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  1.  75
    To mathematize, or not to mathematize chemistry.Guillermo Restrepo - 2013 - Foundations of Chemistry 15 (2):185-197.
    By analysing a contemporary criticism to the so called “mathematical chemistry”, we discuss what we understand by mathematizing chemistry and its implications. We then pass to ponder on some positions on the subject by considering the cases of Laszlo, Venel and Diderot, opponents to the idea of mathematization of chemistry. In contrast, we analyse some scholars’ ideas on the fruitful relationship between mathematics and chemistry; here Dirac and Brown are considered. Finally, we mention that the mathematical–chemistry relationship should be considered (...)
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    Mathematical aspects of the periodic law.Guillermo Restrepo & Leonardo Pachón - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (2):189-214.
    We review different studies of the Periodic Law and the set of chemical elements from a mathematical point of view. This discussion covers the first attempts made in the 19th century up to the present day. Mathematics employed to study the periodic system includes number theory, information theory, order theory, set theory and topology. Each theory used shows that it is possible to provide the Periodic Law with a mathematical structure. We also show that it is possible to study the (...)
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    Mathematical Thinking in Chemistry.Guillermo Restrepo & José L. Villaveces - 2012 - Hyle 18 (1):3 - 22.
    Mathematical chemistry is often thought to be a 20th-century subdiscipline of chemistry, but in this paper we discuss several early chemical ideas and some landmarks of chemistry as instances of the mathematical way of thinking; many of them before 1900. By the mathematical way of thinking, we follow Weyl's description of it in terms of functional thinking, i.e. setting up variables, symbolizing them, and seeking for functions relating them. The cases we discuss are Plato's triangles, Geoffroy's affinity table, Lavoisier's classification (...)
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  4. Alexander Koyré, crítico del positivismo en la historia de las ciencias.Gustavo Valencia Restrepo - 1990 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 1:27-51.
    Se analiza la posición epistemológica que Alexandre Koyré ha sostenido en sus investigaciones sobre la revolución científica de los siglos XVI y XVII a partir de un estudio del ideal explicativo que el conocido historiador propone como factor decisivo en la instauración y consolidación de la ciencia clásica.
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    Mendeleev to Oganesson: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on the Periodic Table.Eric R. Scerri & Guillermo Restrepo (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Since 1969, the international chemistry community has only held conferences on the topic of the Periodic Table three times, and the 2012 conference in Cusco, Peru was the first in almost a decade. The conference was highly interdisciplinary, featuring papers on geology, physics, mathematical and theoretical chemistry, the history and philosophy of chemistry, and chemical education, from the most reputable Periodic Table scholars across the world. Eric Scerri and Guillermo Restrepo have collected fifteen of the strongest papers presented at this (...)
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  6.  56
    Chemistry, a lingua philosophica.Guillermo Restrepo & José L. Villaveces - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 13 (3):233-249.
    We analyze the connections of Lavoisier system of nomenclature with Leibniz’s philosophy, pointing out to the resemblance between what we call Leibnizian and Lavoisian programs. We argue that Lavoisier’s contribution to chemistry is something more subtle, in so doing we show that the system of nomenclature leads to an algebraic system of chemical sets. We show how Döbereiner and Mendeleev were able to develop this algebraic system and to find new interesting properties for it. We pointed out the resemblances between (...)
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  7.  21
    Self-reinforcing Mechanisms Driving the Evolution of the Chemical Space.Jürgen Jost & Guillermo Restrepo - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (5):555-593.
    Chemistry is engaged with a subject that is not static but evolving in time, in chemical space, namely, the collection of all substances and reactions reported over time. If we accept that premise, we can identify the path dependencies and self-reinforcing mechanisms that determined its current space and selected it across historical alternatives. In particular, data analysis allows us to identify two crucial turning points. One was the introduction of structural theory in 1860, the other a technological shift around 1980.
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  8.  12
    María Zambrano: Una Nueva Fenomenología Acerca de la Educación.Conrado Zuluaga Giraldo & Gladis del Socorro García Restrepo - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica:193-208.
    Este artículo busca poner de manifiesto el pensamiento de María Zambrano en relación con la educación, para ello apelaremos a algunos de sus manuscritos: El Aula, La vida de las aulas, el espejo de las aulas y entre el ver y el escuchar, dado que los elementos allí tratados respecto al aula, la atención y los sentidos, actualmente cobran total vigencia, máxime si se considera que los avances tecnológicos proponen hoy al respecto una nueva re-significación, asunto que a su vez (...)
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    Bioética, “examen de sí” y educación superior: una perspectiva desde Nussbaum.Gladis del Socorro García Restrepo & Cielo Amparo Noreña Quiceno - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):391-409.
    The article is the result of the research project “Higher Education in Humanistic Perspective: An Approach from Martha Nussbaum”, having Nussbaum’s book Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education as the main referent for the considerations presented. Hermeneutics is used as the philosophical method. One of the purposes of the article is to reveal how higher education courses in human development might be transformed from the perspective of self-examination in Martha Nussbaum’s thought, understanding the latter as one (...)
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  10. El pensamiento filosófico de María Zambrano y sus influencias de orden religioso.Gladis del Socorro García Restrepo - 2013 - Revista Agustiniana 54 (163):65-84.
  11. La metafísica de Heidegger.Gp Restrepo - 1964 - Franciscanum 6.
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    La mutabilidad del derecho natural y el padre Francisco Suárez.González Restrepo & Fernando[From Old Catalog] - 1956 - Bogotá,: Empresa Nacional de Publicaciones.
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  13. La revolución mexicana de 1910 a 1917: la ideología.G. Restrepo - 1988 - Franciscanum: Revista de Las Ciencias Del Espíritu 30 (88):63-78.
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    La teoría de la intencionalidad de John Searle.Gabriel Jaime Arango Restrepo & Gabriel Jaime Arango - 2017 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 22:83-102.
    El problema de la intencionalidad ha sido el foco de discusiones losó cas desde sus inicios hasta el día de hoy y las diferentes explicaciones que se han dado al respecto han dado pie a la construcción de sistemas losó cos de todo tipo. Lo común a estos sistemas ha sido el uso del término intencionalidad, en sentido losó co, separado del de intención, en el sentido vulgar, pese a que ambos son actos voluntarios dirigidos hacia objetos. Dicho uso da (...)
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  15.  13
    Una aproximación al sentido de la esperanza en María Zambrano.Gladis del Socorro García Restrepo - 2015 - Discusiones Filosóficas 16 (26):119-128.
    Este artículo presenta una aproximación al sentido de la esperanza en María Zambrano. Para ello fue necesario hacer uso de la hermenéutica como método filosófico. Por tanto, se presenta una aproximación al pensamiento de María Zambrano en relación con la esperanza, reflexión que en tiempos de desesperanza recobra sentido en tanto la intención subyacente que anima este escrito es invitar al hombre contemporáneo para que se sitúe en la esquina de la esperanza zambraniana, desde la cual le será posible transitar (...)
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