  1.  12
    Het cultuurbeleid in de gefusioneerde gemeenten.Frank Delmartino - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (3-4):577-588.
    Since the mid-sixties an important change in the attitude of local authorities towards cultural infrastructure such as meeting halls, public libraries, sporting accommodation, etc. can be noticed. Induced by the government many state-subsidized initiatives have been taken in this field, implicating an active role of public authorities and contrasting with the former merely supporting policy. However cultural policy also supposes citizen's participation. This involvement has been legally guaranteed: every ideological tendency in the population bas the right to participate in the (...)
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  2.  16
    Regionalisme in Spanje : Van perifeer nationalisme tot geïntegreerde autonomie.Frank Delmartino - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (4):467-495.
    The political agreements concluded in the summer of 1981 between the main majority and opposition parties constitute a turning point in the development of Spanish regionalism. Whereas previously autonomy statutes were awarded to historic regions with strong social and cultural identities, we have now a situation where a considerable degree of self-government is also made possible for all other regions. This decision shifted the focus more to socio-economic development, thereby stimulating expectations of improvement based on regional political efforts as well (...)
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  3.  12
    Schaalvergroting en bestuurskracht : Een beleidsanalytische benadering van de herstrukturering van de lokale besturen.Frank Delmartino - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (3):395-412.
    The restructuration of municipalities which has been decided by the Belgian government, is not only a purely technical operatzon but rather, and in the first place, a social problem. The shape and duty-profile of a local authority should not, indeed, be attuned only to fast changing expectations as far as services are concerned, but to consultation and participation as well.Public administration research cannot keep aloof from this debate, but is considerably hampered by the institutional confusion and the insufficient explicitation of (...)
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