Results for 'Gabrielʹ Feliksovich Shersenevich'

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  1. Obshchai︠a︡ teorīi︠a︡ prava.Gabrielʹ Feliksovich Shersenevich - 1912 - Moskva:
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    Filosofīi︠a︡ prava.Gabriėlʹ Feliksovich Shershenevich - 1924 - [Riga,:
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    Functions and Generality of Logic: Reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's Logicisms.Gabriel Sandu, Marco Panza & Hourya Benis-Sinaceur (eds.) - 2015 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    Part I of Frege’s Grundgesetze is devoted to the “exposition [Darlegung]” of his formal system.
  4. (2 other versions)Homo Viator.Gabriel Marcel - 1948 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138:124-126.
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  5. Effective Altruism and its Critics.Iason Gabriel - 2016 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (3):457-473.
    Effective altruism is a philosophy and a social movement that aims to revolutionise the way we do philanthropy. It encourages individuals to do as much good as possible, typically by contributing money to the best-performing aid and development organisations. Surprisingly, this approach has met with considerable resistance among activists and aid providers who argue that effective altruism is insensitive to justice insofar as it overlooks the value of equality, urgency and rights. They also hold that the movement suffers from methodological (...)
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    Capitalism & ethics.Gabriel Flynn, Michael Aßländer & Daryl Koehn - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):1-3.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 32, Issue S1, Page 1-3, April 2023.
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    Five Flies in the Ointment: Some Challenges for Traditional Semantic Theory.Gabriel M. A. Segal - 2012 - In Richard Schantz (ed.), Prospects for Meaning. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 287-308.
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    Etre et avoir.Gabriel Marcel & J. Segond - 1935 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (1/2):48 - 53.
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    The Virtuous Manager: A Vision for Leadership in Business.Gabriel Flynn - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):359-372.
    This article seeks to contribute to a vision for leadership in business based on a recovery of virtue. The vision for leadership articulated here draws principally on the writings of the classical philosopher Aristotle and of the contemporary philosopher Josef Pieper. Without discounting the ever-increasing complexity of modern business, this essay will attempt to reconstruct Aristotle’s emphasis on virtue and moral character, and argues for the philosopher’s relevance to modern management and corporate leadership. The paper concludes that the message of (...)
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    Presentación. Desafección política y nuevos vínculos sociales.Gabriel Aranzueque & Andrea Greppi - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1584.
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    O contrato racial, de Charles Wade Mills.Gabriel Silveira de Andrade Antunes - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (2):124-128.
    Resenha de "O contrato racial" de Charles W. Mills.
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    Apologizing for Socrates: How Plato and Xenophon Created Our Socrates.Gabriel Danzig - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Apologizing for Socrates places some of the Platonic and Xenophontic writings in the context of contemporary controversies over Socrates, providing a perspective in which many of the philosophic and literary features of the text can be explained. In addition, it sheds light on the apologetic techniques used by Plato and Xenophon.
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  13. Locke on particles: A reply to Berman and Williamson.Gabriel Nuchelmans - 1988 - Logique Et Analyse 31 (23):217.
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    Properties of the Derivations According to a Context-Free Grammar.Gabriel Orman - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 226--236.
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  15. Cambio de metáforas.Gabriel Reguera - 1993 - Laguna 2:183-192.
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  16. Compositional Semantics.Gabriel Sandu - 2006 - ProtoSociology 23.
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  17. Five Flies in the Ointment.Gabriel Segal - unknown
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  18. Ignorance of meaning.Gabriel Segal - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Time for a Change.Gabriel Lenz - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1):87-106.
    Political scientists should put aside questions about whether voters are rational or irrational, informed or uninformed, and questions about how flawed democracy is. Although they are interesting, these questions are secondary. Answering them in no way helps people—it does not help them with their violent neighborhoods, their declining incomes, their flooded homes, or their dying crops. Instead, researchers should focus on the first-order question of how to improve democratic accountability.
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    Human Security and Citizenship in Finnish Religious Education: Rethinking Security Within the Human Rights Horizon.Gabriel O. Adebayo & Jan-Erik Mansikka - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (4):447-469.
    This paper discusses citizenship in Finnish religious education in relation to human security. It traces the characteristics of human security that connect citizenship, religion, and education in Finnish policy documents. The article focuses on basic education. Its data were analyzed employing qualitative content analysis. The findings indicate that citizenship in Finnish RE entails personal security concerns dealing with psychological and human rights issues. These are found to be essentially human security as conceptualized by the United Nations. However, Finnish policy documents (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Apostilla a "La moral de Avendaño respecto a los "indios toreros"", de Ángel Muñoz.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 49 (1):12-13.
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  22. Dos perspectivas sobre el problema del mal: la Teodicea de Leibniz y Cándido de Voltaire.Gabriel Ernesto Andrade - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 64 (1):25-47.
    En este artículo se presentan dos perspectivas sobre uno de los más antiguos problemas planteados en la filosofía de la religión: si Dios es bueno y omnipotente, ¿cómo puede existir el mal? El filósofo alemán del siglo XVII, Gottfried Leibniz, ofreció una respuesta a este problema en su obra cumbre, Teodicea, argumentando que vivimos en el mejor de los mundos posibles. Un siglo después, Voltaire protestó contra la respuesta ofrecida por Leibniz, y la ridiculizó en su famosa novela, Cándido. Al (...)
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    A Requiem for Mr Wilson: Comments on David Goldberg’s Conversation with Achille Mbembe.Gabriel O. Apata - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):237-242.
    Achille Mbembe’s book Critique of Black Reason has attracted scholarly interest and commentaries. In a conversation that took place between David Theo Goldberg and Mbembe, both men discuss some of the themes that are raised in the book. This paper examines that conversation and focuses on the idea of the archive and how the dehumanisation, damage, destruction and death that racism has visited on many black people can be resurrected, dusted down and repaired. I have used Mbembe’s idea of blackness (...)
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  24. Ontologia dialéctica del Sentido: Verbum y nomen en Tomás de Aquino.Gabriel Aranzueque - 1999 - Studium 39 (1):35-56.
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    Let me tell ya what i've got.Gabriel do Nascimento Barbosa, Meri Nádia Marques Gerlin & Taiguara Villela Aldabalde - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:406-417.
    O presente resumo expandido refere-se ao trabalho de pesquisa que buscou utilizar as caraterísticas do jazz, enquanto manifestação cultural musical, como referência para elaboração de questões no campo da Ciência da Informação. Para tanto, coloca-se o jazz como expressão que, dentro do mundo globalizado, consagrou dinâmicas de produção que, mesmo que absorvidas pela hegemonia, são antagonistas às formas do pensamento ocidental. Para os fins do presente trabalho, interessa-nos a característica, no jazz, da irreprodutibilidade como valor intrínseco de sua existência. Esse (...)
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    John Locke’s A Letter Concerning Toleration: Lessons for the Nigerian Religious Environment.Gabriel Bubu Ncha, Oduora Okpokam Asuo & Michael Ukah - 2018 - Philosophy Study 8 (6).
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    Definitionen und Interessen.Gottfried Gabriel - 1972 - [Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt]: Frommann-Holzboog.
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    A Semiotic Interpretation of the Innate Releasing Mechanism Concept and Other Ethological Triadic Relations.Gabriel Francescoli - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):461-468.
    This paper tries to link Ethology to Biosemiotics by analysing the similarities between some triadic relationships like biosemiotics’ Object—Representamen—Interpretant and the one established in Ethology between Sign-stimuli— Innate Releasing Mechanism—Modal Action Pattern, or the one potentially established in communication networks comprising Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. I argue here that a collaborative relationship is supported by the fact that the observational method used by Ethology is based on the triadic relationship Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. This method, by introducing the human observer at the Interpreter/Eavesdropper place, is not (...)
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  29. Homenagem a Oswaldo Market.Gabriel Albiac - 2012 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 40:145-146.
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    «Recuperar lo pasado»: Abraham Pereyra, un catequista judío en la Holanda de Espinosa.Gabriel Albiac - 1983 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 3:125.
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  31. Ökonomik - Theologie - Sozialethik : Divergenzen und Konvergenzen.Ingeborg Gabriel - 2017 - In Ingeborg Gabriel, Peter G. Kirchschläger & Richard Sturn (eds.), Eine Wirtschaft, die Leben fördert: wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Reflexionen im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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  32. Réponses à mes critiques.Markus Gabriel - 2019 - In Le néoexistentialisme: penser l'esprit humain après l'échec du naturalisme. [Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval.
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    Despre destin: un dialog (teoretic și confesiv) despre cea mai dificilă temă a muritorilor.Gabriel Liiceanu & Andrei Pleșu (eds.) - 2020 - București: Humanitas.
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    Freedom and Terror: Reason and Unreason in Politics.Gabriel Weimann & Abraham Kaplan - 2011 - Routledge.
    This book examines reason and unreason in the legal and political responses to terrorism. Terrorism is often perceived as sheer madness, unreasonable use of extreme violence and senseless, futile political action. These assertions are challenged by this book. Combining ‘traditional’ thought on reason and unreason in terrorism with empirical explorations of post-modern terrorism and its use of communication platforms the work uses interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary dimensions to provide a multidimensional picture of critical issues in current politics and a deeper (...)
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    Frege und die kontinentalen Ursprünge der analytischen Philosophie.Gottfried Gabriel - 2017 - Münster: mentis.
    Während die Bedeutung Freges für die Philosophie der Gegenwart, soweit sich diese der analytischen Philosophie verpflichtet fühlt, allgemeine Anerkennung gefunden hat, ist seine Stellung innerhalb der eigenen Zeit noch weitgehend unaufgeklärt geblieben. So herrscht die Auffassung vor, Frege habe seine Ideen ganz aus sich selbst oder geradezu im Gegensatz zur deutschen philosophischen Tradition seiner Zeit gewonnen. Bei genauerer Textanalyse weisen Freges Schriften dagegen vielfältige Beziehungen zur zeitgenössischen Logik, Erkenntnistheorie, Sprachphilosophie und Philosophie der Mathematik auf, so dass bei ihm von einem (...)
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  36. Heutige Formen einer Politik aus dem Glauben : christentumssoziologische Perspektiven.Karl Gabriel - 2018 - In Bernhard Emunds & Friedhelm Hengsbach (eds.), Christliche Sozialethik--Orientierung welcher Praxis?: Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zu Ehren. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Petre Țuțea: între legendă și adevăr.Gabriel Gheorghe - 2003 - București: Fundația Gândirea.
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  38. Ironía y distancia : Auden y la Carta de Año Nuevo.Gabriel Insausti - 2010 - In Manuel Ballester Hernández & Enrique Ujaldón (eds.), La sonrisa del sabio: ensayos sobre humor y filosofía. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Introspective access to implicit shifts of attention.Gabriel Reyes & Jérôme Sackur - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:11-20.
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    Secundum/tertium Adiacens: Vicissitudes of a Logical Distinction.Gabriel Nuchelmans - 1992 - Royal Netherlands Academy of.
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  41. Two main problems in the sociology of morality.Gabriel Abend - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (2):87-125.
    Sociologists often ask why particular groups of people have the moral views that they do. I argue that sociology’s empirical research on morality relies, implicitly or explicitly, on unsophisticated and even obsolete ethical theories, and thus is based on inadequate conceptions of the ontology, epistemology, and semantics of morality. In this article I address the two main problems in the sociology of morality: (1) the problem of moral truth, and (2) the problem of value freedom. I identify two ideal–typical approaches. (...)
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  42. De la verdad a la soliraridad. Richard Rorty y la hermenéutica.Gabriel Rodríguez Espinosa - 2010 - In Colomina Almiñana, Juan José & Vicente Raga Rosaleny (eds.), La filosofía de Richard Rorty: entre pragmatismo y relativismo. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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  43. Gottes transzendenter Seinsvollzug. Zur aristotelischen Ontotheologie im Λ der Metaphysik.M. Gabriel - 2006 - Jahrbuch für Religionsphilosophie 5.
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    Louis Jurine: Chirurgien et naturaliste . René Sigrist, Vincent Barras, Marc Ratcliff.Gabriel Gohau - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):402-403.
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    Comments on Gavin Lawrence, “Snakes in Paradise: Problems in the Ideal Life”.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2005 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 43 (S1):166-175.
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    Chapter Seven. Courage, Temperance, And Greatness Of Soul.Gabriel Richardson Lear - 2005 - In Happy Lives and the Highest Good: An Essay on Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics". Princeton University Press. pp. 147-174.
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    La prétendue basilique de Pergame et les basiliques hellénistiques.Gabriel Leroux - 1909 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 33 (1):238-244.
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    Albert Camus: A Reconfiguração Do Mundo Através da Arte.Gabriel Leva & Reinaldo Furlan - 2024 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 16 (40):197-222.
    Neste artigo buscamos investigar o papel da arte no pensamento e obra de Albert Camus. Para isso, avançamos em seus principais ensaios: O mito de Sísifo e O homem revoltado, na tentativa de sintetizar suas ideias acerca da criação absurda e da arte revoltada. Consideramos que a criação absurda, pensada n’O mito... sofrerá uma expansão explosiva no segundo ensaio do autor. Se, inicialmente, a arte para Camus devia expressar a fratura do homem e seu mundo, a consciência de nossa própria (...)
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    Cearta cu filozofia: eseuri.Gabriel Liiceanu - 1998 - București: Humanitas.
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    Publishing in Romania today: "A kind of heroism".Gabriel Liiceanu & Luana Schidu - 1994 - Logos 5 (4):206-209.
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