Results for 'Giorgio Alberto Pinton'

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  1. Giorgio Tagliacozzo.(una Memoria).Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:11-20.
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  2. ¿ Por qué y dónde está Giambattista Vico en la Web?Giorgio A. Pinton - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):295-318.
    Este trabajo intenta mostrar cómo Internet ofrece unos revolucionarios recursos tecnológicos que deben ser aprovechados por los estudiosos en general y por los estudiosos viquianos en particular. A su vez, recorre la presencia de Vico en la Web, documentando los lugares de referencia. Su aportación nos permite, además, plantearnos cómo hubiera respondido el mismo Vico ante un fenómeno tan lleno de recursos para el saber como resulta la Red.This paper tries to show the manyfold technological resources of the Web which (...)
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  3. Una Conferencia Internacional sobre Vico 250 años después de la publicación de la Ciencia Nueva de 1744.Giorgio Pinton - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:385.
    Nota informativa sobre el Convegno "G. Vico nel suo tempo e nel nostro" .An Informative note on the Convegno "G. Vico nel suo tempo e nel nostro".
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    The Conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia & G.B. Vico.Giorgio A. Pinton - 2013 - Amsterdam: Rodopi. Edited by Giambattista Vico.
    The Latin text and the translation of The Conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia -- The making of the narration -- Authorities and documents of the narrative.
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    La conmemoración de Vico en nápoles (octubre, 1994).Giorgio Pinton - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:379.
    Reseña de las sesiones de las Jornadas de estudio en torno a las ediciones y traducciones de las obras de Vico, celebradas en Nápoles con ocasión del 250º aniversario de su muerte, bajo el título general: L'edizione critica di Vico: bilanci e prospettive.Review of the sessions devoted to the study of Vico’s Work editions and translations, which tock place in Naples in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of his death, under the generai title: L'edizione critica di Vico: bilanci e prospettive.
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    Principum Neapolitanorum Coniurationis Anni MDCCI Historia.Giorgio A. Pinton (ed.) - 2013 - Amsterdam: Brill Rodopi.
    In September of 1701, events transpired in Naples that, through frequent retellings, became popularly known as “the conspiracy of the Prince of Macchia.” Rapidly gaining fame, this apparently anonymous narrative was soon incorporated by different historians in their history of the transition years between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. But who was the initial bard or narrator, the town clerk or citizen who first gave testimony of this event by creating a Latin text of the story of the Prince of (...)
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    Two Vico Commemorations in Naples.Giorgio A. Pinton - 1995 - New Vico Studies 13:155-159.
  8.  59
    Regarding the De Uno.Giorgio A. Pinton - 2008 - New Vico Studies 26:103-125.
    This paper deals first with the translations and the translators of the De Universi Juris Uno Principio et Fine Uno; second, with the four letters of Biagio Garofalo and Prince Eugene of Savoy; next with the exemplar “B E VIII M 9”; and finally with the apostils, with which Vico deleted, emended, corrected, added to, and marked in ink new variations of his thoughts in the exemplar “XIII B 62.”.
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  9. Dispositional Optimism and Context Sensitivity: Psychological Contributors to Frailty Status Among Elderly Outpatients.Alberto Sardella, Vittorio Lenzo, George A. Bonanno, Gabriella Martino, Giorgio Basile & Maria C. Quattropani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The association of resilience-related factors with frailty is a recent research topic. Dispositional optimism and context sensitivity are two psychological factors that differently contribute to individual resilience. This study aimed at investigating whether dispositional optimism and context sensitivity might contribute to a multifactorial model of frailty, together with established relevant factors such as cognitive and physical factors. This cross-sectional study involved 141 elderly outpatients aged ≥65 years, who were referred to the Geriatrics and Multidimensional Evaluation Clinic of the University Hospital (...)
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    Problemi della produzione e dell'attuazione normativa.Alberto Artosi, Giorgio Bongiovanni & Silvia Vida (eds.) - 2001 - Bologna: Gedit.
    1. La trasformazione dei principi di legittimazione degli ordinamenti giuridici contemporanei -- 2. I mutamenti nel sistema giuridico -- 3. Analisi del linguaggio giuridico, legistica e legimatica -- 4. I diritti difficili nel sistema giuridico.
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    Four Letters of Giambattista Vico on the First New Science (Translated, with Notes and Comments).Giorgio A. Pinton - 1998 - New Vico Studies 16:31-58.
  12. La Nápoles de Vico.Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:115-140.
    En este escrito se ofrece no sólo el mapa topográfico de la Nápoles de Vico sino también el mapa humano de las interrelaciones que Vico mantuvo con tantos y tan diferentes individuos. Estos dos factores juntos, los mapas topográfico (ciudad) y humano (cívico), nos dan la ciudad que civiliza, la idea de una gran raza humana. Visitar la Nápoles de Vico nos daría el placer y la emoción de conocer verdaderamente a Vico como napolitano que fue y valorar así sus (...)
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    Vico’s Primo and Secondo Ragionamento.Giorgio A. Pinton - 2001 - New Vico Studies 19:87-160.
  14.  18
    Universal Right.Giambattista Vico, Giorgio A. Pinton & Margaret Diehl (eds.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    This book is the first translation from Latin into English of the juridical writings of one of the greatest minds of the Enlightenment and one of the greatest figures in Italian philosophy. The complete text is fully annotated, supplied with an extensive introduction, completed by historical and biographical documents, and graced with evocative illustrations. Legal scholars, philosophers, historians, and political scientists throughout the world may now discover a classic by one of the world's great jurists.
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    Vico in Spanish. [REVIEW]Giorgio A. Pinton - 2002 - New Vico Studies 20:91-102.
  16.  36
    Universal Right. [REVIEW]Giorgio A. Pinton - 2000 - New Vico Studies 18:101-103.
  17.  27
    The Art of Rhetoric (Institutiones Oratoriae, 1711-1741). [REVIEW]Giorgio A. Pinton - 1997 - New Vico Studies 15:57-58.
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    Neurobiological response to EMDR therapy in clients with different psychological traumas.Marco Pagani, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Leonardo Monaco, Andrea Daverio, Ioannis Giannoudas, Patrizia La Porta, Anna R. Verardo, Cinzia Niolu, Isabel Fernandez & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  19. Colaboradores de este numero.Gustavo Costa, Ldo Alberto Damiani, Ana Cellna Lertora Mendoza, Conicet Buenos Aires, Jose Antonio Marin Casanova, Jose Manuel Sevilla Fernandez, Giorgio Tagllacollo & Fulvio Tessitore - 1992 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 2:261.
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  20.  26
    Donation of Human Biological Materials in the European Union: Commodifying Solidarity in the Era of the Biotechnological Revolution?Luciana Riva, Giorgio Resta, Alberto Gambino & Carlo Petrini - 2019 - The New Bioethics 25 (4):349-358.
    The use of human biological materials involves a number of issues from both an ethical and a legal point of view. In recent decades, the purposes for which this material has been used have i...
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    Altered resting-state EEG source functional connectivity in schizophrenia: the effect of illness duration.Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Andrea Daverio, Fabiola Ferrentino, Emiliano Santarnecchi, Fabio Ciabattini, Leonardo Monaco, Giulia Lisi, Ylenia Barone, Cherubino Di Lorenzo, Cinzia Niolu, Stefano Seri & Alberto Siracusano - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Role of the Cingulate Cortex in Dyskinesias-Reduced-Self-Awareness: An fMRI Study on Parkinson’s Disease Patients.Sara Palermo, Leonardo Lopiano, Rosalba Morese, Maurizio Zibetti, Alberto Romagnolo, Mario Stanziano, Mario Giorgio Rizzone, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani, Maria Consuelo Valentini & Martina Amanzio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports.Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):337-348.
    This work evaluated the structure of dreams in people affected by schizophrenia. The verbal reports of 123 schizophrenic patients were compared with 123 dream reports from a control group. In accordance with the Jungian conceptualization of, dreams as texts, dream reports were assessed using textual analysis processing techniques.Significant differences were found in textual parameters, showing that the dreams reports of schizophrenic patients differ from those of the control group. It is thus possible that schizophrenia probably underlies changes in the oneiric (...)
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  24. In memoria di Giorgio Fulco.Alberto Varvaro - 2000 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 30:11-12.
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    The Self-Awareness Multilevel Assessment Scale, a New Tool for the Assessment of Self-Awareness After Severe Acquired Brain Injury: Preliminary Findings.Umberto Bivona, Paola Ciurli, Giulia Ferri, Tiziana Fontanelli, Susanna Lucatello, Teresa Donvito, Dolores Villalobos, Laura Cellupica, Fabiana Mungiello, Paola Lo Sterzo, Amalia Ferraro, Eleonora Giandotti, Giorgio Lombardi, Eva Azicnuda, Carlo Caltagirone, Rita Formisano & Alberto Costa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Psychological and Brain Connectivity Changes Following Trauma-Focused CBT and EMDR Treatment in Single-Episode PTSD Patients.Emiliano Santarnecchi, Letizia Bossini, Giampaolo Vatti, Andrea Fagiolini, Patrizia La Porta, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Alberto Siracusano, Simone Rossi & Alessandro Rossi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  27. Divine management: Critical remarks on Giorgio Agamben's the kingdom and the glory.Alberto Toscano - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (3):125 - 136.
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    Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers and the General Population During the COVID-19 in Italy.Rodolfo Rossi, Valentina Socci, Francesca Pacitti, Sonia Mensi, Antinisca Di Marco, Alberto Siracusano & Giorgio Di Lorenzo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers in Italy have been exposed to an unprecedented pressure and traumatic events. However, no direct comparison with the general population is available so far. The aim of this study is to detail mental health outcomes in healthcare workers compared to the general population.Methods24050 respondents completed an on-line questionnaire during the contagion peak, 21342 general population, 1295 second-line healthcare workers, and 1411 front-line healthcare workers. Depressive, anxious, post-traumatic symptoms and insomnia were assessed. Specific COVID-19 related (...)
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    Reply to Valdas Noreika’s commentary on Zanasi, M., Calisti, F., Di Lorenzo, G., Valerio, G., & Siracusano, A. . Oneiric activity in schizophrenia: Textual analysis of dream reports. [REVIEW]Marco Zanasi, Fabrizio Calisti, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Giulia Valerio & Alberto Siracusano - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):353-354.
  30. Contra la conspiración.Alberto Moreiras - 2022 - In Gerardo Muñoz (ed.), Giorgio Agamben: arqueología de la política. Leiden, The Netherlands: Almenara.
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    Bessarione a lezione di astronomia da Cortasmeno.Alberto Bardi - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (1):1-38.
    Nel Marc. gr. Z. 333, testimone del testo astronomico intitolato Παράδοσις εἰς τοὺς περσικοὺς κανόνας τῆς ἀστρονομίας, copiato da Bessarione, sono presenti delle aggiunte, dovute all’intervento di Bessarione stesso, che si ritrovano nella tradizione manoscritta dell’opera soltanto nei discendenti del Marc. gr. Z. 333. Tali aggiunte sono tratte da un testo astronomico di Isacco Argiro e da una versione della Paradosis riveduta da Teodoro Meliteniote. L’analisi filologica e paleografica dimostra che in entrambi i casi le aggiunte sono ricavate da un (...)
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    The Art of Rhetoric (Institutiones Oratoriae, 1711-1741): From the definitive Latin text and notes, Italian commentary and introduction by Giuliano Crifò. Translated and Edited by Giorgio A. Pinton and Arthur W. Shippee.Giambattista Vico (ed.) - 1996 - BRILL.
    Gustavo Costa reviewing the Italian edition of Vico's _Institutiones Oratoriae_ in _New Vico Studies_ 9 (1991), has written that Rhetoric is the mainspring of an important trend of Vichian studies which initiated at the beginning of the twentieth century and had its manifestation in John D. Schaeffer's _Sensus Communis: Vico, Rhetoric, and the Limits of Relativism_ (Durham: Duke University Press, 1990), where Schaeffer aptly noted, summing up a long exegetic tradition, Vico was imbued with rhetoric and convinced of its centrality (...)
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    Giorgio Agamben: arqueología de la política.Gerardo Muñoz (ed.) - 2022 - Leiden, The Netherlands: Almenara.
    Si en un primer momento se intuía que el monumental proyecto de Homo sacer (1995-2015) consistía en una crítica acotada a la lógica de la soberanía y al estado de excepción, ahora podemos ver con claridad que el pensamiento de Giorgio Agamben desplegó una arqueología de la potencia con el fin de hacer legible y pensable la destitución del aparato de la economía y la ontología que han ordenado el mundo de la vida en Occidente. La arqueología sobre diversas (...)
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    Aldo Giorgio Gargani, In memoriam.Nicola Perullo - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 42:211-212.
    Giorgio Gargani non aveva detto a nessuno la verità sul suo male; e il motivo, come avevo intuito non appena lo avevo saputo, non più di dieci giorni prima del suo decesso, e come d’altra parte mi aveva confermato al funerale il figlio maggiore Alberto, era che confessare il suo male avrebbe significato ridurre il carico dei suoi impegni e del suo lavoro. Giorgio Gargani ha lavorato, scritto, studiato, partecipato a conferenze fino a pochi giorni prima della (...)
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    If we are all cultural Darwinians what’s the fuss about? Clarifying recent disagreements in the field of cultural evolution.Alberto Acerbi & Alex Mesoudi - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (4):481-503.
    Cultural evolution studies are characterized by the notion that culture evolves accordingly to broadly Darwinian principles. Yet how far the analogy between cultural and genetic evolution should be pushed is open to debate. Here, we examine a recent disagreement that concerns the extent to which cultural transmission should be considered a preservative mechanism allowing selection among different variants, or a transformative process in which individuals recreate variants each time they are transmitted. The latter is associated with the notion of “cultural (...)
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    From Storytelling to Facebook.Alberto Acerbi - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (2):132-144.
    Cultural evolution researchers use transmission chain experiments to investigate which content is more likely to survive when transmitted from one individual to another. These experiments resemble oral storytelling, wherein individuals need to understand, memorize, and reproduce the content. However, prominent contemporary forms of cultural transmission—think an online sharing—only involve the willingness to transmit the content. Here I present two fully preregistered online experiments that explicitly investigated the differences between these two modalities of transmission. The first experiment (_N_ = 1,080 participants) (...)
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  37. Fibring: completeness preservation.Alberto Zanardo, Amilcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):414-439.
    A completeness theorem is established for logics with congruence endowed with general semantics (in the style of general frames). As a corollary, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with congruence provided that congruence is retained in the resulting logic. The class of logics with equivalence is shown to be closed under fibring and to be included in the class of logics with congruence. Thus, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with equivalence and general semantics. (...)
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  38. Axiomatization of 'peircean' branching-time logic.Alberto Zanardo - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (2):183 - 195.
    The branching-time logic called Peircean by Arthur Prior is considered and given an infinite axiomatization. The axiomatization uses only the standard deduction rules for tense logic.
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    Joseph Henrich: The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous.Alberto Acerbi - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):91-96.
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    Undivided and indistinguishable histories in branching-time logics.Alberto Zanardo - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (3):297-315.
    In the tree-like representation of Time, two histories are undivided at a moment t whenever they share a common moment in the future of t. In the present paper, it will first be proved that Ockhamist and Peircean branching-time logics are unable to express some important sentences in which the notion of undividedness is involved. Then, a new semantics for branching-time logic will be presented. The new semantics is based on trees endowed with an indistinguishability function, a generalization of the (...)
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  41. Enfermedad del espíritu e historia sacrificial. Sobre Cristianismo sin redención de Vincenzo Vitiello.Alberto Moreiras - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 39:19-28.
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    Stemmatologisches: Ein neuer Text von Paul Maas aus dem Jahr 1935.Giorgio Ziffer - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (3):1395-1404.
    This is the publication of a brief unknown text of one page, written by Paul Maas in October 1935, in which the very first definition and analysis of ‘separative’ and ‘conjunctive errors’ are given. What we have before us is in fact the germ of the seminal essay Leitfehler und stemmatische Typen which Maas published two years later in the “Byzantinische Zeitschrift”.
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    El mito de la fealdad.Alberto Zurrón - 2006 - Oviedo: Fundación Méjica.
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  44. Against the conspiracy : revisiting life's vertigo : on Roberto Esposito's Terza persona and Da fuori.Alberto Moreiras - 2018 - In Inna Viriasova (ed.), Roberto Esposito: biopolitics and philosophy. Albany, NY: SUNY.
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  45. The maximal linear extension theorem in second order arithmetic.Alberto Marcone & Richard A. Shore - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):543-564.
    We show that the maximal linear extension theorem for well partial orders is equivalent over RCA0 to ATR0. Analogously, the maximal chain theorem for well partial orders is equivalent to ATR0 over RCA0.
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    Heidegger e il male.Alberto Anelli - 2015 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Heidegger e la teologia.Alberto Anelli - 2011 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
  48. Costantino e la Pax Dei. Mito e storia della" svolta costantiniana", dalla proclamazione della libertà di religione alla definizione dell'unica fede.Alberto Barzano - forthcoming - Studium.
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  49. Ecólogos en acción.Alberto Moncada - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:67-69.
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  50. El imperialismo hispano en tiempos de Carlos V.Alberto Moreiras - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 21.
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