Results for 'Giordano Bruno, Process Philosophy, Monadology'

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  1. Auf dem Weg zur Prozessmetaphysik: Die Funktion der Monaden in Giordano Brunos Philosophie.Paul Richard Blum - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:77-102.
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    What do we mean with sound semantics, exactly? A survey of taxonomies and ontologies of everyday sounds.Bruno L. Giordano, Ricardo de Miranda Azevedo, Yenisel Plasencia-Calaña, Elia Formisano & Michel Dumontier - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Taxonomies and ontologies for the characterization of everyday sounds have been developed in several research fields, including auditory cognition, soundscape research, artificial hearing, sound design, and medicine. Here, we surveyed 36 of such knowledge organization systems, which we identified through a systematic literature search. To evaluate the semantic domains covered by these systems within a homogeneous framework, we introduced a comprehensive set of verbal sound descriptors, which we used to manually label the surveyed descriptor classes. We reveal that most taxonomies (...)
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    Giordano Bruno ou l'Univers infini comme fondement de la philosophie moderne.Émile Namer & Giordano Bruno - 1966 - Paris,: Seghers. Edited by Giordano Bruno.
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    Giordano Bruno: dialoghi filosofici italiani.Giordano Bruno (ed.) - 2000 - Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori.
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    Opere di Giordano Bruno.Giordano Bruno & Adolf Wagner - 1830 - Weidmann.
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    Giordano Bruno: une philosophie de la métamorphose.Saverio Ansaldi - 2010 - Paris: Éditions Classiques Garnier.
    Giordano Bruno's philosophical feat consists in the definition of a transformational force proper to human nature, which underlines its radical integration in the infinite cosmos.
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    Giordano Bruno, la philosophie et la fureur: archéologie d'un paradoxe.Marion Lieutaud - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Par quelles médiations, traductions, représentations et transformations conceptuelles, est-on passé de la pensée antique des 'divines folies' chez les Grecs à celle des 'héroïques fureurs' de Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), cette expérience de la folie dans laquelle le philosophe, à la poursuite de l'objet infini, se constitue en un paradoxal 'sujet hors de soi'? Cette étude a identifié, dans les strates de la culture savante et sur le long terme, des schèmes de pensée singuliers qui ont traversé les temps anciens (...)
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    Cause, principle, and unity.Giordano Bruno - 1964 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Robert de Lucca, Richard J. Blackwell & Giordano Bruno.
    Giordano Bruno's notorious public death in 1600, at the hands of the Inquisition in Rome, marked the transition from Renaissance philosophy to the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. In his philosophical works he addressed such delicate issues as the role of Christ as mediator and the distinction, in human beings, between soul and matter. This volume presents new translations of Cause, Principle and Unity, in which he challenges Aristotelian accounts of causality and spells out the implications of Copernicanism (...)
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    Giordano Bruno: law, philosophy, and theology in the early modern era.Massimiliano Traversino (ed.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    This volume includes some of the papers from the second and third instalments of the series Festival Bruniano, held in Geneva in 2015 and in Tours and Wittenberg in 2018, respectively. By picking up the baton from the inaugural edition of 2014 and the two preparatory colloquia that preceded it in 2013, this volume aims to discuss Giordano Bruno's contribution to sixteenth-century ideas by focusing on some theological, moral, and legal-political aspects of his philosophy. Starting from a re-evaluation of (...)
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  10. Transformation and Individuation in Giordano Bruno's Monadology.Edward P. Butler - 2015 - SOCRATES 3 (2):57-70.
    The essay explores the systematic relationship in the work of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) between his monadology, his metaphysics as presented in works such as De la causa, principio et uno, the mythopoeic cosmology of Lo spaccio de la bestia trionfante, and practical works like De vinculis in genere. Bruno subverts the conceptual regime of the Aristotelian substantial forms and its accompanying cosmology with a metaphysics of individuality that privileges individual unity (singularity) over formal unity and particulars over substantial (...)
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  11. Saverio Ansaldi, Giordano Bruno. Une philosophie de la métamorphose.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):591.
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    Texts, readers and mnemotechnics’ machinæ in Giordano Bruno’s philosophy.Alberto Fabris - 2020 - Methodos 20.
    La production philosophique et littéraire de Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) est traversée par un questionnement constant sur les relations réciproques entre texte et lecteur — l’un se construisant systématiquement par rapport à l’autre. Dans cet article, nous nous concentrerons en particulier sur la comédie italienne Chandelier (1582) et sur le traité mnémotechnique Cantus Circæus (1582) pour montrer comment le rapport texte/lecteur est essentiel pour saisir les implications philosophiques des deux textes. À la Renaissance, la lecture est un véritable exercice d’assimilation (...)
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    Opere italiane.Giordano Bruno & Giovanni Gentile - 1999 - Firenze: Librarie Droz. Edited by Eugenio Canone.
    1. Candelaio -- 2. La cena de le Ceneri. De la causa, principio et uno. De l'infinito, universo et mondi -- 3. Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. Cabala del cavallo pegaseo -- 4. De gl'heroici furori.
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    Gli eroici furori.Giordano Bruno - 1999 - Milano: Rizzoli. Edited by Nicoletta Tirinnanzi.
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    Il sigillo dei sigilli e I diagrammi ermetici.Giordano Bruno - 1995 - Milano: Mimesis. Edited by Ubaldo Nicola.
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    Giordano Bruno: An Introduction.Paul Richard Blum - 2012 - Amsterdam: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Peter Henneveld.
    Giordano Bruno was a philosopher in his own right. However, he was famous through the centuries due to his execution as a heretic. His pronouncements against teachings of the Catholic Church, his defence of the cosmology of Nicholas Copernicus, and his provocative personality, all this made him a paradigmatic figure of modernity. Bruno’s way of philosophizing is not looking for outright solutions but rather for the depth of the problems; he knows his predecessors and their strategies as well as (...)
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    On the heroic frenzies: a translation of De gli eroici furori.Giordano Bruno - 2013 - [Los Angeles]: UCLA Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Edited by Ingrid D. Rowland & Eugenio Canone.
    This vibrant bilingual edition, annotated by celebrated Bruno scholar Ingrid D. Rowland, features the text in its original Italian alongside an elegant, accurate English translation.
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    Opere latine.Giordano Bruno - 1980 - [Torino]: Unione tipografico-editrice torinese. Edited by Carlo Monti.
    Il triplice minimo e la misura.--La monade, il numero e la figura.--L'immenso e gli innumerevoli.
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    Giordano Bruno.Paul Richard Blum - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Giordano Bruno Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher of the later Renaissance whose writings encompassed the ongoing traditions, intentions, and achievements of his times and transmitted them into early modernity. Taking up the medieval practice of the art of memory and of formal logic, he focused on the creativity of the human mind. Bruno … Continue reading Giordano Bruno →.
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    Heroische Leidenschaften und individuelles Leben.Giordano Bruno & Ernesto Grassi - 1947 - A. Francke.
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    Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of the Renaissance.Hilary Gatti - 2002 - Routledge.
    Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in Rome in 1600, accused of heresy by the Inquisition. His life took him from Italy to Northern Europe and England, and finally to Venice, where he was arrested. His six dialogues in Italian, today considered a turning point towards the philosophy and science of the modern world, were written during his visit to Elizabethan London. He died refusing to recant views which he defined as philosophical rather than theological, and for which (...)
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    Von den heroischen Leidenschaften.Giordano Bruno & Ferdinand Fellmann - 1996 - Meiner, F.
    Diese Schrift ist das letzte Werk Brunos, der 1600 nach einem aufsehenerregenden Prozeß als Ketzer verbrannt wurde. Hier entwickelt der Renaissancephilosoph sein philosophisches Credo und beeinflußte damit die Philosophie bis in die Zeit des deutschen Idealismus, insbesondere Schelling. Brunos anthropologischer Ansatz ist ein Meilenstein auf dem Weg der philosophischen Selbstreflexion vom Mittelalter in die Moderne.
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    Mundo, magia, memoria: selección de textos.Giordano Bruno - 1973 - Madrid: Taurus. Edited by Ignacio Gómez de Liaño.
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    On the composition of images, signs & ideas.Giordano Bruno - 1991 - New York: Willis, Locker & Owens. Edited by Dick Higgins.
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    Von der Ursache, dem Prinzip und dem Einen.Giordano Bruno, Adolf Lasson & Werner Beierwaltes - 1977 - Meiner, F.
    In seiner bekanntesten und wirkungsgeschichtlich bedeutendsten Schrift überwindet Bruno 1584 den mittelalterlichen Dualismus von Gott und Welt. Seine satirisch-polemische Auseinandersetzung mit Aristoteles, der Scholastik und dem Neuplatonismus mündet in einen Pantheismus, der schon teilweise auf die Lehren von Spinoza und Leibniz vorausweist.
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    De magia ; De vinculis in genere.Giordano Bruno - 1986 - Pordenone: Biblioteca dell'immagine. Edited by Giordano Bruno & Albano Biondi.
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    Giordano Bruno and the philosophy of the ass.Nuccio Ordine - 1996 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    In this highly original study, Nuccio Ordine uses the figure of the ass as a lens through which to focus on the thought and writings of the great Renaissance humanist philosopher Giordano Bruno.
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    Renaissance magic as a step towards secularism: Agrippa, Bruno, Campanella.Elisabeth Blum - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):67-74.
    Renaissance magic was an attempt to supply Platonism with a philosophy of nature that could compete with Aristotelian physics. It was expected to heal the increasing breach between science and faith. However, the basic presupposition of every magic worldview, the notion of a living universe, favors immanentism and arguably hastened the rise of secularism. Secularism, it should be noted, was not an identifiable set of theories but a process towards modernity with its correspondent philosophical theology. Three different stages in (...)
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    The concept of contraction in Giordano Bruno's philosophy.Leo Catana - 2005 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Methods facilitating noetic ascent -- Contraction as an ontological concept -- Contraction and noesis -- Contraction and memory -- Physiologically induced contraction -- The scholastic tradition of contraction -- Cusanus and the scholastic tradition of contraction.
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    Giordano Bruno Nella Storia Della Cultura.Giovanni Gentile - 2015 - R. Sandron.
    Originariamente letto a una conferenza nel marzo 1907, questo breve saggio non e ne una biografia di Giordano Bruno ne un'esposizione del suo pensiero, ma un'analisi del ruolo da lui ricoperto nella cultura del tempo e delle ragioni del suo scontro con le autorita ecclesiastiche. Rifiutando le semplificazioni di un Giordano Bruno ateo o anticlericale, Giovanni Gentile espone una sua personale interpretazione della vita del pensatore nolano, considerandolo non gia un "martire del libero pensiero," quanto piuttosto, al pari (...)
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  31. Giordano Bruno.Francesca Puccini - 2018 - Lugano: Agorà & Co.. Translated by Francesca Puccini.
    Nel volume si pubblicano le traduzioni di alcuni testi dedicati a Giordano Bruno composti da Hegel e da Dilthey. Pur tenendo conto della diversa incidenza storico-filosofica dell’interpretazione proposta, con tali contributi entrambi i filosofi tedeschi si affermano quali decisivi interpreti ottocenteschi del pensiero di Bruno. Nel volume si pubblicano le versioni disponibili del capitolo riservato al Nolano all’interno delle "Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie" di Hegel e i due articoli dedicati a Bruno da Dilthey, ristampati poi in modo (...)
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    Giordano Bruno - history of philosophy (1908).Alfred Weber - unknown
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    Animality in Contemporary Italian Philosophy.Matteo Gilebbi - 2022 - Journal of Animal Ethics 12 (2):217-219.
    Cimatti and Salzani have put together a rich collection of essays on animal studies that provides an exhaustive overview of how Italian contemporary philosophers are engaging with animal ethics, antispeciesism, posthumanism, ecofeminism, and biopolitics. This edited volume represents an important development in the “animal turn” in the humanities, particularly because it is published in English, allowing for a more efficient dialogue between “Italian theory” and philosophers around the world. This is, in fact, the first collection that will give an international (...)
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  34. Giordano Bruno giovane ad Andria. Luci sugli anni di formazione del filosofo.Guido Del Giudice - 2020 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (1):25-36.
    L’articolo si propone di chiarire uno dei punti oscuri della biografia di Giordano Bruno. Nel 1571 il Capitolo generale dei Domenicani di Roma lo assegnò come studente formale allo Studio di Andria. Secondo i suoi più importanti biografi, il Nolano non ci sarebbe mai andato. Attraverso l’accurata analisi dei documenti relativi al corso di studi, e il riscontro delle citazioni contenute in alcune opere, l’ipotesi che Bruno abbia soggiornato ad Andria per circa un anno appare, invece, estremamente probabile. The (...)
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  35. Giordano Bruno nella "libraria" di Saint Victor.Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - Biblioteca di Via Senato (10):84-88.
    Quando la biblioteca diventa un confessionale. Nel 1585, Giordano Bruno ritorna a Parigi dopo il soggiorno londinese, e comincia a frequentare l’abbazia di Saint Victor, famosa per la sua ” libraria “, immortalata da Rabelais. Il bibliotecario, Guillaume Cotin, trasforma lo “scriptorium” in un confessionale, dove il filosofo dà libero sfogo ai suoi ricordi e al suo impetuoso carattere. -/- When the library becomes a confessional. In 1585, Giordano Bruno, returns to Paris after his stay in London, and (...)
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    Giordano Bruno’s Renaissance philosophy: Paul Richard Blum: Giordano Bruno: An introduction. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2012, xi+128pp, €30.00, $41.00 PB.Pietro Daniel Omodeo - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):353-356.
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    Boss, Judith and James M. Nuzum.Judith Boss, Giordano Bruno, Vere Chappell, John Cottingham, Peter A. Danielson, Rene Descartes, John Finis, R. J. Hollingdale & Vittorio Hösle - 1999 - Teaching Philosophy 22 (2):237.
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    La philosophie mathématique de Giordano Bruno.Stéphane Bonnet - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie 2:315-330.
    Plusieurs textes de Giordano Bruno définissent le statut des mathématiques en reprenant la classification aristotélicienne des sciences théorétiques. Toutefois cette classification change radicalement de sens à la lumière du monisme brunien. Les mathématiques restent certes une science abstraite, mais, pour le métaphysicien, elles deviennent l’instrument qui permet de penser le rapport de la substance aux modes, le déploiement dans l’unité de la substance de la pluralité infinie des formes; en d’autres termes, elles deviennent une véritable logique de l’être.
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  39. Giordano Bruno, or "the pleasure of dispute".Guido del Giudice - 2013 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (3):57-64.
    Giordano Bruno's copy of Camoeracensis Acrotismus from Prague.
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    Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis (review).Matt Goldfish - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):675-677.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis by Karen Silvia de León-JonesMatt GoldishKaren Silvia de León-Jones. Giordano Bruno and the Kabbalah: Prophets, Magicians, and Rabbis (Yale Studies in Hermeneutics). New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. ix + 272. Cloth, $40.00.Frances Yates’ Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition has become a standard work for the study of Renaissance thought, and it is through (...)
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    What Giordano Bruno Left Behind Rome, 1600.Ingrid D. Rowland - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):424-433.
    Burned at the stake for heresy in Rome in 1600, the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was the first modern thinker to propose that the universe contained an infinite number of planetary systems revolving around individual stars. He announced his startling propositions at the moment when European explorers were beginning to reveal the real size and complexity of earth itself (indeed, Bruno also spoke forcefully against the violence and profiteering of Spanish colonial efforts) and when natural philosophers had begun to (...)
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  42. Giordano Bruno's Copernican Diagrams.Hilary Gatti - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    The paper considers the Copernicanism of Giordano Bruno (1548–1600) as a central moment of his philosophy of nature, concentrating on his two principal cosmological works, La cena de le ceneri (The Ash Wednesday Supper), written and published in London in 1584, and the Latin De immenso, published in Frankfurt in 1591. The principal characteristic of Bruno’s reading of Copernicus which is underlined is his physical realism, which was particularly complex due to his extension of the still finite Copernican cosmology (...)
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    Giordano Bruno: Cause, Principle and Unity: And Essays on Magic.Richard J. Blackwell & Robert de Lucca (eds.) - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Giordano Bruno's notorious public death in 1600, at the hands of the Inquisition in Rome, marked the transition from Renaissance philosophy to the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century. In his philosophical works he addressed such delicate issues as the role of Christ as mediator and the distinction, in human beings, between soul and matter. This volume presents new translations of Cause, Principle and Unity, in which he challenges Aristotelian accounts of causality and spells out the implications of Copernicanism (...)
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  44. Le epistole latine di Giordano Bruno. L’altro volto del filosofo di Nola.Gianluca Montinaro & Guido Del Giudice - 2018 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (4):56-59.
    La convinzione che la corretta comprensione della filosofia di Giordano Bruno sia imprescindibile dal tempo e dal luogo in cui il testo venne scritto è il principio ispiratore dell’originale metodo di ricerca di Guido del Giudice. Questa antologia, che raccoglie per la prima volta tutte le epistole dedicatorie delle opere latine, giunge a coronamento di un lavoro decennale dell’autore.
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  45. Atteone: Da Ovidio a Giordano Bruno. "Il gran cacciator divenne caccia".Guido Del Giudice - 2019 - la Biblioteca di Via Senato (2):14-18.
    In occasione del bimillenario della morte del poeta latino Ovidio, l’articolo analizza l’influenza del poema delle Metamorfosi come fonte primaria di Giordano Bruno. L’esposizione della dottrina pitagorica, esposta nel libro XV del poema, si adatta perfettamente all’ontologia del Nolano e alla sua fede nella metempsicosi. In particolare il mito di Diana e Atteone viene adottato dal filosofo, nel De gl’Heroici furori, come ideale rappresentazione della propria esperienza conoscitiva. La tormentosa vicenda del cacciatore Atteone, tramutato in cervo per aver sorpreso (...)
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    Giordano Bruno e il Problema della Modernita.Stefano Ulliana - 2005 - Cosmos and History 1 (1):146-176.
    Abstract: Il testo viene pubblicato per gentile concessione della casa editrice ESI ed e’ tratto dal libro di Stefano Ulliana “Il concetto creativo e dialettico dello Spirito nei Dialoghi Italiani di Giordano Bruno. Il confronto con la tradizione neoplatonico-aristotelica: il testo bruniano De l’Infinito, Universo e mondi”, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2003. -/- Le argomentazioni presentate ne Il concetto creativo e dialettico dello Spirito nei Dialoghi Italiani di Giordano Bruno (Il confronto con la tradizione neoplatonico-aristotelica: il testo bruniano (...)
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  47. Giordano Bruno, Rabelais and Apollonius of Tyana.Guido del Giudice (ed.) - 2006 - Di Renzo.
    Regarding the influence of François Rabelais on the Giordano Bruno‟s works, up to now the criticism have only taken into consideration the lexical and thematic analogies. This article individualizes, in a passage of the Oratio Valedictoria, a literal quotation from the Gargantua et Pantagruel, showing that Rabelais was a direct source of inspiration for Bruno. The protagonist of the passage is the pythagorean Apollonius of Tyana, a character well known by the Nolan, who mentioned him in many occasions. He (...)
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    Giordano Bruno, universal animation and living atoms.Hiro Hirai - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):127-144.
    One of the most striking features of Giordano Bruno’s philosophy is the marriage of universal animation with atomism. This unusual combination produced an extraordinary image of the universe, which was governed by the World-Soul and its universal intellect along with an infinite number of living atoms or corpuscles, animated by their internal spiritual principle. After examining Bruno’s principal arguments on the World-Soul, universal animation and living atoms or corpuscles, this article explores two possible sources among the works of his (...)
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    Giordano Bruno.Thomas Leinkauf - 2006 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 73 (2):375-397.
    In the eyes of his own contemporaries and successors, as well as many today, Giordano Bruno is something of an ‘outsider’ because of his views in metaphysics, ontology, cosmology, and theology. Concentrating on his central theses, I will show how, with an immense speculative energy, Bruno escaped the ordinary philosophical, scientific, and theological traditions. He conceived of himself, as it were, as a mirror reflecting an unending universe without a center, and through the power of language and ingenium transfers (...)
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    Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of the Renaissance (review).Jill Kraye - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (3):357-358.
    Jill Kraye - Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of the Renaissance - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.3 357-358 Hilary Gatti, editor. Giordano Bruno: Philosopher of the Renaissance. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2002. Pp. xxiv + 424. Cloth, $89.95. The Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake on 17 February 1600 in the Campo de' Fiori in Rome. The four-hundredth anniversary of this dramatic event, which has come to symbolize the (...)
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