Results for 'Friedrich Weber'

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  1.  9
    Theologia moralis explicata: ein Friedrich Spee zugeschriebenes Werk aus der Zeit des Dreissigjährigen Krieges.Friedrich von Spee & Helmut Weber (eds.) - 1996 - Trier: Spee Buchverlag.
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    Science: Realism, criticism, history.Friedrich Engels Whewell, Max Weber & Emile Durkheim Marx - 1991 - In Terrell Carver (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Marx. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 106.
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    Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann.Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.) - 2018 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Das Kommunikationsgeschehen der Privilegierung als Ort der Inszenierung Reichsitaliens im Hochmittelalter, oder: Wie die Staufer zu Nachfolgern des Langobardenkönigs Liutprand wurden.Christoph Friedrich Weber - 2007 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 41 (1):185-206.
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    Exempla im Schilde führen Zur Funktionalität „redender Wappen" in der kommunalen Geschichtsschreibung des Trecento.Christoph Friedrich Weber - 2006 - Das Mittelalter 11 (2).
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    Schriftstücke in der symbolischen Kommunikation zwischen Bischof Johann von Venningen (1458–1478) und der Stadt Basel.Christoph Friedrich Weber - 2003 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 37 (1):355-383.
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    Vom Herrschaftsverband zum Traditionsverband?Christoph Friedrich Weber - 2004 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 38 (1):449-491.
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    A. Zur erklärung und kritik der schriftsteller.Herman Haupt, Johannes Weber, A. Kannengiesser, Georg Schoemann, G. F. Unger, L. Holzapfel & Friedrich Wieseler - 1884 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 43 (3):523-547.
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  9. The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science.Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann, Wenceslao Gonzalez, Marcel Weber, Dennis Dieks & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2010 - Springer.
    This volume is a serious attempt to open up the subject of European philosophy of science to real thought, and provide the structural basis for the ...
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Reiner Hedrich, Ingrid Weber, Friedrich Rapp & Carsten Klein - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (2):345-363.
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    Max Weber und die protestantische Theologie seiner Zeit.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 39 (2):122-147.
  12.  12
    Niilismo, Conhecimento e Absoluto Em Friedrich H. Jacobi.José Fernandes Weber - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 28 (28):65-77.
    O artigo apresenta os elementos filosóficos constitutivos da crítica, lançada por Jacobi a Fichte em sua Carta a Fichte, segundo a qual “Idealismo é niilismo”. Para tanto, reconstitui a crítica de Jacobi à pretensão idealista de estabelecer um sistema absoluto do conhecimento que, partindo da atividade originária e infinita do pensamento, põe a objetividade do mundo na medida em que o pensa; dá atenção à centralidade do problema do absoluto/de Deus na argumentação de Jacobi e sua relação com as noções (...)
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  13. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach-online.Gerhard Lauer & Heiko Weber - 2018 - In Nicolaas A. Rupke & Gerhard Lauer (eds.), Johann Friedrich Blumenbach: race and natural history, 1750-1850. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Puritanische Sektenfreiheit versus lutherische Volkskirche. Zum Einfluß Georg Jellineks auf religionsdiagnostische Deutungsmuster Max Webers und Ernst Troeltschs.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (1):42-69.
    Heidelberg's intellectual milieu of the early twentieth century can be characterised as a ‘laboratory of the modern age’. Here scholars intensively discussed the crisis of the modern age and in numerous historical and systematic studies attempted to determine the ‘cultural significance’ of religion for modernity. This article takes a look at exemplary aspects of the debates on religion of the jurist Georg Jellinek, the sociologist Max Weber and the Protestant theologian Ernst Troeltsch. Jellinek investigated the significance of religious ideas (...)
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    Otto Baumgartens Predigt zur Trauung von Max und Marianne Weber.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2009 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 16 (2):276-291.
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    Targets of opportunity: on the militarization of thinking.Samuel Weber - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The title of this book echoes a phrase used by the Washington Post to describethe American attempt to kill Saddam Hussein at the start of the war againstIraq. Its theme is the notion of targeting (skopos) as the name of an intentionalstructure in which the subject tries to confirm its invulnerability by aiming todestroy a target. At the center of the first chapter is Odysseus’s killing of the suitors;the second concerns Carl Schmitt’s Roman Catholicism and Political Form; thethird and fourth (...)
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  17. Dem anderen gerecht zu werden heisst, sich selbst gerecht zu werden Gerechtigkeit als intersubjektives Geschehen.Dieter Weber - 2018 - In Verena Begemann, Christiane Burbach, Dieter Weber & Friedrich Heckmann (eds.), Ethik als Kunst der Lebensführung: festschrift fur Friedrich Heckmann. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag.
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    Theodor Heuss „Zu Ernst Troeltschs Gedächtnis“. Eine Gedenkrede im „Demokratischen Klub Berlin“.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2021 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 28 (1):106-140.
    On September 12, 1949, the liberal politician Theodor Heuss, party leader of the „Freie Demokratische Partei“ (FDP), was elected by the Bundesversammlung (Federal Convention) as the first Bundespräsident, i. e. head of state, of the newly founded Bundesrepublik Deutschland. As a young man Heuss had been a close friend and political ally of Friedrich Naumann, the protestant pastor and left wing liberal politician, supported by Ernst Troeltsch. Heuss then working as a political journalist for liberal newspapers and Naumann’s weekly (...)
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  19.  7
    Examen Critique de la Philosophie Religieuse de Schelling..Alfred Weber - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  20.  72
    A teoria nietzscheana da tragédia.José Fernandes Weber - 2007 - Trans/Form/Ação 30 (1):205-223.
    Tendo como referência O Nascimento da Tragédia de Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, busca-se explicitar a particularidade da concepção nietzscheana de tragédia a partir de um duplo movimento: 1) Reconstrução das principais teses dos primeiros parágrafos da obra; 2) Demonstração da vinculação daquelas teses à tradição estética alemã do final do século XVII e do início do século XIX. Com isso se realça e reedita o diálogo intenso de Nietzsche com aquela tradição e se mostra as inovações e a radicalidade da (...)
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  21.  10
    Grundformen der Erziehung.Otto Friedrich Bollnow - 2018 - In Malte Brinkmann (ed.), Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft von Ihren Anfängen Bis Heute: Eine Anthologie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 337-347.
    In der Geschichte der Pädagogik treten immer wieder bestimmte typische Auffassungen von der Erziehung auf. Wenn sie auch selten in reiner Form verwirklicht sind; so ist es doch wichtig, sie zunächst einmal in reiner Form, als Idealtypen im Sinne Max Webers, herauszuarbeiten, gewissermaßen als Erziehungsmodelle durchzukonstruieren, um erst einmal eine Übersicht in der verwirrenden Fülle der pädagogischen Theorien zu gewinnen, und dann zu fragen, wie weit sie angemessen sind, wie weit sie einander ausschließen oder miteinander verträglich sind, wie weit sie (...)
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    Zur unterirdischen Wirkung von Dynamit: vom Umgang Nietzsches mit Büchern, zum Umgang mit Nietzsches Büchern.Michael Knoche, Justus H. Ulbricht & Jürgen Weber (eds.) - 2006 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    Der private, sehr gefahrdete Bucherbestand Friedrich Nietzsches gilt als ein besonders interessantes Beispiel einer Schriftstellerbibliothek des 19. Jahrhunderts.
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    Max Weber. Friedrich Naumann and the nationalization of socialism.Asaf Kedar - 2010 - History of Political Thought 31 (1):129-154.
    In the mid-1890s, the left-leaning Christian socialist Friedrich Naumann was the first German public figure to develop national socialism as a systematic world view. Under the influence of Max Weber, Naumann abandoned his Christian-ethical conception of social reform in favour of a national existentialism that overrides any ethical imperative; and he abandoned the pre-modern, Christian foundations of his productivism in favour of modern and nationalist foundations. The outcome was a national socialism underpinned by the synthesis of national existentialism (...)
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    Max Weber und Friedrich meinecke in ihrem verhältnis zur politischen macht.Gerhard Masur - 1960 - In Georg Kotowski, Eduard Neumann & Hans Leussink (eds.), Studium Berolinense: Aufsätze Und Beiträge Zu Problemen der Wissenschaft Und Zur Geschichte der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Zu Berlin. De Gruyter. pp. 702-725.
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    Friedrich Naumanns und Max Webers "Mitteleuropa": eine Betrachtung ihrer Konzeptionen im Kontext mit den "Ideen von 1914" und dem Alldeutschen Verband.Andreas Peschel - 2005 - Dresden: TUDpress.
  26.  33
    Armin Weber: Was ist Wirklichkeit? Studien zu Heimito von Doderers Romanwerk [=Schriftenreihe der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bd. 41], Berlin u. a.: LIT Verlag 2013, 421 S. [REVIEW]Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 67 (2):200-201.
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    Zur Genealogie des Schuldbegriffs: Friedrich Nietzsche und Max Weber im Vergleich.Gerald Hartung - 1994 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 76 (3):302-318.
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  28. Zeitgemässe Unzeitgemässe. Von Friedrich Nietzsche über Georg Simmel zu Max Weber.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1995 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 49 (192):107-126.
  29. Max Weber: A Profile from Karl Jaspers’ Perspective.Songul Kose - 2021 - Temasa 16:94-101.
    Max Weber, who was a well-known sociologist both of his own time and of today, has been one of the most influential names – besides, Immanuel Kant, Søren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche - for Karl Jaspers, who is one of the original names that come into minds when the 20th-century existential philosophy is mentioned. In fact, it can easily be asserted that Weber had a huge personal role in Jaspers’ carrier as a philosopher. Karl Jaspers is known (...)
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  30. Das Schicksal des Menschen im Schatten des toten Gottes : zur Bedeutung Friedrich Nietzsches für Max Webers Diagnose der Moderne.Christian Schwaabe - 2010 - In Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann (ed.), Der Wille zur Macht und die "grosse Politik": Friedrich Nietzsches Staatsverständnis. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Weber, Nietzsche e as respostas éticas à crítica da modernidade.Renarde Freire Nobre - 2003 - Trans/Form/Ação 26 (1):53-86.
    O artigo consiste num estudo comparativo entre as concepções de cultura de Friedrich Nietzsche e Max Weber, suas análises críticas da modernidade e as respostas éticas que as acompanham. Apesar das importantes afinidades encontradas entre os autores, o artigo procura mostrar que o caráter principal da comparação entre os seus pensamentos é o do desencontro e da incompatibilidade.
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    Max Weber, Werner Sombart and the Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft: The authorship of the ‘Geleitwort’ (1904).Peter Ghosh - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (1):71-100.
    The article starts from an examination of the authorship of the ‘Geleitwort’, the programmatic statement which appeared in the Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft when it came under new editors in 1904. Recently scholars have begun to view it as an important text by Max Weber recovered from obscurity, but this is a mistake. Examination of major contemporary works by Weber and Werner Sombart – the obvious co-author – as well as the first public disclosure of an entirely new MS. (...)
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    Liberalism after Nietzsche and Weber.Barry Stocker - 1997 - Angelaki 2 (2):129 – 140.
    Keith Ansell-Pearson, An Introduction to Nietzsche as Political Thinker (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994) hb: 0-521-41722-8. pb: 0-521-42721-5. Paul Patton, ed., Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory (London: Routledge. 1993) 0-4150-8256-0. Lester M. Hunt, Nietzsche and the Origin of Virtue (London: Routledge, 1993) 0-4150-9580-8. David Owen, Maturity and Modernity. Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault and the Ambivalence of Reason (London: Routledge, 1994) 0-4150-5398-6. Peter Lassmann and Ronald Spiers, eds., Weber: Political Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994) hb: 0-521 -39312-4. pb: 0-521 (...)
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    Nietzsche and Weber: Notes on Foucault's Methodology and Philosophical Heritage.David Owen - 1989
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    From guilt-oriented to uncertainty-oriented culture: Nietzsche and Weber on the history of theodicy.Daniel Sullivan - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):107.
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    Mathematische Naturphilosophie in der Grundlagendiskussion – Eine Studie über das Verhältnis von Jakob Friedrich Fries’ kritischer Philosophie zu Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik.Kay Herrmann - 2000 - Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Jakob Friedrich Fries is one of the most important representatives of the Critical Philosophy, someone who built immediately on the original Kantian philosophy. -/- Fries was born in 1773 in Barby (on the Elbe). In 1805 he was extraordinary professor for philosophy in Jena and in the same year was ordinary professor for philosophy in Heidelberg. Returning to Jena in 1816, one year later he was compulsorily retired because of his participation at the nationalistic and republican Wartburg Festival. In (...)
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    Romancing Antiquity: German Critique of the Enlightenment from Weber to Habermas. [REVIEW]Richard L. Howey - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (2):468-468.
    McCarthy has undertaken an enterprise of enormous scope and considerable interest. One of the virtues of his study is its cross-disciplinary approach. McCarthy has advanced degrees in philosophy and sociology and has done research and lectured extensively in Germany as a guest professor. His book is divided into four major parts. Part 1, “In the Shadow of Ancient Parnassos: The Coming of the Cosmic Night,” has two chapters: “Children of Oedipus and the Tragedy of Modernity: Karl Marx and Friedrich (...)
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    Autonomy and 'inner distance': a trace of Nietzsche in Weber.David Owen - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (1):79-91.
    The problem I raise here is not what ought to succeed mankind in the sequence of species (- the human being is an end -): but what type of human being one ought to breed, ought to will, as more valuable, more worthy of life, more certain of the future. (Friedrich Nietzsche1) The question which leads us beyond the grave of our own generation is not 'how will human beings feel in the future', but 'how will they be' ... (...)
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    2. Die Geburt der Zivilisationstheorie aus dem Geiste der Kulturkritik: Friedrich Nietzsche.Karsten Fischer - 1999 - In "Verwilderte Selbsterhaltung": Zivilisationstheoretische Kulturkritik Bei Nietzsche, Freud, Weber Und Adorno. Akademie Verlag. pp. 25-49.
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    The Debt of the Living: Ascesis and Capitalism.Elettra Stimilli & Roberto Esposito - 2016 - New York: SUNY Press. Translated by Arianna Bove.
    An analysis of theological and philosophical understandings of debt and its role in contemporary capitalism. Max Weber’s account of the rise of capitalism focused on his concept of a Protestant ethic, valuing diligence in earning and saving money but restraint in spending it. However, such individual restraint is foreign to contemporary understandings of finance, which treat ever-increasing consumption and debt as natural, almost essential, for maintaining the economic cycle of buying and selling. In The Debt of the Living, Elettra (...)
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  41. Über Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne.Friedrich Nietzsche - 1980 - In Giorgio Colli & Mazzino Montinari (eds.), Friedrich Nietzsche: Sämtliche Werke. De Gruyter.
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    On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche & Peter Preuss - 1980 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    An introduction and translator's note by translator Peter Preuss are included in the text.
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    Unversöhnte Moderne.Wolfgang Schluchter - 1996 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Handeln und Entsagen; Max Weber über Wissenschaft und Politik als Beruf -- Physis und Kultur; Max Weber über Psychophysik -- Zwei Wege von der Nationalökonomie zur Kultursoziologie; Max Weber und Alfred Weber -- Zeitgemässe Unzeitgemässe; Von Friedrich Nietzsche über Georg Simmel zu Max Weber -- Die Entstehung der bürgerlichen Lebensführung; Max Webers Erklärungsmodell -- Ethik und Kapitalismus; Die zwei Thesen Max Webers -- Polytheismus der Werte; Überlegungen im Anschluss an Max Weber -- Individuelle (...)
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    Euripides, Hippolytos.Friedrich Solmsen & W. S. Barrett - 1967 - American Journal of Philology 88 (1):86.
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    Are there ontological explanations?Erik Weber - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):277-283.
    There is a huge philosophical literature on scientific explanation, and no one seriously denies that the sciences explain in one way or another. But what about ontology? I will argue that ontological laws and ontological theories can explain. And I will point at the differences between ontological explanations and their scientific counterparts.
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    Die Semantik von Bedeutungsexplikationen.Nico Weber - 1999 - New York: Lang.
  47. Hermann Lotzes Philosophie der Psychologie.Nikolay Milkov - 2021 - In Hermann Lotze, Medizinische Psychologie oder Physiologie der Seele. Heidelberg: Springer-Spektrum. pp. 1-28.
    Die Psychologie hat sich im zweiten Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts langsam zu einer autonomen Disziplin entwickelt. Im Unterschied zu den anderen Figuren in dieser Entwicklung, Johann Friedrich Herbart, Ernst Heinrich Weber und Gustav Theodor Fechner, hat Lotze in seiner Medicinische Psychologie (1852) von Anfang an die neue Disziplin, die Psychologie, konsequent in enger Verbindung mit der Philosophie entwickelt. Damit hat er die Hoffnung gebremst, die Psychologie völlig experimentellen Untersuchungen zu überlassen, die um diese Zeit schon viele gepflegt haben. (...)
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    Einleitung des Kolloquiums.Friedrich Rapp - 1995 - In Hans Lenk & Hans Poser (eds.), Neue Realitäten. Herausforderung der Philosophie: Xvi. Deutscher Kongreß Für Philosophie Berlin 20.–24. September 1993. De Gruyter. pp. 85-86.
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    A Textual Note on Lucretius 5.679.Friedrich Solmsen - 1977 - American Journal of Philology 98 (2):127.
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    Die "Pandorasage" bei Hesiod.Friedrich Solmsen & Otto Lendle - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (4):446.
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