Results for 'Giovanni Plato'

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    La metafisica della storia in Platone.Konrad Gaiser, Giovanni Reale & Plato - 1988
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  2. New Images of Plato Dialogues on the Idea of the Good /Ed. By Giovanni Reale and Samuel Scolnicov.Giovanni Reale & Samuel Scolnicov - 2002
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    The ridiculous in Plato.Giovanni Casertano - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03029-03029.
    What is it that produces laughter? Or a smile, since, in fact, the verb γελάω has both meanings? Because for someone to laughs or to smile, it requires to be in the company of others, and involved in a certain situation which somehow sparks in us that kind of reaction. This note will provide a sketch for a research on the various situations in which characters laugh or smile in the Platonic dialogues. There is a ridiculous situation that emerges in (...)
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    Toward a New Interpretation of Plato.Giovanni Reale - 1997 - The Catholic University of America Press.
    "Rereads the writings of Plato in the light andperspective of the paradigm of the Tubingen School, but it doesso on the basis of very precise principles of contemporaryepistemology which render the undertaking soundly andconvincingly scientific and highly, even fascinatingly readable".
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    Radical Plato: John Stuart Mill, George Grote and the revival of Plato in nineteenth-century England.Giovanni Giorgini - 2009 - History of Political Thought 30 (4):617-646.
    The revival of Plato's philosophy in the nineteenth century presents many interesting features. It has become typical to contrast the 'Idealist' Plato portrayed by the don of Greek studies and introducer of Hegel into England, Benjamin Jowett, with the 'Sceptic' Plato presented by the Radical philosophers John Stuart Mill and George Grote. Notwithstanding the mutual high esteem and reviews of each other's works and the fundamentally similar image of Plato they offer, Grote and Mill have a (...)
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    Sylvain Delcomminette, Pieter D’Hoine, Marc-Antoine Gavray (éd.), Ancient Readings of Plato’s Phaedo.Giovanni Casertano - 2016 - Philosophie Antique 16 (16):213-218.
    Questo libro, come chiariscono i curatori, è il risultato di un progetto scientifico sullo studio dei commentari neoplatonici del Fedone, già realizzatosi in un convegno del 1970 diretto da Westerink, e poi ampliatosi in un convegno sulla storia delle interpretazioni del dialogo nell’antichità realizzatosi nel 2012 a Bruxelles: non più solo platonici, ma anche aristotelici, stoici, scettici. Dopo un’ «Introduzione», redatta dai tre editori, i saggi raccolti sono 13, a cura di Sylvain Delcomm...
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    The Tübingen Sschool's interpretation of Plato, presented epistemologically as a “hermeneutical paradigm” alternative to the currently dominant one.Giovanni Reale - 2011 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 6:11-26.
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    Per una nuova interpretazione di Platone: rilettura della metafisica dei grandi dialoghi alla luce delle "Dottrine non scritte".Giovanni Reale & Hans Joachim Krämer - 1987 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Acerca do Ente e do Uno (De Ente et Uno).Leonel Ribeiro dos Santos & Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola - 2022 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (1):91-133.
    We propose here the first translation into Portuguese of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s small treatise De Ente et Uno (1491). The translation is preceded by a brief presentation in which the work is contextualized within the scope of the thought of its young author and in the Florentine philosophical environment of the end of the Quattrocento. In the aftermath of the controversies between defenders of Plato and defenders of Aristotle, a quarrel brought by Greek and Byzantine intellectuals into (...)
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    Utopia versus Realism? Several upstream reflections.Giovanni Giorgini - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    The author challenges the canonical opposition of utopia vs. realism in political thought. Although this opposition traces back to the very origins of Western political theory, in the works of such authors as Thucydides and Plato, the author maintains that both ‘utopian’ and ‘realist’ thinkers of every age keep the reality of their society in the background of their political constructions. The real difference is in their view of human nature: ‘utopian’ thinkers have a more optimistic view of human (...)
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    The Matter at Hand: Prime Matter as an Unqualified Body in a Post-Hellenistic Pseudepigraphic Text.Giovanni Trovato - 2025 - Apeiron 58 (1):1-16.
    The treatise On the Nature of the Universe, attributed to the Pythagorean Ocellus, has frequently been the subject of scholarly attention due to its engagement with Aristotle’s theory of elemental transformation or its role in the late Hellenistic debate on the eternity of the universe. In this paper, I argue that its author endorses a peculiar conception of matter: prime matter is an unqualified body, only potentially perceptible. Ps.-Ocellus draws this doctrine from Stoicism but reworks it for his purposes outside (...)
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  12. Giovanni Reale.According to Plato & the Evils of the Body Cannot - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White (eds.), Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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    Verso una nuova immagine di Platone.Giovanni Reale & Werner Beierwaltes - 1994 - Vita e Pensiero.
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    Interview with Richard J. Bernstein.Roberto Frega, Giovanni Maddalena & Richard J. Bernstein - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    Roberto Frega & Giovanni Maddelena – Can you recollect what the situation was concerning the study of pragmatism when you were in college? Richard J. Bernstein – I was an undergraduate at the University of Chicago from 1949 to 1951. At the time the “Hutchins College” was an unusual institution. The entire curriculum was fixed and it was organized around reading many of the great books of the Western tradition. From the time I arrived, I was reading Plato, (...)
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    Giustizia, filosofia e felicità: un'introduzione a La Repubblica di Platone.Giovanni Casertano - 2015 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne.
    This analysis of Plato's Republic begins with brief notes on the life and works of Plato, then offers a summary of the books that make up the Republic, identifying each one with one of the most important themes and problems that characterize the dialogue: justice, philosophy, happiness, desire, myth. The volume concludes with an appendix that deals with the question of truth and appearance, and its relationship to virtue and to the good of the city.
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    Fundamentos, estructura dinámico-relacional y caracteres esenciales de la metafísica de Plotino.Giovanni Reale - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (66):163-191.
    This work considers the novelty of Neoplatonism against platonic philosophy, characterising the former by three principie points: the monopolaristic conception, the One which is productive (a self difftisive One-Good) remaining as indefinable or ineffable and its consequences and implications. Plotino's metaphysics, therefore, finds itself before a new problem, not put by Plato: to give reason of the One, and with this, of the production of the many from the One, and in its resolution he introduces an irreductable novelty into (...)
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  17. Platonic love.Giovanni Rf Ferrari - 1992 - In Richard Kraut (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Plato. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 248-276.
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    Le «phèdre»: Manifeste programmatique de platon, «écrivain» et «philosophe».Giovanni Reale, Alonso Tordesillas & Luc Brisson - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
    L'auteur résume dans cet article le contenu du commentaire du Phèdre qui doit paraître en mai 1998. Le Phèdre constitue un véritable « manifeste » qui présente un programme dans lequel Platon, alors âgé de soixante à soixante-cinq ans environ, prend position sur la question de l'écriture, à un moment où celle-ci était en train de se substituer à l'oralité pour constituer un instrument de communication privilégié. Dans le Phèdre, Platon veut montrer que, au moment même où il écrit, il (...)
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    The Reform of Hegelian Dialectic (1912).Giovanni Gentile & A. MacC Armstrong - 1981 - Idealistic Studies 11 (3):189-214.
    The core of Hegelian idealism is the concept of dialectic, the soul of logic and the fundamental law of reality in all its forms. This dialectic is as vastly different from Platonic dialectic as the categories or pure concepts of the Transcendental Logic in the Critique of Pure Reason are from Plato’s ideas and Aristotle’s universals, and its character cannot be more plainly indicated than by this very contrast of the category with the Platonic idea and the Aristotelian universals.
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    Il Protagora di Platone: struttura e problematiche.Giovanni Casertano (ed.) - 2004 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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    Platone e la scrittura della filosofia: analysi di struttura dei dialoghi della giovinezza e della maturità alla, luce di un nuovo paradigma ermeneutico.Thomas Alexander Szlezák & Giovanni Reale - 1989
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    La dottrina non scritta di Platone: studi sulla fondazione sistematica e storica delle scienze nella scuola platonica.Konrad Gaiser, Giovanni Reale, Hans Joachim Krämer & Vincenzo Cicero - 1994 - Vita e Pensiero.
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    Ragione e passione: l'essenza del pensiero platonico.Gerhard Krüger, Giovanni Reale & Enrico Peroli - 1995
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    Platone: le dottrine scritte e non scritte : con una raccolta delle testimonianze antiche sulle dottrine non scritte.J. N. Findlay, Giovanni Reale, R. Davies & Michele Marchetto - 1994 - Vita e Pensiero.
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  25. The interpretation of Plato from the tubingen school to the Milan school-remarks occasioned by the 10th edition of Reale, giovanni'per Una rilettura E Una nuova interpretazione di platone'.H. Kramer - 1992 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 84 (2-3):203-218.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Über das Seiende und das Eine. De ente et uno.Paul Richard Blum, Gregor Damschen, Dominic Kaegi, Martin Mulsow, Enno Rudolph & Alejandro G. Vigo - 2006 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    This edition of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s “De ente et uno” (“On being and the one”) offers for the first time a key text for the reformation of metaphysics in Renaissance philosophy in German translation. The Latin text is added. The detailed introduction and careful commentary reveal the guiding points Pico has set with this work.
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    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Concordia, and the Canon Law Tradition.M. V. Dougherty - 2014 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 88:181-196.
    Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is best known for his Oratio, one of many works containing his promise to prove that the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle are in agreement. Pico never fulfilled this promise, however, and commentators have at times derided Pico’s concordist project. The present paper argues that Pico’s notion of concordia was at least partly inspired by a jurisprudential habit derived from his early training in canon law. After examining Pico’s explicit but dispersed statements on concordia, (...)
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  28. Philology, philosophy and" new paradigms"-Marginal notes inspired by Giovanni Reale's recent edition of Plato's' Fedro'.F. Decleva Caizzi - 1998 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 53 (4):723-731.
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  29. The Golden Apple: Listening to the Cicadas: A Study of Plato’s “Phaedrus,” by Giovanni R. F. Ferrari. [REVIEW]Stanley Rosen - 1994 - Arion 1 (1).
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    The New View of Plato.Hans-Joachim Krämer - 1996 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (1):25-41.
    It will be useful to connect the following survey with Giovanni Reale’s important book on Plato, because it reflects forcefully and lucidly the current state of Platonic scholarship. According to Reale, the three historical models of Plato—the Neoplatonic, the Romantic and the currently emerging one—are all paradigms or “disciplinary matrices” in the sense of Thomas Kuhn’s work on scientific theories. This view is fundamentally correct. Reale has adduced sufficient evidence to support it, and Kuhn himself is said (...)
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  31. Love as a Problem of Knowledge in Kierkegaard's Either/Or and Plato's Symposium.Ulrika Carlsson - 2010 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 53 (1):41-67.
    At the end of the essay “Silhouettes” in Either/Or , Kierkegaard writes, “only the person who has been bitten by snakes knows what one who has been bitten by snakes must suffer.” I interpret this as an allusion to Alcibiades' speech in Plato's Symposium. Kierkegaard invites the reader to compare Socrates to Don Giovanni, and Alcibiades to the seduced women. Socrates' philosophical method, in this light, is a deceptive seduction: just as Don Giovanni's seduction leads his conquests (...)
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    Fichte, Schlegel, and the Infinite Interpretation of Plato.Hans-Joachim Krämer - 1999 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 21 (2):69-112.
    Ever since the proposal of Giovanni Reale, it has been useful to distinguish three “paradigms,” or models of “normal science,” in Thomas Kuhn’s sense, in the history of Platonic scholarship, each of which are relatively distinct from the others in their historical succession: the Neoplatonic model which persisted into modern times; the “Romantic” model which replaced it and whose foundations were formulated around 1800 by Friedrich Schlegel and Friedrich Schleiermacher, and which was until recently the guiding model for history, (...)
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    A Shimmering Socrates.Jacob Howland - 2015 - In Jon Stewart (ed.), A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–35.
    Kierkegaard's relationship to the literary Socrates of antiquity, an ironic and ambiguous figure who reflects the uncertain nature of reality itself, uniquely recapitulates Plato's relationship to the historical Socrates. For Kierkegaard as for Plato, contact with Socrates results in an explosion of poetic and philosophical creativity—a demonstration of Socrates’ pedagogical potency that implicitly resolves what Plato calls the “ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry.” This chapter reflects on that ancient quarrel and its connection with the figure of (...)
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  34. The theory of mind as pure act.Giovanni Gentile - 1922 - London,: Macmillan & co.. Edited by Herbert Wildon Carr.
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    Lost in Dialogue: Anthropology, Psychopathology, and Care.Giovanni Stanghellini - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The field of psychiatry has long struggled with developing models of practice; most underemphasize the interpersonal aspects of clinical practice. This essay is unique in putting intersubjectivity front and centre. It is an attempt to provide a clinical method to re-establish the fragile dialogue of the soul with oneself and with others.
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    Some Basis for a Renewed Regulation of Agri-Food Biotechnology in the EU.Giovanni Tagliabue & Klaus Ammann - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (1):39-53.
    A radical reform of the agri-food biotech regulation in the EU is considered in many quarters as a pressing necessity. Indeed, two important decisions on the legal status of the so-called New Breeding Techniques are expected shortly. In order to clarify some basic aspects of the complex scenario, after a brief introduction regarding the “GMO” fallacy, we offer our point of view on the following facets: A faulty approach is frequent in the discussion of the agri-food regulation; NBTs, genome editing (...)
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  37. Between Kant and Hegel. Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism.George Di Giovanni & H. S. Harris - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):370-370.
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    Causal Reasoning and Clinical Practice: Challenges from Molecular Biology.Giovanni Boniolo & Raffaella Campaner - 2019 - Topoi 38 (2):423-435.
    Not only has the philosophical debate on causation been gaining ground in the last few decades, but it has also increasingly addressed the sciences. The biomedical sciences are among the most prominent fields that have been considered, with a number of works tackling the understanding of the notion of cause, the assessment of genuinely causal relations and the use of causal knowledge in applied contexts. Far from denying the merits of the debate on causation and the major theories it comprises, (...)
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  39. Platone a scuola: l’insegnamento di Francesco de’ Vieri detto il Verino secondo.Simone Fellina - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):97-181.
    From the second half of the 16th century the question about Platonis Aristotelisque Concordia is no more a merely doctrinal problem, but it involves a discussion about methodus and ordo, according to the importance given to them in the coeval philosophical debate. In many cases underscoring Plato’s scientific merits, not only about inventio but also about the transmission of knowledge, meant promoting Platonism as a philosophy suitable for University. In this context the need for Platonic handbooks is perceived as (...)
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  40. Privileged access without luminosity.Giovanni Merlo - forthcoming - In Giovanni Merlo, Giacomo Melis & Crispin Wright (eds.), Self-knowledge and Knowledge A Priori. Oxford University Press.
    Williamson’s anti-luminosity argument has been thought to be in tension with the doctrine that we enjoy privileged epistemic access to our own mental states. In this paper, I will argue that the tension is only apparent. Friends of privileged access who accept the conclusion of the argument need not give up the claim that our beliefs about our own mental states are mostly or invariably right, nor the view that mental states are epistemically available to us in a way that (...)
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    Entre a Pulsão de Morte e os Três Registros Lacanianos.Giovanni Vieira de Carvalho Novelli - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Esse artigo visa demonstrar como o psicanalista francês Jacques Lacan delineou e reformulou o conceito freudiano de pulsão de morte no interior dos três registros da experiência humana. Dito isso, iremos inicialmente compreender de forma geral como o conceito de pulsão de morte aparece na obra lacaniana, de maneira a demonstrarmos como ela é reformulada pelo autor francês. Depois, iremos delinear como esse conceito aparece no interior dos registros do Imaginário, Simbólico e Real; desse modo, estaremos envoltos com o Estágio (...)
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  42. Gesù Cristo nella spiritualità di S. Franceso d'Assisi.Giovanni Iammarrone - 1991 - Miscellanea Francescana 91 (1-2):23-88.
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    Qumran: correnti del pensiero giudaico (III a.C.-I d.C).Giovanni Ibba - 2007 - Roma: Carocci.
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  44. Il concetto di governo.Giovanni Kessler - 1939 - [Lugano,: S. a. Tipografia editrice.
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    Orientierung am Menschen: anthropologische Konzeptionen und normative Perspektiven.Giovanni Maio & Oliver Müller (eds.) - 2015 - Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
  46. La finzione nell' educazione o la pedagogia de "come se".Giovanni Marchesini - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:172-172.
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    Il problema monetario tra teoria e pratica di governo.Giovanni Muto - 1986 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 16:177-196.
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    Porphyry’s Definitions of Death and their Interpretation in Georgian and Byzantine Tradition.Lela Alexidze - 2015 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 18 (1):48-73.
    Beginning from Plato, there exists a philosophical tradition, which interprets philosophy as preparation for death. However, for Plato the death of a philosopher does not necessarily imply death in its ordinary meaning, but rather a spiritual way of life maximally free from corporeal affections. This kind of relationship between philosophy and death was intensively discussed in late antique philosophy, Patristics, medieval Byzantine philosophy, and also in medieval Georgian literature. Based on Plato’s and Plotinus’ philosophy, Porphyry presented definitions (...)
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    A New Analytic/Synthetic/Horotic Paradigm.Giovanni Maddalena & Fernando Zalamea - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    We study a contemporary need to complement analytic philosophy with pendular, synthetic approaches. We provide new definitions of the dyad analytics/synthetics and complete it with a natural third, horotics. Some historical trends to support a synthetic/horotic paradigm are studied: (i) Peirce’s ideas around his logic of continuity – non Cantorian continuum and existential graphs – emphasizing the importance of mathematical gestures, (ii) Gödel’s understanding of intuitionism as a synthetic counterpart of classical logic, along with a new horotic approach to his (...)
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    The Reception of Descartes in the Seventeenth-Century Scottish Universities: Metaphysics and Natural Philosophy.Giovanni Gellera - 2015 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 13 (3):179-201.
    In 1685, during the heyday of Scottish Cartesianism, regent Robert Lidderdale from Edinburgh University declared Cartesianism the best philosophy in support of the Reformed faith. It is commonplace that Descartes was ostracised by the Reformed, and his role in pre-Enlightenment Scottish philosophy is not yet fully acknowledged. This paper offers an introduction to Scottish Cartesianism, and argues that the philosophers of the Scottish universities warmed up to Cartesianism because they saw it as a newer, better version of their own traditional (...)
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