Results for 'Generalized Quantifier Theory'

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  1. Generalized quantifier theory and the semantics of focus.Sjaak De Mey - 1996 - In J. van der Does & Van J. Eijck (eds.), Quantifiers, Logic, and Language. Stanford University.
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    Natural language and generalized quantifier theory.Sebastian Löbner - 1987 - In Peter Gärdenfors (ed.), Generalized Quantifiers. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 181--201.
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    Generalized quantifier and a bounded arithmetic theory for LOGCFL.Satoru Kuroda - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):489-516.
    We define a theory of two-sort bounded arithmetic whose provably total functions are exactly those in ${\mathcal{F}_{LOGCFL}}$ by way of a generalized quantifier that expresses computations of SAC 1 circuits. The proof depends on Kolokolova’s conditions for the connection between the provable capture in two-sort theories and descriptive complexity.
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  4. The hierarchy theorem for generalized quantifiers.Lauri Hella, Kerkko Luosto & Jouko Väänänen - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):802-817.
    The concept of a generalized quantifier of a given similarity type was defined in [12]. Our main result says that on finite structures different similarity types give rise to different classes of generalized quantifiers. More exactly, for every similarity type t there is a generalized quantifier of type t which is not definable in the extension of first order logic by all generalized quantifiers of type smaller than t. This was proved for unary similarity (...)
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    Generalized quantifiers and pebble games on finite structures.Phokion G. Kolaitis & Jouko A. Väänänen - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 74 (1):23-75.
    First-order logic is known to have a severely limited expressive power on finite structures. As a result, several different extensions have been investigated, including fragments of second-order logic, fixpoint logic, and the infinitary logic L∞ωω in which every formula has only a finite number of variables. In this paper, we study generalized quantifiers in the realm of finite structures and combine them with the infinitary logic L∞ωω to obtain the logics L∞ωω, where Q = {Qi: iε I} is a (...)
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  6.  34
    Generalized Quantifiers Meet Modal Neighborhood Semantics.Dag Westerståhl & Johan van Benthem - 2021 - In Judit Madarász & Gergely Székely (eds.), Hajnal Andréka and István Németi on Unity of Science: From Computing to Relativity Theory Through Algebraic Logic. Springer. pp. 187-206.
    In a mathematical perspective, neighborhood models for modal logic are generalized quantifiers, parametrized to points in the domain of objects/worlds. We explore this analogy further, connecting generalized quantifier theory and modal neighborhood logic. In particular, we find interesting analogies between conservativity for linguistic quantifiers and the locality of modal logic, and between the role of invariances in both fields. Moreover, we present some new completeness results for modal neighborhood logics of linguistically motivated classes of generalized (...)
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    Generalized quantifiers and modal logic.Wiebe Hoek & Maarten Rijke - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (1):19-58.
    We study several modal languages in which some (sets of) generalized quantifiers can be represented; the main language we consider is suitable for defining any first order definable quantifier, but we also consider a sublanguage thereof, as well as a language for dealing with the modal counterparts of some higher order quantifiers. These languages are studied both from a modal logic perspective and from a quantifier perspective. Thus the issues addressed include normal forms, expressive power, completeness both (...)
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  8. Generalized quantifiers and modal logic.Wiebe Van Der Hoek & Maarten De Rijke - 1993 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 (1):19-58.
    We study several modal languages in which some (sets of) generalized quantifiers can be represented; the main language we consider is suitable for defining any first order definable quantifier, but we also consider a sublanguage thereof, as well as a language for dealing with the modal counterparts of some higher order quantifiers. These languages are studied both from a modal logic perspective and from a quantifier perspective. Thus the issues addressed include normal forms, expressive power, completeness both (...)
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    Generalized recursion theory II: proceedings of the 1977 Oslo symposium.Jens Erik Fenstad, R. O. Gandy & Gerald E. Sacks (eds.) - 1978 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
    GENERALIZED RECUBION THEORY II © North-Holland Publishing Company (1978) MONOTONE QUANTIFIERS AND ADMISSIBLE SETS Ion Barwise University of Wisconsin ...
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  10. Barwise: Abstract model theory and generalized quantifiers.Jouko Väänänen - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):37-53.
    §1. Introduction. After the pioneering work of Mostowski [29] and Lindström [23] it was Jon Barwise's papers [2] and [3] that brought abstract model theory and generalized quantifiers to the attention of logicians in the early seventies. These papers were greeted with enthusiasm at the prospect that model theory could be developed by introducing a multitude of extensions of first order logic, and by proving abstract results about relationships holding between properties of these logics. Examples of such (...)
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  11.  72
    Some properties of natural language quantifiers: Generalized quantifier theory[REVIEW]Edward Keenan - 2002 - Linguistics and Philosophy 25 (5-6):627-654.
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    Generalized Quantifiers and Number Sense.Robin Clark - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (9):611-621.
    Generalized quantifiers are functions from pairs of properties to truth-values; these functions can be used to interpret natural language quantifiers. The space of such functions is vast and a great deal of research has sought to find natural constraints on the functions that interpret determiners and create quantifiers. These constraints have demonstrated that quantifiers rest on number and number sense. In the first part of the paper, we turn to developing this argument. In the remainder, we report on work (...)
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  13. Generalized quantifiers in natural language semantics.Dag Westerstêahl - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference.
  14.  25
    Some observations about generalized quantifiers in logics of imperfect information.Fausto Barbero - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):456-486.
    We analyse the two definitions of generalized quantifiers for logics of dependence and independence that have been proposed by F. Engström, comparing them with a more general, higher order definition of team quantifier. We show that Engström’s definitions can be identified, by means of appropriate lifts, with special classes of team quantifiers. We point out that the new team quantifiers express a quantitative and a qualitative component, while Engström’s quantifiers only range over the latter. We further argue that (...)
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  15.  23
    Evidence for generalized quantifier semantics in the interpretation of the English neuter singular pronoun.Paul Elbourne - 2021 - Natural Language Semantics 29 (4):579-600.
    The English pronoun _it_ can anaphorically take on the meaning of a salient generalized quantifier when it occurs in subject position followed by an elided Verb Phrase and (optionally) a VP-level operator. The extent to which theories of pronoun interpretation will have to be altered to take account of this finding will depend on whether the phenomenon is unique to English or part of a crosslinguistic pattern.
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  16. Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language.Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    In the dissertation we study the complexity of generalized quantifiers in natural language. Our perspective is interdisciplinary: we combine philosophical insights with theoretical computer science, experimental cognitive science and linguistic theories. -/- In Chapter 1 we argue for identifying a part of meaning, the so-called referential meaning (model-checking), with algorithms. Moreover, we discuss the influence of computational complexity theory on cognitive tasks. We give some arguments to treat as cognitively tractable only those problems which can be computed in (...)
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  17. The Square of Opposition and Generalized Quantifiers.Duilio D'Alfonso - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 219--227.
    In this paper I propose a set-theoretical interpretation of the logical square of opposition, in the perspective opened by generalized quantifier theory. Generalized quantifiers allow us to account for the semantics of quantificational Noun Phrases, and of other natural language expressions, in a coherent and uniform way. I suggest that in the analysis of the meaning of Noun Phrases and Determiners the square of opposition may help representing some semantic features responsible to different logical properties of (...)
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    Barwise: Abstract Model Theory and Generalized Quantifiers.Jouko Va An Anen - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):37-53.
    §1. Introduction. After the pioneering work of Mostowski [29] and Lindström [23] it was Jon Barwise's papers [2] and [3] that brought abstract model theory and generalized quantifiers to the attention of logicians in the early seventies. These papers were greeted with enthusiasm at the prospect that model theory could be developed by introducing a multitude of extensions of first order logic, and by proving abstract results about relationships holding between properties of these logics. Examples of such (...)
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    Relativized logspace and generalized quantifiers over finite ordered structures.Georg Gottlob - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (2):545-574.
    We here examine the expressive power of first order logic with generalized quantifiers over finite ordered structures. In particular, we address the following problem: Given a family Q of generalized quantifiers expressing a complexity class C, what is the expressive power of first order logic FO(Q) extended by the quantifiers in Q? From previously studied examples, one would expect that FO(Q) captures L C , i.e., logarithmic space relativized to an oracle in C. We show that this is (...)
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  20.  44
    Nominal comparatives and generalized quantifiers.John Nerbonne - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (4):273-300.
    This work adopts the perspective of plural logic and measurement theory in order first to focus on the microstructure of comparative determiners; and second, to derive the properties of comparative determiners as these are studied in Generalized Quantifier Theory, locus of the most sophisticated semantic analysis of natural language determiners. The work here appears to be the first to examine comparatives within plural logic, a step which appears necessary, but which also harbors specific analytical problems examined (...)
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  21. On vectorizations of unary generalized quantifiers.Kerkko Luosto - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (3):241-255.
    Vectorization of a class of structures is a natural notion in finite model theory. Roughly speaking, vectorizations allow tuples to be treated similarly to elements of structures. The importance of vectorizations is highlighted by the fact that if the complexity class PTIME corresponds to a logic with reasonable syntax, then it corresponds to a logic generated via vectorizations by a single generalized quantifier (Dawar in J Log Comput 5(2):213–226, 1995). It is somewhat surprising, then, that there have (...)
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    Quantifiers and Cognition: Logical and Computational Perspectives.Jakub Szymanik - 2016 - Springer.
    This volume on the semantic complexity of natural language explores the question why some sentences are more difficult than others. While doing so, it lays the groundwork for extending semantic theory with computational and cognitive aspects by combining linguistics and logic with computations and cognition. -/- Quantifier expressions occur whenever we describe the world and communicate about it. Generalized quantifier theory is therefore one of the basic tools of linguistics today, studying the possible meanings and (...)
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  23. Computational Complexity of Polyadic Lifts of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language.Jakub Szymanik - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (3):215-250.
    We study the computational complexity of polyadic quantifiers in natural language. This type of quantification is widely used in formal semantics to model the meaning of multi-quantifier sentences. First, we show that the standard constructions that turn simple determiners into complex quantifiers, namely Boolean operations, iteration, cumulation, and resumption, are tractable. Then, we provide an insight into branching operation yielding intractable natural language multi-quantifier expressions. Next, we focus on a linguistic case study. We use computational complexity results to (...)
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    Generic expansions of ω-categorical structures and semantics of generalized quantifiers.A. A. Ivanov - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2):775-789.
    LetMbe a countably infinite ω-categorical structure. Consider Aut(M) as a complete metric space by definingd(g, h) = Ω{2−n:g(xn) ≠h(xn) org−1(xn) ≠h−1(xn)} where {xn:n∈ ω} is an enumeration ofMAn automorphism α ∈ Aut(M) is generic if its conjugacy class is comeagre. J. Truss has shown in [11] that if the set P of all finite partial isomorphisms contains a co-final subset P1closed under conjugacy and having the amalgamation property and the joint embedding property then there is a generic automorphism. In the (...)
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  25. Background notions in lattice theory and generalized quantifiers.Anna Szabolcsi - 1997 - In Ways of Scope Taking. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1--27.
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    Studies in discourse representation theory and the theory of generalized quantifiers.Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk, Dick de Jongh & Martin J. B. Stokhof (eds.) - 1986 - Providence, RI, USA: Foris Publications.
    Semantic Automata Johan van Ben them. INTRODUCTION An attractive, but never very central idea in modern semantics has been to regard linguistic expressions ...
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  27. Decidability of the two-quantifier theory of the recursively enumerable weak truth-table degrees and other distributive upper semi-lattices.Klaus Ambos-Spies, Peter Fejer, Steffen Lempp & Manuel Lerman - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):880-905.
    We give a decision procedure for the ∀∃-theory of the weak truth-table (wtt) degrees of the recursively enumerable sets. The key to this decision procedure is a characterization of the finite lattices which can be embedded into the r.e. wtt-degrees by a map which preserves the least and greatest elements: a finite lattice has such an embedding if and only if it is distributive and the ideal generated by its cappable elements and the filter generated by its cuppable elements (...)
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  28. The Role of Situations in Generalized Quantifiers.Robin Cooper - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference. pp. 65--86.
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    On the model theory of some generalized quantifiers.Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus - 1995 - In Michał Krynicki, Marcin Mostowski & Lesław W. Szczerba (eds.), Quantifiers: Logics, Models and Computation: Volume Two: Contributions. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 25--62.
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    Generalized Quantification in an Axiomatic Truth Theory.Ian Rumfitt - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):756-776.
    Bruno Whittle (2019) has recently extended Kripke’s semantical theory of truth to languages containing generalized quantifiers. There are reasons for axiomatizing semantical theories, and for regarding Halbach and Horsten’s PKF as a good axiomatization of Kripke’s. PKF is a theory in Partial Logic. The present paper complements Whittle’s by showing how Partial Logic, and then PKF, may be extended to cover binary quantifiers meaning ‘every’, ‘some’, and ‘most’.
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    Angus Macintyre. Ramsey quantifiers in arithmetic. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, edited by L. Pacholski, J. Wierzejewski, and A. J. Wilkie, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 834, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1980, pp. 186–210. - James H. Schmerl and Stephen G. Simpson. On the role of Ramsey quantifiers in first order arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 423–435. - Carl Morgenstern. On generalized quantifiers in arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 187–190. [REVIEW]L. A. S. Kirby - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):1078-1079.
  32. Hierarchies of monadic generalized quantifiers.Kerkko Luosto - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1241-1263.
    A combinatorial criterium is given when a monadic quantifier is expressible by means of universe-independent monadic quantifiers of width n. It is proved that the corresponding hierarchy does not collapse. As an application, it is shown that the second resumption (or vectorization) of the Hartig quantifier is not definable by monadic quantifiers. The techniques rely on Ramsey theory.
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    Some contributions to definability theory for languages with generalized quantifiers.John T. Baldwin & Douglas E. Miller - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (3):572-586.
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    Quantifying Doctors’ Argumentation in General Practice Consultation Through Content Analysis: Measurement Development and Preliminary Results.Nanon Labrie & Peter J. Schulz - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (1):33-55.
    General practice consultation has often been characterized by pragma-dialecticians as an argumentative activity type. These characterizations are typically derived from theoretical insights and qualitative analyses. Yet, descriptions that are based on quantitative data are thus far lacking. This paper provides a detailed account of the development of an instrument to guide the quantitative analysis of argumentation in doctor–patient consultation. It describes the implementation and preliminary results of a content analysis of seventy videotaped medical consultations of which the extent and type (...)
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    At least not false, at most possible: between truth and assertibility of superlative quantifiers.Maria Spychalska - 2018 - Synthese 195 (2):571-602.
    Generalized Quantifier Theory defines superlative quantifiers at most n and at least n as truth-conditionally equivalent to comparative quantifiers fewer than n+1 and more than n \1. It has been demonstrated, however, that this standard theory cannot account for various linguistic differences between these two types of quantifiers. In this paper I discuss how the distinction between assertibility and truth-conditions can be applied to explain this phenomenon. I draw a parallel between the assertibility of disjunctions and (...)
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    EM constructions for a class of generalized quantifiers.Martin Otto - 1992 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 31 (5):355-371.
    We consider a class of Lindström extensions of first-order logic which are susceptible to a natural Skolemization procedure. In these logics Ehrenfeucht Mostowski (EM) functors for theories with arbitrarily large models can be obtained under suitable restrictions. Characteristic dependencies between algebraic properties of the quantifiers and the maximal domains of EM functors are investigated.Results are applied to Magidor Malitz logic,L(Q <ω), showing e.g. its Hanf number to be equal to ℶω(ℵ1) in the countably compact case. Using results of Baumgartner, the (...)
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    The Reducibility of Generalized Syllogisms with the Quantifiers in Square {not all} and Square {most}.Zhipeng Yu & Jing Xu - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (4):1-4.
    To explore the reducibility of non-trivial generalized syllogisms with the quantifiers in Square {not all} and Square {most}, this paper first gives the formalization of generalized syllogisms on the basis of set theory, and then proves the validity of the generalized syllogism EMO-3 by first-order logic and generalized quantifier theory; Finally, with the help of some reductive operations, the other 20 valid generalized syllogisms are deduced from the syllogism EMO-3. In other words, (...)
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    Definability and quantifier elimination for j3-theories.Ítala M. L. D'Ottaviano - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (1):37 - 54.
    The Joint Non-Trivialization Theorem, two Definability Theorems and the generalized Quantifier Elimination Theorem are proved for J 3-theories. These theories are three-valued with more than one distinguished truth-value, reflect certain aspects of model type logics and can. be paraconsistent. J 3-theories were introduced in the author's doctoral dissertation.
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    Realizability semantics for quantified modal logic: Generalizing flagg’s 1985 construction.Benjamin G. Rin & Sean Walsh - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):752-809.
    A semantics for quantified modal logic is presented that is based on Kleene's notion of realizability. This semantics generalizes Flagg's 1985 construction of a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and first-order arithmetic. While the bulk of the paper is devoted to developing the details of the semantics, to illustrate the scope of this approach, we show that the construction produces (i) a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and a variant of a modal set (...) due to Goodman and Scedrov, (ii) a model of a modal version of Troelstra's generalized continuity principle together with a fragment of second-order arithmetic, and (iii) a model based on Scott's graph model (for the untyped lambda calculus) which witnesses the failure of the stability of non-identity. (shrink)
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  40. A new theory of quantifiers and term connectives.Ken Akiba - 2009 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 18 (3):403-431.
    This paper sets forth a new theory of quantifiers and term connectives, called shadow theory , which should help simplify various semantic theories of natural language by greatly reducing the need of Montagovian proper names, type-shifting, and λ-conversion. According to shadow theory, conjunctive, disjunctive, and negative noun phrases such as John and Mary , John or Mary , and not both John and Mary , as well as determiner phrases such as every man , some woman , (...)
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    Logical Quantifiers.Gila Sher - 2011 - In Gillian Russell & Delia Graff Fara (eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language. New York, USA: Routledge. pp. 579-595.
    This chapter offers a logical, linguistic, and philosophical account of modern quantification theory. Contrasting the standard approach to quantifiers (according to which logical quantifiers are defined by enumeration) with the generalized approach (according to which quantifiers are defined systematically), the chapter begins with a brief history of standard quantifier theory and identifies some of its logical, linguistic, and philosophical strengths and weaknesses. It then proceeds to a brief history of generalized quantifier theory and (...)
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    Model theory of monadic predicate logic with the infinity quantifier.Facundo Carreiro, Alessandro Facchini, Yde Venema & Fabio Zanasi - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):465-502.
    This paper establishes model-theoretic properties of \, a variation of monadic first-order logic that features the generalised quantifier \. We will also prove analogous versions of these results in the simpler setting of monadic first-order logic with and without equality and \, respectively). For each logic \ we will show the following. We provide syntactically defined fragments of \ characterising four different semantic properties of \-sentences: being monotone and continuous in a given set of monadic predicates; having truth preserved (...)
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    Invariant Version of Cardinality Quantifiers in Superstable Theories.Alexander Berenstein & Ziv Shami - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (3):343-351.
    We generalize Shelah's analysis of cardinality quantifiers for a superstable theory from Chapter V of Classification Theory and the Number of Nonisomorphic Models. We start with a set of bounds for the cardinality of each formula in some general invariant family of formulas in a superstable theory (in Classification Theory, a uniform family of formulas is considered) and find a set of derived bounds for all formulas. The set of derived bounds is sharp: up to a (...)
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    On the grammar and processing of proportional quantifiers: most versus more than half.Martin Hackl - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (1):63-98.
    Abstract Proportional quantifiers have played a central role in the development of formal semantics because they set a benchmark for the expressive power needed to describe quantification in natural language (Barwise and Cooper Linguist Philos 4:159–219, 1981). The proportional quantifier most, in particular, supplied the initial motivation for adopting Generalized Quantifier Theory (GQT) because its meaning is definable as a relation between sets of individuals, which are taken to be semantic primitives in GQT. This paper proposes (...)
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  45. Are Quantifier Phrases Always Quantificational? The Case of 'Every F'.Pierre Baumann - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (2):143-172.
    This paper argues that English quantifier phrases of the form ‘every F’ admit of a literal referential interpretation, contrary to the standard semantic account of this expression, according to which it denotes a set and a second-order relation. Various arguments are offered in favor of the referential interpretation, and two likely objections to it are forestalled.
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    A General Semantic for Quantified Modal Logic.Robert Goldblatt & Edwin D. Mares - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 227-246.
    In "An Alternative Semantics for Quantified Relevant Logic" (JSL 71 (2006)) we developed a semantics for quantified relevant logic that uses general frames. In this paper, we adapt that model theory to treat quantified modal logics, giving a complete semantics to the quantified extensions, both with and without the Barcan formula, of every proposi- tional modal logic S. If S is canonical our models are based on propositional frames that validate S. We employ frames in which not every set (...)
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    Symmetric and contrapositional quantifiers.R. Zuber - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (1):1-13.
    The article studies two related issues. First, it introduces the notion of the contraposition of quantifiers which is a “dual” notion of symmetry and has similar relations to co-intersectivity as symmetry has to intersectivity. Second, it shows how symmetry and contraposition can be generalised to higher order type quantifiers, while preserving their relations with other notions from generalized quantifiers theory.
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    (1 other version)Quantifiers.Michael Glanzberg - 2006 - In Ernest LePore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 794--821.
    The study of quantification in natural language has made remarkable progress. Quantification in natural language has been investigated extensively by philosophers, logicians, and linguists. The result has been an elegant and far-reaching theory. This article presents a survey of some of the important components of this theory. The first section presents the core of the theory of generalized quantifiers. This theory explores the range of expressions of generality in natural language, and studies some of their (...)
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    Explaining Quantifier Restriction: Reply to Ben-Yami.Dag Westerståhl - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (217):109-120.
    This is a reply to H. Ben-Yami, 'Generalized quantifiers, and beyond' (this journal, 2009), where he argues that standard GQ theory does not explain why natural language quantifiers have a restricted domain of quantification. I argue, on the other hand, that although GQ theory gives no deep explanation of this fact, it does give a sort of explanation, whereas Ben-Yami's suggested alternative is no improvement.
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    Vectorization hierarchies of some graph quantifiers.Lauri Hella & Juha Nurmonen - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (3):183-207.
    We give a sufficient condition for the inexpressibility of the k-th extended vectorization of a generalized quantifier $\sf Q$ in ${\rm FO}({\vec Q}_k)$ , the extension of first-order logic by all k-ary quantifiers. The condition is based on a model construction which, given two ${\rm FO}({\vec Q}_1)$ -equivalent models with certain additional structure, yields a pair of ${\rm FO}({\vec Q}_k)$ -equivalent models. We also consider some applications of this condition to quantifiers that correspond to graph properties, such as (...)
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