Results for 'Franziska Walter'

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  1.  21
    Development of a Salutogenesis Workshop for SPPs to Help Them, Their Athletes, and the Athlete’s Entourage Better Cope With Uncertainty During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Sascha Leisterer, Franziska Lautenbach, Nadja Walter, Lara Kronenberg & Anne-Marie Elbe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is also called a crisis of uncertainty because of so many unforeseeable events like canceled qualification competitions, loss of training facilities, and postponement of the Olympic games. Athletes and their entourage experience this uncertainty as stressful. Sport psychology practitioners are in a key position to support athletes in coping with these unforeseeable stressors. However, SPPs are similarly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneously have to cope with stress. Salutogenesis, which describes how to manage stress and to (...)
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    Amateur and Recreational Athletes’ Motivation to Exercise, Stress, and Coping During the Corona Crisis.Franziska Lautenbach, Sascha Leisterer, Nadja Walter, Lara Kronenberg, Theresa Manges, Oliver Leis, Vincent Pelikan, Sabrina Gebhardt & Anne-Marie Elbe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mobility worldwide. As a corollary, the health of top- and lower-level athletes alike is profoundly reliant on movement and exercise. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on athletes’ motivation to exercise and train. In detail, we aim to better understand who reported a change in motivation to train due to the lockdown, why they reported lower motivation, what they did to help themselves, what support they (...)
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    Identifying the duration of emotional stimulus presentation for conscious versus subconscious perception via hierarchical drift diffusion models.Julia Schräder, Ute Habel, Han-Gue Jo, Franziska Walter & Lisa Wagels - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 110 (C):103493.
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    Die Corona-Pandemie II: Leben lernen mit dem Virus.Walter Schaupp, Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer, Johann Platzer & Wolfgang Kröll (eds.) - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has confronted us with constantly new challenges. We need to browse new inventories of scientific knowledge to reflect on previous experiences and thus facilitate societal learning. In line with the first volume on the COVID-19 pandemic in this series, contributions from different disciplines and fields of practice create an awareness of the complexity of this crisis and help us to understand the diversity of challenges it poses. The first part focuses on philosophical, sociological and psychological problem (...)
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  5. Drawing the boundaries of animal sentience.Walter Veit & Bryce Huebner - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (13).
  6. Existential Nihilism: The Only Really Serious Philosophical Problem.Walter Veit - 2018 - Journal of Camus Studies:211–232.
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  7. Scaffolding Natural Selection.Walter Veit - 2022 - Biological Theory 17 (2):163-180.
    Darwin provided us with a powerful theoretical framework to explain the evolution of living systems. Natural selection alone, however, has sometimes been seen as insufficient to explain the emergence of new levels of selection. The problem is one of “circularity” for evolutionary explanations: how to explain the origins of Darwinian properties without already invoking their presence at the level they emerge. That is, how does evolution by natural selection commence in the first place? Recent results in experimental evolution suggest a (...)
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  8. Experimental philosophy of medicine and the concepts of health and disease.Walter Veit - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (3):169-186.
    If one had to identify the biggest change within the philosophical tradition in the twenty-first century, it would certainly be the rapid rise of experimental philosophy to address differences in intuitions about concepts. It is, therefore, surprising that the philosophy of medicine has so far not drawn on the tools of experimental philosophy in the context of a particular conceptual debate that has overshadowed all others in the field: the long-standing dispute between so-called naturalists and normativists about the concepts of (...)
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  9. “The essence of autism: fact or artefact?”.Walter Veit - forthcoming - Molecular Psychiatry.
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  10. Ethics of Mixed Martial Arts.Walter Veit & Heather Browning - 2022 - In Jason Holt & Marc Ramsay (eds.), The Philosophy of Mixed Martial Arts: Squaring the Octagon. Routledge. pp. 134-149.
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  11. Agential thinking.Walter Veit - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5):13393-13419.
    In his 2009 monograph, Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection, Peter Godfrey-Smith accuses biologists of demonstrating ‘Darwinian Paranoia’ when they engage in what he dubs ‘agential thinking’. But as Daniel Dennett points out, he offers neither an illuminating set of examples nor an extended argument for this assertion, deeming it to be a brilliant propaganda stroke against what is actually a useful way of thinking. Compared to the dangers of teleological thinking in biology, the dangers of agential thinking have unfortunately rarely (...)
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  12. The evolution of knowledge during the Cambrian explosion.Walter Veit - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e174.
    Phillips et al. make a compelling case for a reversal in the current paradigm in “other minds” research by considering the representation of other people's knowledge more basic than the attribution of belief. Unfortunately, they only discuss primates. In this commentary, I argue that the representation of others' knowledge is an evolutionary ancient trait, first appearing during the Cambrian explosion.
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  13. Dennett and Spinoza.Walter Veit - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):259-265.
    ABSTRACT This paper compares Spinoza with Daniel Dennett and uncovers a number of striking parallels. Genevieve Lloyd’s recent work on Spinoza reveals a picture of a philosopher that anticipated many of Dennett’s later ideas. Both share a fervent opposition to Descartes’ conception of mind and body and endorse a strikingly similar naturalist philosophy. It is the goal of this paper to tease out these connections and once again highlight the richness of a Spinozist lens of the world.
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  14. The Octopus and the Unity of Consciousness.Walter Veit - forthcoming - Psychology Today.
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  15. Samir Okasha's Philosophy.Walter Veit - 2021 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 8 (3):1-8.
    This essay offers some reflections on Samir Okasha’s new monograph Agents and Goals in Evolution, his style of doing philosophy, and the broader philosophy of nature project of trying to make sense of agency and rationality as natural phenomena.
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    Correction to: Experimental philosophy of medicine and the concepts of health and disease.Walter Veit - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (1):99-100.
  17. Why Radical Democracy is Inconsistent with "Mob Rule".Walter Horn - 2021 - The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics 15 (1):7-22.
    The word “populism” commonly elicits images of hordes of angry townspeople with pitchforks and torches. That is the classic picture of “the mob,” bolstered by countless movie and television productions, and it is clearly based on such historical events as the English civil wars, the sans-culottes’ terror, the Bolshevik revolution, and the recent genocides in Rwanda and Burundi. Many of the leaders involved in fostering such horrors are seen as radical democrats whose successors today should also be feared. In this (...)
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  18. Paraconsistent Logics for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: advances and perspectives.Walter A. Carnielli & Rafael Testa - 2020 - 18th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
    This paper briefly outlines some advancements in paraconsistent logics for modelling knowledge representation and reasoning. Emphasis is given on the so-called Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs), a class of paraconsistent logics that formally internalize the very concept(s) of consistency and inconsistency. A couple of specialized systems based on the LFIs will be reviewed, including belief revision and probabilistic reasoning. Potential applications of those systems in the AI area of KRR are tackled by illustrating some examples that emphasizes the importance of (...)
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  19. L’hermeneus prima dell’ermeneutica: Platone e la filosofizzazione coatta.Walter Lapini - 2019 - Noctua 6 (1–2):325-345.
    The essay aims at demonstrating that it is dangerous to try to reconstruct a philosophical doctrine taking into account solely or predominantly the analysis of vocabulary. This is particularly true of the philosophical doctrines of the ancients, who generally did not feel obliged to adopt a coherent and unambiguous technical terminology. Starting from the essay of F. Camera, Sui molteplici significati di hermeneia in Platone, which was published in 2004 and then re-edited in 2011 with few modifications but with a (...)
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  20. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature.Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt & Gingrich F. Wilbur - 1957
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  21. Book of Abstracts: Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction, Paraconsistency and Reasoning.Walter A. Carnielli, Rafael Testa & Juliana Bueno-Soler - 2016 - Campinas, SP, Brasil: CLE-Unicamp.
    “Trends in Logic XVI: Consistency, Contradiction, Paraconsistency, and Reasoning - 40 years of CLE” is being organized by the Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science at the State University of Campinas (CLEUnicamp) from September 12th to 15th, 2016, with the auspices of the Brazilian Logic Society, Studia Logica and the Polish Academy of Sciences. The conference is intended to celebrate the 40th anniversary of CLE, and is centered around the areas of logic, epistemology, philosophy and history of (...)
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    Religion and the modern mind.Walter Terence Stace - 1952 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts.Walter Harding Maurer & Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (4):774.
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    The Myth of Aristotle's Development and the Betrayal of Metaphysics.Walter Wehrle - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this radical reinterpretation of Aristotle's Metaphysics, Walter E. Wehrle demonstrates that developmental theories of Aristotle are based on a faulty assumption: that the fifth chapter of Categories is an early theory of metaphysics that Aristotle later abandoned.
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    Epistemology of the Human Sciences: Restoring an Evolutionary Approach to Biology, Economics, Psychology and Philosophy.Walter B. Weimer - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    This book argues for evolutionary epistemology and distinguishing functionality from physicality in the social sciences. It explores the implications for this approach to understanding in biology, economics, psychology and political science. Presenting a comprehensive overview of philosophical topics in the social sciences, the book emphasizes how all human cognition and behavior is characterized by functionality and complexity, and thus cannot be explained by the point predictions and exact laws found in the physical sciences. Realms of functional complexity – such as (...)
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    Political Opposition in the Early Turkish Republic: The Progressive Republican Party, 1924-1925.Walter F. Weiker & Erik Jan Zurcher - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (2):297.
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    The effect of context stimuli on learning and retention.Walter Weiss & Garry Margolius - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (5):318.
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    Logical atomism and computation do not refute Gibson.Walter B. Welmer - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3):405-405.
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    Effects of sucrose concentrations upon schedule-induced polydipsia using free and response-contingent dry-food reinforcement schedules.Walter P. Christian, Robert W. Riester & Robert W. Schaeffer - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):65-68.
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    Rekursive Algebren mit Kettenbedingungen.Walter Baur - 1974 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 20 (1-3):37-46.
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    A Kantian Theory of Sport.Walter Thomas Schmid - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):107-133.
    This essay develops a Kantian theory of sport which addresses: (1) Kant’s categories of aesthetic judgment (2) a comparable analysis applied to athletic volition; (3) aesthetic cognition and experience and athletic volition and experience; (4) ‘free’ and ‘attached’ beauty; (5) Kant’s theory of teleological judgment; (6) the moral concept of a ‘kingdom of ends’ and sportsmanship; (7) the beautiful and the sublime in sport-experience; (8) respect and religious emotion in sport-experience; (9) the Kantian system and philosophical anthropology; and (10) sport (...)
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  32. Über den philosophiegeschichtlichen Ort Martin Heideggers.Walter Schulz - 1953 - Philosophische Rundschau 1 (2/3):65.
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  33. The Formal Complexity of Natural Language.Walter J. Savitch, Emmon Bach, William Marsh & Gila Savran-Naveh - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):172-174.
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    Civic ceremonial and political manipulation in archaic Greece: tribes, festivals and processions.Walter Robert Connor - 1987 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 107:40-50.
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    Medieval political thought.Walter Ullmann - 1965 - Baltimore: Penguin Books.
  36.  11
    From classic to romantic: premises of taste in eighteenth-century England.Walter Jackson Bate - 1949 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  37. God and Caesar, a Christian approach to social ethics.Walter E. Bauer (ed.) - 1959 - Minneapolis,: Augsburg Publ. House.
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  38. Jeremiah's Poems of Lament.Walter Baumgartner & David E. Orton - 1987
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  39. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity.Walter Bauer, Georg Strecker, Robert A. Kraft & Gerhard Krodel - 1971
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  40. American Social Problems.Walter Greenwood Beach - 1934 - The Monist 44:311.
  41.  15
    Die Bekämpfung der Prostitution im Entwurf eines neuen Strafgesetzbuches.Walter Becker - 1959 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 3 (1):304-309.
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    Das Gesetz zum Schutze der Jugend in der Öffentlichkeit.Walter Becker - 1961 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 5 (1):52-56.
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    Das Sterilisationsproblem im neuen Strafgesetzentwurf.Walter Becker - 1972 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 16 (1):329-337.
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    Die »wilde« Ehe im Rechtsleben.Walter Becker - 1962 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 6 (1):53-56.
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    Jugendgerichtsgesetz.Walter Becker - 1964 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 8 (1):301-307.
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    Improving 3D convolutional neural network comprehensibility via interactive visualization of relevance maps: evaluation in Alzheimer’s disease.Martin Dyrba, Moritz Hanzig, Slawek Altenstein, Sebastian Bader, Tommaso Ballarini, Frederic Brosseron, Katharina Buerger, Daniel Cantré, Peter Dechent, Laura Dobisch, Emrah Düzel, Michael Ewers, Klaus Fliessbach, Wenzel Glanz, John-Dylan Haynes, Michael T. Heneka, Daniel Janowitz, Deniz B. Keles, Ingo Kilimann, Christoph Laske, Franziska Maier, Coraline D. Metzger, Matthias H. Munk, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Lukas Preis, Josef Priller, Boris Rauchmann, Nina Roy, Klaus Scheffler, Anja Schneider, Björn H. Schott, Annika Spottke, Eike J. Spruth, Marc-André Weber, Birgit Ertl-Wagner, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Frank Jessen & Stefan J. Teipel - unknown
    Background: Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve high diagnostic accuracy for detecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, they are not yet applied in clinical routine. One important reason for this is a lack of model comprehensibility. Recently developed visualization methods for deriving CNN relevance maps may help to fill this gap as they allow the visualization of key input image features that drive the decision of the model. We investigated whether models with higher accuracy (...)
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    atrever-se a uma escrita infantil: a infância como abrigo e refúgio.Walter Omar Kohan & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17 (17):1-30.
    The present text is a childlike exercise in writing. In responding to an invitation to write an adult, academic text, we the authors found that the presence of a child's standpoint acted to change the expressions that were to be elucidated, and that the project that adult writing represents was suspended by the creative force of childhood. "Philosophy for children" became "children for philosophy"; "moral education" became "the end (of) morality" and "conceptions of childhood" became the "childhood of conceptions." As (...)
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    In Search of Present Time. Which Role Can It Play for Aristotle?Walter Mesch - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (2):253-274.
    In his theory of time Aristotle does not often mention the present time and nowhere gives a detailed account of it. Nonetheless, present time plays an important role in his conception. I primarily argue for the following claims: (1) According to Aristotle there is a perception of motion and there is a perception of time. These combined perceptions can neither occur in the past nor in the future nor in an indivisible now. Thus, there must be a present time. (2) (...)
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  49.  18
    BioEssays 8∕2019.Nils G. Walter - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (8):1970081.
    Graphical AbstractHow exactly specific biological pathways and eventually life arise from the crowded molecular environment of the cell is a problem that has long vexed humanity and will require a paradigm shift toward mechanistic experimental and computational approaches that probe intracellular diversity and complexity more directly. More details can be found in article number 1800244 by Nils G. Walter. DOI: 10.1002/bies.201800244.
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  50.  27
    The theory of knowledge and existence.Walter Terence Stace - 1932 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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