Results for 'Frank Polak'

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  1. Levels of explicability for medical artificial intelligence: What do we normatively need and what can we technically reach?Frank Ursin, Felix Lindner, Timo Ropinski, Sabine Salloch & Cristian Timmermann - 2023 - Ethik in der Medizin 35 (2):173-199.
    Definition of the problem The umbrella term “explicability” refers to the reduction of opacity of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. These efforts are challenging for medical AI applications because higher accuracy often comes at the cost of increased opacity. This entails ethical tensions because physicians and patients desire to trace how results are produced without compromising the performance of AI systems. The centrality of explicability within the informed consent process for medical AI systems compels an ethical reflection on the trade-offs. Which (...)
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    The risks of autonomous machines: from responsibility gaps to control gaps.Frank Hindriks & Herman Veluwenkamp - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-17.
    Responsibility gaps concern the attribution of blame for harms caused by autonomous machines. The worry has been that, because they are artificial agents, it is impossible to attribute blame, even though doing so would be appropriate given the harms they cause. We argue that there are no responsibility gaps. The harms can be blameless. And if they are not, the blame that is appropriate is indirect and can be attributed to designers, engineers, software developers, manufacturers or regulators. The real problem (...)
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  3. Know Your Way Out of St. Petersburg: An Exploration of “Knowledge-First” Decision Theory.Frank Hong - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2473-2492.
    This paper explores the consequences of applying two natural ideas from epistemology to decision theory: (1) that knowledge should guide our actions, and (2) that we know a lot of non-trivial things. In particular, we explore the consequences of these ideas as they are applied to standard decision theoretic puzzles such as the St. Petersburg Paradox. In doing so, we develop a “knowledge-first” decision theory and we will see how it can help us avoid fanaticism with regard to the St. (...)
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    Norms of Public Argumentation and the Ideals of Correctness and Participation.Frank Zenker, Jan Albert van Laar, B. Cepollaro, A. Gâţă, M. Hinton, C. G. King, B. Larson, M. Lewiński, C. Lumer, S. Oswald, M. Pichlak, B. D. Scott, M. Urbański & J. H. M. Wagemans - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (1):7-40.
    Argumentation as the public exchange of reasons is widely thought to enhance deliberative interactions that generate and justify reasonable public policies. Adopting an argumentation-theoretic perspective, we survey the norms that should govern public argumentation and address some of the complexities that scholarly treatments have identified. Our focus is on norms associated with the ideals of correctness and participation as sources of a politically legitimate deliberative outcome. In principle, both ideals are mutually coherent. If the information needed for a correct deliberative (...)
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    Freud and the idea of a pseudo-science.Frank Cioffi - 1970 - In Robert Borger, Explanation In The Behavioural Sciences. Cambridge University Press. pp. 508--515.
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  6. A Rawlsian Solution to the New Demarcation Problem.Frank Cabrera - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (8):810-827.
    In the last two decades, a robust consensus has emerged among philosophers of science, whereby political, ethical, or social values must play some role in scientific inquiry, and that the ‘value-free ideal’ is thus a misguided conception of science. However, the question of how to distinguish, in a principled way, which values may legitimately influence science remains. This question, which has been dubbed the ‘new demarcation problem,’ has until recently received comparatively less attention from philosophers of science. In this paper, (...)
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    Fairness perceptions of algorithmic decision-making: A systematic review of the empirical literature.Frank Marcinkowski, Birte Keller, Janine Baleis & Christopher Starke - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Algorithmic decision-making increasingly shapes people's daily lives. Given that such autonomous systems can cause severe harm to individuals and social groups, fairness concerns have arisen. A human-centric approach demanded by scholars and policymakers requires considering people's fairness perceptions when designing and implementing algorithmic decision-making. We provide a comprehensive, systematic literature review synthesizing the existing empirical insights on perceptions of algorithmic fairness from 58 empirical studies spanning multiple domains and scientific disciplines. Through thorough coding, we systemize the current empirical literature along (...)
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    When to Start Saving the Planet?Frank Hindriks - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 23 (3).
    People should take immediate action to prevent climate harms. Although intuitive, this claim faces two important problems. First, no individual can avert a climate harm on their own. Second, too few people are typically willing to contribute. In response, I point out that individuals can sometimes help prevent harm to the climate, and I argue that they should take preventive action when the prospect of success is good enough. Furthermore, when too few are willing to contribute, an individual may be (...)
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    Mind, morality, and explanation: selected collaborations.Frank Jackson - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Philip Pettit & Michael Smith.
    Frank Jackson, Philip Pettit, and Michael Smith have been at the forefront of philosophy in Australia for much of the last two decades, and their collaborative work has had widespread influence throughout the world. Mind, Morality, and Explanation collects the best of that work in a single volume, showcasing their seminal contributions to philosophical psychology, the theory of psychological and social explanation, moral theory, and moral psychology.
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    The Normative Value of Making a Positive Contribution–Benefiting Others as a Core Dimension of Meaningful Work.Frank Martela - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (4):811-823.
    Most normative accounts of meaningful work have focused on the value of autonomy and capability for self-development. Here, I will propose that contribution–having a positive impact on others through one’s work–is another central dimension of meaningful work. Being able to contribute through one’s work should be recognized as one of the key axiological values that work can serve, providing one independent justification for why work is valuable and worth doing. Conversely, I argue that having to do work that has no (...)
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    Ethics and Behavioural Theory: How Do Professionals Assess Their Mental Models?Frank Graaf - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):933-947.
    The role and ethics of professionals in business and economics have been questioned, especially after the financial crisis of 2008. Some suggest a reorientation using concepts such as craftsmanship. In this article, I will explore professional practices within the context of behavioural theory and business ethics. I suggest that scholars of behavioural theory need a strategy to deal with normative questions to meet their ambition of practical relevance. Evidence-based management (EBMgt), a recent behavioural approach, may assist business ethics scholars in (...)
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  12. Wittgenstein on Freud and Frazer.Frank Cioffi - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (313):459-461.
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    An Introduction to Social Psychology. William McDougall.Frank Granger - 1909 - International Journal of Ethics 19 (4):512-515.
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    Crisis of Meaning in Sartor Resartus—Thomas Carlyle's Pioneering Work in Articulating and Addressing the Existential Confrontation.Frank Martela - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (2):80-106.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Crisis of Meaning in Sartor Resartus—Thomas Carlyle's Pioneering Work in Articulating and Addressing the Existential ConfrontationFrank Martelawhat i call an "existential confrontation" is the encounter with the possibility that human life is absurd: created for no purpose and devoid of any lasting value or meaning. It is "the hour of terror at the world's vast meaningless grinding" that William James (Will to Believe 173) examines, described by Todd May (...)
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  15. The ethical system of Richard cumberland and its place in the history of british ethics.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1912 - Mind 21 (83):371-398.
  16.  19
    Further Thoughts on the Recruitment of REC Lay Members.Frank A. Green - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (1):8-12.
    This article seeks to broaden the debate on the recruitment of REC lay members by arguing that the recruitment of good members requires that there is initially a need to heighten awareness among potential candidates of the nature of the lay contribution. The article offers a recruiting process model of: awareness; advocacy; characterization; recruitment, and training, and focuses on the first three steps in that process. The current position is that there is sparse awareness and advocacy of the role of (...)
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    Some new documents on Royce's early experiences of communities.Frank M. Oppenheim - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (4):381-385.
  18. The question of the wind in Zhuangzi.Frank Stevenson - 2008 - In Jay Goulding, China-West interculture: toward the philosophy of world integration: essays on Wu Kuang-Ming's thinking. New York: Global Scholarly Publications.
  19.  31
    Learning via queries and oracles.Frank Stephan - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):273-296.
    Inductive inference considers two types of queries: Queries to a teacher about the function to be learned and queries to a non-recursive oracle. This paper combines these two types — it considers three basic models of queries to a teacher (QEX[Succ], QEX[ The results for each of these three models of query-inference are the same: If an oracle is omniscient for query-inference then it is already omniscient for EX. There is an oracle of trivial EX-degree, which allows nontrivial query-inference. Furthermore, (...)
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    Gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf der passiven und indirekten Sterbehilfe in Deutschland: Praxisorientierte Empfehlungen einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin.Frank Oehmichen, Meinolfus Strätling & Alfred Simon - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (3):239-242.
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    An alternative future of digitized genetic information and digital procreation.Frank Cong - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (1):41-58.
    This research looks what happens to human reproduction when human genetic information is digitized. By employing speculative design as a transdisciplinary strategy to construct such an alternative future to open up public dialogues, it aims to stimulate audiences in an artistic way to deliberate two key questions: (1) how will biotechnology recondition and recontextualize the natural processes of genetic information (i.e. expression, replication, transmission and mutation) and our physiological processes (e.g. reproduction)? And (2) what might be the ethical, legal and (...)
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  22. Ocherki razvitii︠a︡ osnovnykh fizicheskikh ideĭ.A. T. Grigorʹi︠a︡n & L. S. Polak (eds.) - 1959 - Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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    Ethics: An Investigation of the Facts and Laws of the Moral LifeVol. I, The Facts of Moral LifeVol. II, Ethical Systems.Frank Chapman Sharp, Wilhelm Wundt, Julia Gulliver, Edward Titchener & Margaret Floy Washburn - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7 (3):300.
  24.  29
    Morale Kantienne et Morale Humaine.Frank Thilly - 1918 - Philosophical Review 27 (2):188-192.
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    Hobbes and America: Exploring the Constitutional Foundations.Frank Coleman - 1977 - University of Toronto Press.
  26.  32
    Schopenhauer and Platonic Ideas.Frank C. White - 2011 - In Bart Vandenabeele, A Companion to Schopenhauer. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 133–146.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Nature of Schopenhauer's Platonic Ideas and Their Relation to Individuals The Exclusion of Mathematical Ideas The Exclusion of Value Ideas Schopenhauer's Justification of His Restriction of Ideas to Ideas in Nature Schopenhauer's Theory of Art Considered in Itself Irresoluble Conflicts between Plato and Schopenhauer Notes References Further Reading.
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    Scientific reasoning and argumentation: the roles of domain-specific and domain-general knowledge.Frank Fischer (ed.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Competence in scientific reasoning is one of the most valued outcomes of secondary and higher education. However, there is a need for a deeper understanding of and further research into the roles of domain-general and domain-specific knowledge in such reasoning. This book explores the functions and limitations of domain-general conceptions of reasoning and argumentation, the substantial differences that exist between the disciplines, and the role of domain-specific knowledge and epistemologies. Featuring chapters and commentaries by widely cited experts in the learning (...)
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    Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy.Frank Serafini - 2014 - New York: Teachers College Press.
    Reading the Visual is an essential introduction that focuses on what teachers should know about multimodal literacy and how to teach it. This engaging book provides theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical frameworks for teaching a wide-range of visual and multimodal texts, including historical fiction, picture books, advertisements, websites, comics, graphic novels, news reports, and film. Each unit of study presented contains suggestions for selecting cornerstone texts and visual images and launching the unit, as well as lesson plans, text sets, and analysis (...)
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    What is Our Priority?Frank M. Severn - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):17-18.
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    Is the universe self-centered or God-centered?Frank Sewall - 1913 - Philadelphia, Pa.,: Swedenborg scientific association.
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  31. Professor James on religious experience.Frank] Sewall - 1903 - [Boston,: New-Church union.
  32. Swedenborg and modern idealism..Frank Sewall - 1902 - [n.p.]:
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    Beta motion thresholds.Frank J. Sgro - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (3):281.
  34. Appendix.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1892 - The Monist 3.
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    (2 other versions)An Analysis of the Idea of Obligation.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (4):500-513.
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    Custom and the moral judgment.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (24):658-661.
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  37. (1 other version)Ethics.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 39 (2):235-239.
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    Ethics. John Dewey, James H. Tufts.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 44 (1):155-160.
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    Ethical empiricism and moral heteronomy: A reply.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (1):60-64.
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  40. Education for Character.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 30 (4):460-464.
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    Good will and ill will.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1950 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
  42.  52
    Hume's ethical theory and its critics.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1921 - Mind 30 (117):40-56.
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    (1 other version)Hume's ethical theory and its critics (II.).Frank Chapman Sharp - 1921 - Mind 30 (118):151-171.
  44. Is There a Universal Moral Standard?Frank Chapman Sharp - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31:205.
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    Problems in Business Ethics.Frank Chapman Sharp & Philip Gorder Fox - 1937 - D. Appleton-Century Company.
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  46. Rae's Contemporary Socialism.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1891 - International Journal of Ethics 2:514.
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    Some Aims of Moral Education.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1898 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (2):214.
  48.  42
    Some Aims of Moral Education.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (2):214-228.
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    Some Problems of Fair Competition.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (2):123.
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    Some Problems of Fair Competition.Frank Chapman Sharp - 1921 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (2):123-145.
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