modo, estaremos envoltos com o Estágio (...)
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  32.  21
    O conceito de vontade de Schopenhauer e alguns desdobramentos na Psicanálise freudiana.Giovanni Vieira de Carvalho Novelli - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento do conceito de “vontade” na obra O mundo como vontade e representação (1818-9) do filósofo alemão Arthur Schopenhauer. Pretende-se apresentar o conceito perpassando inicialmente pela dicotomia kantiana da Crítica da razão pura entre “coisa em si” e “fenômeno”. Depois, seguiremos as observações feitas por Schopenhauer a essa categorização da realidade e suas ressalvas, para, então, explicitarmos a sua respectiva filosofia fundamentada na oposição entre “vontade” e “representação”. Por último, a influência desse pensamento (...)
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  33. Œuvres philosophiques, « Humanisme et dignité de l'homme » « Epiméthée ».Jean Pic de La Mirandole, Olivier Boulnois, Giuseppe Tognon, Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola & Yves Hersant - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (3):367-369.
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  34. Semântica de Grafos para CCW.Giovanni da Silva de Queiroz & Maria Vilma Fernandes de Lucena - 2001 - Princípios 8 (10):62-74.
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    Heuristic Learning and Sport: Theoretical Lines and Operational Proposals.Tiziana D'Isanto, Gaetano Altavilla, Giovanni Esposito, Francesca D'Elia & Gaetano Raiola - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (64):69-80.
    This study aims to open a critical scenario on the current paradigm of reference for teaching sports techniques by pointing to a methodological perspective that is more in keeping with the theoretical reference framework of the ecological-dynamic approach. Currently, the Constraints-led Approach is considered very useful for teaching sports techniques; however, the transition from pure theory to practice is not so simple and consistent with the heuristic learning paradigm. The purpose is to highlight, starting from the theoretical lines, the methodological (...)
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  36. Grand Challenges and Small Steps. Introduction to the Special Issue 'Interdisciplinary Integration: The Real Grand Challenge for the Life Sciences?'.Giovanni De Grandis & Sophia Efstathiou - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 56:39-47.
    This collection addresses two different audiences: 1) historians and philosophers of the life sciences reflecting on collaborations across disciplines, especially as regards defining and addressing Grand Challenges; 2) researchers and other stakeholders involved in cross-disciplinary collaborations aimed at tackling Grand Challenges in the life and medical sciences. The essays collected here offer ideas and resources both for the study and for the practice of goal-driven cross-disciplinary research in the life and medical sciences. We organise this introduction in three sections. The (...)
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  37.  6
    Figure di apocalisse: la potenza del negativo nella storia d'Europa.Biagio De Giovanni - 2022 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  38. Conceptual and terminological confusion around Personalised Medicine: a coping strategy.Giovanni De Grandis & Vidar Halgunset - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-12.
    The idea of personalised medicine (PM) has gathered momentum recently, attracting funding and generating hopes as well as scepticism. As PM gives rise to differing interpretations, there have been several attempts to clarify the concept. In an influential paper published in this journal, Schleidgen and colleagues have proposed a precise and narrow definition of PM on the basis of a systematic literature review. Given that their conclusion is at odds with those of other recent attempts to understand PM, we consider (...)
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  39.  5
    Divenire della ragione moderna: Cartesio, Spinoza, Vico.Biagio De Giovanni - 1981 - Napoli: Liguori. Edited by Roberto Esposito & Giuseppe Zarone.
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    La filosofia e l'Europa moderna.Biagio De Giovanni - 2004 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  41.  42
    La giustizia e il bene.Giovanni De Grandis - 2003 - Teoria Politica (2-3):341-369.
    In this article an attempt is made of presenting the deontological feature of A Theory of Justice under a new light. Through an exploration of the meaning of the priority of the good over the right and of the significance and function of the argument of the congruence between justice and individual good, the differences between teleology and deontology are displayed. Deontology seems to have several advantages: a) it allows for pluralism of values and a richer and deeper understanding of (...)
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  42.  28
    La storia, la morale e la politica in Tucidide.Giovanni De Grandis - 2008 - Teoria Politica (3):31-60.
    History, Ethics and Politics in Thucydides - The paper analyses Thucydides’s views on history, ethics and politics trying to highlight how they affect each other. Thucydides has a tragic conception of history, according to which, notwithstanding the presence of some constants, human vicissitudes are open to unpredictability and chance. This view is closely related to Thucydides moral outlook, which is interpreted as a version of moral pluralism that recognises two mutually incompatible families of values: those related with greatness and success, (...)
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    L'immagine biosociale della storicità: saggio di antropologia filosofica.Giovanni De Crescenzo - 1999 - Napoli: Guida.
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    Per quale bellezza?: l'estetica di Jacques Maritain e le arti della contemporaneità.Cecilia De Carli & Giovanni Botta (eds.) - 2014 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
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  45. Patrik Romanell e l'odierno naturalismo statunitense.Giovanni De Crescenzo - 1969 - Firenze,: La nuova Italia.
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    Hegel e il tempo storico della società borghese.Biagio De Giovanni - 1970 - Bari,: De Donato.
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    Making Sense of A Theory of Justice.Giovanni De Grandis - 2001 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):283-306.
    The primary aim of this interpretive essay is to reconstruct some of the most important features of Rawls’s theory of justice, and to offer a hypothesis about how its assumptions and arguments are tied together in a highly structured construction. An almost philological approach is adopted to highlight Rawlsian ideas. First, I consider in what sense Rawls is an individualist and in what sense he is not. Fromthis I conclude that he ought not be charged of psychological egoism or atomism. (...)
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  48. Qué significa hoy pensar la politica?Biagio de Giovanni - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero, Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Politica e filosofia.Biagio De Giovanni - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (1):59-78.
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  50. Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata :Testo Latino.Benedictus de Spinoza & Giovanni Gentile - 1915 - G.Laterza & Figli.
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