Results for 'François Delaporte'

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  1.  10
    Métaphysique d'Aristote: commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin. Thomas & Guy-François Delaporte - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte.
    T. 1. Livres I-V -- t. 2. Livres VI-XII.
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  2. Une métaphysique propre à Thomas d’Aquin?Guy-François Delaporte - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (2):167-180.
    Résumé : Le thème de la Métaphysique de l’acte d’être a connu un succès jamais démenti au cours du siècle dernier, avec des auteurs comme Gilson, Maritain ou Fabro, pour ne citer que les plus célèbres. Pourtant, des questions de fond n’ont jamais reçu de réponse satisfaisante, et ont laissé le sentiment d’une doctrine inachevée et inachevable. Trois observations contribuent à cette insatisfaction : la quasi-absence d’une telle problématique chez Thomas d’Aquin, les désaccords entre certains points de la théorie ainsi (...)
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    Commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin sur le Traité de l'âme d'Aristote.Guy-François Delaporte - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Guy-François Delaporte.
    Le Commentaire du Traité de l'âme d'Aristote par Thomas d'Aquin est le cinquième des commentaires fondamentaux des oeuvres d'Aristote traduits en langue française. Avec celui des Physiques, de la Métaphysique, de l'Interprétation et des Analytiques, il fonde l'édifice de la philosophie de Thomas d'Aquin et assure les contreforts de sa théologie. Ce traité se présente comme un vaste essai de définition de l'âme et principalement de l'âme humaine, avec en filigrane, une question lancinante : cette âme est-elle immortelle? Si ce (...)
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    Figures of Medicine: Blood, Face Transplants, Parasites.François Delaporte - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    Animal blood -- Fabricating noses -- The face transplant -- The Manson effect -- Robles' disease -- Chagas' error.
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  5. The history of medicine according to Foucault.François Delaporte - 1994 - In Jan Goldstein (ed.), Foucault and the writing of history. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 1--7.
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  6. Linnaeus garden. [Spanish].François Delaporte - 2006 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 5:128-143.
    Desde el siglo XVIII, el jardín es el lugar del saber-hacer y de los conocimientos adquiridos por la botánica experimental. A partir de ahí, se propondrá una definición de lo que es un ambiente técnico: un ambiente de cultivo hecho de normas y leyes. Pero este ambiente técnico debe distinguirse del ambiente natural. Este último designa un ambiente ocupado por especies salvajes. Se trata, pues, de precisar la naturaleza de la relación entre ambiente técnico y ambiente natural. A los productos (...)
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  7. Lecture du commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin sur le traité de la démonstration d'Aristote: Savoir, c'est connaître la cause.Guy-François Delaporte - 2005 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    C’est un véritable Discours de la Méthode qu’Aristote nous livre avec son traité de la démonstration intitulé Seconds Analytiques. Avec lui, l’auteur parvient au sommet de l’art logique dont il est le véritable inventeur.
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    Romana's Sign.François Delaporte - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (3):357 - 366.
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  9. François Delaporte, Anatomy of the Passions Reviewed by.Stefanos Geroulanos - 2009 - Philosophy in Review 29 (1):18-20.
  10.  18
    François Delaporte;, Emmanuel Fournier;, Bernard Devauchelle . La fabrique du visage: De la physionomie antique à la première greffe, avec un inédit de Duchenne de Boulogne. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2010. €65. [REVIEW]Brigitte Hoppe - 2011 - Isis 102 (4):775-776.
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    Vectors of Thought: François Delaporte, the Cholera of 1832 and the Problem of Error.Samuel Talcott - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):56.
    This paper resists the virality of contemporary paranoia by turning to “French epistemology”, a philosophical ethos that embraces uncertainty and complexity by registering the transformative impact of scientific knowledge on thought. Despite its popular uses describing phenomena of communication today, the idea of virality comes from biomedicine. This paper, therefore, investigates the extent to which an epidemiological concept of viral transmission—the disease vector—can comprehend and encourage new possibilities of thought beyond paranoia. Briefly, I attempt to analyze thought as a vector. (...)
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    François Delaporte. Figures of Medicine: Blood, Face Transplants, Parasites. Translated by, Nils F. Schott. xxiii + 173 pp., illus. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013. $26. [REVIEW]Michael Osborne - 2014 - Isis 105 (2):414-414.
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    François Delaporte. Anatomy of the Passions. Translated by, Susan Emanuel. Foreword by, Todd Meyers. xx + 194 pp., figs., app., bibl., index. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2008. $24.95. [REVIEW]Marta Braun - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):414-415.
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    Histoire des myopathies. Francois Delaporte, Patrice Pinell.Toby Gelfand - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):616-617.
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    The History of Yellow Fever: An Essay on the Birth of Tropical Medicine. François Delaporte, Arthur Goldhammer.Ann La Berge - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):506-507.
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    Disease and Civilization: The Cholera in Paris, 1832. François Delaporte, Arthur Goldhammer.George Sussman - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):103-104.
  17. Georges Canguilhem, A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings from Georges Canguilhem, edited by François Delaporte and translated by Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Zone Books, 1994. Pp. 481. ISBN 0-942299-72-8. £24.25, $36.25. [REVIEW]John Sutton - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Science 30 (1):101-121.
    Georges Canguilhem, A Vital Rationalist: Selected Writings from Georges Canguilhem, edited by François Delaporte and translated by Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Zone Books, 1994. Pp. 481. ISBN 0-942299-72-8. £24.25, $36.25.
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    Nature's Second Kingdom. Explorations of Vegetality in the Eighteenth Century by François Delaporte.Roger Cooter - 1982 - History of Science 20:3.
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    Le second règne de la nature: Essai sur les questions de la végétalité au XVIIIe siècle by François Delaporte[REVIEW]Richard Burkhardt Jr - 1981 - Isis 72:121-123.
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    Las máscaras de la perversidad en tres cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe. Teatralización de la monstruosidad moral.Claudia María Maya Franco & Hilderman Cardona Rodas - 2020 - Perseitas 9:292-318.
    Este artículo analiza tres cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe (El demonio de la perversidad, El gato negro y El corazón delator). Estos cuentos tienen en común el tema de la perversidad hacia cuya elucidación pretendemos avanzar desde la premisa deleuziana según la cual es preciso volver al espacio literario donde fueron nombradas las perversidades, con el fin de obtener algunas claves de comprensión sobre las causas y consecuencias de la perversidad, así como sobre la naturaleza de estos personajes literarios que, (...)
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  21. The Alleged Priority of Literal Interpretation.François Récanati - 1995 - Cognitive Science 19 (2):207-232.
    In this paper I argue against a widely accepted model of utterance interpretation, namely the LS model, according to which the literal interpretation of an utterance (the proposition literally expressed by that utterance) must be computed before non-literal interpretations can be entertained. Alleged arguments in favor of this model are shown to be fallacious, counterexamples are provided, and alternative models are sketched.
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    The work of the population policies committee.François Lafitte - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (1):47.
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  23. Globalisation et déficit de légitimité démocratique: faut-il souhaiter une démocratie cosmopolitique ?FranÇois Boucher - 2007 - Revue Phares 7.
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  24. Multidimensional Poverty Orderings: Theory and Applications.Francois Bourguignon & Satya R. Chakravarty - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.), Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Classical Consequences of Continuous Choice Principles from Intuitionistic Analysis.François G. Dorais - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (1):25-39.
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    Artificial versus Substantial Gauge Symmetries: A Criterion and an Application to the Electroweak Model.Jordan François - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (3):472-496.
    To systematically answer the generalized Kretschmann objection, I propose a mean to make operational a criterion widely recognized as allowing one to decide whether the gauge symmetry of a theory is artificial or substantial. My proposition is based on the dressing field method of gauge symmetry reduction, a new simple tool from mathematical physics. This general scheme allows one in particular to straightforwardly argue that the notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking is superfluous to the empirical success of the electroweak theory. (...)
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    Complexity Results of STIT Fragments.François Schwarzentruber - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (5):1001-1045.
    We provide a Kripke semantics for a STIT logic with the "next" operator. As the atemporal group STIT is undecidable and unaxiomatizable, we are interested in strict fragments of atemporal group STIT. First we prove that the satisfiability problem of a formula of the fragment made up of individual coalitions plus the grand coalition is also NEXPTIME-complete. We then generalize this result to a fragment where coalitions are in a given lattice. We also prove that if we restrict the language (...)
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    Une nouvelle loi thasienne : institutions judiciaires et fêtes religieuses à la fin du IVe siècle av. J.-C.François Salviat - 1958 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 82 (1):193-267.
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  29. Indexical Thought: The Communication Problem.François Recanati - 2016 - In Manuel García-Carpintero & Stephan Torre (eds.), About Oneself: De Se Thought and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 141-178.
    What characterizes indexical thinking is the fact that the modes of presentation through which one thinks of objects are context-bound and perspectival. Such modes of presentation, I claim, are mental files presupposing that we stand in certain relations to the reference : the role of the file is to store information one can gain in virtue of standing in that relation to the object. This raises the communication problem, first raised by Frege : if indexical thoughts are context-bound and relation-based, (...)
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  30. ‘That’-clauses as existential quantifiers.François Recanati - 2004 - Analysis 64 (3):229-235.
    Following Panaccio, 'John believes that p' is analysed as 'For some x such that x is true if and only if p, John believes x'. On this view the complement clause 'that p' acts as a restricted existential quantifier and it contributes a higher-order property.
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  31. Situations and the Structure of Content.François Recanati - 1999 - In Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton (eds.), Philosophy and linguistics. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 113--165.
    An investigation into 'Austinian semantics'. Every utterance is said to express an 'Austinian proposition' consisting of a situation and a fact the situation is presented as supporting. A more recent statement of the theory is to be found in *Oratio Obliqua, Oratio Recta: an Essay on Metarepresentation* (MIT Press/Bradford Books, 2000).
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    Exemptions to the Law, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience in Postsecular Societies.François Boucher - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (2).
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    Comparing the Strength of Diagonally Nonrecursive Functions in the Absence of Induction.François G. Dorais, Jeffry L. Hirst & Paul Shafer - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (4):1211-1235.
    We prove that the statement “there is aksuch that for everyfthere is ak-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function relative tof” does not imply weak König’s lemma over${\rm{RC}}{{\rm{A}}_0} + {\rm{B\Sigma }}_2^0$. This answers a question posed by Simpson. A recursion-theoretic consequence is that the classic fact that everyk-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function computes a 2-bounded diagonally nonrecursive function may fail in the absence of${\rm{I\Sigma }}_2^0$.
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    The Creation of the World, or, Globalization.François Raffoul & David Pettigrew (eds.) - 2007 - State University of New York Press.
    _Philosophical reflections on the phenomenon of globalization._.
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    Accueil des personnes 'gées en EHPAD : entre liberté et sécurité. Ambivalence mais non ambiguïté du discours juridique.François Vialla - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (128):109-114.
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    Affaire Vincent L. : les maux de la fin.François Vialla, Maxime Delouvée, Juliette Dugne, Justine Fontana, Anne Gibelin, Adrien Nieto & Paul Veron - 2014 - Médecine et Droit 2014 (129):135-143.
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  37. Entre pouvoir et autorité : des pairs experts aux tiers-experts.François Vialla - forthcoming - Médecine et Droit.
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    L’étrange victoire.François Vialla - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (163):76-80.
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    Mineur et secret médical – Le secret sur son état de santé demandé par le mineur à l’égard de ses parents : de la reconnaissance d’un droit à sa mise en œuvre concrète.François Vialla, Magali Faure, Éric Martinez, Rodolphe Bourret & Jean-Philippe Vauthier - 2015 - Médecine et Droit 2015 (133):79-89.
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    Refus transfusionnel.François Vialla - 2022 - Médecine et Droit 2022 (177):95-107.
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    A contextualised reading of Matthew 6:22–23: ‘Your eye is the lamp of your body’.Francois P. Viljoen - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    La date de fondation de Sélinonte : les données archéologiques.François Villard & Georges Vallet - 1958 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 82 (1):16-26.
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    The Matthean characterisation of Jesus by God the Father.Francois P. Viljoen - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3).
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    The Matthean characterisation of Jesus by angels.Francois P. Viljoen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):1-7.
    Angels play a significant role in the characterisation of the Matthean Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew displays particular interest in angels. This article focuses on passages in Matthew that relate the role of angels directly to Jesus. Matthew distinguishes between the angel of the Lord and angels in general. This article examines the latter group keeping in view their support of Jesus. It shows that Matthew assumes knowledge of Jewish angelic traditions among his readers. He adds new perspectives to their (...)
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    The significance of dreams and the star in Matthew’s infancy narrative.Francois Viljoen - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (2).
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    Can Consumers’ Altruistic Inferences Solve the CSR Initiative Puzzle? A Meta-analytic Investigation.François A. Carrillat, Carolin Plewa, Ljubomir Pupovac, Chloé Vanasse, Taylor Willmott, Renaud Legoux & Ekaterina Napolova - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Research into consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives has expanded in the past four decades, yet the evidence thus far provided does not paint a cohesive picture. Results suggest both positive and negative consumer reactions to CSR, and unless such mixed findings can be reconciled, the outcome might be an amalgamation of disparate empirical results rather than a coherent body of knowledge. The current meta-analysis therefore tests whether the mixed findings might reflect consumers’ distinct, altruistic inferences across various (...)
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    Pluriform Accommodation: Justice Beyond Multiculturalism and Freedom of Religion.François Levrau - 2017 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):151-178.
    The central notion in this article is ‘pluriform accommodation,’ a term that we have coined to defend two lines of thought. The first is a plea for inclusive and consequential neutrality; the second is a closely linked plea for reasonable accommodation. With ‘pluriform accommodation’ we emphasize that the multicultural recognition scope should be expanded. The need for inclusive and accommodative rules, laws, and practices is a matter of principle and as such cannot be reduced to the inclusion of people with (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Pragmatics.Francois Recanati - 1996 - In Edward Craig (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge. pp. 620-633.
    1 Pragmatics and ordinary language philosophy 2 Speech acts 3 Contextual implications 4 Non-truth-conditional aspects of meaning 5 Indexicals 6 Levels of meaning 7 Open texture 8 The semantics/pragmatics distinction 9 Context and propositional attitudes 10 Presupposition 11 Interpretation and context-change 12 The strategic importance of conversational implicatures 13 Communicative intentions 14 The intentional-inferential model 15 Pragmatics and modularity 16 Cognitive science and contextualism.
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    “Nanostandardization” in Action: Implementing Standardization Processes in a Multidisciplinary Nanoparticle-Based Research and Development Project.François Roubert, Marie-Gabrielle Beuzelin-Ollivier, Margarethe Hofmann-Amtenbrink, Heinrich Hofmann & Alessandra Hool - 2016 - NanoEthics 10 (1):41-62.
    Nanomaterials have attracted much interest in the medical field and related applications as their distinct properties in the nanorange enable new and improved diagnosis and therapies. Owing to these properties and their potential interactions with the human body and the environment, the impact of nanomaterials on humans and their potential toxicity have been regarded a very significant issue. Consequently, nanomaterials are the subject of a wide range of cutting-edge research efforts in the medical and related fields to thoroughly probe their (...)
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  50. Talk about Fiction.Francois Recanati - 1998 - Lingua E Stile 33 (3):547-558.
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