Results for 'Gianmaria Zamagni'

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    Filosofie del dialogo.Gianmaria Zamagni (ed.) - 1998 - Santarcangelo di Romagna: FaraEditore.
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  2. Libertà conquistata: Intervista a cura di Gianmaria Zamagni.Hans Küng - 2003 - la Società Degli Individui 18:135-142.
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    The European Legal Taxonomy Syllabus: A multi-lingual, multi-level ontology framework to untangle the web of European legal terminology.Gianmaria Ajani, Guido Boella, Luigi di Caro, Livio Robaldo, Llio Humphreys, Sabrina Praduroux, Piercarlo Rossi & Andrea Violato - 2016 - Applied ontology 11 (4):325-375.
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    Two Theories of Hegemony: Stuart Hall and Ernesto Laclau in Conversation.Gianmaria Colpani - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (2):221-246.
    This essay stages a critical conversation between Stuart Hall and Ernesto Laclau, comparing their different appropriations of Antonio Gramsci’s theory of hegemony. In the 1980s, Hall and Laclau engaged with Gramsci and with one another in order to conceptualize what they regarded as a triangular relation between the rise of Thatcherism, the crisis of the Left, and the emergence of new social movements. While many of their readers emphasize the undeniable similarities and mutual influences that exist between Hall and Laclau, (...)
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    Legal change and economic performance: an assessment.Gianmaria Ajani - 2009 - In Antonina Bakardjieva Engelbrekt, New Directions in Comparative Law. Edward Elgar. pp. 1.
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    Il nichilismo compiuto di Emil Cioran: il carattere aporetico della meontologia cioraniana.Gianmaria Aletti - 2023 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Pensare la fede nell'orizzonte della salvezza: una teologia fondamentale ispirata ad Antonio Rosmini.Gianmaria Canu - 2020 - Roma: Città nuova.
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    L'urgenza di un nuovo umanesimo.Vera Zamagni (ed.) - 2015 - [Naples]: Orthotes.
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    Civil Economy. A New Approach to the Market in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.Stefano Zamagni - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 23:151-168.
    After explaining the reasons why we must urgently reexamine the foundations of the market economy, the article goes on to illustrate the main differences between the civil market and capitalist market models. It then answers the question of why, in the last quarter of a century, the concept of the civil economy has reemerged as a topic of public debate and scientific research. In particular, it highlights the reasons why the fourth industrial revolution postulates a civil market if the risks (...)
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  10. Civilizing the economy for an integral ecology.Stefano Zamagni - 2017 - In Ingeborg Gabriel, Peter G. Kirchschläger & Richard Sturn, Eine Wirtschaft, die Leben fördert: wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Reflexionen im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    Financial Integrity and Inclusive Capitalism: Civilizing Globalization.Stefano Zamagni - 2015 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 12 (2):207-225.
  12.  21
    Prendersi cura della democrazia: il ritorno dell'economia civile.Stefano Zamagni - 2023 - Roma: Ecra.
  13.  47
    Explanatory gaps in evolutionary theory.Bendik Hellem Aaby, Gianmaria Dani & Grant Ramsey - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-18.
    Proponents of the extended evolutionary synthesis have argued that there are explanatory gaps in evolutionary biology that cannot be bridged by standard evolutionary theory. In this paper, we consider what sort of explanatory gaps they are referring to. We outline three possibilities: data-based gaps, implementation-based gaps, and framework-based gaps. We then examine the purported evolutionary gaps and attempt to classify them using this taxonomy. From there we reconsider the significance of the gaps and what they imply for the proposed need (...)
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    E Pluribus Unum (?): Illusioni dell’armonizzazione e utilità dell’ontologia.Gianmaria Ajani - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 36 (36):13-25.
    1 Il trapianto di norme e l’apporto della comparazione Così come altre discipline che si fondano sull’interpretazione, anche il diritto è stato interessato, negli ultimi decenni del Novecento, da tentazioni di “debolezza” e di relativismo critico. L’attrazione per le forme più radicali di relativismo ermeneutico pare oggi superata a favore di progetti di ricostruzione del significato degli enunciati giuridici: una nuova sistematica che si legittima nella comparazione esalta la ricerca di “pri...
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    Markets, Money and Capital: Hicksian Economics for the Twenty First Century.Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen & Stefano Zamagni (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sir John Hicks was a leading economic theorist of the twentieth century, and along with Kenneth Arrow was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1972. His work addressed central topics in economic theory, such as value, money, capital and growth. An important unifying theme was the attention for economic rationality 'in time' and his acknowledgement that apparent rigidities and frictions might exert a positive role as a buffer against excessive fluctuations in output, prices and employment. This emphasis on the virtue of (...)
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    Nouvelle histoire de la pensée economique, Alain béraud and Gilbert faccarello, eds. La découverte; vol. I, 1992, 620 pages; vol. II, 2000, 614 pages; vol. III, 2000, 525 pages. [REVIEW]Manuela Mosca & Stefano Zamagni - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):353-371.
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    V. Zamagni (a cura di), "Come perdere la guerra e vincere la pace".Francesca Fauri - 1998 - Polis 12 (2):347-350.
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    Response to Zamagni and Sedmak.Robert G. Kennedy - 2020 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 17 (1):75-81.
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    Reconsidering Eusebius: Collected Papers on Literary, Historical, and Theological Issues, edited by S. Inowlocki and C. Zamagni.Spyros P. Panagopoulos - 2013 - Augustinianum 53 (2):561-564.
  20. Recensione a" Dizionario di economia civile" a cura di L. Bruni e S. Zamagni.Francesco Viola - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Book Review: Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, Civil Economy: Another Idea of the Market. [REVIEW]Malcolm Brown - 2018 - Studies in Christian Ethics 31 (4):483-485.
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    The Cordial Economy - Ethics, Recognition and Reciprocity.Patrici Calvo - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes, from a civil perspective —such as that developed by Stefano Zamagni— and a cordial perspective —such as that developed by Adela Cortina—, orientations to design an economy in tune with what the historical moment demands. Among other things, this comes from encouraging institutions, organisations and companies to include in their designs aspects as important for carrying out their activities as cordial reciprocity, mutual recognition of the communicative and affective capacities of the linked or linkable parties, public (...)
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  23.  20
    Economics and Happiness: Framing the Analysis.Luigino Bruni & Pier Luigi Porta (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is the first of its kind to provide a comprehensive overview of happiness in Economics. Although it is comparatively unusual to put happiness and economics together, the association appears increasingly exciting and fruitful. A number of studies have been produced following Richard Easterlins and Tibor Scitovskys pioneering works throughout the 1970s. The essays collected in this book provide an authoritative and comprehensive assessment both theoretical, applied and partly experimental of the whole field moving from the so-called paradoxes of (...)
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  24.  41
    Civil Economy: An Alternative to the Social Market Economy? Analysis in the Framework of Individual versus Institutional Ethics.María Guadalupe Martino - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):15-28.
    The Civil Economy approach, as developed by Italian economists Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, aims at introducing reciprocity into the economy as a humanizing factor. Despite being presented as an innovative perspective, the CE approach shares many characteristics with the German model of Social Market Economy. The present paper compares both approaches, showing that they in fact share a normative basis and similar aims but address them from diverse points of view; namely, CE addresses them from a virtue ethics (...)
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  25.  16
    Toward a cordial economy.Patrici Calvo - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:29-56.
    Los comportamientos económicos no muestran una única fuente motivacional: el autointerés. Son más bien el resultado de múltiples causas, entre las cuales destacan los sentimientos prosociales y los principios y valores morales. Tales evidencias han permitido pensar en la posibilidad de encontrar un modelo económico alternativo, más humano, eficaz y beneficioso para todas las partes afectadas por la actividad. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer desde una perspectiva civil -como la desarrollada por Stefano Zamagni- y cordial -como la (...)
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