  1.  27
    Zum Fichte-Bild im Marburger Neukantianismus.Geert Edel - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 37:15-31.
  2. The Hypothesis of the Basic Norm: Hans Kelsen and Hermann Cohen.Geert Edel - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson (ed.), Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 195--219.
    This chapter first considers the most important of Kelsen's own express statements of a connection between his legal theory and the philosophy of Cohen. It then argues that Cohen's interpretations of Kant as well as his own ‘System of Philosophy’ actually differ profoundly from the historical Kant, thus showing the key theorem of Cohen's system to be not Kantian in origin but Platonic. Finally, the chapter considers the centrepiece of Kelsen's theory, the doctrine of the basic norm. It shows that (...)
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    Hypothesis versus linguistic turn: zur Kritik der sprachanalytischen Philosophie.Geert Edel - 2010 - Waldkirch: Edition Gorz, Fachverlag für Geisteswissenschaften.
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