Results for 'Gerhard Beestermöller'

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  1. Einander zuhören wäre schon gut! Zu Manfred Gerwings Verteidigung der Theologie Peter Knauers.Gerhard Beestermöller - 2002 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 49 (3):485-498.
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  2. Noch einmal: Worauf sollen wir hören? Eu Gerhard Beestermöllers «Anmerkungen zur Theologie Peter Knauers».Manfred Gerwing - 2001 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 48 (3):455-469.
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    Metaphysik des Mechanismus im teleologischen Idealismus.Gerhard Müller-Strahl - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):127-152.
    In this study the notion of mechanistic entities is analyzed as it has been conceptualized by Hermann Lotze in his article Life. Vital Force (1842), the metaphysical foundation of which has recourse to his Metaphysik (1841) and Logik (1843). According to Lotze, explanations in the sciences are arguments which have a syntactic and a semantic structure—similar to that which became later known as the DN-model of explanation. The syntactic structure is delineated by ontological forms, the semantic by cosmological ones; the (...)
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  4. Methods of financing unemployment compensation.Gerhard Colm - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    The Revenge of Ecological Rationality: Strategy-Selection by Meta-Induction Within Changing Environments.Gerhard Schurz & Paul D. Thorn - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (1-2):31-59.
    According to the paradigm of adaptive rationality, successful inference and prediction methods tend to be local and frugal. As a complement to work within this paradigm, we investigate the problem of selecting an optimal combination of prediction methods from a given toolbox of such local methods, in the context of changing environments. These selection methods are called meta-inductive strategies, if they are based on the success-records of the toolbox-methods. No absolutely optimal MI strategy exists—a fact that we call the “revenge (...)
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  6. Der Buddhismus und das Glück.Gerhard Knauss - 1988 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 69:465-481.
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  7. Philips Kitchers Soziobiologie-Kritik.Gerhard Vollmer - 1990 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 24 (63):93-102.
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    Optimality justifications: new foundations for foundation-oriented epistemology.Gerhard Schurz - 2018 - Synthese 195 (9):3877-3897.
    In this paper a new conception of foundation-oriented epistemology is developed. The major challenge for foundation-oriented justifications consists in the problem of stopping the justificational regress without taking recourse to dogmatic assumptions or circular reasoning. Two alternative accounts that attempt to circumvent this problem, coherentism and externalism, are critically discussed and rejected as unsatisfactory. It is argued that optimality arguments are a new type of foundation-oriented justification that can stop the justificational regress. This is demonstrated on the basis of a (...)
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  9. Philosophie der Rechtsgeschichte.Gerhard Dulckeit - 1950 - Heidelberg,: Quelle & Meyer.
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    Relevance as difference-making: a generalized theory of relevance and its applications.Gerhard Schurz - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (9):2279-2316.
    In this paper a generalized account of relevance as difference-making is developed. It is argued that relevance should not be considered as a particular relation, but as a (higher-order) property of instances of arbitrary relations: namely the property that variations of the relata of the relation instance make a difference for its truth. This generalized account of relevance can be fruitfully applied in many domains, such as (i) logical reasoning with applications to explanation, confirmation, verisimilitude, is-ought inference, (ii) probabilistic reasoning (...)
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    Ein logisch-pragmatisches Modell Von deduktiv-nomologischer erklärung (systematisierung).Gerhard Schurz - 1982 - Erkenntnis 17 (3):321 - 347.
    The present paper first shows that the validity of deductive-nomological (D-N) explanations (systematizations) depends in general on the interpretation context of the predicates involved in the explanation. Therefore, no logical-semantical model can be adequate. This problem is solved by relativisation of the validity criteria on both the confirmation context and the definition context of the premisses. Based upon this, a logical-pragmatical model of D-N explanation is developed. Thereby, especially explanations of laws and global explanations are taken into consideration, since these (...)
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  12. Philosophische Wahrheit aus intuitivem Urdenken.Gerhard Mollowitz - 1989 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 70:189-204.
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    Das oberste Prinzip der Moralität in Kants kritischer Ethik, unter den Aspekten des Begriffes, des Inhaltes und der Funktion.Gerhard Nessler - 1971
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  14. Bemerkungen zu paramasaṃhitā 24.Gerhard Oberhammevonr - 2002 - In Gerhard Oberhammer & Marion Rastelli (eds.), Studies in Hinduism. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
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    Raum-zeitliche Vermittlung der Transzendenz: zur "sakramentalen" Dimension religiöser Tradition : Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposions.Gerhard Oberhammer & Marcus Schmücker (eds.) - 1999 - Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    Proceedings of a symposium held Sept. 24-28, 1996 in Vienna, Austria.
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    Materialien zur Geschichte der Rāmānuja-Schule.Gerhard Oberhammer - 1996 - Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    The major components of a life in the academy - teaching, advising, publishing, research and service - are examined in this book. Practical, comprehensive, and engaging, the Handbook will appeal to a broad audience across all academic disciplines - from new professors to tenured faculty.
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    Relevant deductive inference: criteria and logics.Gerhard Schurz - 1991 - In Georg Schurz (ed.), Advances in Scientific Philosophy. pp. 24--57.
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    Terminologie der frühen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien: ein Begriffswörterbuch zur altindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie.Gerhard Oberhammer - 1991 - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Edited by Ernst Prets & Joachim Prandstetter.
    v. 1. A-I -- Bd. 2. U-Pū -- Bd. 3. Pra-H.
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    Robertson’s century: The reception and impact of an epoch-making grammar of the Greek New Testament.Gerhard Swart - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Semantic Holism and (Non-)Compositionality in Scientific Theories.Gerhard Schurz - 2005 - In Markus Werning, Edouard Machery & Gerhard Schurz (eds.), The Compositionality of Meaning and Content. Volume I - Foundational Issues,. De Gruyter. pp. 271-284.
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    Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume I, 1906-1950.Gerhard Adler & Aniela Jaffé (eds.) - 1973 - Routledge.
    In May 1956, in his eighty-second year, Jung first discussed with Gerhard Adler the question of the publication of his letters. Over many years, Jung had often used the medium of letters to communicate his ideas to others and to clarify the interpretation of his work, quite apart from answering people who approached him with genuine problems of their own and simply corresponding with friends and colleagues. Many of his letters thus contain new creative ideas and provide a running (...)
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    Philosophie der Wissenschaft – Wissenschaft der Philosophie. Festschrift für C.Ulises Moulines zum 60. Geburstag.Gerhard Ernst & Karl-Georg Niebergall (eds.) - 2006 - Mentis.
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    (1 other version)Bemerkungen zum Problem der mehrwertigen Logiken.Gerhard Frey - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 5:53-58.
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  24. Ein Satz betreffend das Verhältnis empirischer und symbolischer Objektbereiche.Gerhard Frey - 1957 - Philosophia Naturalis 4:380.
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    Von der Wissenschaft zur Kunst: ausgewählte Schriften.Gerhard Frey - 1989 - Innsbruck: AMŒ. Edited by Josef Zelger.
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    Die Bildlichkeit in der Dichtung des Andreas Gryphius: Materialien und Studien zum Formproblem des deutschen Literaturbarock.Gerhard Fricke - 1967 - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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  27. Verse: Prospect at Monterey.Gerhard Friedrich - 1953 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4):362.
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  28. Verse: Psalm Before Dawn.Gerhard Friedrich - 1952 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 33 (1):29.
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    (1 other version)La antropología filosófica y la fenomenología fundamental.Gerhard Funke - 1955 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 3 (1):44-61.
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  30. The intellectual virtue of prudence.William A. Gerhard - 1945 - The Thomist 8:413-456.
  31. Window: Questions about european identity.Gerhard Göhler & Andrea Schlenker - 2005 - In André-Paul Frognier & Irina Kolotouchkina (eds.), EpsNet Kiosk Plus.
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  32. Anfragen an das Neue Testament.Gerhard Schneider - 1971
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  33. Erfahrung und Jüngstes Gericht : eine Anmerkung zum verborgenen Freiheitsbegriff der Kritischen Theorie.Gerhard Scheit - 2015 - In Devi Dumbadze & Christoph Hesse (eds.), Unreglementierte Erfahrung. Freiburg: Ça ira.
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  34. Kontext, Erfahrung, Induktion: Antworten der pragmatischen Wissenschaftstheorie..Gerhard Schurz - 1988 - Philosophia Naturalis 25:296-226.
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  35. Meta-induction and the prediction game: A new view on Hume's problem.Gerhard Schurz - 2004 - In W. Loffler * P. Weingartner (ed.), Knowledge and Belief. Wissen Und Glauben. Wein.
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    Nietzsches Anschauung vom Wesen des Christentums.Gerhard Karl Schmidt - 1944 - Frankfurt am main,: Deutsche Kunst- und Verlagsanstalt.
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  37. On the temporal use of the focus particle gerade.Gerhard Schaden & Lucia M. Tovena - 2009 - In Arndt Riester & Torgrim Solstad (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung 13. pp. 485--498.
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    Paradoxien der Globalisierung.Gerhard Schweppenhäuser (ed.) - 1999 - Weimar: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Universitätsverlag.
  39. How does Kant justify the universal objective validity of the law of right?Gerhard Seel - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (1):71 – 94.
    Since more than 50 years Kant scholars debate the question whether the Law of Right as introduced in the Metaphysics of Morals by Kant can be justified by the Categorical Imperative. On the one hand we have those who think that Kant's theory of right depends from the Categorical Imperative, on the other hand we find a growing group of scholars who deny this. However, the debate has been flawed by confusion and misunderstanding of the crucial terms and principles. Therefore, (...)
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    Meta-inductive Justification of Inductive Generalizations.Gerhard Schurz - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    The account of meta-induction (G. Schurz, Hume’s problem solved: the optimality of meta-induction, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2019) proposes a two-step solution to the problem of induction. Step 1 consists in a mathematical a priori justification of the predictive optimality of meta-induction, upon which step 2 builds a meta-inductive a posteriori justification of object-induction based on its superior track record (Sect. 1). Sterkenburg (Br J Philos Sci, forthcoming. 10.1086/717068/) challenged this account by arguing that meta-induction can only provide a (non-circular) justification (...)
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    Frankreich.Stefanie Averbeck-Lietz & Gerhard Piskol - 2010 - In Christian Schicha & Carsten Brosda (eds.), Handbuch Medienethik. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 486--497.
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  42. Philosophie und Methodologie der Gesellschaftswissenschaften.Gerhard Bartsch - 1982 - In Philosophisch-methodologische Probleme der Gesellschaftswissenschaften: (Beiträge). Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Philosophie: ein Leitfaden durch die Geistesgeschichte aus psychiatrischer und psychologischer Sicht.Gerhard Bengesser - 1980 - Bern [etc.]: P. Lang.
    Griesinger hat mit seinem medizinischen Modell der Geisteskrankheit - so sagen Kritiker - eine ubermassige Bindung der Psychiatrie an die Medizin geschaffen. Diese Polemik, aber auch die traditionellen Querverbindungen zu Philosophie und Psychologie - in klassischen Zeiten in deren Schoss - sollen anhand einer geschichtlichen Abhandlung erortert werden. Als Leitfaden stellt sich das Buch ferner die Aufgabe, einerseits dem Psychiater, ja mitunter jedem geistesgeschicht- lich interessierten Mediziner, durch Projektion auf die Psychiatriege- schichte (und teilweise Medizingeschichte) die Geistesgeschichte naher zu bringen (...)
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  44. Reden von Gott im Gebet.Gerhard Sauter - 1981 - In Emmanuel Levinas & Bernhard Casper (eds.), Gott nennen: phänomenologische Zugänge. München: Alber.
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    O możliwości etyki ewolucyjnej.Gerhard Vollmer - 1988 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 6:75-98.
    Eine "rein" philosophische - Ethik lässt zu viele Probleme ungelöst. Oie wenigen formalnen Bedingungen, die sich transzendentalphilosophisch, transzendéntalpragmatisch oder konstruktivistisch gewinnen lassen, reichen bei weitem nicht aus, um uns zu praktischen Handlungsanweisungen zu verhelfen. In die ser Situationistes wohl einen Versucht wert, sich auf die anthropologischen und damit letztlich biologischen Grundlagen der Ethik zu besinnen, lässtsich der "Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie" eine "Evolutionäre Ethik” an die Seitestellen? Oder ist ein solches Unternehmen von vornherein zum Scheitern verurteilt? In diesem Beitrag werden Absichtund Besonderheit (...)
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    Wissenschaftstheorie im Einsatz: Beiträge zu einer selbstkritischen Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Gerhard Vollmer - 1993 - Stuttgart: S. Hirzel.
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    Reconsidering Agency in the Age of AI.Gerhard Schreiber - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (5):529-537.
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    Theodor W. Adorno: an introduction.Gerhard Schweppenhäuser - 2009 - Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
    The project of renewing childhood by transforming one's life -- Critical theory -- Reason's self-criticism -- Defined negation -- The two faces of enlightenment -- Rescuing what is beyond hope -- Philosophy from the perspective of redemption -- Primacy of the object -- The totally socialized society -- The concept of society -- Liquidation of the individual -- Critical theory on morality -- The goal of the emancipated society -- The powerless utopia of beauty -- The destruction and salvation of (...)
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    Being a team player: Approaching team coordination in sports in dialog with ecological and praxeological approaches.Gerhard Thonhauser - unknown
    This paper discusses key conceptual resources for an understanding of coordination processes in team sports. It begins by exploring the action guidance provided by the environment, studied in terms of affordances. When conceptualizing sporting performances in general, we might distinguish social and object affordances, think about the spatial and temporal order of affordances in terms of nested and sequential affordances, and differentiate between global, main, and micro-affordances within an action sequence. In the context of team sports, it is crucial to (...)
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    “Thinker without Category”: Kierkegaard in Heidegger’s Thinking of the 1930s.Gerhard Thonhauser - 2017 - In K. Brian Söderquist, René Rosfort & Arne Grøn (eds.), Kierkegaard's Existential Approach. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 27-48.
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