Results for 'Friendship Christianity'

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  1.  38
    Love and Its Objects: What Can We Care For?Christian Maurer, Tony Milligan & Kamila Pacovská (eds.) - 2014 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume brings together a collection of essays on the philosophy of love by leading contributors to the discussion. Particular emphasis is placed upon the relation between love, its character and appropriateness and the objects towards which it is directed: romantic and erotic partners, persons, ourselves, strangers, non-human animals and art. It includes contributions by Aaron Ben Ze’ev (‘Ain’t Love Nothing but Sex Misspelled?’), by Angelika Krebs (‘Between I and Thou – On the Dialogical Nature of Love’), Aaron Smuts (‘Is (...)
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    Christian Friendship: John, Paul, and the Philippians.John Fitzgerald - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (3):284-296.
    Both John and Paul ground friendship in love, yet their conceptions differ in important ways. This article provides a brief discussion and comparison of their two understandings and concludes with a treatment of Paul's use of friendship language in Philippians.
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  3. Spiritual Friendship: Finding Love in the Church as a Celibate Gay Christian.[author unknown] - 2015
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    Spiritual Friendship in Christian Monk Aelred of Rievaulx and the Pali Canon of Buddhism.Justin Bronson Barringer - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):233-244.
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    Alterity, Friendship, and Solidarity: Buddhists, Christians, and James Fredericks.Ruben L. F. Habito - 2018 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 38 (1):157-164.
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  6. Christian love and Platonic friendship.Catherine Pickstock - 2020 - In Alexander J. B. Hampton & John Peter Kenney, Christian Platonism: A History. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Promoting Friendship between Christians and Jews.Lawrence Frizzell - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (4):562-563.
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  8. Faithful Friendships: Embracing Diversity in Christian Community.[author unknown] - 2019
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    In friendship with Darwin in designing an anthropology from a Christian perspective?Daniël P. Veldsman - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):1-10.
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    Friendship as a mode of theological engagement: David Ford's exploration of Christian wisdom.Iain Torrance - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (1):123-131.
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    Buddhist-Christian interfaith encounter as friendship: The John main seminar 1994 and its..D. G. Smith - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9:123-134.
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    Francesco Piccolomini’s Christian-Neoplatonic Reading of Aristotle’s Theory of Friendship.Guy Guldentops - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (3):551-576.
    Francesco Piccolomini (1523–1607) interprets Aristotle’s theory of friendship from a Christian-Neoplatonic perspective. This paper focuses on the various (ancient, medieval, and Renaissance) sources of Piccolomini’s interpretation and shows that he succeeds in expounding a coherent doctrine in which the Aristotelian ideal of civic friendship is integrated into a theocentric ethics of spiritual love.
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    Friendship as Sacred Knowing: Overcoming Isolation.Samuel Kimbriel - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    We are haunted, Samuel Kimbriel suggests, by a habit of isolation buried, often imperceptibly, within our practices of understanding and relating to the world. In Friendship as Sacred Knowing, Kimbriel works through the complexities of this disposition to contest its place within contemporary philosophical thought and practice. Stories of isolation amidst the fragmentation of community are familiar in this age, as are tales of alienation provoked by the insistent indifference of the scientific cosmos. This book goes beyond such stories, (...)
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    Friendship in Islamic ethics and world politics.Mohammad Jafar Amir Mahallati (ed.) - 2019 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Based on a decade of direct diplomatic engagement with the United Nations, a decade of teaching on international relations, and another decade of research and teaching on Islamic and comparative peace studies, this book offers a friendship-related academic framework that examines shared moral concepts, philosophical paradigms and political experiences that can help developing and expanding multi-disciplinary conversations between the Christian West and the Muslim East. By advancing multicultural and inter-religious discourses on friendship, this book helps promoting actual friendships (...)
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  15. Aristotle, Aquinas, and the Christian Elevation of Pagan Friendship.Jonathan J. Sanford - 2013 - In Montague Brown, Love and Friendship: Maritain and the Tradition. Washington, D.C.: Amer Maritain Assn.
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    Freedom For Friendship: Maritain's Christian Personalist Perspective on Global Democracy and the New World Order.Walter J. Schultz - 2005 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 21:3-31.
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    On Friendship: One Hundred Maxims for a Chinese Prince.Matteo Ricci - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    "_On Friendship_, with its total of one hundred sayings, is the perfect gift for friends."—Feng Yingjing, renowned scholar and civic official, 1601 Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) is best known as the Italian Jesuit missionary who brought Christianity to China. He also published a landmark text on friendship—the first book to be written in Chinese by a European—that instantly became a late Ming best seller. _On Friendship_ distilled the best ideas on friendship from Renaissance Latin texts into one hundred (...)
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    Love and Friendship: Maritain and the Tradition.Montague Brown (ed.) - 2013 - Washington, D.C.: Amer Maritain Assn.
    Presents a broad collection of essays on love and friendship. It draws on the rich tradition handed down from Greek philosophers and the Holy Scriptures, illuminated by the wisdom of the medieval theologians, and reflected upon by Jacques Maritain, his students, and other contemporary Catholic intellectuals.
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    On Friendship: One Hundred Maxims for a Chinese Prince.Timothy Billings (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    " _On Friendship_, with its total of one hundred sayings, is the perfect gift for friends."—Feng Yingjing, renowned scholar and civic official, 1601 Matteo Ricci is best known as the Italian Jesuit missionary who brought Christianity to China. He also published a landmark text on friendship—the first book to be written in Chinese by a European—that instantly became a late Ming best seller. _On Friendship_ distilled the best ideas on friendship from Renaissance Latin texts into one hundred (...)
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    Christian Friendship Carolinne White: Christian Friendship in the Fourth Century. Pp. xiv+274; 1 map. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Cased, £35. [REVIEW]Jackson Bryce - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (01):144-146.
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    Friendship East and West: philosophical perspectives.Oliver Leaman (ed.) - 1995 - Richmond, Surrey: Curzon.
    Cultures other than those in Christian Europe have had important and interesting observations to make on the nature of friendship, and in this collection there ...
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    Friendship Beyond Reason.Michael S. Kochin - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (8):807-821.
    The ancient philosophers aimed to turn us away from thinking about particularizing affection to thinking about justifiable human relations. The aim of their protreptic discourses was to get their readers, who were citizens, sons, and fathers, to think about their lives by putting these relations into question. I show how this conversion works and explore its political consequences by reading the accounts of friendship in Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero, and then comparing those accounts with the views on the causes (...)
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    Philia and Agape: Ancient Greek Ethics of Friendship and Christian Theology of Love.Jonas Holst - 2021 - In Soraj Hongladarom & Jeremiah Joven Joaquin, Love and Friendship Across Cultures: Perspectives From East and West. Springer Singapore. pp. 55-65.
    Based on a philosophical interpretation of the Ancient concepts, philia and agape, the present contribution offers a comparative study of the ancient Greek ethics of friendship and the Christian theology of love. While the former tradition understands philia as a finite relationship between human selves within a sociopolitical context, agape is regarded by the latter tradition as the bond of love which God grants all humans who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Despite the fundamental differences between the (...)
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    Christian ethics.Victor Lee Austin - 2012 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Christian ethics is a most perplexing subject. This Guide takes the reader through the most fundamental issues surrounding the question of Ethics from a Christian perspective: Is ethics a meaningful topic of discourse and can there be such a thing as an ethical argument or ethical persuasion? What is the meaning of the adjective in Christian Ethics?Could right behavior be different for Christians than it is for others? Can we turn to the Bible for help? Does the Bible tell us (...)
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  25. Carolinne White, Christian Friendship in the Fourth Century. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pp. xiv, 274; map. $54.95. [REVIEW]Joseph T. Lienhard - 1995 - Speculum 70 (1):222-223.
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  26. Mary Astell on Virtuous Friendship.Jacqueline Broad - 2009 - Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 26 (2):65-86.
    According to some scholars, Mary Astell’s feminist programme is severely limited by its focus on self-improvement rather than wider social change. In response, I highlight the role of ‘virtuous friendship’ in Astell’s 1694 work, A Serious Proposal to the Ladies. Building on classical ideals and traditional Christian principles, Astell promotes the morally transformative power of virtuous friendship among women. By examining the significance of such friendship to Astell’s feminism, we can see that she did in fact aim (...)
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    Friendship and Politics: Essays in Political Thought.John von Heyking & Richard Avramenko (eds.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Throughout the history of Western political philosophy, the idea of friendship has occupied a central place in the conversation. It is only in the context of the modern era that friendship has lost its prominence. By retrieving the concept of friendship for philosophical investigation, these essays invite readers to consider how our political principles become manifest in our private lives. They provide a timely corrective to contemporary confusion plaguing this central experience of our public and our private (...)
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    Accountability, Autism and Friendship with God.Joanna Leidenhag - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (3):347-359.
    David Shoemaker has argued that autistic persons cannot be held accountable and are not members of the moral community. Arguing against this conclusion, this article both corrects the view of autism contained in Shoemaker’s paper and resituates his theory of accountability within a Christian virtue ethic based on the gift of friendship. The call to be accountable to God for one’s life contains within it the gift of God’s friendship and does not require the capacity for empathy ( (...)
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    Friendship in the Classical World (review).David K. Glidden - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):359-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Friendship in the Classical World by David KonstanDavid K. GliddenDavid Konstan. Friendship in the Classical World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xiv + 206. Paper, $18.95.Despite its brevity, Konstan’s history of friendship in classical antiquity speaks volumes. With admirable precision and economy of expression, Konstan cites and surveys scores of ancient authors—poets, playwrights, politicians, novelists and historians, sophists, satirists, philosophers, and theologians—from Homer’s legendary (...)
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  30. Friendship With God?Wanda Cizewski - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (4):369-381.
    First I investigate the concept of friendship in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, books eight and nine. Next, I touch on some of the distinctively Christian aspects of the concept of friendship in Thomas Aquinas’s though, with particular attention to the virtue of caritas as friendship with God. Having by these means gained some perspective on the problem, I describe the new direction taken by Macmurray’s interpretation of friendship, and especially the question of friendship with God.
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    Love & friendship: towards nation rebuilding and renewal.Edna Onwuchekwa - 2008 - Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press.
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    Idolatrous Friendship in Augustine’s Confessions.Kyle Hubbard - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):43-57.
    In Book Four of his Confessions, Augustine recalls his grief at the death of his closest friend. Augustine believes he grieved excessively because he loved his friend as an idol, in the place of God. To illuminate the problems with Augustine’s friendship, I will draw on Jean-Luc Marion’s helpful analyses of the idol and the icon. In doing so I seek to clarify not only Augustine’s position on proper human love in the Confessions, but also suggest a way to (...)
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  33. The Theory of Friendship in Erasmus and Thomas More.James McEvoy - 2006 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 80 (2):227-252.
    The foundation of humanist friendship and its purpose lay in the sharing of the Christian faith accompanied by the love of classical letters. The ideas of Erasmus concerning friendship are best developed in his Adagia, and thus in relationship to the ancient proverbs on the subject. The approval given by him to the classical, humanistic ideal of noble, virtuous, equal, and lasting friendship contrasts with Thomas More’s traditional conception of friendship which derived directly from Christian sources. (...)
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    Book Review: Jason Reimer Greig, Reconsidering Intellectual Disability: L’Arche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Friendship[REVIEW]Guido de Graaff - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (4):489-492.
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    Deep Listening and Virtuous Friendship: Spiritual Care in the Context of Religious Multiplicity.Duane R. Bidwell - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:3-13.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Deep Listening and Virtuous Friendship:Spiritual Care in the Context of Religious MultiplicityDuane R. BidwellA monk asked Zen master Yunmen: “What is the teaching of the Buddha’s entire lifetime?” Yunmen answered:“An appropriate response.”1In a pivotal scene from the 1988 film A Fish Called Wanda, con artist Wanda Gershwitz is fed up—finally—with her partner, Otto West. When his jealousy and ersatz intellectualism repeatedly jeopardize their attempts to steal $20 million (...)
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  36. Communion and friendship: a framework for ecumenical dialogue in ethics.Kevin McDonald - 1989 - Roma: Pontificia Studiorum universitas a S. Thoma Aq. in Urbe.
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    Friends with a Mandate: Friendship and Family in Bonhoeffer’s Ecclesiology.Guido de Graaff - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (4):389-406.
    Several social and cultural developments have led to a rethinking of the place and meaning of friendship within the life of the Church, not least its relation to family (and marriage). Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theology has great potential for informing such renewed reflection. At face value, he appears to count both Church and family among the divine ‘mandates’, leaving friendship to a realm of ‘freedom’ outside the mandates. Yet closer reading of his writings—not least his correspondence with Bethge—reveals, first, (...)
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  38. Adam Smith on Friendship and Love.Jr: Douglas J. Den Uyl and Charles L. Griswold - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (3):609-638.
    THE CENTRALITY OF "SYMPATHY" to Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments points to the centrality of love in the book. While Smith delineates a somewhat unusual, technical sense of "sympathy", his actual use of the term frequently slips into its more ordinary sense of "compassion" or affectionate fellow feeling. This no doubt intentional equivocation on Smith's part helps suffuse the book with these themes, to the point that, without much exaggeration, one could say that the Theory of Moral Sentiments is (...)
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community (review).Paul Hendrickson - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):343-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal CommunityPaul HendricksonThe University of South Carolina. Hauke Brunkhorst. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2005. Pp. xxv + 262. $42.50, hardcover.Public appeals to solidarity have been pervasive throughout the storied history of political dissent and democratic politics. From the French Revolution and the European revolutions of 1848 to decolonization, Polish Solidarność, and the antiglobalization movement, solidarity has been invoked as a means (...)
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  40. Choosing to Feel. Virtue, Friendship, and Compassion for Friends.Diana Fritz Cates, Pamela M. Hall, G. Simon Harak, James F. Keenan, Daniel Mark Nelson & Paul J. Waddell - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):189-215.
    We are currently seeing a revival of interest in Aquinas's moral thought among Christian ethicists, both Protestant and Catholic. Although recent studies of his moral thought have touched on a number of topics, the majority of these have focused on his account of the virtues and their place in the Christian life. Probing the questions of the relation of virtue and law, the role of reason and will, and the place of the passions in Aquinas's moral theology, I will examine (...)
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    Lessons from the Friendship of Jacques Maritain with Saul Alinsky.C. J. Wolfe - 2011 - Catholic Social Science Review 16:229-240.
    This essay looks into the paradoxical friendship of Jacques Maritain, a Catholic philosopher, and Saul Alinsky, a radical community organizer. Commentators Bernard Doering and Charles Curran have used the fact of this friendship to draw the erroneous conclusion that Maritain approved of Alinsky’s philosophy. However, a closer look at their respective writings shows that Maritain and Alinsky retained profound disagreements on basic philosophical issues. Particular attention is paid to Maritain’s letter in response to Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, in (...)
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    Aquinas on Friendship.Jennifer Hart - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):136-137.
    In the introduction to Aquinas on Friendship, Daniel Schwartz admits that his treatment of Aquinas’s theory of friendship is not exhaustive. His central argument is that Aquinas reworks several elements of Aristotle’s view of friendship in accordance with his Christian commitment to the ideal of friendship with God and to the theological virtue of charity. Schwartz develops this argument through a detailed description of some of the elements of Aquinas’s theory, most notably the concept of concordia, (...)
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    De Ordine Caritatis: Charity, Friendship, and Justice in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae.Jean Porter - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (2):197-213.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DE ORDINE CARITATIS: CHARITY, FRIENDSHIP, AND JUSTICE IN THOMAS AQUINAS' SUMMA THEOLOGIAE JEAN PORTER Vanderbilt Divinity School Nashville, Tennessee IS IT POSSIBLE to identify the :lioundational or characteristic content of Christian love? According to Gene Outka, the normative content most often ascribed to Christian neighbor-love, or agape, is equal rega.rd.1 On this aiooount, agape commits us to aot at all times out of a regard for the neighbor (...)
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    Radical Friendship: The Politics of Communal Discernment. By Ryan Andrew Newson.Jon Kara Shields - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (2):400-401.
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  45. Christian Neighbor-Love: An Assessmant of Six Rival Versions.Garth Hallett, Gene Outka, Stephen G. Post & Edward Collins Vacek - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (1):165-197.
    Recent work on the ethics of love may be divided into norm-centered and affective-centered approaches. Norm-centered approaches, exemplified by Hallett and Outka, argue for either moral parity between self and other or for self-subordination; they regard self-love as legitimate within strict boundaries; and they sharply distinguish agape from other forms of love. Affective-centered approaches, exemplified by Vacek and Post, con- centrate on love for God as the central context for neighbor-love; they ac- cord a high status to friendship, marriage, (...)
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    Nietzsche and Rée: A Star Friendship. By Robin Small Friedrich Nietzsche and the Politics of History. By Christian J. Emden. [REVIEW]Vincent Lloyd - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):352-353.
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    (1 other version)Aquinas on friendship (review).Jennifer Hart Weed - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 136-137.
    In the introduction to Aquinas on Friendship, Daniel Schwartz admits that his treatment of Aquinas’s theory of friendship is not exhaustive. His central argument is that Aquinas reworks several elements of Aristotle’s view of friendship in accordance with his Christian commitment to the ideal of friendship with God and to the theological virtue of charity . Schwartz develops this argument through a detailed description of some of the elements of Aquinas’s theory, most notably the concept of (...)
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    Reconsidering Intellectual Disability: L’Arche, Medical Ethics, and Christian Friendship . By Jason ReimerGreig. Pp. viii, 296, Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2015, £23.00. [REVIEW]Luke Penkett - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (4):662-662.
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    Solidarity: From Civic Friendship to a Global Legal Community.Jeffrey Flynn (ed.) - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In Solidarity, Hauke Brunkhorst brings a powerful combination of theoretical perspectives to bear on the concept of "democratic solidarity," the bond among free and equal citizens. Drawing on the disciplines of history, political philosophy, and political sociology, Brunkhorst traces the historical development of the idea of universal, egalitarian citizenship and analyzes the prospects for democratic solidarity at the international level, within a global community under law. His historical account of the concept outlines its development out of, and its departure from, (...)
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  50. Chŏng Yakyong (1762-1836) and Yi Kigyŏng (1756-1819): A Contentious Friendship.Jee Hyun Noe - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-14.
    This paper examines the friendship between Chŏng Yakyong and Yi Kigyŏng and its evolution. Their friendship rested on many commonalities: they both passed the doctorate competition together successfully in 1789, they belonged to the same political faction, the Namin, they were both officials at the court of King Chŏngjo in Chosŏn Korea, and both had important roles and contributions in this period of great socio-political, religious, cultural, and intellectual transformations. Being interested in different areas of knowedge from the (...)
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