Harold Garfinkel [12]Alan Garfinkel [3]Michele S. Garfinkel [2]H. Garfinkel [2]
Yosef Garfinkel [2]Sarah N. Garfinkel [2]Sarah Garfinkel [1]Michele Garfinkel [1]

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  1. I.1 The Work of a Discovering Science Construed with Materials from the Optically Discovered Pulsar.Harold Garfinkel - 1981 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 11 (2):131-158.
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  2. Forms of Explanation: Rethinking the Questions in Social Theory.Alan Garfinkel - 1982 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 33 (4):438-441.
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    Ethnomethodological Misreading of Aron Gurwitsch on the Phenomenal Field.Harold Garfinkel - 2021 - Human Studies 44 (1):19-42.
    During the 1992–1993 academic year, Harold Garfinkel offered a graduate seminar on Ethnomethodology in the Sociology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. One topic that was given extensive coverage in the seminar has not been discussed at much length in Garfinkel’s published works to date: Aron Gurwitsch’s treatment of Gestalt theory, and particularly the themes of “phenomenal field” and “praxeological description”. The edited transcript of Garfinkel’s seminar shows why he recommended that “for the serious initiatives of ethnomethodological investigations (...)
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  4. Evidence for locally produced, naturally accountable phenomena of order, logic, reason, meaning, method, etc. In and as of the essential quiddity of immortal ordinary society, (I of IV): An announcement of studies.Harold Garfinkel - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):103-109.
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    More Studies in Ethnomethodology.Kenneth Liberman & Harold Garfinkel - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    Phenomenological analyses of the orderliness of naturally occurring collaboration.
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  6. What makes a theory of consciousness unscientific?Michal Klincewicz, Tony Cheng, Joel Snyder, Michael Schmitz, Miguel Angel Sebastian, Derek H. Arnold, Mark G. Baxter, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Yoshua Bengio, James W. Bisley, Jacob Browning, Dean Buonomano, David Carmel, Marisa Carrasco, Peter Carruthers, Olivia Carter, Dorita H. F. Chang, Ian Charest, Mouslim Cherkaoui, Axel Cleeremans, Michael A. Cohen, Philip R. Corlett, Kalina Christoff, Sam Cumming, Cody A. Cushing, Beatrice de Gelder, Felipe De Brigard, Daniel C. Dennett, Nadine Dijkstra, Paul E. Dux, Adrien Doerig, Stephen M. Fleming, Keith Frankish, Chris D. Frith, Sarah Garfinkel, Melvyn A. Goodale, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Jake R. Hanson, Ran R. Hassin, Michael H. Herzog, Cecilia Heyes, Po-Jang Hsieh, Shao-Min Hung, Robert Kentridge, Tomas Knapen, Nikos Konstantinou, Konrad Kording, Timo L. Kvamme, Sze Chai Kwok, Renzo C. Lanfranco & Hakwan Lau - 2025 - Nature Neuroscience 28 (4):1-5.
    Theories of consciousness have a long and controversial history. One well-known proposal — integrated information theory — has recently been labeled as ‘pseudoscience’, which has caused a heated open debate. Here we discuss the case and argue that the theory is indeed unscientific because its core claims are untestable even in principle.
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    Dialectical Practice in Tibetan Philosophical Culture: An Ethnomethodological Inquiry Into Formal Reasoning.Kenneth Liberman & Harold Garfinkel - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    An accompanying website offers a set of interactive debate tutorials, which include photographs of debates; a guide to the participants; a grammar of Tibetan debating, which includes sample propositions, responses, and strategies; the ethnomethods employed by debaters; videos of illustrative debates, complete with English translations, all analyzed in detail in the book; and an appendix comprising an interactive debate, glossary, manual, and illustrations. Please see www.thdl.org/DebateTutorials/ for this material. -- back cover.
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    Cooperation & Liaison between Universities & Editors (CLUE): recommendations on best practice.Gerrit van Meer, Paul Taylor, Bernd Pulverer, Debra Parrish, Susan King, Lyn Horn, Zoë Hammatt, Chris Graf, Michele Garfinkel, Michael Farthing, Ksenija Bazdaric, Volker Bähr, Sabine Kleinert & Elizabeth Wager - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    BackgroundInaccurate, false or incomplete research publications may mislead readers including researchers and decision-makers. It is therefore important that such problems are identified and rectified promptly. This usually involves collaboration between the research institutions and academic journals involved, but these interactions can be problematic.MethodsThese recommendations were developed following discussions at World Conferences on Research Integrity in 2013 and 2017, and at a specially convened 3-day workshop in 2016 involving participants from 7 countries with expertise in publication ethics and research integrity. The (...)
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    Notes on language games as a source of methods for studying the formal properties of linguistic events1.Harold Garfinkel - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):148-174.
    One of three distinct approaches to his famous ‘Trust’ argument, this paper written by Garfinkel in 1960, and never before published, proposed a rethinking of rules, games and linguistic classifications in interactional terms consistent with Wittgenstein’s language games. Garfinkel had been working in collaboration with Parsons since 1958 to craft an approach to culture that would replace conceptual classification with the constitutive expectancies of interaction and systems of interaction. The argument challenged the work of cultural anthropologists influenced by zoology and (...)
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  10.  94
    Reductionism.Alan Garfinkel - 1991 - In Richard Boyd, Philip Gasper & J. D. Trout, The Philosophy of Science. MIT Press.
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    Parallel path: Poliovirus research in the vaccine era.Michele S. Garfinkel & Daniel Sarewitz - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (3):319-338.
    One goal of the scientific research enterprise is to improve the lives of individuals and the overall health of societies. This goal is achieved through a combination of factors, including the composition of research portfolios. In turn, this composition is determined by a variety of scientific and societal needs. The recent history of polio research highlights the complex relations between research policy, scientific progress and societal benefits. Here, we briefly review the circumstances leading to the possibility of eradication of poliovirus, (...)
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    Shaar Hagolan 1: Neolithic Art in Context.Anna Belfer-Cohen, Yosef Garfinkel & Michele A. Miller - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):872.
  13. Global Warming, Hybrid Technology, and Carbon Emissions.Ian P. Bork, Jonathan Garfinkel & Bruce Lusignan - forthcoming - Ethics.
  14.  17
    Bodily arousal differentially impacts stimulus processing and memory: Norepinephrine in interoception.Hugo D. Critchley & Sarah N. Garfinkel - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Dancing at the Dawn of Agriculture.Geoff Emberling & Yosef Garfinkel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (4):924.
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  16. 194 Name index Fisher, S., 9 Flam, H., 78 Flax, J., 135,136.D. Fellesdal, M. Foucault, M. Frye, S. Fuller, H. G. Gadamer, A. Garfinkel, E. Gellner, L. Gelsthorpe, R. Giallombardo & B. Glaser - 1998 - In Tim May & Malcolm Williams, Knowing the social world. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
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    AIDS and the Soundex code.Simson L. Garfinkel - 1988 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 10 (5):8.
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    Bedingungen für den Erfolg von Degradierungszeremonien.Harold Garfinkel - 2007 - In Hannes Kuch, Sybille Krämer & Steffen K. Herrmann, Verletzende Worte: Die Grammatik Sprachlicher Missachtung. Transcript Verlag. pp. 49-58.
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  19. Cancer statistics and trends.Lawrence Garfinkel - forthcoming - Holleb Ai, Fink Dj, Murphy Gp. American Cancer Society Textbook of Clinical Oncology. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society.
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  20. Laborstudien.H. Garfinkel - 1988 - In Eva-Maria Willert & Gabriele Wosnitza-Spiegelberg, Mikrosoziologische Erklärungen der Wissenschaftsentwicklung und ihre Kritik. Erlangen: Herausgeber, Herstellung und Vertrieb, Institut für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
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    The virtues of chaos.Alan Garfinkel - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (2):178-179.
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    Christian Heath and Paul Luff.H. Sacks & H. Garfinkel - 1996 - In Yrjo Engeström & David Middleton, Cognition and Communication at Work. Cambridge University Press. pp. 96.
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    Avoidant symptoms in PTSD predict fear circuit activation during multimodal fear extinction.Rebecca K. Sripada, Sarah N. Garfinkel & Israel Liberzon - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  24.  57
    Lebenswelt origins of the sciences: Working out Durkheim’s aphorism: Book Two: Workplace and documentary diversity of ethnomethodological studies of work and sciences by ethnomethodology’s authors: What did we do? What did we learn? [REVIEW]Harold Garfinkel - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (1):9-56.
  25. Introduction: The lebenswelt origins of the sciences. [REVIEW]Harold Garfinkel & Kenneth Liberman - 2007 - Human Studies 30 (1):3-7.
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