Results for 'General Models'

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  1.  24
    A General Model of Dissonance Reduction: Unifying Past Accounts via an Emotion Regulation Perspective.Sebastian Cancino-Montecinos, Fredrik Björklund & Torun Lindholm - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cognitive dissonance has been studied for more than sixty years and many insightful findings have come from this research. However, some important theoretical and methodological issues are yet to be resolved, particularly regarding dissonance reduction. In this paper, we place dissonance theory in the larger framework of appraisal theories of emotion, emotion regulation, and coping. The basic premise of dissonance theory is that people experience negative affect (to varying degrees) following the detection of cognitive conflict. The individual will be motivated (...)
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    A General Model of Neutrosophic Ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras Based on Neutrosophic Points.Hashem Bordbar, Rajab Ali Borzooei, Florentin Smarandache & Young Bae Jun - 2021 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 50 (3):355-371.
    More general form of -neutrosophic ideal is introduced, and their properties are investigated. Relations between -neutrosophic ideal and )-neutrosophic ideal are discussed. Characterizations of )-neutrosophic ideal are discussed, and conditions for a neutrosophic set to be an )-neutrosophic ideal are displayed.
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    A general model completeness result for expansions of the real ordered field.Steve Maxwell - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 95 (1-3):185-227.
    We approach the subject of o-minimality from the point of view of tame systems, following the work of Charbonnel and Wilkie. This gives some general sufficient conditions for a system to be model complete and o-minimal. We are then able to obtain the following generalisation of a recent result of Gabrielov : A polynomially bounded o-minimal expansion of the real ordered field by a collection of restricted C∝ functions, which is closed under partial differentiation, is model complete.
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    A General Model of and Lineage-Specific Ground Plans for Animal Consciousness.Daichi G. Suzuki - 2022 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 31:5-29.
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    A general model framework for multisymbol number comparison.Stefan Huber, Hans-Christoph Nuerk, Klaus Willmes & Korbinian Moeller - 2016 - Psychological Review 123 (6):667-695.
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  6. A general model of a group search procedure, applied to epistemic democracy.Christopher Thompson - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1233-1252.
    The standard epistemic justification for inclusiveness in political decision making is the Condorcet Jury Theorem, which states that the probability of a correct decision using majority rule increases in group size (given certain assumptions). Informally, majority rule acts as a mechanism to pool the information contained in the judgements of individual agents. I aim to extend the explanation of how groups of political agents track the truth. Before agents can pool the information, they first need to find truth-conducive information. Increasing (...)
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  7.  52
    General Models and Entailment Semantics for Independence Logic.Pietro Galliani - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (2):253-275.
    We develop a semantics for independence logic with respect to what we will call general models. We then introduce a simpler entailment semantics for the same logic, and we reduce the validity problem in the former to the validity problem in the latter. Then we build a proof system for independence logic and prove its soundness and completeness with respect to entailment semantics.
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    General models of set theory.Thomas P. Wilson - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (1):36-44.
  9.  20
    A general modelling method for functionally graded materials with an arbitrarily oriented crack.Zhihai Wang, Licheng Guo & Li Zhang - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (8):764-791.
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    A Generalized Model for Predicting Postcompletion Errors.Raj M. Ratwani & J. Gregory Trafton - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):154-167.
    A postcompletion error is a type of procedural error that occurs after the main goal of a task has been accomplished. There is a strong theoretical foundation accounting for postcompletion errors (Altmann & Trafton, 2002; Byrne & Bovair, 1997). This theoretical foundation has been leveraged to develop a logistic regression model of postcompletion errors based on reaction time and eye movement measures (Ratwani, McCurry, & Trafton, 2008). This study further develops and extends this predictive model by (a) validating the model (...)
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  11.  40
    A general model of consensus and accuracy in interpersonal perception.David A. Kenny - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (2):155-163.
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    The Cybernetic “General Model Theory”: Unifying Science or Epistemic Change?Barbara E. Hof - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (1):76-96.
    "The term 'model' has become fashionable". What Mary Hesse characterized in the mid-1960s as a trend in logic, mathematics, and the natural sciences, applies today in general for a broad spectrum of disciplines. Today models appear to be of "extraordinary importance" compared to the first half of the twentieth century, when models were neither mentioned nor contemplated, either generally in scientific publications or specifically in the philosophy of science. It is even assumed that models are "the (...)
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  13.  95
    General models and extensionality.Peter B. Andrews - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):395-397.
  14.  56
    A General Model for the Adaptive Function of Self-Knowledge in Animals and Humans.Sue Taylor Parker - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):75-86.
    This article offers a general definition of self-knowledge that embraces all forms and levels of self-knowledge in animals and humans. It is hypothesized that various levels of self-knowledge constitute an ordinal scale such that each species in a lineage displays the forms of self-knowledge found in related species as well as new forms it and its sister species may have evolved. Likewise, it is hypothesized that these various forms of levels of self-knowledge develop in the sequence in which they (...)
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  15.  82
    General models, descriptions, and choice in type theory.Peter B. Andrews - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):385-394.
  16. A generalized model of judgment and preference aggregation.Ismat Beg - 2013 - Fuzzy Economic Review (1).
  17.  21
    Turing systems: a general model for complex patterns in nature.R. A. Barrio - 2008 - In World Scientific, Physics of Emergence and Organization. pp. 267.
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    Categoricity and generalized model completeness.G. Ahlbrandt & John T. Baldwin - 1988 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 27 (1):1-4.
  19.  24
    A general model for hydrogen trapping at the inclusion-matrix interface and its relation to crack initiation.W. Qin & J. A. Szpunar - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (34):3296-3316.
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  20.  29
    A general model and thresholds for random constraint satisfaction problems.Yun Fan, Jing Shen & Ke Xu - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 193 (C):1-17.
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  21.  59
    Towards a general model of applying science.Rens Bod - 2006 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 20 (1):5 – 25.
    How is scientific knowledge used, adapted, and extended in deriving phenomena and real-world systems? This paper aims at developing a general account of 'applying science' within the exemplar-based framework of Data-Oriented Processing (DOP), which is also known as Exemplar-Based Explanation (EBE). According to the exemplar-based paradigm, phenomena are explained not by deriving them all the way down from theoretical laws and boundary conditions but by modelling them on previously derived phenomena that function as exemplars. To accomplish this, DOP proposes (...)
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  22.  26
    (1 other version)Constructing a general model of theory dynamics.David Pearce & Veikko Rantala - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (1/2):56-60.
    Though formal metascience has made rapid advances over the past few decades, it has seldom been seen to contribute much to the rational reconstruction of scientic development; for the most part, logical concepts have found application in the synchronic analysis of scientic theories. It should be important, therefore, to consider to what extent diachronic or dynamic aspects of scientic theorizing may also be captured within the connes of a formal metascientic framework, and what tools are best suited for constructing a (...)
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  23.  41
    What are general models about?Alkistis Elliott-Graves - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1–26.
    Models provide scientists with knowledge about target systems. An important group of models are those that are called general. However, what exactly is meant by generality in this context is somewhat unclear. The aim of this paper is to draw out a distinction between two notions of generality that has implications for scientific practice. Some models are general in the sense that they apply to many systems in the world and have many particular targets. Another (...)
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  24. A generalized model companion for a theory of partially ordered fields.Werner Stegbauer - 1979 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 44 (4):643-652.
  25.  19
    Archaeology and Language in the Andes: Some General Models of Change.Colin Renfrew - 2012 - In Renfrew Colin, Archaeology and Language in the Andes. pp. 43.
    This chapter discusses the role of general models for language change and considers four such classes of model. The farming/language dispersal model is a frequent case for language replacement. But problems of chronology frequently obscure the relationships between archaeological and linguistic data.
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  26. Outline of a general model of measurement.Aldo Frigerio, Alessandro Giordani & Luca Mari - 2010 - Synthese 175 (2):123-149.
    Measurement is a process aimed at acquiring and codifying information about properties of empirical entities. In this paper we provide an interpretation of such a process comparing it with what is nowadays considered the standard measurement theory, i.e., representational theory of measurement. It is maintained here that this theory has its own merits but it is incomplete and too abstract, its main weakness being the scant attention reserved to the empirical side of measurement, i.e., to measurement systems and to the (...)
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    Regulation during challenge: A general model of learned performance under schedule constraint.Stephen J. Hanson & William Timberlake - 1983 - Psychological Review 90 (3):261-282.
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  28.  75
    HYPER-REF: A General Model of Reference for First-Order Logic and First-Order Arithmetic.Pablo Rivas-Robledo - 2022 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):179-205.
    In this article I present HYPER-REF, a model to determine the referent of any given expression in First-Order Logic. I also explain how this model can be used to determine the referent of a first-order theory such as First-Order Arithmetic. By reference or referent I mean the non-empty set of objects that the syntactical terms of a well-formed formula pick out given a particular interpretation of the language. To do so, I will first draw on previous work to make explicit (...)
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  29.  50
    Crossing boundaries: toward a general model of neuroaesthetics.Manuela Maria Marin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156097.
  30.  32
    Hyperbolic value addition and general models of animal choice.James E. Mazur - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (1):96-112.
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  31.  16
    Generating and generalizing models of visual objects.Jonathan H. Connell & Michael Brady - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 31 (2):159-183.
  32.  99
    Genetic and reproductive technologies in the light of religious dialogue.Stephen M. Modell - 2007 - Zygon 42 (1):163-182.
    Abstract.Since the gene splicing debates of the 1980s, the public has been exposed to an ongoing sequence of genetic and reproductive technologies. Many issue areas have outcomes that lose track of people's inner values or engender opposing religious viewpoints defying final resolution. This essay relocates the discussion of what is an acceptable application from the individual to the societal level, examining technologies that stand to address large numbers of people and thus call for policy resolution, rather than individual fiat, in (...)
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  33.  39
    Selection in operant learning may fit a general model.Julian C. Leslie - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):542-543.
    The generic account of selection proposed by Hull et al. readily fits operant learning where, by comparison with natural selection, the process is well understood but little is known about the mechanism. Objections within psychology, that operant learning ignores internal processes, fail to recognise the general significance of behaviour-environment interactions. Variation within operant response classes requires further investigation.
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    Homeostatic theory of drug tolerance: A general model of physiological adaptation.Constantine X. Poulos & Howard Cappell - 1991 - Psychological Review 98 (3):390-408.
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    Knowledge acquisition and asymmetry between language comprehension and production: Dolphins and apes as general models for animals.Louis M. Herman & Steven N. Austad - 1996 - In Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson, Readings in Animal Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 289--306.
  36.  33
    A Conceptual Approach to Complex Model Management with Generalized Modelling Patterns and Evolutionary Identification.Sergey V. Kovalchuk, Oleg G. Metsker, Anastasia A. Funkner, Ilia O. Kisliakovskii, Nikolay O. Nikitin, Anna V. Kalyuzhnaya, Danila A. Vaganov & Klavdiya O. Bochenina - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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  37.  98
    Pleasure as a sign you can attend to something else: Placing positive feelings within a general model of affect.Charles Carver - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (2):241-261.
  38. The “meddling-in” of affective information: A general model of automatic evaluation effects.Dirk Wentura & Klaus Rothermund - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 51--86.
  39. Causality: Models, reasoning and inference.Christopher Hitchcock - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (4):639-641.
    book reveiw van boek met gelijknamige titel van Judea Pearl.
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  40. Optimal-design models and the strategy of model building in evolutionary biology.John Beatty - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (4):532-561.
    The prevalence of optimality models in the literature of evolutionary biology is testimony to their popularity and importance. Evolutionary biologist R. C. Lewontin, whose criticisms of optimality models are considered here, reflects that "optimality arguments have become extremely popular in the last fifteen years, and at present represent the dominant mode of thought." Although optimality models have received little attention in the philosophical literature, these models are very interesting from a philosophical point of view. As will (...)
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  41.  24
    Rational Models of Cognition.Mike Oaksford & Nick Chater (eds.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores a new approach to understanding the human mind - rational analysis - that regards thinking as a facility adapted to the structure of the world. This approach is most closely associated with the work of John R Anderson, who published the original book on rational analysis in 1990. Since then, a great deal of work has been carried out in a number of laboratories around the world, and the aim of this book is to bring this work (...)
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  42. Examining Phronesis Models with Evidence from the Neuroscience of Morality Focusing on Brain Networks.Hyemin Han - forthcoming - Topoi:1-13.
    In this paper, I examined whether evidence from the neuroscience of morality supports the standard models of phronesis, i.e., Jubilee and Aretai Centre Models. The standard models explain phronesis as a multifaceted construct based on interaction and coordination among functional components. I reviewed recent neuroscience studies focusing on brain networks associated with morality and their connectivity to examine the validity of the models. Simultaneously, I discussed whether the evidence helps the models address challenges, particularly those (...)
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  43.  28
    Three Model-Theoretic Constructions for Generalized Epstein Semantics.Krzysztof A. Krawczyk - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):1023-1032.
    This paper introduces three model-theoretic constructions for generalized Epstein semantics: reducts, ultramodels and $\textsf {S}$ -sets. We apply these notions to obtain metatheoretical results. We prove connective inexpressibility by means of a reduct, compactness by an ultramodel and definability theorem which states that a set of generalized Epstein models is definable iff it is closed under ultramodels and $\textsf {S}$ -sets. Furthermore, a corollary concerning definability of a set of models by a single formula is given on the (...)
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  44. The fiction view of models reloaded.Roman Frigg & James Nguyen - 2016 - The Monist 99 (3):225-242.
    In this paper we explore the constraints that our preferred account of scientific representation places on the ontology of scientific models. Pace the Direct Representation view associated with Arnon Levy and Adam Toon we argue that scientific models should be thought of as imagined systems, and clarify the relationship between imagination and representation.
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    Generalized Bayesian Inference Nets Model and Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases.Jiayi Dou, Mingchui Dong & Booma Devi Sekar - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (3):209-225.
    A generalized Bayesian inference nets model is proposed to aid researchers to construct Bayesian inference nets for various applications. The benefit of such a model is well demonstrated by applying GBINM in constructing a hierarchical Bayesian fuzzy inference nets to diagnose five important types of cardiovascular diseases. The patients' medical records with doctors' confirmed diagnostic results obtained from two hospitals in China are used to design and verify HBFIN. Bayesian theorem is used to calculate the propagation of probability and address (...)
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  46.  61
    The generality of scientific models: a measure theoretic approach.Cory Travers Lewis & Christopher Belanger - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):269-285.
    Scientific models are often said to be more or less general depending on how many cases they cover. In this paper we argue that the cardinality of cases is insufficient as a metric of generality, and we present a novel account based on measure theory. This account overcomes several problems with the cardinality approach, and additionally provides some insight into the nature of assessments of generality. Specifically, measure theory affords a natural and quantitative way of describing local spaces (...)
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  47.  34
    Models and representation.Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti - 2017 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Tommaso Bertolotti, Springer Handbook of Model-Based Science. Springer.
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  48.  92
    Do Large Language Models Hallucinate Electric Fata Morganas?Kristina Šekrst - forthcoming - Journal of Consciousness Studies.
    This paper explores the intersection of AI hallucinations and the question of AI consciousness, examining whether the erroneous outputs generated by large language models (LLMs) could be mistaken for signs of emergent intelligence. AI hallucinations, which are false or unverifiable statements produced by LLMs, raise significant philosophical and ethical concerns. While these hallucinations may appear as data anomalies, they challenge our ability to discern whether LLMs are merely sophisticated simulators of intelligence or could develop genuine cognitive processes. By analyzing (...)
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  49. Beyond dual-process models: A categorisation of processes underlying intuitive judgement and decision making.Cilia Witteman & Andreas Glöckner - 2010 - Thinking and Reasoning 16 (1):1-25.
    Intuitive-automatic processes are crucial for making judgements and decisions. The fascinating complexity of these processes has attracted many decision researchers, prompting them to start investigating intuition empirically and to develop numerous models. Dual-process models assume a clear distinction between intuitive and deliberate processes but provide no further differentiation within both categories. We go beyond these models and argue that intuition is not a homogeneous concept, but a label used for different cognitive mechanisms. We suggest that these mechanisms (...)
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  50.  98
    Generative AI models should include detection mechanisms as a condition for public release.Alistair Knott, Dino Pedreschi, Raja Chatila, Tapabrata Chakraborti, Susan Leavy, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, David Eyers, Andrew Trotman, Paul D. Teal, Przemyslaw Biecek, Stuart Russell & Yoshua Bengio - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-7.
    The new wave of ‘foundation models’—general-purpose generative AI models, for production of text (e.g., ChatGPT) or images (e.g., MidJourney)—represent a dramatic advance in the state of the art for AI. But their use also introduces a range of new risks, which has prompted an ongoing conversation about possible regulatory mechanisms. Here we propose a specific principle that should be incorporated into legislation: that any organization developing a foundation model intended for public use must demonstrate a reliable detection (...)
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