Gareth Nelson [6]Gerald Nelson [5]G. C. Nelson [4]G. Nelson [2]
George C. Nelson [2]Griffin T. Nelson [1]George Nelson [1]Greg Nelson [1]

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  1.  31
    Analog retrieval by constraint satisfaction.Paul Thagard, Keith J. Holyoak, Greg Nelson & David Gochfeld - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 46 (3):259-310.
  2.  23
    Systematics and Biogeography.Gareth Nelson & Norman Platnick - 1981 - Harcourt, Brace and World.
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  3.  42
    From Candolle to croizat: Comments on the history of biogeography.Gareth Nelson - 1978 - Journal of the History of Biology 11 (2):269-305.
  4.  55
    Machiavellianism revisited.George Nelson & Diana Gilbertson - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (8):633 - 639.
    The field of management has had difficulty embracing the concept of Machiavellianism despite the myriad of studies produced by other fields of social science. It appears that Machiavellianism as a unitary personality construct has limited efficacy in the complex world of organizations. The authors suggest a multidimensional approach to understanding the impact of an individual's threat to organizational functioning. Viewing the construct as discontinuous with two manifestations, predatory and benign, suggestions are made as to the location within organizations where such (...)
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  5. Trémaux on species: A theory of allopatric speciation (and punctuated equilibrium) before Wagner.John S. Wilkins & Gareth J. Nelson - 2008 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 30 (1):179-206.
    Pierre Trémaux’s 1865 ideas on speciation have been unjustly derided following his acceptance by Marx and rejection by Engels, and almost nobody has read his ideas in a charitable light. Here we offer an interpretation based on translating the term sol as “habitat”, in order to show that Trémaux proposed a theory of allopatric speciation before Wagner and a punctuated equilibrium theory before Gould and Eldredge, and translate the relevant discussion from the French. We believe he may have influenced Darwin’s (...)
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  6.  13
    A Nishitanian Ethics of Sympathy.Gerald Nelson - forthcoming - Journal of East Asian Philosophy:1-24.
    In this article, I will present a construction of a Nishitanian ethics of sympathy primarily based on passages from Nishitani Keiji’s principal work of his middle period Religion and Nothingness (Shūkyō to ha nani『宗教とは何か』). To establish the normativity of Nishitani’s concept of sympathy I will present his concept of force (chikara 力) as its basis. I will argue that the role of force has been hereto overlooked in the analysis of Nishitani’s concept of circuminsessional relations which has impaired the task (...)
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  7.  29
    Constructive ultraproducts and isomorphisms of recursively saturated ultrapowers.G. C. Nelson - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):433-441.
  8. Logic of reduced power structures.G. C. Nelson - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (1):53-59.
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  9.  48
    Model companions and k-model completeness for the complete theories of Boolean algebras.J. Mead & G. C. Nelson - 1980 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 45 (1):47-55.
  10.  27
    Addendum to "logic of reduced power structures".G. C. Nelson - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1145.
  11.  55
    Cladistics, sociology and success: A comment on Donoghue's critique of David Hull.Gareth Nelson & Colin Patterson - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (4):441-443.
  12. Integrating cognitive capabilities in a real-time task.G. Nelson, J. F. Lehman & B. E. John - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum.
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  13. Modern spiritualist conception of ultimate reality.Gk Nelson - 1988 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 11 (2):102-114.
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  14. Patterson, Colin.G. Nelson - 2007 - In Noretta Koertge (ed.), New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Thomson Gale. pp. 6--30.
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  15.  41
    Preservation theorems without continuum hypothesis.George C. Nelson - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (3):343-355.
    Many results concerning the equivalence between a syntactic form of formulas and a model theoretic conditions are proven directly without using any form of a continuum hypothesis. In particular, it is demonstrated that any reduced product sentence is equivalent to a Horn sentence. Moreover, in any first order language without equality one now has that a reduced product sentence is equivalent to a Horn sentence and any sentence is equivalent to a Boolean combination of Horn sentences.
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  16.  16
    (1 other version)The Purposes of Biological Classification.Norman I. Platnick & Gareth Nelson - 1978 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978 (2):116-129.
    All biologists use classifications to one degree or another, and those of us who work on classifications use the results of all other biologists to one degree or another, so you might reasonably expect that biologists in general would share some common conception of how classifications should be constructed and how they can be used. Certainly one might expect that all taxonomists, at least, would share such a perspective. But this is not the case; in fact, the theory of taxonomy (...)
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  17.  48
    Phylogenetic Systematics. Willi Hennig, D. Dwight Davis, Rainer Zangerl. [REVIEW]Norman I. Platnick & Gareth Nelson - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (3):499-502.