Results for 'Franco Esposito'

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  1.  14
    Anna Esposito, Franco Franceschi et Gabriella Piccinni (a cura di), Violenza alle donne. Una pro.Didier Lett - 2020 - Clio 52:280-283.
    La violence exercée par la société patriarcale médiévale sur les femmes a fait l’objet de nombreuses études au cours des dernières années. L’accent a été principalement mis sur les agressions physiques (rapts, viols, corrections maritales, etc.) et, plus récemment, pour éviter de considérer les femmes comme d’« éternelles victimes », sur la violence qu’elles ont elles-mêmes exercée. L’un des intérêts de cet ouvrage collectif, centré sur l’Italie des quatre derniers siècles médiévaux, est de p...
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    Terza persona : Esposito e a filosofia do impessoal.Fernando Gigante Ferraz - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):264-276.
    Na atualidade, parece não haver nenhuma outra categoria que goze de unanimidade tão generalizada e transversal, quanto o de pessoa. Nenhum discurso que pretenda estar em público de forma teórico, jurídico e politicamente correta coloca em questão sua nobreza, principalmente em seu nexo com o direito. Os direitos da pessoa são justamente sobre o quê não se deve tergiversar. No entanto, há um paradoxo incontornável do nosso tempo: nunca como agora, a nobreza da categoria de pessoa foi tão incensada, mas (...)
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    La encarnación de la verdad y la política de la comunidad: Foucault y los cínicos.Vanessa Lemm - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (2):527-544.
    Este artículo investiga el análisis que Foucault lleva a cabo de la vida filosófica de los cínicos y de la parrêsia en El coraje de la verdad desde la perspectiva de la siguiente pregunta nietzscheana: ¿Cómo puede ser incorporada la verdad? Para considerar a la filosofía como una forma de vida y no meramente como una ciencia o una doctrina, la pregunta de cómo puede vivirse o materializarse la verdad en el cuerpo físico es, evidentemente, crucial. Mientras que tanto Foucault (...)
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    Le opere dei filosofi e degli scienziati: filosofia e scienza tra testo, libro e biblioteche: atti del convegno, Lecce, 7-8 febbraio 2007.Franco Aurelio Meschini & Francesca Puccini (eds.) - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
    Troppo spesso lo specialismo, pur indispensabile, impedisce una proficua collaborazione tra studiosi. È pensando a un territorio al cui centro si colloca il testo o, meglio, i testi, nella fattispecie di filosofi e scienziati, che è stata disegnata la geografia del convegno; per far incontrare editori di testi, storici della filosofia e della scienza, storici del libro, bibliografi e biblioteconomisti, informatici ed esperti di manoscritti.
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    The third unconscious: the psycho-sphere in the viral age.Franco Berardi - 2021 - Brooklyn, NY: Verso.
    A wide-ranging exploration of the present, and the future, of the Unconscious. The Unconscious knows no time, it has no before-and-after, it does not have a history of its own. Yet, it is not always the same. As it emerges in the life of people and societies, the Unconscious is shaped by ever-changing historical conditions: its form depends on the unique 'psychosphere' of each historical age. In the early twentieth century, Freud characterised the Unconscious as the dark side of the (...)
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    Relatività e Relativismo.Franco Selleri - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 25 (1):23-51.
    Con E = m c2 la teoria della relatività ha generato una conquista conoscitiva di enorme importanza. Tuttavia la stessa teoria ha svuotato di significato oggettivo questa scoperta affermando che i punti di vista divergenti dei diversi osservatori inerziali sul valore numerico di Esono equivalenti. Una recente critica della nozione relativistica del tempo ha spostato il baricentro concettuale della fisica dello spazio e del tempo verso l'esistenza di un sistema privilegiato, restituendo alla formula di Einstein tutta la sua importanza.
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  7.  20
    Futurability: the age of impotence and the horizon of possibility.Franco Berardi - 2017 - Brooklyn: Verso.
    We live in an age of impotence. Stuck between global war and global finance, between identity and capital, we seem to be incapable of producing the radical change that is so desperately needed. Is there still a way to disentangle ourselves from a global order that shapes our politics as well as our imagination? In his most systematic book to date, renowned Italian theorist Franco Berardi tackles this question through a solid yet visionary analysis of the three fundamental concepts (...)
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    The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy.Franco "Bifo" Berardi & Jason E. Smith - 2009 - Semiotext(E).
    An examination of new forms of alienation in our never-off, plugged-in culture—and a clarion call for a “conspiracy of estranged people.” We can reach every point in the world but, more importantly, we can be reached from any point in the world. Privacy and its possibilities are abolished. Attention is under siege everywhere. Not silence but uninterrupted noise, not the red desert, but a cognitive space overcharged with nervous incentives to act: this is the alienation of our times... —from The (...)
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  9. Aesthetics as Critique : A Photographic Inquiry into the Mafia.Franco Zecchin - 2016 - In Arundhati Virmani (ed.), Political aesthetics: culture, critique and the everyday. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Rileggere la Scienza della logica di Hegel: ricorsività, retroazioni, ologrammi.Franco Chiereghin - 2011 - Roma: Carocci.
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  11. La 'Bildung': una categoria pedagogica significativa anche in Italia.Franco Cambi - 2011 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 10 (2):11-22.
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    Pensiero e tempo: ricerche sullo storicismo critico: figure, modelli, attualità.Franco Cambi - 2008 - Firenze: Firenze University Press.
    This book encompasses a profound meditation on the twentieth-century fortunes of historicism as a philosophical model. After a reconstruction of its decline (as a unified and compact philosophical "ism" and as the direct heir of idealism, especially in Italy) and of its persistence as a philosophical style, the volume then penetrates the frontier of the neo-historicisms, probing two of their European faces in the shape of José Ortega y Gasset and Theodor W. Adorno. It then goes on to develop various (...)
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    De hominis dignitate: scritti di bioetica.Franco Casavola - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis. Edited by Lorenzo Chieffi & Francesco Lucrezi.
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  14. Il tempo del diritto.Franco Casavola - 2004 - Studium 100 (4-5):687-692.
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  15. Attratori e strutture frattili nel De anima di Aristotele.Franco Chiereghin - 2001 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 30 (1):3-74.
  16.  20
    Paradoxes of the Notion of Antedating: A Philosophical Critique to Libets Theory of the Relationships Between Neural Activity and Awareness of Sensory Stimuli.Franco Chiereghin - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (3-4):3-4.
    Among Benjamin Libet's experiments on the relationship between consciousness and neural activity, those pointing at a substantive difference between subjective timing of a sensory experience and the experimental measure of the time needed to produce that experience appear particularly interesting. From a subjective standpoint, one is immediately conscious of a sensory experience, whereas, as a result of objective measured time of reaction, unconscious neural activation in the presence of a sensory stimulus begins 500 msec before one being aware of the (...)
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  17.  10
    Identità e riconoscimento nella sociologia contemporanea.Franco Crespi - 2004 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Galilei, Calvino, Rousseau.Franco Lombardi - 1968 - Firenze,: G. C. Sansoni.
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  19. Predicatio est rei predicate humanis mentibus presentatio : les sermons pour la Dédicace de l'église de Guillaume d'Auvergne.Franco Morenzoni - 2005 - In Franco Morenzoni & Jean-Yves Tilliette (eds.), Autour de Guillaume d'Auvergne (+1249). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
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  20. The inhibition of unwanted actions.Clayton E. Curtis & Mark D'Esposito - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Infant pointing: Harlequin, servant of two masters.Fabia Franco - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler (eds.), Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    Infants initiate joint attentional exchanges by pointing relevant referents out to addressees. Over the second year of life, the functional meaning of the pointing gesture develops from declarative (sharing a referent) to informational (giving some information that is new to the addressee). This chapter analyzes this transition in the development of pointing based on experimental evidence about its production contexts and, in particular, of variables concerning the visibility of referents for infant and addressee. Further evidence is reported concerning the association (...)
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  22. Eredità e ricchezza della filosofia dell'esistenza.Franco Toscani - 2018 - In Emanuele Carini (ed.), L'esistenzialismo ieri e oggi. [Milan]: Farina editore.
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  23. Review of Antony Long, Epictetus. A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life, Clarendon Press, Oxford 2002, pp. xiv-310.Franco Trabattoni - 2005 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2005 (3):578-580.
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  24. La teoria dell'Anima-armonia nell'Eudemo.Franco Trabattoni - 1981 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 34 (2):345-368.
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    Platone e l'apertura al trascendente.Franco Trabattoni - 2005 - Doctor Virtualis 4:129-135.
    Il dualismo trascendente / trascendentale come possibile chiave di lettura per una discussione del pensiero platonico.
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  26. Alle origini della concezione heideggeriana dell'essere: il trattato "Vom Sein" di Carl Braig.Franco Volpi - 1980 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 35 (2):184.
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  27.  17
    The Debt of the Living: Ascesis and Capitalism.Elettra Stimilli & Roberto Esposito - 2016 - New York: SUNY Press. Translated by Arianna Bove.
    An analysis of theological and philosophical understandings of debt and its role in contemporary capitalism. Max Weber’s account of the rise of capitalism focused on his concept of a Protestant ethic, valuing diligence in earning and saving money but restraint in spending it. However, such individual restraint is foreign to contemporary understandings of finance, which treat ever-increasing consumption and debt as natural, almost essential, for maintaining the economic cycle of buying and selling. In The Debt of the Living, Elettra Stimilli (...)
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  28. Il dinamismo fede-ragione nellopera di Giuseppe cristaldi.Don Antonìno Franco - 2008 - Studium 104 (6):933-953.
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    El Espejo de Babel: Una Visión Crítica de la Cultura.Brea Franco & O. Luis - 2006 - L.O. Brea Franco.
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  30.  8
    La scuola degli alfabeti: pedagogia e didattica negli orientamenti della scuola per l'infanzia.Franco Frabboni - 1990 - Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia. Edited by Franca Pinto Minerva & G. Trebisacce.
  31.  9
    La via dell'immortalità: percorsi platonici.Ferrari Franco - 2019 - [Turin]: Rosenberg & Sellier.
  32.  7
    The satisfiability problem.John Franco, Endre Boros & P. L. Hammer (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
  33.  15
    La Scienza nuova (1725) en Nápoles: testimonios e interpretaciones.Franco Ratto - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:167-180.
    El autor recorre los testimonios generados en torno a la edición de la Scienza Nuova de 1725, la recepción lipsiense y la respuesta viquiana de las Vici Vindiciae. Y a tenor de ello analiza, a través de las más importantes interpretaciones, la cuestionada tesis del "aislamiento" viquiano.
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    Climate change shocks and socially responsible investments.Franco Fiordelisi, Giuseppe Galloppo & Viktoriia Paimanova - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):40-56.
    Climate change's impact on investor behavior is a scantly investigated area in finance. This paper examines the performance of socially responsible exchange trade funds (ETFs) concerning conventional ETFs, in response to climate change events. We proxy climate change signals with a list of natural disaster events that NASA scientists relate to climate change. We contribute to existing literature, by using a very extensive information set of ETF strategies, not influenced by rating agencies' subjective evaluation policies, and covering almost 90% of (...)
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  35. Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900) and Kant moral-philosophy.Lucía Franco - 1995 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 24 (1):39-63.
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  36. Dieci anni di Universa, dieci anni di ricerca.Giulia Angelini & Alessandro Esposito (eds.) - 2021
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    American Children in Chronic Poverty: Complex Risks, Benefit-Cost Analyses, and Untangling the Knot.Cynthia Esposito Lamy - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    A growing body of research informs us that an effective, efficient fight against chronic American poverty, producing benefits far exceeding costs, is possible. It begins by protecting children from developmental risks. This book describes those risks, along with the programs and policies we know protect children and families. A policy framework for the pursuit of an intrepid new goal – the purposeful protection of America’s most vulnerable children on a large scale – would end chronic poverty as we know it.
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    Il ritmo della storia.Franco Cardini - 2001 - Milano: Rizzoli.
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  39. Avaliação da atividade ácida e alcalina e acúmulo de fosfato inorgânico em amostras de Cunninghamella elegans.L. O. Franco, L. D. Albuquerque, N. P. Stamford, M. A. B. Lima & G. M. C. Takaki - 2011 - Analytica (Rio) 54:70 - 78.
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  40. Moné e ousía: dimora e sostanza.Antonello Franco - 2007 - Napoli: Guida.
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  41. Remembering folklore, staging contemporary dance: conceptual and methodological issues about D'apráes une histoire vraie (2013) by Christian Rizzo.Susanne Franco - 2018 - In Patrizia Veroli & Gianfranco Vinay (eds.), Music-dance: sound and motion in contemporary discourse. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  42. The Fine Delight That Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley Hopkins.Franco MARUCCI - 1994
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  43. L'esperienza e l'uomo.Franco Lombardi - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:684.
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    Discurso misógino sobre acciones misóginas.Sonia López Franco - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (19):263-292.
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  45. La funzione del riconoscimento nella genesi del significato.Franco Chiereghin - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (1):29-44.
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    L'alternativa scientifica.Franco Fanizza - 1969 - Manduria,: Lacaita.
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    Dopo La cosa umana: appunti su Sartre.Franco Fergnani - 2019 - [Milan]: Farina editore. Edited by Mauro Trentadue.
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    Cine y filosofía: El acto ideatorio como evento fílmico.Nora María Matamoros Franco - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:175-188.
    Artaud affirmed that the cinema participates in the thought and posessess a peculiar and moving power that distinguishes and constitutes the force of the thought like an ideatorian act. This means the thought like the action by which it is possible to represent and be made clear essential forms ..
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  49. Cognición y felicidad en el envejecimiento.Paz Franco Módenes - 2010 - Naturaleza y Gracia 2:365-397.
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  50.  28
    Duration and Motion in a (Cartesian) World which is Created Anew "at Each Moment" by an Immutable and Free God (Duración y movimiento en un mundo (cartesiano) creado de nuevo "a cada momento" por un Dios inumutable y libere).Abel B. Franco - 2001 - Critica 33 (99):19-45.
    I argue in this paper that Descartes's goal with his doctrine of the continuous recreation of the world is to offer a unified and ultimate causal explanation for the possibility of motion and duration in the world, the permanence of created things, and the continuation of their motion and duration. This unified explanation seems to be the only one which, according to Descartes, satisfies the two basic requirements any ultímate cause should meet: the cause must be active and not being (...)
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