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George Simpson [10]George Gaylord Simpson [8]George Clarke Simpson [2]G. Simpson [2]
George Eaton Simpson [2]Gordon G. Simpson [2]Gb Simpson [2]Gerry J. Simpson [2]

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  1.  15
    The sentimental life of international law: literature, language, and longing in world politics.Gerry J. Simpson - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Sentimental Life of International Law is about our age-old longing for a decent international society and the ways of seeing, being, and speaking that might help us achieve that aim. This book asks how international lawyers might engage in a professional practice that has become, to adapt a title of Janet Malcolm's, both difficult and impossible. It suggests that international lawyers are disabled by the governing idioms of international lawyering, and proposes that they may be re-enabled by speaking different (...)
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  2. Phase Locking of Single Neuron Activity to Theta Oscillations during Working Memory in Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex.Han Lee & Gregory V. Simpson - 2005 - Neuron 45:147-156.
    activity” has been considered to play a major role in the short-term maintenance of memories. Many studies since then have provided support for this view and greatly advanced our knowledge of the effects of stimulus type and modality on delay activity and its temporal dynamics. In humans, working memory has also been a subject of intense investigation using scalp and intracranial electroencephalography as well as magnetoencephalography, which provide estimates of local population activity. The published findings include reports of systematic changes (...)
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  3.  18
    Biology and man.George Gaylord Simpson - 1969 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & World.
  4. Cerebral hemispheric mechanisms in the retrieval of ambiguous word meanings.C. Burgess & G. Simpson - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):338-338.
  5.  26
    Law, War and Crime: War Crimes Trials and the Reinvention of International Law.Gerry J. Simpson - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (2):162-164.
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  6.  18
    The Concept of Progress in Organic Evolution.George Simpson - 1974 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 41.
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  7. This Is Race. An Anthology Selected from the International Literature on the Races of Man.Earl W. Count, Carleton S. Coon, Stanley M. Garn, Joseph B. Birdsell, George Gaylord Simpson & Ashley Montagu - 1951 - Science and Society 15 (1):68-74.
  8.  59
    Failure to maintain equivalence of groups in cognitive research: Evidence from dual-task methodology.F. Richard Ferraro, George Kellas & Greg B. Simpson - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (4):301-303.
  9. Failure to maintain equivalence of groups in cognitive research-dual task.Fr Ferraro, G. Kellas & Gb Simpson - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):516-516.
  10. Aging-attentional allocation and fluctuation in visual word recognition.G. Kellas, G. B. Simpson & Fr Ferraro - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):336-336.
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  11.  32
    Perspective: causes and functional significance of temporal variations in attention control.Agatha Lenartowicz, Gregory V. Simpson & Mark S. Cohen - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  12. After method : international law and the problems of history.Gerry Simpson - 2021 - In Annabel S. Brett, Megan Donaldson & Martti Koskenniemi, History, politics, law: thinking internationally. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  13.  27
    Asian Thought and Culture: Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics.Garret Pagenstecher Simpson, Zhu Liyuan & Gene Blocker - 1997 - Philosophy East and West 47 (2):272.
  14.  18
    Conflict and Community.George Simpson - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:550.
  15.  11
    Evolution of flowering in response to day length: Flipping the CONSTANS switch.Gordon G. Simpson - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (9):829-832.
    Day length provides an important environmental cue by signalling conditions favourable for flowering. While Arabidopsis promotes flowering in response to long days, rice promotes flowering in response to short days. Despite this difference, a recent paper reveals that the network controlling this response is highly conserved in these distantly related plants, only the activity of one component is reversed.1 This reveals how an important developmental process can be diversified for adaptation by using the same set of genes, but regulating them (...)
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  16.  35
    Horotely, Bradytely, and Tachytely.George Gaylord Simpson - unknown
    t is abundantly evident that rates of evolution vary. They vary greatly from group to group, and even among closely related lineages there may be strikingly different rates. Differences in rates of evolution, and not only divergent evolution at comparable rates, are among the reasons for the great diversity of organisms on the earth. Among the living primates there are, for instance, some rather unspecialized or primitive prosimians (i.e., little changed from Eocene progenitors), a larger number of divergently specialized prosimians, (...)
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  17. Lexical access and meaning suppression.G. B. Simpson, M. A. Krueger & R. L. Beyer - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):504-504.
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  18.  12
    NO flowering.Gordon G. Simpson - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (3):239-241.
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  19.  25
    One Hundred Years without Darwin are Enough.George G. Simpson - unknown
    uppose that the most fundamental and general principle of a science had been known for over a century and had long since become a main basis for understanding and research by scientists in that field. You would surely assume that the principle would be taken as a matter of course by everyone with even a nodding acquaintance with the science. It would obviously be taught everywhere as basic to the science at any level of education. If you think that about (...)
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  20. Objecting to objectivity.G. Simpson & H. Charlesworth - 1995 - In Rosemary Hunter, Richard Ingleby & Richard Johnstone, Thinking about law: perspectives on the history, philosophy, and sociology of law. St. Leonards, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
  21.  17
    Religion and ethics.Gloria Simpson & Spencer Payne (eds.) - 2013 - Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers.
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
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  22.  68
    Science as morality.George Simpson - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (2):132-143.
    If, as may be generally agreed upon, the term science is to be taken to mean verified knowledge, then it has three attributes: the logical and methodological; that is, how we arrive at verified knowledge; the epistemic; that is, the bodies of verified knowledge that have been arrived at; and the sociological; that is, the organization of men by means of which the bodies of knowledge have been arrived at and the method prosecuted.
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  23.  21
    Schizophrenic and paranoid thinking in conceptual performance.Greg B. Simpson, Lyle E. Bourne, Don R. Justesen & Robert J. Rhodes - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (2):97-100.
  24. Section A. phylogeny 29.George Gaylord Simpson - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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  25. Suppression of information in word recognition and reading.Gb Simpson, Hw Kang & Ma Krueger - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):508-508.
  26.  33
    The Act of CreationArthur Koestler.George Simpson - 1966 - Isis 57 (1):126-127.
  27.  51
    The Scientist—Technician or Moralist?George Simpson - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (1):95-108.
    The position that science is a technique establishing the means to achieve any stipulated end has now fanned out and been defended by social scientists as well as by natural scientists. It is the thesis of this paper that the bifurcation of science and morality derives from the social status of both science and scientists today, and involves, wittingly or unwittingly, an uncritical acceptance of dominant social values. Science is thus not non-moral, as is claimed, but rather appropriates conventional morality. (...)
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  28.  26
    Protocol for a Phase Two, Parallel Three-Armed Non-inferiority Randomized Controlled Trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT-Adjust) Comparing Face-to-Face and Video Conferencing Delivery to Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury Experiencing Psychological Distress.Diane L. Whiting, Grahame K. Simpson, Frank P. Deane, Sarah L. Chuah, Michelle Maitz & Jerre Weaver - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: People with traumatic brain injury face a range of mental health challenges during the adjustment process post-injury, but access to treatment can be difficult, particularly for those who live in regional and remote regions. eHealth provides the potential to improve access to evidence-based psychological therapy for people with a severe TBI. The aim of the current study is to assess the efficacy of a psychological intervention delivered via video consulting to reduce psychological distress in people with TBI.Methods: This paper (...)
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  29.  11
    The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. [REVIEW]George Simpson - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (5):524-528.
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  30.  19
    Conflicting Patterns of Thought. [REVIEW]George Simpson - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (3):413-415.
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  31.  33
    Book Review:The Political Community Sebastian De Grazia. [REVIEW]George Simpson - 1951 - Philosophy of Science 18 (1):86-.
  32.  21
    Class and American Sociology: From Ward to Ross. [REVIEW]George Simpson - 1941 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 9 (3):533-533.
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