Results for 'General topology'

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  1.  75
    Aspects of general topology in constructive set theory.Peter Aczel - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):3-29.
    Working in constructive set theory we formulate notions of constructive topological space and set-generated locale so as to get a good constructive general version of the classical Galois adjunction between topological spaces and locales. Our notion of constructive topological space allows for the space to have a class of points that need not be a set. Also our notion of locale allows the locale to have a class of elements that need not be a set. Class sized mathematical structures (...)
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  2. Generalized topological covering systems on quantum events' structures.Elias Zafiris - 2006 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematics and Applications 39 (6):1485-1505.
    Homologous operational localization processes are effectuated in terms of generalized topological covering systems on structures of physical events. We study localization systems of quantum events' structures by means of Gtothendieck topologies on the base category of Boolean events' algebras. We show that a quantum events algebra is represented by means of a Grothendieck sheaf-theoretic fibred structure, with respect to the global partial order of quantum events' fibres over the base category of local Boolean frames.
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    Foundations of General Topology.J. E. Reeve & A. Csaszar - 1964 - British Journal of Educational Studies 13 (1):112.
  4.  26
    Frigyes Riesz and the emergence of general topology: The roots of ‘topological space’ in geometry.Laura Rodríguez - 2015 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 69 (1):55-102.
    In 1906, Frigyes Riesz introduced a preliminary version of the notion of a topological space. He called it a mathematical continuum. This development can be traced back to the end of 1904 when, genuinely interested in taking up Hilbert’s foundations of geometry from 1902, Riesz aimed to extend Hilbert’s notion of a two-dimensional manifold to the three-dimensional case. Starting with the plane as an abstract point-set, Hilbert had postulated the existence of a system of neighbourhoods, thereby introducing the notion of (...)
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    Concepts of general topology in constructive mathematics and in sheaves.R. J. Grayson - 1981 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 20 (1):1.
  6.  37
    Concepts of general topology in constructive mathematics and in sheaves, II.R. J. Grayson - 1982 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (1):55.
  7. Recent developments in general topology.Jun-Iti Nagata Of - forthcoming - Eleutheria.
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    (1 other version)A Note on Applications of the Löwenheim‐Skolem‐Theorem in General Topology.Ingo Bandlow - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (3):283-288.
  9. Some remarks on abstract distance in general topology.Z. P. Mamuzic - 1979 - Eleutheria 2:433-446.
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    Applications of elementary submodels in general topology.Stefan Geschke - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1-2):31 - 41.
    Elementary submodels of some initial segment of the set-theoretic universe are useful in order to prove certain theorems in general topology as well as in algebra. As an illustration we give proofs of two theorems due to Arkhangelskii concerning cardinal invariants of compact spaces.
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    Handbook of the History of General Topology, Volume 1. C. E. Aull, R. Lowen.Dale Johnson - 2001 - Isis 92 (3):645-645.
  12. Review: Makoto Itoh, On the General Topological Boolean Lattice. [REVIEW]Katuzi Ono - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (1):73-74.
  13.  57
    Applications of the Theory of Boolean Rings to General Topology.M. H. Stone - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):88-89.
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    Kelley John L.. General topology. D. van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, Toronto, and London, 1955, xiv + 298 pp. [REVIEW]Francis P. Larkin - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (2):235-235.
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  15. General Theory of Topological Explanations and Explanatory Asymmetry.Daniel Kostic - 2020 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 375 (1796):1-8.
    In this paper, I present a general theory of topological explanations, and illustrate its fruitfulness by showing how it accounts for explanatory asymmetry. My argument is developed in three steps. In the first step, I show what it is for some topological property A to explain some physical or dynamical property B. Based on that, I derive three key criteria of successful topological explanations: a criterion concerning the facticity of topological explanations, i.e. what makes it true of a particular (...)
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  16.  26
    A correction to “concepts of general topology in constructive mathematics and in sheaves”.R. J. Grayson - 1982 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (1):99.
  17.  88
    A Generalized Manifold Topology for Branching Space-Times.Thomas Müller - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1089-1100.
    The logical theory of branching space-times, which provides a relativistic framework for studying objective indeterminism, remains mostly disconnected from discussions of space-time theories in philosophy of physics. Earman has criticized the branching approach and suggested “pruning some branches from branching space-time.” This article identifies the different—order-theoretic versus topological—perspective of both discussions as a reason for certain misunderstandings and tries to remove them. Most important, we give a novel, topological criterion of modal consistency that usefully generalizes an earlier criterion, and we (...)
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  18.  21
    Polynomials and General Degree-Based Topological Indices of Generalized Sierpinski Networks.Chengmei Fan, M. Mobeen Munir, Zafar Hussain, Muhammad Athar & Jia-Bao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Sierpinski networks are networks of fractal nature having several applications in computer science, music, chemistry, and mathematics. These networks are commonly used in chaos, fractals, recursive sequences, and complex systems. In this article, we compute various connectivity polynomials such as M -polynomial, Zagreb polynomials, and forgotten polynomial of generalized Sierpinski networks S k n and recover some well-known degree-based topological indices from these. We also compute the most general Zagreb index known as α, β -Zagreb index and several other (...)
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    Maryanthe Malliaris and Saharon Shelah, Cofinality spectrum problems in model theory, set theory and general topology. Journal of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 29 , pp. 237–297. - Maryanthe Malliaris and Saharon Shelah, Existence of optimal ultrafilters and the fundamental complexity of simple theories. Advances in Mathematics, vol. 290 , pp. 614–681. - Maryanthe Malliaris and Saharon Shelah, Keisler’s order has infinitely many classes. Israel Journal of Mathematics, to appear,∼mem/. [REVIEW]H. Jerome Keisler - 2017 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):117-121.
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    Stone M. H.. Applications of the theory of Boolean rings to general topology. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 41 . pp. 375–481. [REVIEW]Saunders MacLane - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):88-89.
  21. Topological Models of Columnar Vagueness.Thomas Mormann - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):693 - 716.
    This paper intends to further the understanding of the formal properties of (higher-order) vagueness by connecting theories of (higher-order) vagueness with more recent work in topology. First, we provide a “translation” of Bobzien's account of columnar higher-order vagueness into the logic of topological spaces. Since columnar vagueness is an essential ingredient of her solution to the Sorites paradox, a central problem of any theory of vagueness comes into contact with the modern mathematical theory of topology. Second, Rumfitt’s recent (...)
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  22.  28
    Techniques of topology and differential geometry in general relativity.David Lerner - 1972 - In D. Farnsworth, Methods of local and global differential geometry in general relativity. New York,: Springer Verlag. pp. 1--44.
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  23.  14
    Towards a general theory of topological maps.Emilio Remolina & Benjamin Kuipers - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 152 (1):47-104.
  24.  65
    The Topological Properties of Stimuli Influence Fear Generalization and Extinction in Humans.Liang Xu, Hongyu Su, Xiaoyuan Xie, Pei Yan, Junjiao Li & Xifu Zheng - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. Hyperstructures, topology and datasets.Nils A. Baas - 2009 - Axiomathes 19 (3):281-295.
    In the natural sciences higher order structures often occur. There seems to be a need for good methods of describing what we mean by higher order structures in various contexts. This is what hyperstructures are intended to do. We motivate and introduce this new concept. Next we illustrate how it can be applied in various types of genomic analysis—particular the correlations between single nucleotide polymorphisms and diseases. The suggested structure is quite general and may be applied to a variety (...)
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    Topology optimization of computer communication network based on improved genetic algorithm.Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Jilei Zhang, Yuhong Fan & Hua Ai - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):651-659.
    The topology optimization of computer communication network is studied based on improved genetic algorithm, a network optimization design model based on the establishment of network reliability maximization under given cost constraints, and the corresponding improved GA is proposed. In this method, the corresponding computer communication network cost model and computer communication network reliability model are established through a specific project, and the genetic intelligence algorithm is used to solve the cost model and computer communication network reliability model, respectively. It (...)
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  27. The Topology of Communities of Trust.Mark Alfano - 2016 - Russian Sociological Review 15 (4):30-56.
    Hobbes emphasized that the state of nature is a state of war because it is characterized by fundamental and generalized distrust. Exiting the state of nature and the conflicts it inevitably fosters is therefore a matter of establishing trust. Extant discussions of trust in the philosophical literature, however, focus either on isolated dyads of trusting individuals or trust in large, faceless institutions. In this paper, I begin to fill the gap between these extremes by analyzing what I call the (...) of communities of trust. Such communities are best understood in terms of interlocking dyadic relationships that approximate the ideal of being symmetric, Euclidean, reflexive, and transitive. Few communities of trust live up to this demanding ideal, and those that do tend to be small (between three and fifteen individuals). Nevertheless, such communities of trust serve as the conditions for the possibility of various important prudential epistemic, cultural, and mental health goods. However, communities of trust also make possible various problematic phenomena. They can become insular and walled-off from the surrounding community, leading to distrust of out-groups. And they can lead their members to abandon public goods for tribal or parochial goods. These drawbacks of communities of trust arise from some of the same mecha-nisms that give them positive prudential, epistemic, cultural, and mental health value – and so can at most be mitigated, not eliminated. (shrink)
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    Mereology on Topological and Convergence Spaces.Daniel R. Patten - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):21-31.
    We show that a standard axiomatization of mereology is equivalent to the condition that a topological space is discrete, and consequently, any model of general extensional mereology is indistinguishable from a model of set theory. We generalize these results to the Cartesian closed category of convergence spaces.
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  29. Topology, Empiricism, and Operationalism.Ernest W. Adams - 1996 - The Monist 79 (1):1-20.
    How do concepts of topology such as that of a boundary apply to the empirical world? Take the example of a chess board, represented here with black squares in black and red squares in white. We see by looking at the board that the squares of any one color have common boundaries only with squares of the opposite color, but each square has corners in common with other squares of the same color, which are points at which their common (...)
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    Dynamic Topological Logic Interpreted over Minimal Systems.David Fernández-Duque - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):767-804.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( ) is a modal logic which combines spatial and temporal modalities for reasoning about dynamic topological systems , which are pairs consisting of a topological space X and a continuous function f : X → X . The function f is seen as a change in one unit of time; within one can model the long-term behavior of such systems as f is iterated. One class of dynamic topological systems where the long-term behavior of f is (...)
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    Topologizing Interpretable Groups in p-Adically Closed Fields.Will Johnson - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (4):571-609.
    We consider interpretable topological spaces and topological groups in a p-adically closed field K. We identify a special class of “admissible topologies” with topological tameness properties like generic continuity, similar to the topology on definable subsets of Kn. We show that every interpretable set has at least one admissible topology, and that every interpretable group has a unique admissible group topology. We then consider definable compactness (in the sense of Fornasiero) on interpretable groups. We show that an (...)
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  32. Topology as an Issue for History of Philosophy of Science.Thomas Mormann - 2013 - In Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Thomas Uebel & Gregory Wheeler, New Challenges to Philosophy of Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 423--434.
    Since antiquity well into the beginnings of the 20th century geometry was a central topic for philosophy. Since then, however, most philosophers of science, if they took notice of topology at all, considered it as an abstruse subdiscipline of mathematics lacking philosophical interest. Here it is argued that this neglect of topology by philosophy may be conceived of as the sign of a conceptual sea-change in philosophy of science that expelled geometry, and, more generally, mathematics, from the central (...)
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  33.  54
    Computing the topological entropy of shifts.Christoph Spandl - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4):493-510.
    Different characterizations of classes of shift dynamical systems via labeled digraphs, languages, and sets of forbidden words are investigated. The corresponding naming systems are analyzed according to reducibility and particularly with regard to the computability of the topological entropy relative to the presented naming systems. It turns out that all examined natural representations separate into two equivalence classes and that the topological entropy is not computable in general with respect to the defined natural representations. However, if a specific labeled (...)
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    Inductively generated formal topologies.Thierry Coquand, Giovanni Sambin, Jan Smith & Silvio Valentini - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 124 (1-3):71-106.
    Formal topology aims at developing general topology in intuitionistic and predicative mathematics. Many classical results of general topology have been already brought into the realm of constructive mathematics by using formal topology and also new light on basic topological notions was gained with this approach which allows distinction which are not expressible in classical topology. Here we give a systematic exposition of one of the main tools in formal topology: inductive generation. In (...)
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  35.  41
    Topological Ramsey spaces from Fraïssé classes, Ramsey-classification theorems, and initial structures in the Tukey types of p-points.Natasha Dobrinen, José G. Mijares & Timothy Trujillo - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):733-782.
    A general method for constructing a new class of topological Ramsey spaces is presented. Members of such spaces are infinite sequences of products of Fraïssé classes of finite relational structures satisfying the Ramsey property. The Product Ramsey Theorem of Sokič is extended to equivalence relations for finite products of structures from Fraïssé classes of finite relational structures satisfying the Ramsey property and the Order-Prescribed Free Amalgamation Property. This is essential to proving Ramsey-classification theorems for equivalence relations on fronts, generalizing (...)
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  36.  53
    Topological Completeness of Logics Above S4.Guram Bezhanishvili, David Gabelaia & Joel Lucero-Bryan - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):520-566.
    It is a celebrated result of McKinsey and Tarski [28] thatS4is the logic of the closure algebraΧ+over any dense-in-itself separable metrizable space. In particular,S4is the logic of the closure algebra over the realsR, the rationalsQ, or the Cantor spaceC. By [5], each logic aboveS4that has the finite model property is the logic of a subalgebra ofQ+, as well as the logic of a subalgebra ofC+. This is no longer true forR, and the main result of [5] states that each connected (...)
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  37.  22
    Topological Modal Logics Satisfying Finite Chain Conditions.Bernhard Heinemann - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (3):406-421.
    We modify the semantics of topological modal logic, a language due to Moss and Parikh. This enables us to study the corresponding theory of further classes of subset spaces. In the paper we deal with spaces where every chain of opens fulfils a certain finiteness condition. We consider both a local finiteness condition relevant to points and a global one concerning the whole frame. Completeness of the appearing logical systems, which turn out to be generalizations of the well-known modal system (...)
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    Topologies and free constructions.Anna Bucalo & Giuseppe Rosolini - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (3):327-346.
    The standard presentation of topological spaces relies heavily on (naïve) set theory: a topology consists of a set of subsets of a set (of points). And many of the high-level tools of set theory are required to achieve just the basic results about topological spaces. Concentrating on the mathematical structures, category theory offers the possibility to look synthetically at the structure of continuous transformations between topological spaces addressing specifically how the fundamental notions of point and open come about. As (...)
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    Tame Topology over dp-Minimal Structures.Pierre Simon & Erik Walsberg - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (1):61-76.
    In this article, we develop tame topology over dp-minimal structures equipped with definable uniformities satisfying certain assumptions. Our assumptions are enough to ensure that definable sets are tame: there is a good notion of dimension on definable sets, definable functions are almost everywhere continuous, and definable sets are finite unions of graphs of definable continuous “multivalued functions.” This generalizes known statements about weakly o-minimal, C-minimal, and P-minimal theories.
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  40. First order topological structures and theories.Anand Pillay - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (3):763-778.
    In this paper we introduce the notion of a first order topological structure, and consider various possible conditions on the complexity of the definable sets in such a structure, drawing several consequences thereof.Our aim is to develop, for a restricted class of unstable theories, results analogous to those for stable theories. The “material basis” for such an endeavor is the analogy between the field of real numbers and the field of complex numbers, the former being a “nicely behaved” unstable structure (...)
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  41.  82
    Dynamic topological S5.Philip Kremer - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (1):96-116.
    The topological semantics for modal logic interprets a standard modal propositional language in topological spaces rather than Kripke frames: the most general logic of topological spaces becomes S4. But other modal logics can be given a topological semantics by restricting attention to subclasses of topological spaces: in particular, S5 is logic of the class of almost discrete topological spaces, and also of trivial topological spaces. Dynamic Topological Logic interprets a modal language enriched with two unary temporal connectives, next and (...)
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  42.  45
    The nature of the topological intuition.L. B. Sultanova - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):14.
    The article is devoted to the nature of the topological intuition and disclosure of the specifics of topological heuristics in the framework of philosophical theory of knowledge. As we know, intuition is a one of the support categories of the theory of knowledge, the driving force of scientific research. Great importance is mathematical intuition for the solution of non-standard problems, for which there is no algorithm for such a solution. In such cases, the mathematician addresses the so-called heuristics, built on (...)
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  43.  98
    Philosophical Topology.Yi Jiang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:59-74.
    In this paper I will try to argue for a new version in philosophy entitled as Philosophical Topology. It is inspired by the thought of Peter Strawson as well as ones of some of so-called Continental philosophers like Heidgger. Unlike any of metaphilosophy in general, the philosophical topology focuses rather on analyses of processes of make-up in philosophers’ thinking, especially by revealing the internal logic of philosophical ideas in making and processing in order to explain the intrinsic (...)
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  44.  18
    Pseudointersection numbers, ideal slaloms, topological spaces, and cardinal inequalities.Jaroslav Šupina - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (1):87-112.
    We investigate several ideal versions of the pseudointersection number \(\mathfrak {p}\), ideal slalom numbers, and associated topological spaces with the focus on selection principles. However, it turns out that well-known pseudointersection invariant \(\mathtt {cov}^*({\mathcal I})\) has a crucial influence on the studied notions. For an invariant \(\mathfrak {p}_\mathrm {K}({\mathcal J})\) introduced by Borodulin-Nadzieja and Farkas (Arch. Math. Logic 51:187–202, 2012), and an invariant \(\mathfrak {p}_\mathrm {K}({\mathcal I},{\mathcal J})\) introduced by Repický (Real Anal. Exchange 46:367–394, 2021), we have $$\begin{aligned} \min \{\mathfrak (...)
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  45. A Topology For Logical Space.Boguslaw Wolniewicz - 1984 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 13 (4):255-258.
    To generalize as in [7] the constructions of [2] and [5], let L be a nondegenerate join-semilattice with unit. With A · B = {x ∨ y ∈ L : x ∈ A, y ∈ B} and A⊥ = {y ∈ L : x ∨ y = 1 for all x ∈ A}, the structure , ·,∪, ⊥ , L, ∅) is the algebra of subsets for L. Let R be the maximal ideals of L. Interpreting L as the totality (...)
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    Dynamic topological logic of metric spaces.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (1):308-328.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( $\mathcal{DTL}$ ) is a modal framework for reasoning about dynamical systems, that is, pairs 〈X, f〉 where X is a topological space and f: X → X a continuous function. In this paper we consider the case where X is a metric space. We first show that any formula which can be satisfied on an arbitrary dynamic topological system can be satisfied on one based on a metric space; in fact, this space can be taken to (...)
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  47. Topological Games, Supertasks, and (Un)determined Experiments.Thomas Mormann - manuscript
    The general aim of this paper is to introduce some ideas of the theory of infinite topological games into the philosophical debate on supertasks. First, we discuss the elementary aspects of some infinite topological games, among them the Banach-Mazur game.Then it is shown that the Banach-Mazur game may be conceived as a Newtonian supertask.In section 4 we propose to conceive physical experiments as infinite games. This leads to the distinction between determined and undetermined experiments and the problem of how (...)
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    Tree-like constructions in topology and modal logic.G. Bezhanishvili, N. Bezhanishvili, J. Lucero-Bryan & J. van Mill - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (3):265-299.
    Within ZFC, we develop a general technique to topologize trees that provides a uniform approach to topological completeness results in modal logic with respect to zero-dimensional Hausdorff spaces. Embeddings of these spaces into well-known extremally disconnected spaces then gives new completeness results for logics extending S4.2.
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    Topological supervenience: A mathematical framework for exploring supervenience.David Robson - 2016 - Synthese 193 (9).
    This paper sets out some new skeleton mathematically-couched models for dealing with supervenience in some, if not all, its many guises. Our models are based around a naïve invocation of a ‘topology’ induced on object sets by property sets. We have two aims: one is to provide an overview of supervenience with enough rigour and detail to act as a self-contained introduction to the subject; and the other is to set out our new approach—but without getting too bogged down (...)
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    Topological dynamics of definable group actions.Ludomir Newelski - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (1):50-72.
    We interpret the basic notions of topological dynamics in the model-theoretic setting, relating them to generic types of definable group actions and their generalizations.
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