Results for 'Gerhard Hoppe'

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  1. Bemerkungen zum Seinsbegriff.Gerhard Hoppe - 1982 - In Hans Heinz Holz (ed.), Formbestimmtheiten von Sein und Denken: Aspekte einer dialektischen Logik bei Josef König. Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein.
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  2. Nachruf.Joachim Hopp, Wolfgang Glöckner, Karl Bayer & Gerhard Winkler - 1998 - In Plinius Secundus der Ältere (ed.), Naturkunde / Naturalis Historia Libri Xxxvii, Buch Xx, Medizin Und Pharmakologie: Heilmittel Aus den Gartengewächsen. De Gruyter. pp. 392-392.
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    Metaphysik des Mechanismus im teleologischen Idealismus.Gerhard Müller-Strahl - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):127-152.
    In this study the notion of mechanistic entities is analyzed as it has been conceptualized by Hermann Lotze in his article Life. Vital Force (1842), the metaphysical foundation of which has recourse to his Metaphysik (1841) and Logik (1843). According to Lotze, explanations in the sciences are arguments which have a syntactic and a semantic structure—similar to that which became later known as the DN-model of explanation. The syntactic structure is delineated by ontological forms, the semantic by cosmological ones; the (...)
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  4. A Greek and Arabic Lexicon. Materials for a Dictionary of the Medieval Translations from Greek into Arabic.Gerhard Endress & Dimitri Gutas - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (4):787-787.
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  5. John Broome: rationality through reasoning.Gerhard Ernst - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68 (3):438–41.
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  6. Methods of financing unemployment compensation.Gerhard Colm - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    The Revenge of Ecological Rationality: Strategy-Selection by Meta-Induction Within Changing Environments.Gerhard Schurz & Paul D. Thorn - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (1-2):31-59.
    According to the paradigm of adaptive rationality, successful inference and prediction methods tend to be local and frugal. As a complement to work within this paradigm, we investigate the problem of selecting an optimal combination of prediction methods from a given toolbox of such local methods, in the context of changing environments. These selection methods are called meta-inductive strategies, if they are based on the success-records of the toolbox-methods. No absolutely optimal MI strategy exists—a fact that we call the “revenge (...)
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  8. Der Buddhismus und das Glück.Gerhard Knauss - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:465-481.
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    Order Matters! Influences of Linear Order on Linguistic Category Learning.Dorothée B. Hoppe, Jacolien Rij, Petra Hendriks & Michael Ramscar - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12910.
    Linguistic category learning has been shown to be highly sensitive to linear order, and depending on the task, differentially sensitive to the information provided by preceding category markers (premarkers, e.g., gendered articles) or succeeding category markers (postmarkers, e.g., gendered suffixes). Given that numerous systems for marking grammatical categories exist in natural languages, it follows that a better understanding of these findings can shed light on the factors underlying this diversity. In two discriminative learning simulations and an artificial language learning experiment, (...)
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  10. Philips Kitchers Soziobiologie-Kritik.Gerhard Vollmer - 1990 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 24 (63):93-102.
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    Optimality justifications: new foundations for foundation-oriented epistemology.Gerhard Schurz - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):3877-3897.
    In this paper a new conception of foundation-oriented epistemology is developed. The major challenge for foundation-oriented justifications consists in the problem of stopping the justificational regress without taking recourse to dogmatic assumptions or circular reasoning. Two alternative accounts that attempt to circumvent this problem, coherentism and externalism, are critically discussed and rejected as unsatisfactory. It is argued that optimality arguments are a new type of foundation-oriented justification that can stop the justificational regress. This is demonstrated on the basis of a (...)
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  12. Philosophie der Rechtsgeschichte.Gerhard Dulckeit - 1950 - Heidelberg,: Quelle & Meyer.
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  13. Au-delà de la Réforme? A propos de la critique de Luther chez Karl Barth.Gerhard Ebeling - 1987 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 119 (3):281-301.
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  14. The Problem of Historicity.Gerhard Ebeling, Grover Foley & James Leitgh - 1967
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    Untersuchungen über das logische Schliessen.Gerhard Gentzen - 1969 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  16. Der theosophische Einfluss auf Rudolf Steiners fünftes Evangelium.Gerhard Lechner - manuscript
    Dieser Beitrag erörtert die „übersinnlichen Erkenntnisse“ von Rudolf Steiner zum Thema der Beziehungen von Jesus zu den Essenern. Steiner beschäftigte sich in seinem Vortragszyklus „Das fünfte Evangelium“ mit dieser Frage und präsentierte Erkenntnisse seiner Forschungen aus der Akasha-Chronik. Um die Unabhängigkeit der Akasha-Forschungen von Steiner herauszufiltern, stellt der Autor die Forschungen der Theosophin Blavatsky den Erkenntnissen von Steiner gegenüber. Die Gegenüberstellung verfolgt das Ziel, die Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Akasha-Forschungen Steiners zu erkunden. Die Arbeit zeigt, dass das fünfte Evangelium von (...)
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    Fallacies of the public goods theory and the production of security.Hans-Hermann Hoppe - 1989 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 9 (1):27-46.
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    Recht und Solidarität im Denken von Albert Camus.Gerhard Stuby - 1965 - Frankfurt a. M.,: Klostermann.
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    The Problem of Values and the Problem of Truth.Gerhard Wagner & Heinz Zipprian - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (2):262-263.
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    Grundfragen der Philosophie.Gerhard Wilczek - 1991 - Inglostadt: R. Kaufmann.
  21. On the Transcendental Import of Kelsen's Basic Norm.Gerhard Luf - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson (ed.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the enquiry into the import and function of the basic norm in Hans Kelsen's legal theory, the interpretations of special interest are those dealing with the notion of the basic norm as the ‘logico-transcendental’ condition for cognition in legal science, or with the relation of Kelsen's juridico-scientific method to Kant's practice philosophy. Two thinkers in particular have written along these lines, Norbert Leser and Ralf Dreier, respectively. This chapter begins by describing the positions taken up by the two authors. (...)
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    Approaching Collectivity Collectively: A Multi-Disciplinary Account of Collective Action.Gerhard Thonhauser & Martin Weichold - unknown
    There has been considerable progress in investigating collective actions in the last decades. However, the real progress is different from what many scholars take it to be. It lies in the fact that there is by now a wealth of different approaches from a variety of fields. Each approach has carved out fruitful mechanisms for explaining collective action, but is also faced with limitations. Given that situation, we submit that the next step in investigating collective action is to acknowledge the (...)
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    Ein logisch-pragmatisches Modell Von deduktiv-nomologischer erklärung (systematisierung).Gerhard Schurz - 1982 - Erkenntnis 17 (3):321 - 347.
    The present paper first shows that the validity of deductive-nomological (D-N) explanations (systematizations) depends in general on the interpretation context of the predicates involved in the explanation. Therefore, no logical-semantical model can be adequate. This problem is solved by relativisation of the validity criteria on both the confirmation context and the definition context of the premisses. Based upon this, a logical-pragmatical model of D-N explanation is developed. Thereby, especially explanations of laws and global explanations are taken into consideration, since these (...)
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  24. Einleitung : Die Bedeutung der jüdischen Minderheit für die Musikkultur der Berliner Aufklärung.Anselm Gerhard - 1999 - In Musik und Ästhetik im Berlin Moses Mendelssohns. Tübingen: de Gruyter.
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  25. Das System des Panhumanismus.Gerhard Kraenzlin - 1949 - Zürich,: S. Hirzel.
  26. The problem of finality in ockham, William.Gerhard Leibold - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (2):347-383.
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  27. Philosophische Wahrheit aus intuitivem Urdenken.Gerhard Mollowitz - 1989 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 70:189-204.
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    Das oberste Prinzip der Moralität in Kants kritischer Ethik, unter den Aspekten des Begriffes, des Inhaltes und der Funktion.Gerhard Nessler - 1971
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  29. Bemerkungen zu paramasaṃhitā 24.Gerhard Oberhammevonr - 2002 - In Gerhard Oberhammer & Marion Rastelli (eds.), Studies in Hinduism. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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    Raum-zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz: zur "sakramentalen" Dimension religiöser Tradition : Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposions.Gerhard Oberhammer & Marcus Schmücker (eds.) - 1999 - Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    Proceedings of a symposium held Sept. 24-28, 1996 in Vienna, Austria.
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    Materialien zur Geschichte der Rāmānuja-Schule.Gerhard Oberhammer - 1996 - Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    The major components of a life in the academy - teaching, advising, publishing, research and service - are examined in this book. Practical, comprehensive, and engaging, the Handbook will appeal to a broad audience across all academic disciplines - from new professors to tenured faculty.
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    Relevant deductive inference: criteria and logics.Gerhard Schurz - 1991 - In Georg Schurz (ed.), Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 24--57.
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    Terminologie der frühen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien: ein Begriffswörterbuch zur altindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie.Gerhard Oberhammer - 1991 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Edited by Ernst Prets & Joachim Prandstetter.
    v. 1. A-I -- Bd. 2. U-Pū -- Bd. 3. Pra-H.
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    Robertson’s century: The reception and impact of an epoch-making grammar of the Greek New Testament.Gerhard Swart - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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  35. The ethical and legal regulation of human tissue and biobank research in Europe: proceedings of the Tiss.EU project.Katharina Beier, Nils Hoppe, Christian Lenk & Silvia Schnorrer (eds.) - 2011 - [G ottingen]: Universit atsverlag G ottingen.
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    602 and One Dead: On Contribution to Global Poverty and Liability to Defensive Force.Gerhard Øverland - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):279-299.
    : When suggesting that we—the affluent in the developed world—are legitimate targets of defensive force due to our contribution to global poverty one is likely to be countered by one of two strategies. The first denies that we contribute to global poverty. The second seems to affirm that we contribute, and even that we have stringent contribution-based duties to address this poverty, but denies that such contribution makes forcible resistance permissible. Those in this second group employ several argumentative strategies. In (...)
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  37. A bendländische Humanität.Gerhard Krüger - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (4):546-546.
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    Leibniz als Friedensstifter.Gerhard Krüger - 1947 - Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
  39. L'attitude intérieure enverts la mort.Gerhard KrÜger - 1984 - Archives de Philosophie 47 (3):365.
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  40. Befreiungstheologische Kritik am Kapitalismus und an der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft : die Position von Papst Franziskus.Gerhard Kruip - 2017 - In Ingeborg Gabriel, Peter G. Kirchschläger & Richard Sturn (eds.), Eine Wirtschaft, die Leben fördert: wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Reflexionen im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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  41. (1 other version)Ganzheitsbegriff und Weltidee in Kants Opus Postumum.Gerhard Lehmann - 1936 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 41:307.
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    Johann Friedrich Herbarts "Pädagogik der Mitte": sieben Analysen zu Inhalt und Form.Gerhard Müssener - 1986 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Semantic Holism and (Non-)Compositionality in Scientific Theories.Gerhard Schurz - 2005 - In Markus Werning, Edouard Machery & Gerhard Schurz (eds.), The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I - Foundational Issues,. De Gruyter. pp. 271-284.
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    Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume I, 1906-1950.Gerhard Adler & Aniela Jaffé (eds.) - 1973 - Routledge.
    In May 1956, in his eighty-second year, Jung first discussed with Gerhard Adler the question of the publication of his letters. Over many years, Jung had often used the medium of letters to communicate his ideas to others and to clarify the interpretation of his work, quite apart from answering people who approached him with genuine problems of their own and simply corresponding with friends and colleagues. Many of his letters thus contain new creative ideas and provide a running (...)
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    Philosophie der Wissenschaft – Wissenschaft der Philosophie. Festschrift für C.Ulises Moulines zum 60. Geburstag.Gerhard Ernst & Karl-Georg Niebergall (eds.) - 2006 - Mentis.
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    (1 other version)Bemerkungen zum Problem der mehrwertigen Logiken.Gerhard Frey - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 5:53-58.
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  47. Ein Satz betreffend das Verhältnis empirischer und symbolischer Objektbereiche.Gerhard Frey - 1957 - Philosophia Naturalis 4:380.
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    Von der Wissenschaft zur Kunst: ausgewählte Schriften.Gerhard Frey - 1989 - Innsbruck: AMŒ. Edited by Josef Zelger.
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    Die Bildlichkeit in der Dichtung des Andreas Gryphius: Materialien und Studien zum Formproblem des deutschen Literaturbarock.Gerhard Fricke - 1967 - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  50. Verse: Prospect at Monterey.Gerhard Friedrich - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):362.
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