Results for 'Gerwin Calenius'

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  1.  47
    A general framework for dynamic cortical function: the function-through-biased-oscillations (FBO) hypothesis.Gerwin Schalk - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    (1 other version)Zucht Und Leistung – Arnold Gehlens Anthropologie Des Ns-Führerstaates.Gerwin Klinger - 1997 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):26-43.
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    The Challenge of Providing the Public with Actionable Information during a Pandemic.Leslie E. Gerwin - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):630-654.
    Can a country with a free press and a robust political debate provide its citizens with actionable information so that they can protect themselves from a threat to their health or safety? By actionable information, I mean accurate facts and reasonable interpretations of those facts upon which an individual should rely in making reason-based decisions. In the context of public health, this includes information that allows an individual to weigh the risk to one’s self, family, and community before deciding to (...)
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    Causality and Agency: A Refutation of Hume.Martin Gerwin - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):3.
    In Book I of the Treatise of Human Nature, Hume examines the idea of necessary connection, which, he observes, forms an indispensable part of our idea of cause and effect. He concludes:The idea of necessity arises from some impression. There is no impression convey'd by our senses, which can give rise to that idea. It must, therefore, by deriv'd from some internal impression, or impression of reflexion. There is no internal impression which has any relation to the present business, but (...)
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    Learning to Teach in an Age of Accountability.David Milton Gerwin (ed.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    This book documents the "brave new world" of teacher, administrator, school, and student accountability that has swept across the United States in recent years. Its particular vantage point is the perspective of dozens of new teachers trying to make their way through their first months and years working in schools in the New York City metropolitan area. The issues they grapple with are not, however, unique to this context, but common problems found today in urban, suburban, and rural schools across (...)
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    Quanta, Randomness, and Explanation.Martin E. Gerwin - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:86-91.
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    Teaching U.S. History as Mystery.David Gerwin - 2010 - Routledge. Edited by Jack Zevin.
    Presenting U.S. history as contested interpretations of compelling problems, this text offers a clear set of principles and strategies, together with case studies and "Mystery Packets" of documentary materials from key periods in American history, that teachers can use with their students to promote and sustain problem-finding and problem-solving in history and social studies classrooms. Structured to encourage new attitudes toward history as hands-on inquiry, conflicting interpretation, and myriad uncertainties, the whole point is to create a user-friendly way of teaching (...)
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    Critical notice.Martin E. Gerwin - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):363-378.
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    Natural-Agency Theory as an Alternative to Hume: A Reply to Andrew Ward.Martin Gerwin - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):3-.
    Ward concludes that either the natural-agency account is not a genuine alternative to Hume, because it tacitly accepts or presupposes what Hume said, or, if it is an alternative, it is not a viable one, because at the very point where it departs from Hume’s account, it asserts something “mysterious.” The gist of my reply will be to assert, first, that the position I wish to defend flatly contradicts some of Hume’s key claims, so there can be no question of (...)
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    Prado's The Limits of Pragmatism.Martin Gerwin - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (3):447-.
    Carlos Prado has been much influenced by the thought of Richard Rorty, whose ideas have found application in Prado's earlier philosophical writings on the nature of fiction and on aging. In this book, Rorty's ideas are themselves the object of study. Prado is not attempting a complete examination of Rorty's work, and as a result, Rorty's relations to certain other philosophers he admires—earlier American pragmatists and contemporary uropean thinkers—are not explored to any great extent. The focus, instead, is on the (...)
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  11. The Hobbes Game, Human Diversity, and Learning Styles.Martin E. Gerwin - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (3):247-258.
    This paper recounts the pedagogical benefits of the Hobbes Game to introduce students to Hobbes' social contract theory. The author introduces a modified version of John Immerwahr's Hobbes Game and organizes the activities according David Kolb's typology of learning styles. The game provides students with a concrete experience of thought experiments from the text and encourages reflective observation of the theory itself. Since the game mimics the experience of the Hobbesian state of nature students are able to see Hobbes' arguments (...)
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  12. Richard R. La Croix, What is God? Selected essays. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15:338-340.
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  13. Sidney Hook, Convictions. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11:397-399.
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  14. Socialist socrates-Ernst Bloch in the GDR.Anna-Sabine Ernst & Gerwin Klinger - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 84:6-21.
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    Michel Chion's Blessing in Disguise.Gerwin van der Pol - 2002 - Film-Philosophy 6 (1).
    Michel Chion _The Voice in Cinema_ trans. Claudia Gorbman New York: Columbia University Press, 1999 ISBN 0-231-10822-2 (alk.paper) ISBN 0-231-10823-0 (pbk) 183 pp.
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  16. David Copp and J.J. Macintosh, eds., New Essays in Philosophy of Mind, Series II. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (10):467-469.
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  17. Corporate social and financial performance: An extended stakeholder theory, and empirical test with accounting measures. [REVIEW]Gerwin Van der Laan, Hans Van Ees & Arjen Van Witteloostuijn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):299-310.
    Although agreement on the positive sign of the relationship between corporate social and financial performance is observed in the literature, the mechanisms that constitute this relationship are not yet well-known. We address this issue by extending management’s stakeholder theory by adding insights from psychology’s prospect decision theory and sociology’s resource dependence theory. Empirically, we analyze an extensive panel dataset, including information on disaggregated measures of social performance for the S&P 500 in the 1997–2002 period. In so doing, we enrich the (...)
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    Dynamics of Oddball Sound Processing: Trial-by-Trial Modeling of ECoG Signals.Françoise Lecaignard, Raphaëlle Bertrand, Peter Brunner, Anne Caclin, Gerwin Schalk & Jérémie Mattout - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Recent computational models of perception conceptualize auditory oddball responses as signatures of a learning process, in line with the influential view of the mismatch negativity as a prediction error signal. Novel MMN experimental paradigms have put an emphasis on neurophysiological effects of manipulating regularity and predictability in sound sequences. This raises the question of the contextual adaptation of the learning process itself, which on the computational side speaks to the mechanisms of gain-modulated prediction error. In this study using electrocorticographic signals, (...)
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  19.  69
    Electrocorticographic representations of segmental features in continuous speech.Fabien Lotte, Jonathan S. Brumberg, Peter Brunner, Aysegul Gunduz, Anthony L. Ritaccio, Cuntai Guan & Gerwin Schalk - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:119171.
    Acoustic speech output results from coordinated articulation of dozens of muscles, bones and cartilages of the vocal mechanism. While we commonly take the fluency and speed of our speech productions for granted, the neural mechanisms facilitating the requisite muscular control are not completely understood. Previous neuroimaging and electrophysiology studies of speech sensorimotor control has typically concentrated on speech sounds (i.e., phonemes, syllables and words) in isolation; sentence-length investigations have largely been used to inform coincident linguistic processing. In this study, we (...)
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    Spatio-temporal dynamics of word selection in speech production: Insights from electrocorticography.Ries Stephanie, Dhillon Rummit, Clarke Alex, King-Stephen David, Laxer Kenneth, Weber Peter, Kuperman Rachel, Auguste Kurtis, Brunner Peter, Schalk Gerwin, Lin Jack, Parvizi Josef, Crone Nathan, Dronkers Nina & Knight Robert - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Identifying Selective Auditory Attention to Speech from Electrocorticographic Signals.Dijkstra Karen, Brunner Peter, Gunduz Aysegul, Coon Wiliam, Ritaccio Anthony, Farquhar Jason & Schalk Gerwin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Is Gerwin's Natural-Agency Theory a Viable Alternative to Hume?Andrew Ward - 1994 - Dialogue 33 (4):733-.