Results for 'Giorgio Franci'

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    Studi sul pensiero indiano.Giorgio Renato Franci - 1975 - Bologna: Cooperativa libraria universitaria editrice.
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    (1 other version)Virtual morality in the helping professions: simulated action and resilience.Kathryn B. Francis, Michaela Gummerum, Giorgio Ganis, Ian S. Howard & Sylvia Terbeck - 2018 - British Journal of Psychology 109 (3):442-465.
    Recent advances in virtual technologies have allowed the investigation of simulated moral actions in aversive moral dilemmas. Previous studies have employed diverse populations in order to explore these actions, with little research considering the significance of occupation on moral decision-making. For the first time, in this study we have investigated simulated moral actions in Virtual Reality made by professionally trained paramedics and fire service incident commanders who are frequently faced with and must respond to moral dilemmas. We found that specially (...)
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    The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life.Giorgio Agamben - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    What is a rule, if it appears to become confused with life? And what is a human life, if, in every one of its gestures, of its words, and of its silences, it cannot be distinguished from the rule? It is to these questions that Agamben's new book turns by means of an impassioned reading of the fascinating and massive phenomenon of Western monasticism from Pachomius to St. Francis. The book reconstructs in detail the life of the monks with their (...)
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    Dialogue on the Great World SystemsGalileo Galilei T. Salusbury Giorgio de SantillanaDialogue concerning the Two Chief World Systems -- Ptolemaic and CopernicanGalileo Galilei Stillman Drake.Francis Johnson - 1954 - Isis 45 (2):213-215.
  5.  9
    Biomedicine and beatitude: an introduction to Catholic bioethics.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2021 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Comprehensive overview of Catholic teaching on practical issues in modern medicine and bioethics. This second edition includes a new chapter on bodily modifications and a series of new figures, as well as bringing the original text up to date in light of the teachings of Pope Francis and recent events such as the covid-19 pandemic.
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    Bioethics in Laudato si’.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2015 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 15 (4):657-663.
    In his encyclical on the environment, Laudato si’, Pope Francis proposes that the natural moral law can be reimagined as an ecological moral law that challenges us to evaluate the morality of our actions not only within our personal and nonpersonal relationships in society but also within the greater reality that is creation. In this essay, the author offers several reflections on the ramifications of this innovative proposal on a contemporary Catholic bioethics that seeks to be faithful to the classical (...)
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    Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political: Essays on Dante.Massimo Cacciari, Alessandro Carrera & Giorgio Mobili - 2022 - SUNY Press.
    Among today's Italian philosophers, Massimo Cacciari is perhaps the most assiduous commentator of Dante. Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political collects all of Cacciari's writings on Dante to this day, from his masterful analysis of St. Francis of Assisi in Dante's Paradiso and Giotto's frescoes to a new consideration of Dante's "European" idea of empire as a federation of nations, peoples, and languages. Cacciari does not force Dante into any philosophical straitjacket. Rather, he walks with Dante, takes notes, asks questions, raises (...)
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    Giorgio Agamben. Taste. Trans. Cooper Francis. New York: Seagull Books, 2017. 90 pp. [REVIEW]Robert S. Lehman - 2019 - Critical Inquiry 45 (3):812-813.
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    Losing Face: Francis Bacon's 25th Hour.Arne De Boever - 2012 - Film-Philosophy 16 (1):85-100.
    Spike Lee’s film 25 th Hour begins with an act of violence that it does not show: instead, the viewer hears the sounds of a dog being beaten. The dog’s menacing growl is then transformed into the growling image of Montgomery ‘Monty’ Brogan’s car speeding through New York. Monty spots the dog, and stops. It is only then that the viewer witnesses the results of the film’s ‘foundational’ act of violence: the bloody body of a dog beaten to pulp. When (...)
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    Consistent Theories in Inconsistent Logics.Franci Mangraviti & Andrew Tedder - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (04):1133-1148.
    The relationship between logics with sets of theorems including contradictions (“inconsistent logics”) and theories closed under such logics is investigated. It is noted that if we take “theories” to be defined in terms of deductive closure understood in a way somewhat different from the standard, Tarskian, one, inconsistent logics can have consistent theories. That is, we can find some sets of formulas the closure of which under some inconsistent logic need not contain any contradictions. We prove this in a general (...)
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  11. Rethinking inconsistent mathematics.Franci Mangraviti - 2023 - Dissertation, Ruhr University Bochum
    This dissertation has two main goals. The first is to provide a practice-based analysis of the field of inconsistent mathematics: what motivates it? what role does logic have in it? what distinguishes it from classical mathematics? is it alternative or revolutionary? The second goal is to introduce and defend a new conception of inconsistent mathematics - queer incomaths - as a particularly effective answer to feminist critiques of classical logic and mathematics. This sets the stage for a genuine revolution in (...)
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    Hermès et Diké. Compréhension et finalité de la philosophie platonicienne.Franci Zore - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2):381-399.
    La question de la compréhension philosophique et celle de la justice sont intrinsèquement liées depuis les débuts de la philosophie grecque. La compréhension platonicienne de la justice tire son origine pré-philosophique de la déesse Diké, tout comme l’herméneutique tire la sienne du dieu grec Hermès. L’ambivalence d’Hermès implique la possibilité de comprendre mais aussi la possibilité de séduire ou d’abuser de cette compréhension, ce qui, dans l’horizon de la philosophie socratique et platonicienne, signifie en fait un défaut de compréhension. Dans (...)
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    Imperij zdravog razuma. Uz recenziju Porfirijeva spisa Vita Plotini.Franci Zore - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (2):301-306.
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  14. Logic and Trans Philosophy.Franci Mangraviti - manuscript
    The paper is structured as follows. First, I will single out three salient moments of trans philosophy, drawing on both my own experience as a trans person and the various attempts to theorize transness as laid out by Talia Mae Bettcher's "Trapped in the Wrong Theory". From there, I will extrapolate three ways to see the relationship between logic and trans philosophy, and provide for each some examples of both current and possible future work. Finally, in analogy with the literature (...)
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    State of Exception.Giorgio Agamben - 2004 - University of Chicago Press.
    In this highly topical book, Agamben ultimately arrives at original ideas about the future of democracy and casts a new light on the hidden relationship that ties law to violence.
  16.  25
    Three Misrepresentations of Feminist Logic: A Response to Barceló.Franci Mangraviti - 2024 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 13 (6):44-52.
    Axel A. Barceló takes issue with my discussion of the dominant gender conception—according to which “woman” is the classical negation of “man”—as an example of logic-based hermeneutical injustice. His arguments are embedded in a more general critique of revisionist projects within feminist logic. [...] Barceló’s particular response relies on a number of assumptions which I think are worth pushing back against. In particular, I will argue that feminist logical revisionism does not depend on giving up universality or proving classical logical (...)
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    Critical Math Kinds: A Framework for the Philosophy of Alternative Mathematics.Franci Mangraviti - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-21.
    Mathematics, even more than the other sciences, is often presented as essentially unique, as if it could not be any other way. And yet, prima facie alternative mathematics are all over the place, from non-Western mathematics to mathematics based on nonclassical logics. Taking inspiration from Robin Dembroff’s analysis of critical gender kinds, and from Andrew Aberdein and Stephen Read’s analysis of alternative logics, in this paper I will introduce a practice-centered framework for the study of alternative mathematics based on the (...)
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    The Contribution of Logic to Epistemic Injustice.Franci Mangraviti - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (5):619-631.
    While much has been said on the connection between dominant rationality standards and systemic oppression, the specific role of logic in supporting epistemic injustice has not received much explicit attention. In this paper I highlight several ways in which it is possible for logic – as a discipline, as a particular system and as a gloss for rational common sense – to be implicated in epistemic injustice. Concrete examples are given for testimonial, content-based, hermeneutical and contributory injustices. I conclude by (...)
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    Limits of Philosophical Knowledge in the Platonism of Plotinus and Plethon.Franci Zore - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):867-884.
    Jedno od ključnih mjesta filozofiranja jest pitanje mogućnosti spoznaje, odnosno spoznatljivosti i izrecivosti onog najvišeg. Premda je pitanje o onome što je prvotno temeljno metafizičko pitanje, s njime se dotičemo i samih granica ljudskih spoznajnih mogućnosti. Već je kod Platona moguće sresti nekoliko mjesta gdje se on dotiče toga problema, dok će kasniji platonizam to pitanje još više zaoštriti. Tako se kod Plotina pokazuje da Jedno kao takvo nije moguće dokučiti mišljenjem, nego samo u mističkom sjedinjenju. Isto će tako više (...)
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    The Sacrament of Language: An Archaeology of the Oath.Giorgio Agamben - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    In The Sacrament of Language Agamben investigates the phenomenon of the oath, arguing that it points toward a fundamental experience of language that lies at the root of religion and law alike.
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    The Guidance Theory of Action: A Critical Review.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2021 - Topoi 40 (3):687-694.
    Theories based on Frankfurt’s (Am Philos Q 15(2):157–162, 1978) view of action have recently been developed to account for passive, automatic, and habitual actions. What these theories share is that they aim to distinguish between actions and mere bodily movements without appealing to psychological states as causes. Instead, agents have guidance control over their actions. In this paper I argue that the versions of the theory that have been proposed are problematic. I propose to pay attention to Frankfurt’s other claim (...)
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    Idea of Prose.Giorgio Agamben - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This book consists of prose pieces that find a new form of expression for philosophy, an expression showing the inseparability of idea and prose--the very form of truth.
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    Obzorja grštva: logos in bit v antični filozofiji.Franci Zore - 1997 - Ljubljana: Znanstveno in.
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    Signatura rerum: sur la méthode.Giorgio Agamben - 2008 - Vrin.
    Les trois études rassemblent des réflexions du philosophe sur trois problèmes de méthode spécifiques : le concept de paradigme, la théorie des signatures et la relation entre histoire et archéologie.
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    Means Without End: Notes on Politics.Giorgio Agamben - 2000 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    He proposes, in his characteristically allusive and intriguing way, a politics of gestureOCoa politics of means without end.Among the topics Agamben takes up are the properly political paradigms of experience, as well as those generally not ...
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    The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government.Giorgio Agamben - 2011 - Stanford University Press.
    Arguing that Western power is both "government" and "glory," this book reveals the "theological-economic" paradigm at the origin of several of the most important components of modern politics and illuminates the function of consent and the ...
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    Libertà e oppressione nel pensiero liberale.Giorgio Lanaro - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    On the Limits of Violence.Giorgio Agamben, Lorenzo Fabbri & Elisabeth Fay - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (4):103-111.
  29.  96
    Habitual virtuous action and acting for reasons.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (7):1036-1056.
    How can agents act virtuously out of habit? Virtuous actions are done for the right reasons, and acting for (right) reasons seems to involve deliberation. Yet, deliberation is absent if an agent’s action is habitual. That implies that the relationship between reasons and actions should be characterized in such a way that deliberation is unnecessary. In this paper, I examine three possible solutions: radical externalism, unconscious psychologism, and unconscious factualism. I argue that these proposals all fail to cast reasons in (...)
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    From causation to conscious control.Lieke Joske Franci Asma - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (3):1-17.
    Surprisingly little attention has been paid to the nature of conscious control. As a result, experiments suggesting that we lack conscious control over our actions cannot be properly evaluated. Joshua Shepherd (2015; 2021) aims to fill this gap. His proposal is grounded in the standard causalist account of action, according to which, simply put, bodily movements are controlled by the agent if and only if they are caused, in the right way, by the relevant psychological states. In this paper, I (...)
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    1. Capitalism as Religion.Giorgio Agamben - 2016 - In Daniel McLoughlin (ed.), Agamben and Radical Politics. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 15-26.
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    Language and Death: The Place of Negativity.Giorgio Agamben - 2006 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Explores the symbiosis of philosophy and literature in understanding negativity.
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    The signature of all things: on method.Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Cambridge: the MIT Press.
    What is a paradigm? -- Theory of signatures -- Philosophical archeology.
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    The Time That Remains: A Commentary on the Letter to the Romans.Giorgio Agamben - 2005 - Stanford University Press.
    In The Time That Remains, Agamben seeks to separate the Pauline texts from the history of the Church that canonized them, thus revealing them to be "the fundamental messianic texts of the West.
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    Material bases of signification.Giorgio Prodi - 1988 - Semiotica 69 (3-4):191-242.
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    L'idea di rivoluzione scientifica e le tendenze recenti della storiografia della scienza.Giorgio Israel - 1998 - Rivista di Filosofia 89 (1):113-138.
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  37. What is a Paradigm?Giorgio Agamben - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (1):107-125.
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  38. More than Fitness. A Robustness-based Proposal of a Logical Space to Classify Processes Behind Evolutionary Phenomena.Giorgio Airoldi - 2018 - Kairos 20 (1):89-112.
    The assumption that natural selection alone is sufficient to explain not only which traits get fixed in a population/species, but also how they develop, has been questioned since Darwin’s times, and increasingly in the last decades. Alternative theories, linked to genetic and phenotypic processes, or to the theory of complex systems, have been proposed to explain the rise of the phenotypic variety upon which natural selection acts. In this article, we illustrate the current state of the issue and we propose (...)
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  39. Wolff, Christian.Giorgio Tonelli - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 8--340.
  40. Pubblicazioni ricevute.Giorgio Tonelli - 1964 - Filosofia 15 (4 Supplemento):851.
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  41. The arrival of the smartest: In favour of a pluralistic account of the evolution of cognition.Giorgio Airoldi - 2021 - Aufklärung 8.
    The great advances of the last decades both in cognitive theories and in evolutionary biology have not yet fully merged. Most evolutionary hypotheses around the mind still rely on classical cognitivism, while most theories of cognition still look for adaptive explanations. We believe that the merging of novel cognitive theories into a pluralistic account can greatly improve our understanding of both what cognition is and how it evolved.
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    Mereology: A Philosophical Introduction.Giorgio Lando - 2017 - London, UK: Bloomsbury.
    Parthood and composition are everywhere. The leg of a table is part of the table, the word "Christmas" is part of the sentence "I wish you a merry Christmas", the 13th century is part of the Middle Ages. The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg compose Benelux, the body of a deer is composed of a huge number of cells, the Middle Ages are composed of the Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages. Is there really a general theory (...)
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  43. Diritto, società e solitudine.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1957 - Filosofia 8 (3):411.
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  44. Lettera al Direttore.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1950 - Giornale di Metafisica 5 (6):709.
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    Leçons de philosophie du droit.Giorgio Del Vecchio & A. B. J. - 1936 - Recueil Sirey.
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  46. Matérialisme et psychologisme historique.Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1958 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 12 (2):158.
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    Presupposti, concetto e principio del diritto (trilogia).Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1959 - A. Giuffrè.
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    Sui caratteri fondamentali della filosofia politica del Rousseau..Giorgio Del Vecchio - 1912
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  49. Alcune considerazioni sui presupposti epistemologia della sociologia della scienza attuale.Giorgio Volpe - 1997 - Epistemologia 20 (2):297-318.
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  50. The idea of language: Some difficulties in speaking about language.Giorgio Agamben - 1984 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 10 (1):141-149.
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