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François Levrau [14]Fran Levrau [1]
  1.  15
    Pluriform Accommodation: Justice Beyond Multiculturalism and Freedom of Religion.François Levrau - 2017 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):151-178.
    The central notion in this article is ‘pluriform accommodation,’ a term that we have coined to defend two lines of thought. The first is a plea for inclusive and consequential neutrality; the second is a closely linked plea for reasonable accommodation. With ‘pluriform accommodation’ we emphasize that the multicultural recognition scope should be expanded. The need for inclusive and accommodative rules, laws, and practices is a matter of principle and as such cannot be reduced to the inclusion of people with (...)
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    Pluriform Accommodation: Justice Beyond Multiculturalism and Freedom of Religion.Fran Levrau - 2017 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):151-178.
    The central notion in this article is ‘pluriform accommodation,’ a term that we have coined to defend two lines of thought. The first is a plea for inclusive and consequential neutrality; the second is a closely linked plea for reasonable accommodation. With ‘pluriform accommodation’ we emphasize that the multicultural recognition scope should be expanded. The need for inclusive and accommodative rules, laws, and practices is a matter of principle and as such cannot be reduced to the inclusion of people with (...)
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    The Liberal-Communitarian Debate – A Lacanian Analysis of the encumbered Self.François Levrau - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (1):103-135.
    Communitarians and liberals have long held vigorous discussions about the status of the self. The former argue that we do not actively choose our ends, but that they come to the fore through self-discovery. This implies that the self is encumbered and that the liberal self—one capable of choosing his ends—is unrealistic. In this article, we consider these two paradigms and especially Will Kymlicka’s position within this debate. Kymlicka defends a liberal theory without relying on an unencumbered self, and may (...)
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    Religie op het werk?Leni Franken & François Levrau - 2020 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 49 (1):56-78.
    Religie op het werk? Over positieve en negatieve godsdienstvrijheid bij private ondernemingen en tendensondernemingen In this article we elaborate on the place of religion in the workplace. Does the individual freedom of religion imply that employers must always accommodate the religious claims of employees or can they boast a number of arguments allowing them to legitimately limit that freedom? And, conversely, do employers not also have a right to freedom of religion and a right to formulate certain religious expectations for (...)
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    Midden- en Oosteuropese migranten in de Lage Landen.Monique Kremer, Jeroen Doomernik, François Levrau & Christiane Timmerman - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (4):503-521.
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    De multiculturele herverdelingsstaat.François Levrau - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (3):269-293.
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  7. De ondraaglijke lichtheid van het evenement van de liefde: Alain Badiou & Milan Kundera.François Levrau - 2011 - de Uil Van Minerva 24:71-80.
  8.  30
    Expanding the Multicultural Recognition Scope? A Critical Analysis of Will Kymlicka’s Polyethnic Rights.François Levrau - 2019 - The Pluralist 14 (3):78-107.
    Although there was never a consensus about multicultural policies for immigrants, at the beginning of this new millennium, multiculturalism found itself in cloudy water. Within a short period, politicians Merkel, Cameron, and Sarkozy all informed us that multiculturalism had failed. While this political statement drew many objections—How could these politicians claim we should abandon multiculturalism, given that multiculturally conscious notions of justice and their concomitant laws and policies for immigrants have never even been implemented in their respective countries? —political and (...)
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    How a Misunderstood Conception of Equality Exacerbates the Negative Conception of Liberty and Vice Versa.François Levrau - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 30 (4):333-349.
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    Liberty, a Many-Freed Concept.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2024 - Ethical Perspectives 30 (4):293-305.
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    Over de collectieve en morele dimensies van de individuele vrije meningsuiting. Een Milliaanse benadering.François Levrau - 2023 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (3).
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    Over het belang van een interpersoonlijk ethos.François Levrau - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (4):519-524.
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    Should Inerculturalism Replace Multiculturalism? A Plea for Complementariness.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (4):605-630.
    A common current refrain laments that multiculturalism has failed as a policy model and that it should be replaced by interculturalism. In this article, we present a critical analysis of the backgrounds and targets of multiculturalism and interculturalism. While multiculturalism concerns rights, equality and justice, interculturalism relates to social cohesion, shared participation and practices. Instead of merely juxtaposing these two paradigms, we illustrate the extent to which they are both different and complementary, as well as why they should be implemented (...)
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  14.  31
    With or Without Religious Symbols? Why Political Liberalism is Inconclusive in the Case of Civil Servants.François Levrau & Patrick Loobuyck - 2020 - Res Publica 26 (3):319-335.
    In this article, we scrutinize several arguments that are frequently used to legitimize a ban on religious symbols for civil servants. Most arguments, however, do not stand up to the test of Rawlsian political liberalism. One argument stands out as underpinning such a general ban: state neutrality. While this argument has the most potential, we argue why it is still not decisive for a ban on all religious symbols for all civil servants. We conclude that from a political liberal point (...)
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  15.  42
    Jonathan Wolff, An Introduction to Political Philosophy. Third Edition, 231 p. [REVIEW]François Levrau - 2017 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (1):107-109.
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