Results for 'García Barbero'

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  1.  10
    El entretenimiento educativo en las telenovelas.Judith García-Quismondo García - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (1).
    La telenovela es un género dramático y visual, de gran popularidad en países de habla hispana y con una audiencia en amplio crecimiento en otros como Estados Unidos. A pesar del enorme mercado televisivo, y del reconocimiento mediático de sus actores, las producciones de telenovela han sido objeto de una crítica condescendiente y paternalista por muchos académicos, quienes las restringen o bien a ser meros instrumentos para adoctrinar a la sociedad a escapar de sus problemas y conformarse con sus circunstancias (...)
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  2. Fictional singular imaginings.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero - 2010 - In Robin Jeshion (ed.), New Essays on Singular Thought. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 273--299.
    In a series of papers, Robin Jeshion has forcefully criticized both Donnellan's and Evans’ claims on the contingent a priori, and she has developed an “acquaintanceless” account of singular thoughts as an alternative view. Jeshion claims that one can fully grasp a singular thought expressed by a sentence including a proper name, even if its reference has been descriptively fixed and one’s access to the referent is “mediated” by that description. But she still wants to reject “semantic instrumentalism”, the view (...)
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  3. The philosophical significance of the De Se.Manuel García-Carpintero - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (3):253-276.
    Inspired by Castañeda, Perry and Lewis argued that, among singular thoughts in general, thoughts about oneself ‘as oneself’ – first-personal thoughts, which Lewis aptly called de se – call for special treatment: we need to abandon one of two traditional assumptions on the contents needed to provide rationalizing explanations, their shareability or their absoluteness. Their arguments have been very influential; one might take them as establishing a new ‘effect’ – new philosophical evidence in need of being accounted for. This is (...)
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  4. (1 other version)The heart of racism.J. L. A. Garcia - 1996 - Journal of Social Philosophy 27 (1):5-46.
  5. The Pragmatic Realism of Hilary Putnam.Fernando González García - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1):223-242.
    This paper will concentrate mainly on the analysis of some features present in Putnam's internal realism and in his "natural realism" that he shares with the pragmatist thinkers Peirce and James. Following the middle way which Putnam tries to reach between "reactionary metaphysics" and "irresponsible relativism," the first part of the paper deals with what is the positive insight of traditional realism, i. e., the reality of external things as independent from our mind, as it is emphasized by Putnam. It (...)
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    Marginalia: The Literary Independence of Spanish America.Juan Guillermo Gomez Garcia - 2010 - Ideas Y Valores 59 (144):5-27.
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  7. El obispo don Pelayo. Clave para el estudio de la Historia de Asturias.Vicente J. González García - 1979 - El Basilisco 8:72-84.
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  8. From metaphor to image: political emblems of the Baroque.J. M. Gonzales Garcia - 2004 - Filozofia 59 (3-4):185-200.
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    Reseña de "Self-Representational Approaches to Consciousness" de Uriah Kriegel y Kenneth Williford (eds.).Israel Grande-garcía - 2007 - Signos Filosóficos 9 (18):223-230.
  10. The evolution of brain and mind: a nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach.Israel Grande-García - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (27):103-125.
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    Entrepreneurs' Well-Being: A Bibliometric Review.José Carlos Sánchez-García, Gioconda Vargas-Morúa & Brizeida Raquel Hernández-Sánchez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  12. Current Conceptions of Racism: A Critical Examination of Some Recent Social Philosophy.Jorge L. A. Garcia - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (2):5-42.
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    La recepción de la democracia antigua en la filosofía política de Antoni Domènech: el salario social como condición de la libertad republicana.Francisco Vázquez García - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):703-725.
    En este artículo se analiza la posición de El eclipse de la fraternidad, ensayo publicado por Antoni Domènech, en el debate acerca del republicanismo cívico. Para ello se atiende en primer lugar a la recepción, en esa obra, de la democracia ateniense y de la institución del salario para cargos públicos, establecido en Atenas desde la revolución de Efialtes en el 461 a. de C. Este es un elemento nuclear en el argumento del libro. Se sigue así la aparición del (...)
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  14. Is it Possible to Care for Ecosystems? Policy Paralysis and Ecosystem Management.Robert K. Garcia & Jonathan A. Newman - 2016 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 19 (2):170-182.
    Conservationists have two types of arguments for why we should conserve ecosystems: instrumental and intrinsic value arguments. Instrumental arguments contend that we ought to conserve ecosystems because of the benefits that humans, or other morally relevant individuals, derive from ecosystems. Conservationists are often loath to rely too heavily on the instrumental argument because it could potentially force them to admit that some ecosystems are not at all useful to humans, or that if they are, they are not more useful than (...)
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    Limitation of therapeutic effort experienced by intensive care nurses.Juan Francisco Velarde-García, Raquel Luengo-González, Raquel González-Hervías, César Cardenete-Reyes, Beatriz Álvarez-Embarba & Domingo Palacios-Ceña - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (7):867-879.
    Background: Nurses who practice limitation of therapeutic effort become fully involved in emotionally charged situations, which can affect them significantly on an emotional and professional level. Objectives: To describe the experience of intensive care nurses practicing limitation of therapeutic effort. Method: A qualitative, phenomenological study was performed within the intensive care units of the Madrid Hospitals Health Service. Purposeful and snowball sampling methods were used, and data collection methods included semi-structured and unstructured interviews, researcher field notes, and participants’ personal letters. (...)
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    How “Mexican Pathologies” Were Transformed into Objects of Exhibition: Museums of Pathological Anatomy in 19th-Century Mexico.Laura Cházaro-García - 2023 - Centaurus 65 (3):553-575.
    This article analyses how samples of pathological anatomies were transformed into collectible objects in 19th-century Mexico, revealing a process that involved multiple locations and the mixture of the practices of physicians, anthropologists, and amateur collectors. Historiography has focused on the Museo de Anatomía Patológica (Museum of Pathological Anatomy), an institution devoted to the training of medical students created in 1853 at the Escuela Nacional de Medicina (National School of Medicine) in Mexico City. Archival evidence shows that medical collections existed far (...)
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  17. Is God’s Benevolence Impartial?Robert K. Garcia - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):23-30.
    In this paper I consider the intuitive idea that God is fair and does not play favorites. This belief appears to be held by many theists. I will call it the Principle of Impartial Benevolence (PIB) and put it as follows: As much as possible, for all persons, God equally promotes the good and equally prevents the bad. I begin with the conviction that there is a prima facie tension between PIB and the disparity of human suffering. My aim in (...)
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    Application of the Eco-field and General Theory of Resources to Bark Beetles: Beyond the Niche Construction Theory.F. J. Sánchez-García, V. Machado, J. Galián & D. Gallego - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (1):57-73.
    A new approach to landscape ecology involves the application of the eco-field hypothesis and the General Theory of Resources. In this study, we describe the putative eco-field of bark beetles as a spatial configuration with a specific meaning-carrier for every organism-resource interaction. Bark beetles are insects with key roles in matter and energy cycles in coniferous forests, which cause significant changes to forestry landscapes when outbreaks occur. Bark beetles are guided towards host trees by the recognition of semiotic signals using (...)
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    How Do You Think the Victims of Bullying Feel? A Study of Moral Emotions in Primary School.Eva M. Romera, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Sacramento Rodríguez-Barbero & Daniel Falla - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  20. The Social Nature of Kantian Dignity.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:127-139.
    Most scholars describe Kant’s idea of dignity as what I term his “vertical” account—that is, our human dignity insofar as we rise above heteronomous natural inclinations and realize human freedom by obeying the moral law. In this paper, I attempt to supplement this traditional view by exploring Kant’s neglected “horizontal” account of dignity—that is, our human dignity insofar as we exist in relationship with others. First, I examine the negative aspect of this horizontal account of dignity, found in Kant’s discussion (...)
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  21. El New Deal de la cooperación al desarrollo.Cristina García-Orcoyen Tormo - 2009 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 56:80-85.
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    Norms of Presupposition.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero - 2010 - In Erich Rast & Luiz Carlos Baptista (eds.), Meaning and Context. Peter Lang. pp. 2--17.
    This paper provides a normative/prescriptive account of the act of presupposing, and it argues that some presuppositions are conventionally triggered. After providing an initial intuitive characterization of presuppositions, the paper introduces the influential Stalnakerian account, and shows how the well-known practice of informative presupposition puts heavy strain on it. It then explains how a prescriptive account deals well with that problem, and how it accounts for what is known as the Triggering Problem for presuppositions.
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    Filosofía híbrida y vitalismo racional en Canguilhem y Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Vázquez García - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (2):513-541.
    Este artículo explora el problema de la síntesis entre vitalismo y racionalismo, dentro de la filosofía contemporánea. Para ello comparamos las trayectorias intelectuales de Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) y José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). Se contrastan sus concepciones de la filosofía como saber “híbrido”, vinculado a la ciencia, así como sus puntos de vista sobre el vitalismo, la antropología, la técnica y el perspectivismo. Para evitar que la comparación sea puramente abstracta y ahistórica, se recurre al método de la sociología de (...)
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    Human Distributed Cognition from an Organism-in-Its-Environment Perspective.Jaime F. Cárdenas-García & Tim Ireland - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (2):265-278.
    The organism-in-its-environment is recognized as the basic unit of analysis when dealing with living beings. This paper seeks to define the fundamental implications of the concept of the organism-in-its-environment in terms of the biosemiotic concept of human distributed cognition. Human distributed cognition in a biosemiotic context is defined as the ability of a self-referencing organism-in-its-environment to interact with its environment to satisfy its physiological and social needs to survive and sustain itself. The ontogenetic development of the organism-in-its-environment serves as the (...)
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  25. Innatismo y biología: hacia un concepto biológico de lo innato (Innateness and Biology: Towards a Biological Concept of Innateness).Claudia Lorena García - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 20 (2):167-182.
    Aquí argumento que algunas propuestas recientes de caracterizar una noción de lo innato teóricamente útil usando conceptos de la biología padecen serios problemas conceptuales. También defiendo una propuesta propia, de inspiración biológica, la cual pretende capturar las formas en que se usa el término 'innato' en algunas disciplinas cognitivas.
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  26. (1 other version)La recepción española de la epistemología histórica francesa: Gaston Bachelard.Francisco Vázquez García - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (2):303-327.
    La primera recepción española de la obra epistemológica de Gaston Bachelard tuvo lugar en las décadas de 1940 y 1950. José Pemartín y especialmente Carlos París y Roberto Saumells fueron los filósofos españoles más relevantes que leyeron y utilizaron los escritos históricos y epistemológicos de Bachelard. Estos fueron utilizados para respaldar un realismo ontológico más sofisticado pero no incompatible con el realismo escolástico que prevalecía en la filosofía académica española de esa época. En este artículo exploramos el contexto de esta (...)
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    Estudio Antropológico de la Patología de la Amistad Según Laín Entralgo.Victor Manuel Idoate García - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:63-66.
    Lain (antropölogo, filösofo e historiador de la medicina) define como relaciön amistosa una serie de actividades que en esencia son: desear el bien del amigo por el amigo mismo, igualdad entre los amigos, comunalidad y comunicaciön entre los amigos y consideraciön de una relaciön entre personas. De la misma forma establece que una vez producido el encuentro, para que exista la amistad, deben cumplirse una serie de reglas, tales como el respeto, la liberalidad, la franqueza, la imaginaciön y el discernimiento (...)
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    La herencia pragmática de Gottlob Frege y Charles Sanders Peirce.César Augusto Vásquez García - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (111):15.
    El presente artículo muestra cómo los problemas de orden lógico estudiados por Frege y Peirce a finales del siglo XIX devienen en el desarrollo de la filosofía analítica y en la filosofía del lenguaje en el siglo XX. En ese sentido, existe un hilo conductor que articula las propuestas reflexivas de los pragmatistas clásicos con los últimos desarrollos lingüísticos desde la semántica y la pragmalingüística en el marco de las consideraciones sobre los enfoques del lenguaje, entendido este como una red (...)
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    Adversus academicos : las ciencias sociales y el nacimiento del neonietzscheanismo español.Francisco Vázquez García - 2015 - Isegoría 52:117-144.
    En este artículo se trataría de explorar la formación, durante el tardofranquismo, de una vanguardia filosófica caracterizada por la ruptura explícita con el ethos universitario. A partir de un análisis prácticamente exhaustivo de la producción filosófica de Eugenio Trías y de Fernando Savater en el periodo señalado se trata de mostrar la ruptura -total en el caso de Savater y parcial en el caso de Eugenio Trías- operada por estos autores con la filosofía académica, incluidas las alternativas “modernistas” de ésta. (...)
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    BIANCO, Giuseppe: Après Bergson. Portrait de groupe avec philosophe, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2015.Francisco Vázquez García - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 68:162.
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    GALVÁN, Valentín : El evangelio del diablo. Foucault y la “Historia de la Locura”, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2013.Francisco Vázquez García - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:157.
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    Medina doménech, Rosa María: Ciencia Y sabiduría Del Amor. Una historia cultural Del franquismo , madrid/ Frankfurt am main, iberoamericana-vervuert, 2013.Francisco Vázquez García - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 64:172.
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    Protección, limitación y vulneración del ejercicio de derechos fundamentales en la persecución penal.Saúl Uribe García - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (27):173-208.
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    The Process of Info-Autopoiesis – the Source of all Information.Jaime F. Cárdenas-García - 2020 - Biosemiotics 13 (2):199-221.
    All information results from a process, intrinsic to living beings, of info-autopoiesis or information self-production; a sensory commensurable, self-referential feedback process immanent to Bateson’s ‘difference which makes a difference’. To highlight and illustrate the fundamental nature of the info-autopoietic process, initially, two simulations based on one-parameter feedback are presented. The first, simulates a homeostatic control mechanism (thermostat) which is representative of a mechanistic, cybernetic system with very predictable dynamics, fully dependent on an external referent. The second, simulates a homeorhetic process, (...)
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    Seyla Benhabib: The Rights of Others. Aliens, Residents, and Citizens, Yale University Press, Connecticut, 2004.Irene García Aguilera - 2005 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 5:141-143.
  36. Oración y conversión en san Agustín.Jaime García Alvarez - 1988 - Revista Agustiniana 29 (90):547-592.
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  37. P. Juan Domingo de Amezti y Amillategui. Su valiosa aportación a la restauración de la provincia de Castilla.David García Alvarez - 2007 - Revista Agustiniana 48 (147):815-838.
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  38. El desinterés en la actitud estética.José García Leal - 1996 - Diálogo Filosófico 36:409-420.
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  39. Discusión de algunos aspectos de la pirámide jurídica.Eduardo García Máynez - 1969 - Dianoia 15 (15):245.
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  40. (1 other version)Discusión de algunas teorías recientes sobre la noción de orden jurídico.Eduardo García Máynez - 1966 - Dianoia 12 (12):3.
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  41. Introducción general a las Leyes de Platón y estudio del Libro Primero de la obra.Eduardo García Máynez - 1985 - Dianoia 31 (31):1-25.
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  42. Algunos tópicos en teoría de números: Números mersenne, teorema dirichlet, números fermat.Campo Elias Gonzalez Pineda & Sandra Milena Garcia - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 16.
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  43. Hacia una pedagogía del concepto en la filosofía de Platón.Lucía García Vélez & Raúl López Upegui - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):45-80.
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    Fear generalisation in individuals with high neuroticism: increasing predictability is not necessarily better.Natalia M. Garcia & Lori A. Zoellner - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1647-1662.
    Fear generalisation, a process by which conditioned fear spreads to similar but innocuous stimuli, is key in understanding why some individuals feel unsafe in objectively non-threatening situations. Both trait neuroticism and lack of predictability about the likelihood of feared consequences are associated with negative affect in the face of ambiguity and may increase the degree to which fear generalises. Undergraduates with varying degrees of neuroticism were randomised to either high- or low-instructional predictability conditions prior to fear acquisition. A fear generalisation (...)
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    A Pure Theory of the Republic.Antonio Garcia-Trevijano - 2013 - Upa.
    A Pure Theory of the Republic constitutes the first positive theory of a republican state. It lays the foundation of a true political science and explains how collective freedom may be institutionally guaranteed. This illuminating book promises to be a landmark in political thought for centuries to come.
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  46. Breve historia del Centro de Estudios Filosóficos.E. García Máynez - 1966 - Dianoia: Rivista di filosofia 12:240-248.
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  47. El gobierno británico y Cataluña durante la República y la guerra civil.Enrique Moradiellos García - 2000 - El Basilisco 27:21-36.
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    El proceso de formación de la clase obrera de las minas en Asturias.Enrique Moradiellos García - 1989 - El Basilisco 2:43-50.
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  49. Fascistas y militares en la España del siglo XX (Paul Preston, The politics of revenge: fascism and the military in Twentieh-Century Spain).Enrique Moradiellos García - 1993 - El Basilisco 15:96.
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  50. Hitler y España.Enrique Moradiellos García - 1990 - El Basilisco 6:94.
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