  1.  48
    Scientists’ Perspectives on the Deliberate Release of GM Crops.Valborg Kvakkestad, FrøYdis Gillund, Kamilla Anette KjøLberg & Arild Vatn - 2007 - Environmental Values 16 (1):79-104.
    In this paper we analyse scientists' perspectives on the release of genetically modified crops into the environment, and the relationship between their perspectives and the context that they work within, e.g. their place of employment, funding of their research and their disciplinary background. We employed Q-methodology to examine these issues. Two distinct factors were identified by interviewing 62 scientists. These two factors included 92 per cent of the sample. Scientists in factor 1 had a moderately negative attitude to GM crops (...)
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  2.  57
    Perspectives on Salmon Feed: A Deliberative Assessment of Several Alternative Feed Resources.Frøydis Gillund & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (6):527-550.
    The future of salmon aquaculture depends on the adoption of alternative feed resources in order to reduce the need for fish meal and fish oil. This may include resources such as species from lower trophic levels, by-products and by-catch from fisheries and aquaculture, animal by-products, plants, genetically modified (GM) plants, nutritionally enhanced GM plants and products from microorganisms and GM microorganisms. Here, we report on a deliberative assessment of these alternative feed resources, involving 18 participants from different interest groups within (...)
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  3.  26
    Vitenskapelig usikkerhet – etiske utfordringer for forskning og forvaltning.Frøydis Gillund & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2007 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):97-120.
    En stor del av dagens forskningsaktivitet er knyttet til utvikling av ny teknologi. Teknologiutvikling anses gjerne som et gode, fordi den bidrar til økt eller ny bruk av naturlige ressurser til beste for menneskers generelle levekår og helse, samt miljøet og samfunnet som helhet. Bruk av ny teknologi innebærer imidlertid også risiko for uønskede effekter. Risikovurderinger er ofte preget av vitenskapelig usikkerhet, spesielt med hensyn til effekter som oppstår over tid. Denne usikkerheten reiser nye etiske dilemmaer og gjør det nødvendig (...)
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