Results for 'Gavin Millar'

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    A Theory of Content and Other Essays.Alan Millar - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (168):367-372.
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    The Logic of God Incarnate.Alan Millar - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 39 (155):245-247.
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    Reasons and experience.Alan Millar - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Millar argues against the tendency in current philosophical thought to treat sensory experiences as a peculiar species of propositional attitude. While allowing that experiences may in some sense bear propositional content, he presents a view of sensory experiences as a species of psychological state. A key theme in his general approach is that justified belief results from the competent exercise of conceptual capacities, some of which involve an ability to respond appropriately to current experience. In working out this approach (...)
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  4. I—Alan Millar: Why Knowledge Matters.Alan Millar - 2011 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85 (1):63-81.
    An explanation is given of why it is in the nature of inquiry into whether or not p that its aim is fully achieved only if one comes to know that p or to know that not-p and, further, comes to know how one knows, either way. In the absence of the latter one is in no position to take the inquiry to be successfully completed or to vouch for the truth of the matter in hand. An upshot is that (...)
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    Is it Reasonable to Believe in God?A. Millar - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (142):103-105.
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    Locating a geography of nursing: Space, place and the progress of geographical thought.Gavin J. Andrews BA PhD - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (3):231–248.
  7.  66
    A practical philosophy of complex climate modelling.Gavin A. Schmidt & Steven Sherwood - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (2):149-169.
    We give an overview of the practice of developing and using complex climate models, as seen from experiences in a major climate modelling center and through participation in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. We discuss the construction and calibration of models; their evaluation, especially through use of out-of-sample tests; and their exploitation in multi-model ensembles to identify biases and make predictions. We stress that adequacy or utility of climate models is best assessed via their skill against more naïve predictions. The (...)
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  8. Understanding People: Normativity and Rationalizing Explanation.Alan Millar - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Alan Millar examines our understanding of why people think and act as they do. His key theme is that normative considerations form an indispensable part of the explanatory framework which we use to understand each other. Millar offers illuminating discussions of reasons for belief and reasons for action, the explanation of beliefs and actions in terms of the subject's reasons, the idea that simulation has a key role in understanding people, and the limits of explanation in terms of (...)
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    ‘Lose weight, save the NHS’: Discourses of obesity in press coverage of COVID-19.Gavin Brookes - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (6):629-647.
    This article examines the discourses that are used by the British press to represent obesity in its coverage of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Obesity is understood to be a risk factor for COVID-19, with people with obesity being more likely to die from the virus. This study adopts a corpus-based approach to Critical Discourse Studies and utilises a novel approach to keyword analysis, based on comparing analysis corpora against two reference corpora in order to yield keywords that are, in this (...)
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  10. Perception, Knowledge and Belief: Selected Essays.Alan Millar - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):389-392.
  11. Generative AI, Specific Moral Values: A Closer Look at ChatGPT’s New Ethical Implications for Medical AI.Gavin Victor, Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon & Vardit Ravitsky - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):65-68.
    Cohen’s (2023) mapping exercise of possible bioethical issues emerging from the use of ChatGPT in medicine provides an informative, useful, and thought-provoking trigger for discussions of AI ethic...
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    Anslem's pursuit of joy: a commentary on the Proslogion.Gavin R. Ortlund - 2020 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    By means of a chapter-by-chapter textual analysis of the Proslogion, Ortlund makes the case that Anselm's goal, far more than an argument for God's existence, is a meditation on God as the chief happiness of the human soul.
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  13. Perceptual-recognitional abilities and perceptual knowledge.Alan Millar - 2008 - In Adrian Haddock & Fiona Macpherson, Disjunctivism: perception, action, knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 330--47.
    A conception of recognitional abilities and perceptual-discriminative abilities is deployed to make sense of how perceptual experiences enable us to make cognitive contact with objects and facts. It is argued that accepting the emerging view does not commit us to thinking that perceptual experiences are essentially relational, as they are conceived to be in disjunctivist theories. The discussion explores some implications for the theory of knowledge in general and, in particular, for the issue of how we can shed light on (...)
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  14.  22
    : British scientists and the concept of in the inter-war period.Gavin Schaffer - 2005 - British Journal for the History of Science 38 (3):307.
    Historians of science have often presented the inter-war period as a time when British scientific communities radically questioned existing scholarship on ‘race’. The ascendancy of genetics, and the perceived need to challenge Nazi ‘racial’ theory have been highlighted as pivotal issues in shaping this British revision of ‘racial’ ideas. This article offers a detailed analysis of British scientific thinking in the inter-war period. It questions whether historians have exaggerated or oversimplified the prevalence of anti-‘racial’ reform. It uses a wide range (...)
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    The Trouble with Theory: The Educational Costs of Postmodernism.Gavin Kitching - 2008 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In the wake of two decades in which postmodern theory has become very popular in university humanities and social science departments around the world, Gavin Kitching claims that postmodernism is causing harm to students intellectually. Postmodern theory has engaged the hearts and heads of the brightest students because of its apparent political and social radicalism. Yet Kitching writes: “At the heart of postmodernism is very poor, deeply confused, and misbegotten philosophy. As a result even the very best students who (...)
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  16. The Cambridge History of Later Latin Literature, eds Gavin Kelly and Aaron Pelttari, Cambridge: CUP, forthcoming.Gavin Kelly (ed.) - forthcoming
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    The Attlee and Churchill administrations and industrial relations, 1945–1955: A study in consensus.Gavin Drewry - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (3):446-447.
  18.  23
    Orality-if anything, Imagination, resistance in dialogue with the discourse of the historical ‘Other’.Gavin P. Hendricks - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):12.
    South Africa has a long history of orality deeply embedded in the archival memory of the ‘Other’ or the history of the poor and oppressed. Their untold stories, undocumented histories with displacing identities are how the historical ‘Other’ has been perceived by colonialism and the apartheid regime. The ‘Other’ or primary oral communities in the context of this article can be seen by a name, a face and a particular identity, namely, indigenous people. This article will engage the work of (...)
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    Vagueness untamed, or naming the unnameable.William J. Gavin - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (3):313-320.
  20.  51
    What makes Big Data, Big Data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets.Gavin McArdle & Rob Kitchin - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    Big Data has been variously defined in the literature. In the main, definitions suggest that Big Data possess a suite of key traits: volume, velocity and variety, but also exhaustivity, resolution, indexicality, relationality, extensionality and scalability. However, these definitions lack ontological clarity, with the term acting as an amorphous, catch-all label for a wide selection of data. In this paper, we consider the question ‘what makes Big Data, Big Data?’, applying Kitchin’s taxonomy of seven Big Data traits to 26 datasets (...)
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  21. The scope of perceptual knowledge.Alan Millar - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (291):73-88.
    Plausibly perceptual knowledge satisfies the following: It is knowledge about things from the way they appear. It can embrace more than the way things appear. It is phenomenologically immediate and thus, in one sense, non-inferential. and place a significant constraint on adequate elucidations of . Knowledge about an object, from the way it looks, which embraces more than the way it looks, should not turn out to be inferential in the relevant sense. The paper shows how this constraint can be (...)
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  22.  22
    Poststructuralist Agency: The Subject in Twentieth-Century Theory.Gavin Rae - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Gavin Rae shows that the problematic status of agency caused by the poststructuralist decentring of the subject is a central concern for poststructuralist thinkers. He shows how this plays out in the thinking of Deleuze, Derrida and Foucault, and find the best explanation of agency for the founded subject in the work of Castoriadis.
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    Contemplating Suicide: The Language and Ethics of Self Harm.Gavin Fairbairn & David J. Mayo - 1995 - Bioethics 10 (4):350-352.
    Suicide is devastating. It is an assault on our ideas of what living is about. In Contemplating Suicide Gavin Fairbairn takes fresh look at suicidal self harm. His view is distinctive in not emphasising external facts: the presence or absence of a corpse, along with evidence that the person who has become a corpse, intended to do so. It emphasises the intentions that the person had in acting, rather than the consequences that follow from those actions. Much of the (...)
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    Including pride and its group-based, relational, and contextual features in theories of contempt.Gavin Brent Sullivan - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Agent-Regret in Healthcare.Gavin Enck & Beth Condley - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):6-20.
    For healthcare professionals and organizations, there is an emphasis on addressing moral distress and compassion fatigue among clinicians. While addressing these issues is vital, this paper suggests that the philosophical concept of agent-regret is a relevant but overlooked issue in healthcare. To experience agent-regret is to regret your harmful but not wrongful actions. This person’s action results in someone being killed or significantly injured, but it was ethically faultless. Despite being faultless, agent-regret is an emotional response concerning one’s agency in (...)
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  26. Mad Square.Gavin Keeney - manuscript
    Review of “The Mad Square: Modernity in German Art 1910-37”, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, November 25, 2011-March 4, 2012. A version of this essay appeared in the Appendices of Gavin Keeney, Not-I/Thou: The Other Subject of Art and Architecture (CSP, 2014), pp. 153-57.
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  27. Aristotle and the ideal life.Gavin Lawrence - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (1):1-34.
  28. The Dead Sea Scrolls.Millar Burrows - 1955
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  29. What the disjunctivist is right about.Alan Millar - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 74 (1):176-199.
    There is a traditional conception of sensory experience on which the experiences one has looking at, say, a cat could be had by someone merely hallucinating a cat. Disjunctivists take issue with this conception on the grounds that it does not enable us to understand how perceptual knowledge is possible. In particular, they think, it does not explain how it can be that experiences gained in perception enable us to be in ‘cognitive contact’ with objects and facts. I develop this (...)
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    Founders of Great Religions.Millar Burrows - 1932 - The Monist 42 (4):637-637.
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    Why God makes sense in a world that doesn't: the beauty of Christian theism.Gavin Ortlund - 2021 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
    This winsome and accessible apologetics book for a new generation makes the case that Christianity offers a compelling explanatory framework for making sense of our world.
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    Surrealism and Quantum Mechanics: Dispersal and Fragmentation in Art, Life, and Physics.Gavin Parkinson - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (4):557-577.
    ArgumentBy the time the members of the Surrealist group had fled Paris and dispersed at the beginning of World War II, they had taken account of quantum mechanics and were seeking various ways of assimilating its findings into Surrealist theory. This can be detected in writings issuing from the Surrealist milieu as early as the late 1920s. However, while writers and thinkers outside the field of physics swiftly expressed their awareness of the epistemological crisis brought about by quantum mechanics, Surrealism's (...)
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    Maturity Model for Enterprise Content Management.Gavin Tay & Kenneth Chin - 2011 - Analysis.
    Organizations need enterprise content management (ECM) to play a more important role in business initiatives as video, social networking, analytics and other trends place greater demands on ECM applications. Gartner has revised its Maturity Model for ECM to reflect these new demands. Enterprise architects, information managers and leaders of ECM initiatives can use the model to assess where their organization is today and what level of maturity it must reach to achieve its business goals. Key Findings Gartner's Maturity Model for (...)
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    C. Oppius on Julius Caesar.Gavin B. Townend - 1987 - American Journal of Philology 108 (2).
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    The Date of Composition of Suetonius' Caesares.Gavin Townend - 1959 - Classical Quarterly 9 (3-4):285-.
    The only external evidence we have of the date of publication of Suetonius' Caesares is the statement of Iohannes Lydus that it contained a dedication to Septicius Clarus as praetorian prefect—a statement, incidentally, which is related to the correct nomenclature of the office, and not in any way to the persons concerned. This dedication, lost along with the opening chapters of Iulius, must accordingly have been made some time during the years 119–22, before Septicius and Suetonius were dismissed from their (...)
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    Psychiatric Penguins.Gavin Miller - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (4):76-101.
    The British mass-market publisher Penguin produced a number of texts on psychiatric topics in the period c.1950– c.1980. Investigation of editorial files relating to a sample of these volumes reveals that they were shaped as much by the commercial imperatives and changing aspirations of the publisher as by developments and debates in psychiatry itself. A number of economic imperatives influenced the publishing process, including the perennial difficulty in finding psychiatrists willing and able to enter the popular book market; the economic (...)
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    The influence of intention, outcome and question-wording on children’s and adults’ moral judgments.Gavin Nobes, Georgia Panagiotaki & Kimberley J. Bartholomew - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):190-204.
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    Agent-Regret in Healthcare.Gavin Enck & Beth Condley - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):6-20.
    For healthcare professionals and organizations, there is an emphasis on addressing moral distress and compassion fatigue among clinicians. While addressing these issues is vital, this paper suggests that the philosophical concept of agent-regret is a relevant but overlooked issue in healthcare. To experience agent-regret is to regret your harmful but not wrongful actions. This person’s action results in someone being killed or significantly injured, but it was ethically faultless. Despite being faultless, agent-regret is an emotional response concerning one’s agency in (...)
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  39. Disjunctivism and skepticism.Alan Millar - unknown
    The paper explains what disjunctivism is and explores its implications for skepticism. Following an account of Paul Snowdon’s conception of a disjunctivist account of perceptual experience the the focus is on how disjunctivism has figured in the epistemological work of John McDowell. A conception of recognitional abilities is deployed to expand on McDowell’s position. Finally, there is consideration of whether McDowell offers a satisfactory response to skepticism, taking account of criticism’s made by Crispin Wright.
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  40. The Co-Operative and the Corporation: Competing Visions of the Future of Fair Trade.Gavin Fridell - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):81 - 95.
    This paper provides an analysis of the fair trade network in the North through a comparative assessment of two distinctly different fair trade certified roasters: Planet Bean, a worker-owned co-operative in Guelph, Ontario; and Starbucks Coffee Company, the world's largest specialty roaster. The two organizations are assessed on the basis of their distinct visions of the fair trade mission and their understandings of "consumer sovereignty". It is concluded that the objectives of Planet Bean are more compatible with the moral mission (...)
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  41. Akrasia and Clear-eyed Akrasia in Nicomachean Ethics 7.Gavin Lawrence - 1988 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 6:77-106.
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    Archaeological Stratigraphy and the Bifurcation of Time: Solido intra solidum.Gavin Lucas - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (2):95-109.
    The goal of this paper is to explore the ways solidity and fluidity have been articulated in relation to understandings of time and the archaeological record. It reflects on the paradox that led the 17th-century Danish scholar Nicholas Steno to write one of the first discourses on stratigraphy: how can solid objects (such as fossils) occur within other solid objects (rock)? His dissertation ( De solido intra solidum naturalitur contento, 1669) offered the simple solution: the containing solid was once a (...)
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    Religion and the philosophy of life.Gavin D. Flood - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Religion and the Philosophy of Life considers how religion as the source of civilization transforms the fundamental bio-sociology of humans through language and the somatic exploration of religious ritual and prayer. Gavin Flood offers an integrative account of the nature of the human, based on what contemporary scientists tell us, especially evolutionary science and social neuroscience, as well as through the history of civilizations. Part one contemplates fundamental questions and assumptions: what the current state of knowledge is concerning life (...)
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  44. The phenomenological directness of perceptual experience.Boyd Millar - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 170 (2):235-253.
    When you have a perceptual experience of a given physical object that object seems to be immediately present to you in a way it never does when you consciously think about or imagine it. Many philosophers have claimed that naïve realism (the view that to perceive is to stand in a primitive relation of acquaintance to the world) can provide a satisfying account of this phenomenological directness of perceptual experience while the content view (the view that to perceive is to (...)
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  45. Concepts, experience, and inference.Alan Millar - 1991 - Mind 100 (399):495-505.
  46. Another resonance : Africa and the study of sound.Gavin Steingo - 2019 - In Gavin Steingo & Jim Sykes, Remapping sound studies. Durham: Duke University Press.
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  47. The Metaphysics of Beauty.Gavin McIntosh - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):221-226.
  48.  23
    Thomas of Monmouth: Detector of Ritual Murder.Gavin I. Langmuir - 1984 - Speculum 59 (4):820-846.
    The detective story in which the investigator is an amateur without official standing is a peculiarly English genre. Perhaps the earliest example, telling of an investigation that was pursued unofficially by an individual who arrived on the scene after the crime, disagreed with the official stand, pursued his own investigation, and reported the results, is “The Life and Passion of Saint William the Martyr of Norwich,” which Thomas of Monmouth started in 1149/50 and completed in 1172/73. Book 1 of theLife, (...)
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    Fantasies of Participation: The Situationist Imaginary of New Forms of Labour in Art and Politics.Gavin Grindon - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (49).
    The Situationist International have become a canonical reference point when discussing artists’ participation in political action or activism. This article attempts to decentre the SI from this position, by tracing their theories and representations of political agency and labour. I argue that their notion of agency is deeply conflicted, epitomized by the dual invocations ‘never work/all power to the workers’ councils. I examine how the SI’s representations of agency betray an attraction to and fascination with 1960s reactionary fantasies around brainwashing, (...)
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    The politics of algorithmic governance in the black box city.Gavin J. D. Smith - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Everyday surveillance work is increasingly performed by non-human algorithms. These entities can be conceptualised as machinic flâneurs that engage in distanciated flânerie: subjecting urban flows to a dispassionate, calculative and expansive gaze. This paper provides some theoretical reflections on the nascent forms of algorithmic practice materialising in two Australian cities, and some of their implications for urban relations and social justice. It looks at the idealisation – and operational black boxing – of automated watching programs, before considering their impacts on (...)
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