Results for 'Georgios Doukas'

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  1. Steiris, Georgios. 2024. "Bessarion on the Value of Oral Teaching and the Rule of Secrecy" Philosophies 9, no. 3: 81.Georgios Steiris - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):1-13.
    Cardinal Bessarion (1408–1472), in the second chapter of the first book of his influential work In calumniatorem Platonis, attempted to reply to Georgios Trapezuntios’ (1396–1474) criticism against Plato in the Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis. Bessarion investigates why the Athenian philosopher maintained, in several dialogues, that the sacred truths should not be communicated to the general public and argued in favor of the value of oral transmission of knowledge, largely based on his theory about the cognitive processes. Recently, Fr. (...)
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    Where Is the Virtue in Professionalism?David J. Doukas - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (2):147-154.
    There is a wind of change about to affect the training of all house officers in the United States. The Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education has promulgated a set of general competencies for all U.S.-trained residents, with a major thrust focused on bioethics and professionalism that will likely catch residency directors unaware. The ACGME's General Competencies document globally addresses many relationship-based ethical roles and responsibilities of house officers in healthcare. Of note, this document contains a specific section on professionalism. (...)
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    Proof by Assumption of the Possible in Prior Analytics, 1.15; How Not to Blend Modal Frameworks.Doukas Kapantais & George Karamanolis - 2020 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (3):203-216.
    The present paper aims to show that the reconstruction of the formal framework of the proofs in Pr. An. 1.15, as proposed by Malink and Rosen 2013 (‘Proof by Assumption of the Possible in Prior Analytics 1.15’, Mind, 122, 953-85) is due to affront a double impasse. Malink and Rosen argue convincingly that Aristotle operates with two different modal frameworks, one as found in the system of modal logic presented in Prior Analytics 1.3 and 8-22, and one occurring in many (...)
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    Promoting Professionalism Through Virtue Ethics.David John Doukas - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (1):37-39.
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  5. Using the family covenant in planning end-of-life care: Obligations and promises of patients, families, and physicians.David J. Doukas - unknown
    Physicians and families need to interact more meaningfully to clarify the values and preferences at stake in advance care planning. The current use of advance directives fails to respect patient autonomy. This paper proposes using the family covenant as a preventive ethics process designed to improve end-of-life planning by incorporating other family members—as agreed to by the patient and those family members—into the medical care dialogue. The family covenant formulates advance directives in conversation with family members and with the assistance (...)
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  6.  19
    Stratagems and the Byzantine culture of war: the theory of military trickery and ethics in Byzantium (c. 900–1204).Georgios Chatzelis - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (3):719-768.
    Although there has been significant scholarly attention on just war (jus ad bellum) in Byzantium and an increasing interest in the study of the Byzantine culture of war, military trickery and jus in bello (just conduct of war) remain largely unexplored by Byzantinists. This paper aims to fill this gap by studying the theory of military trickery and ethics in Byzantium, c. 900 -1204. It explores and analyses this aspect of jus in bello in Byzantium by employing methods and concepts (...)
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    The »lebenswelt« Of The State In Hegel's Philosophy Of Right.Georgios Daremas - 2006 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 8 (1):335-339.
  8.  20
    Genetics Research and Social Roles: On a Collision Course?David J. Doukas - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (4):258-259.
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    Plato and the English Romantics: Διάλογοι.E. Douka Kabitoglou - 1990 - Routledge.
    This book tackles the problematic relationship between Platonic philosophy and Romantic poetry, between the intellect and the emotions. Drawing on contemporary critical theory, especially hermeneutics and deconstruction, the author shows that a dialogue between thinking and poetizing is possible. The volume yields many new insights into both Platonic and Romantic texts and forms an important work for scholars and students of Greek philosophy, Romantic literature and critical theory.
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    Epistularum Byzantinarum Initia, conscripsit Michael Grünbart.Georgios Fatouros - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):293-295.
    Durch die Veröffentlichung des vorliegenden Bandes wird ein Desideratum der Briefliteratur verwirklicht, auf welches bereits S. Lampros im Jahr 1915 hingewiesen hat. Es handelt sich um ein alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Anfänge aller in griechischer Sprache geschriebener Briefe aus dem Zeitraum von etwa 300 n.Chr. bis ca. 1500, das über 15.000 Briefexordia von etwa 260 spätgriechischen und byzantinischen Briefschreibern umfaßt und sich auf die jeweils neuesten Editionen von Briefsammlungen stützt, wobei an die 890 Eintragungen von unedierten Briefen stammen. Treffliche Emendationen werden (...)
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    Intuitionistic Semantics for Fitch's Paradox.Doukas Kapantaïs - 2013 - In Vassilios Karakostas & Dennis Dieks, EPSA11 Perspectives and Foundational Problems in Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 29--39.
    I argue that if one applies the standard intuitionistic criterion for truth to Kp in (p) (p&Kp), one avoids Fitch’s paradox, but with disastrous consequences having to do with the expressive resources of one’s semantics. On the other hand, if one conceives of Kp as a function recording what happens in the actual world, one gets a double benefit. First, the semantics become tolerably expressive. Second, and because of the same move, the paradox can be blocked. (The solution I provide (...)
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  12.  29
    Le concept positif de la nécessité et la production des êtres chez Plotin.Georgios Lekkas - 2004 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 71 (4):553.
  13.  20
    Demetrios Kydones, Briefe. Übersetzt und erläutert von Franz Tinnefeld.Georgios Makris - 2000 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 93 (2).
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    Neuronal Oscillations in Various Frequency Bands Differ between Pain and Touch.Georgios Michail, Christian Dresel, Viktor Witkovský, Anne Stankewitz & Enrico Schulz - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  15.  36
    Zur Selbstanwendung der bestimmten Negation bei Adorno.Georgios Sagriotis - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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    Characteristic function games with restricted agent interactions: Core-stability and coalition structures.Georgios Chalkiadakis, Gianluigi Greco & Evangelos Markakis - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 232 (C):76-113.
  17.  28
    Globalization and Universality: Chimera and Truth.Georgios Mantzarides - 2002 - Christian Bioethics 8 (2):199-207.
    Georgios Mantzarides; Globalization and Universality: Chimera and Truth, Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, Volume 8, Issue 2, 1 J.
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    Peeking behind the ordinal curtain: Improving distortion via cardinal queries.Georgios Amanatidis, Georgios Birmpas, Aris Filos-Ratsikas & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 296 (C):103488.
  19. The family covenant and genetic testing.David J. Doukas & Jessica W. Berg - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):2 – 10.
    The physician-patient relationship has changed over the last several decades, requiring a systematic reevaluation of the competing demands of patients, physicians, and families. In the era of genetic testing, using a model of patient care known as the family covenant may prove effective in accounting for these demands. The family covenant articulates the roles of the physician, patient, and the family prior to genetic testing, as the participants consensually define them. The initial agreement defines the boundaries of autonomy and benefit (...)
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  20. Contingency and Necessity in the Genealogy of Morality.Paul di Georgio - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (162):97-111.
    Excerpt: In this essay I explore the nature of the necessity of historical development in Nietzsche’s genealogy of Judeo-Christian moral values. I argue that the progression of moral stages in Nietzsche’s study is ordered in such a way that the failure of each stage is logically and structurally necessary, that each failure structures the resultant system or paradigm, but that the historical manifestation of moral paradigms coinciding with predicted or projected theoretical structures is contingent upon a multitude of other historical (...)
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  21. "Michael Apostolis on Substance”.Georgios Steiris - 2020 - In Sergei Mariev, Bessarion’s Treasure: Editing, Translating and Interpreting Bessarion’s Literary Heritage. De Gruyter. pp. 211-236.
    Michael Apostolis (c. 1422–1478),¹ the Greek scholar and prolific author of the fifteenth century, studied in Constantinople under John Argyropoulos (1395/1405–1487)² and taught at Katholikon Museion (Xenon). After the fall of Constantinople, Apostolis shared his time between Crete, Constantinople and Venice, where he improved his Latin. He became Bessarion’s (1408–1472) protégé only briefly, because the latter did not like the polemic overtone of his treatises and came quickly to dismiss his views on the preponderance of Platonic over Aristotelian philosophy. After (...)
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  22.  31
    The language of smell: Connecting linguistic and psychophysical properties of odor descriptors.Georgios Iatropoulos, Pawel Herman, Anders Lansner, Jussi Karlgren, Maria Larsson & Jonas K. Olofsson - 2018 - Cognition 178:37-49.
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  23.  12
    Bessarion on the Value of Oral Teaching and the Rule of Secrecy.Georgios Steiris - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):81.
    Cardinal Bessarion (1408–1472), in the second chapter of the first book of his influential work In calumniatorem Platonis, attempted to reply to Georgios Trapezuntios’ (1396–1474) criticism against Plato in the Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis. Bessarion investigates why the Athenian philosopher maintained, in several dialogues, that the sacred truths should not be communicated to the general public and argued in favor of the value of oral transmission of knowledge, largely based on his theory about the cognitive processes. Recently, Fr. (...)
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    Heidegger’s Reading of Plato: On Truth and Ideas.Georgios Petropoulos - 2021 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (2):118-136.
    Heidegger’s reading of Plato is variable and multifaceted, giving way to different and, at times, opposing interpretations of Plato’s work. To give an example that is relevant to the following pape...
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  25.  26
    Autonomy and Beneficence in the Family: Describing the Family Covenant.David J. Doukas - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (3):145-148.
  26.  21
    Identifying Student Subgroups as a Function of School Level Attributes: A Multilevel Latent Class Analysis.Georgios D. Sideridis, Ioannis Tsaousis & Khaleel Al-Harbi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of the present study was to profile high school students’ achievement as a function of their demographic characteristics, parent attributes, and school behaviors. Students were nested within schools in the Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Out of a large sample of 500k, participants involved 3 random samples of 2,000 students measured during the years 2016, 2017, and 2018. Randomization was conducted at the student level to ensure that all school units will be represented and at their respective frequency. Students were (...)
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    Complete versus Incomplete εἶναι in the Sophist : An unhelpful dilemma.Doukas Kapantaïs - 2023 - Rhizomata 11 (2):250-274.
    Since the publication of The verb “be” in Ancient Greek by Charles Kahn, people have put a lot of emphasis and invested too much labor in all kinds of historico-philological analyses in order to resolve philosophical questions regarding the concept of existence in Greek thought. Useful as these analyses might be, they cannot provide us with conclusive answers to the specific philosophical questions under scrutiny, and, perhaps, it is time for us to abandon the overwhelming optimist motivating the pioneers behind (...)
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  28. The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State.Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis - 2016 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The question of Modern Greek identity is certainly timely. The political events of the previous years have once more brought up such questions as: What does it actually mean to be a Greek today? What is Modern Greece, apart from and beyond the bulk of information that one would find in an encyclopaedia and the established stereotypes? This volume delves into the timely nature of these questions and provides answers not by referring to often-cited classical Antiquity, nor by treating Greece (...)
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    Confucius’ Ontological Ethics.Georgios Steiris - 2023 - Conatus 8 (1):303-321.
    Confucius associates the good and the beautiful. Li (translated variously as “ritual propriety,” “ritual,” “etiquette,” or “propriety”) embodies the entire spectrum of interaction with humans, nature, and even material objects. I argue that Confucius attempts to introduce an ethical ontology, not of “what,” but of “the way.” The “way” of reality becomes known with the deliberate participation to the Dao. In other words, through interaction. The way people co-exist demonstrates the rationality of the associations of living and functioning together. Li, (...)
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  30.  53
    Asymmetric dominance, deferral, and status quo bias in a behavioral model of choice.Georgios Gerasimou - 2016 - Theory and Decision 80 (2):295-312.
    This paper proposes and axiomatically characterizes a model of choice that builds on the criterion of partial dominance and allows for two types of avoidant behavior: choice deferral and status quo bias. These phenomena are explained in a unified way that allows for a clear theoretical distinction between them to be made. The model also explains the strengthening of the attraction effect that has been observed when deferral is permissible. Unlike other models of status quo biased behavior, the one analyzed (...)
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    Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics.Georgios Anagnostopoulos - 1994 - University of California Press.
    "A valuable book... it very nicely relates Aristotle's views about exactness to more general ethical and epistemological themes in Aristotle."--Charles M. Young, The Claremont Graduate School "A valuable book... it very nicely relates Aristotle's views about exactness to more general ethical and epistemological themes in Aristotle."--Charles M. Young, The Claremont Graduate School.
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  32.  20
    Fair division of indivisible goods: Recent progress and open questions.Georgios Amanatidis, Haris Aziz, Georgios Birmpas, Aris Filos-Ratsikas, Bo Li, Hervé Moulin, Alexandros A. Voudouris & Xiaowei Wu - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 322 (C):103965.
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    Collective intentionality and the state theory of money.Georgios Papadopoulos - 2015 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 8 (2):1.
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    Nostalgia Proneness and the Collective Self.Georgios Abakoumkin, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Analyzing the Values History: An Evaluation of Patient Medical Values and Advance Directives.David J. Doukas & Daniel W. Gorenflo - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (1):41-45.
  36. Ethics and the indispensability of theory: Moral reasoning.Georgios Anagnostopoulos - 1998 - Topoi 17 (2):149-166.
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    Towards a theory of ethico-juridical representation in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.Georgios Daremas - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    Reseña.Georgios Ioannou - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:281-286.
    Resumen Este artículo ofrece una lectura de la pintura renacentista según los principios establecidos por Leon Battista Alberti, uno de los primeros teóricos de la perspectiva en cuyo Tratado de pintura se refiere al cuadro como “una ventana abierta a la historia”. El concepto de historia empleado por Alberti, que se presta a numerosas interpretaciones, es abordado a partir de las reflexiones de Erwin Panofsky en torno a la perspectiva como “forma simbólica”, avanzando hacia una hipótesis en torno al carácter (...)
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    Zur Selbstanwendung der bestimmten Negation bei Adorno.N. Iraklio Georgios SagriotisChrysanthemon & Athen Griechenland: - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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    Zur Selbstanwendung der bestimmten Negation bei Adorno.N. Iraklio Georgios SagriotisChrysanthemon & Athen GriechenlandEmail: - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1).
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    Pur une Nouvelle Interprétation du Nombre et de la «Direction» des Voies chez Parménide.Doukas Kapantaïs - 2005 - Philosophical Inquiry 27 (1-2):163-171.
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    Kierkegaard on the philosophy of history.Georgios Patios - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    History doesn't have to mean only an effort to know the past. It can be instead, according to Kierkegaard, a willful and personal choice regarding the creation of the future. Kierkegaard offers us an amazing new approach to the problem of what is history and who makes it."--Publishers website.
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  43. “Pletho, Scholarios and the Arabic philosophy”.Georgios Steiris - 2017 - In Steiris Georgios, Never the Twain Shall Meet: Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium, Byzantinisches Archiv Series Philosophica 2. De Gruyter. pp. 309-334.
    Although the two worlds, Arabic and Byzantine, were in proximity for many centuries, the influence of Arabic philosophy on the Byzantine intellectual tradition has not been studied thoroughly. Recent studies have substantiated the influence of the Arabic and Persian thought over Byzantine science. However, in the field of philosophy, research is still at an early stage and the impact of Arabic thought on Byzantine and vice versa has not been examined widely and in depth. Direct references to philosophers in the (...)
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  44.  57
    Byzantine Philosophers of the 15th Century on Identity and Otherness.Georgios Steiris - 2016 - In Georgios Steiris, Sotiris Mitralexis & George Arabatzis, The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 173-199.
    Those who work with topics related to Modern Greek identity usually start discussing these issues by quoting the famous Georgios Gemistos Pletho (c.1360-1454): we, over whom you rule and hold sway, are Hellenes by genos (γένος), as is witnessed by our language and ancestral education. Although Woodhouse thought of Pletho as the last of the Hellenes, others prefer to denounce him the last of the Byzantines and the first and foremost Modern Greek. During the 14th and 15th centuries, a (...)
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  45.  36
    ‘Negrophilist’ Crusader: John Stuart Mill on the American Civil War and Reconstruction.Georgios Varouxakis - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (5):729-754.
    Summary The article analyses the extensive and passionate responses that the American Civil War and the issues it raised elicited from John Stuart Mill. While it attempts to offer a brief but comprehensive overall account of Mill's influential involvement in debates on the Civil War both in Britain and in America, it focuses particularly on Mill's defence of racial equality for the American ?negroes? both during the war and in the course of debates on reconstruction after the war. Mill's concerted (...)
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    Of Times: Arrested, Resigned, Imagined. Temporality in Hegel, Heidegger and Derrida.Georgios Tsagdis, Rozemund Uljée & Bart Zantvoort - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):313-316.
    Volume 28, Issue 3, July 2020, Page 313-316.
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  47. From Data and Information to Actionable Knowledge.Georgios Constantine Pentzaropoulos - 2012 - Philosophy for Business (75).
    Georgios Pentzaropoulos continues his investigation undertaken in 'Generating Stable Knowledge via Reduction in Entropy' (Philosophy Pathways Issue 167, 28 November 2011) looking at knowledge not as something we 'possess' -- the knowledge contained in a book, for example -- but rather as an active, or interactive process of increasing understanding through the judicious sifting and processing of raw information. As Macmurray argued in his Gifford Lectures, 'All knowledge is for the sake of action.' Instead of seeking to define some (...)
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  48.  15
    Kommentare Zu Aristoteles, ›de Partibus Animalium‹: Redaktionen Zu Michael von Ephesos. Kritische Edition Und Einleitung.Georgios Pachymeres - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Der älteste griechischsprachige Kommentar zur Schrift De partibus animalium des Aristoteles wurde 1904 unter dem Namen des Michael von Ephesos in der Reihe Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca ediert. Im vorliegenden Band werden zwei voneinander unabhängige Redaktionen dieses Kommentars herausgegeben: Eine jüngere Redaktion ist Georgios Pachymeres zuzuschreiben; die ältere Redaktion ist anonym überliefert. Beide Bearbeitungen streben nach einer Aktualisierung des Kommentars und ergänzen Erläuterungen zum zweiten Buch von De partibus animalium – mit solchem Erfolg, dass für diese Teile die Redaktion (...)
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    The Enlightened Sovereign.Georgios T. Halkias - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 491–511.
    Many Buddhist rulers attained the cultic status of divinity as buddhas or celestial bodhisattvas and were expected to exercise their power in accord with Buddhist principles. The bodhisatta is depicted as perfecting both the virtues of kingship and the virtues of renunciation, thus preparing the way for his supreme enlightenment in which the two strands of sovereignty and renunciation “receive their final synthesis and fulfilment”. Politics was realistically seen as an unavoidable exercise of power that can and ought to be (...)
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    Ancient Perfectionism and its Modern Critics.Georgios Anagnostopoulos - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (1):197.
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