Results for 'Foucault's philosophy'

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  1.  39
    Introduction: Foucault's philosophy.Christopher Falzon & Timothy O'Leary - 2010 - In Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–16.
    There is a sense in which every philosopher both constructs and confronts the philosophical universe in which their work takes form and has its effect. Plato's thought unfolds within the gravitational pull of the Greek city-state, the wandering sophists, the agonistic relations between Athenian aristocrats, and the massive presence of Socrates. Deleuze, to take a contemporary example, creates his concepts and embarks on his lines of flight between thinkers such as Nietzsche and Spinoza, artists and writers including Bacon, Lawrence, and (...)
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    Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity.Joseph J. Tanke - 2009 - Continuum.
    Introduction -- The stirrings of modernity -- Rupture -- Non-affirmative painting -- Anti-platonism -- The cynical legacy.
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  3. Foucault's Philosophy of Science: Structures of Truth/Structures of Power.Linda Martýn Alcoff - 2005 - In Gary Gutting, Continental Philosophy of Science. Blackwell. pp. 209–223.
    Michel Foucault’s formative years included the study not only of history and philosophy but also of psychology: two years after he took license in philosophy at the Sorbonne in 1948, he took another in psychology, and then obtained, in 1952, a Diplôme de Psycho Pathologie . From his earliest years at the Ecole Normale Superieur he had taken courses on general and social psychology with one of most influential psychologists of the time, Daniel Lagache, who was attempting to (...)
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    Foucault's philosophy.Garth Gillan - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 12 (2-3):145-155.
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  5. Foucault's critical philosophy of history: unfolding the present.Ádám Takács - 2024 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Foucault's Critical Philosophy of History: Unfolding the Present provides a comprehensive interpretation of Foucault's work by focusing on its procedural elements. This book argues that despite their thematic diversity, Foucault's ideas gain coherence once they are framed within the critical project of the "history of the present.".
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    The Foucault Reader.Michel Foucault - 1984 - Vintage.
    Michael Foucault's writing has shaped the teaching of half a dozen disciplines, ranging from literary criticism to the history of criminology. But none of his books offers a satisfactory introduction to the entire complex body of his work. The Foucault Reader precisely serves that purpose. It contains selections from each area of Foucault's thought, a wealth of previously unpublished writings, and an interview with Foucault during which he discusses his philosophy with unprecedented candor.
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    Joseph J. Tanke , Foucault's Philosophy of Art: A Genealogy of Modernity (New York: Continuum, 2009), ISBN: 978-1847064851. [REVIEW]Dag Petersson - 2010 - Foucault Studies 9:198-202.
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    Dreaming and Time in Foucault's Philosophy.Vikki Bell - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (2):151-163.
  9.  6
    Foucault's aesthetics of existence and Shusterman's somaesthetics: ethics, politics, and the art of living.Valentina Antoniol & Stefano Marino (eds.) - 2024 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume provides the first critical comparison of Michel Foucault's aesthetics of existence and Richard Shusterman's somaesthetics. Introduced by a comprehensive overview of the concepts by the editors, the ensuing chapters build on the interdisciplinary character of both ideas, beyond a narrow focus on art and beauty, exploring a wide range of topics ranging from politics to the philosophy of sexuality. This volume reveals not only the important role Foucault's philosophy has played in Shusterman's work, but (...)
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    Foucault's analysis of modern governmentality: a critique of political reason.Thomas Lemke - 2019 - New York: Verso.
    Tracking the development of Foucault's key concepts Lemke offers the most comprehensive and systematic account of Michel Foucault's work on power and government from 1970 until his death in 1984. He convincingly argues, using material that has only partly been translated into English, that Foucault's concern with ethics and forms of subjectivation is always already integrated into his political concerns and his analytics of power. The book also shows how the concept of government was taken up in (...)
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  11.  33
    Foucault’s naturalism: The importance of scientific epistemology for the genealogical method.Leonard D’Cruz - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article offers a novel reconstruction of Foucault’s methodology that emphasises his respect for the natural sciences. Foucault’s work has long been suspected of reducing knowledge to power, and thus collapsing into unconstrained relativism and methodological incoherence. These concerns are predicated on a misunderstanding of Foucault’s overall approach, which takes the form of a historico-critical project rather than a normative epistemology. However, Foucault does sometimes make normative epistemological judgements, especially about the human sciences. Furthermore, there are outstanding questions about what (...)
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  12.  33
    Foucault’s Critique of the Human Sciences in the 1950s: Between Psychology and Philosophy.Elisabetta Basso - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):71-90.
    This paper is based on the archives of Michel Foucault collected (since 2013) at the manuscripts department of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. Our investigation focuses in particular on the documents of the 1950s, in order to study the role of the reflection on anthropology and phenomenology at the beginning of Foucault’s philosophical path. This archival material allows us to discover the tremendous work that is at the basis of the relatively few works that Foucault published in the 1950s. (...)
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  13. Foucault Live: Collected Interviews, 1961-1984.Michel Foucault - 1996 - Semiotext(E).
    The most accessible and exhaustive introduction to Foucault's thought to date, including every extant interview made by Foucault from the mid-60s until his death in 1984. Currently in its fourth printing, Foucault Live is the most accessible and exhaustive introduction to Foucault's thought to date. Composed of every extant interview made by Foucault from the mid-60s until his death in 1984, Foucault Live sheds new light on the philosopher's ideas about friendship, the intent behind his classical studies, while (...)
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  14. Foucault's Kantian critique: Philosophy and the present.Christina Hendricks - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (4):357-382.
    In several lectures, interviews and essays from the early 1980s, Michel Foucault startlingly argues that he is engaged in a kind of critical work that is similar to that of Immanuel Kant. Given Foucault's criticisms of Kantian and Enlightenment emphases on universal truths and values, his declaration that his work is Kantian seems paradoxical. I agree with some commentators who argue that this is a way for Foucault to publicly acknowledge to his critics that he is not, as some (...)
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  15. Foucault: a critical reader.Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy (eds.) - 1986 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    This collection gives a complete picture of Foucault's importance as a thinker and social critic who transcended academic boundaries to challenge entrenched, institutionalized models of theoretical rationality and practical normalcy. (Philosophy).
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  16. The Poetic Subject: Foucault's Genealogy of Philosophy.Edward F. Mcgushin - 2002 - Dissertation, Boston College
    This dissertation explores the problematic of "care of the self" in the unpublished later work of Michel Foucault. In his major published works, Foucault studied how subjects are fabricated within relations of power and knowledge. He revealed that modern political power is a "bio-power." Its legitimacy derives from its capacity to nurture individual life. It does this by forging individuals whose bodies, capacities, pleasures, comforts, desires, etc., are intrinsically integrated into the state's productive force. One of the main techniques for (...)
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  17.  9
    Transgressive Acts: Michel Foucault's Lessons on Resistance for Nurses.Cristina Moreno-Mulet, Joaquín Valdivielso-Navarro, Margalida Miró-Bonet, Alba Carrero-Planells & Denise Gastaldo - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70008.
    In this paper, we bring together Foucault's biography and oeuvre to explore key concepts that support the analysis of nurses' acts of resistance. Foucault reflected on the power relations taking place in health services, making his contribution especially useful for the analysis of resistance in this context. Over three decades, he proposed a nonnormative philosophy while concomitantly engaging in transgressive practices guided by values such as human rights and social justice. Hence, Foucault's philosophy and public activism (...)
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  18.  67
    Foucault’s Fossils: Life Itself and the Return to Nature in Feminist Philosophy.Lynne Huffer - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:122-141.
    This essay asks about the return to nature and “life itself” in contemporary feminist philosophy and theory, from the new materialisms to feminist science studies to environmental ethics and critical animal studies. Unlike traditional naturalisms, the contemporary turn to nature is explicitly posthumanist. Shifting their focus away from anti-essentialist critiques of woman-as-nature, these new feminist philosophies of nature have turned toward nonhuman animals, the cosmos, the climate, and life itself as objects of ethical concern. Drawing on Foucault, the essay (...)
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  19.  21
    Foucault’s 1960s Lectures on Sexuality.Alison Downham Moore & Stuart Elden - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):279-293.
    In this extended review essay we discuss the lectures on sexuality which Foucault delivered in the 1960s, published in a single volume in 2018. The first part of the volume comprises five lectures given at the University of Clermont-Ferrand in 1964 to psychology students. The second part is Foucault’s course ‘The Discourse of Sexuality’, given at the experimental University of Vincennes in 1969 in the philosophy department. We explore both the themes of the lectures, and the important editorial materials (...)
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  20.  61
    Foucault’s anarchaeology of Christianity: Understanding confession as a basic form of obedience.Chris Barker - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    In his later lectures, Foucault analyzes confession as a key exercise of the Christian pastoral power. The pastoral power’s creation of a lifelong obligation to speak the truth of oneself is a ‘prelude’ to modern practices of government, and a key facet of modernity. There has been some confusion regarding the scope of Foucault’s study. Is it medieval Christian confessional practices or Christian obedience itself that is his theme? In this article, I revisit all of the later lectures touching on (...)
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  21.  13
    Foucault’s Culturalist Axiomatic: A Nietzschean Naturalist Rejoinder.Tvrtko Vrdoljak - forthcoming - Nietzsche Studien.
    The Nietzsche-Foucault relationship has been the subject of extensive scholarship, highlighting their affinity. In contrast, this paper foregrounds what I take to be their most significant point of divergence: it compares Nietzsche’s naturalist to Foucault’s culturalist axiomatic of power. First, I introduce a minor, naturalist tradition in the philosophy of power that culminates with Nietzsche. Second, I show how Foucault revolutionized the field of political thought and analysis by drawing on Nietzsche’s critique of logocentrism, and in so doing introduced (...)
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  22.  89
    Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth: Essential Works of Michel Foucault 1954-1984.Michel Foucault - 2020 - Penguin Group.
    'A fabulous journey through thirty years of political and intellectual ferment... will reorient our reading of Foucault's major works' Didier Eribon The Essential Works of Michel Foucault offers the definitive collection of his articles, interviews and seminars from across thirty years of his extraordinary career. This first volume, Ethics, contains the summaries of Foucault's renowned courses at the Collège de France, as well as key writings and candid interviews on ethical matters: from the role of the intellectual and (...)
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  23. Technical Mediation and Subjectivation: Tracing and Extending Foucault’s Philosophy of Technology. [REVIEW]Steven Dorrestijn - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (2):221-241.
    This article focuses on tracing and extending Michel Foucault’s contributions to the philosophy of technology. At first sight his work on power seems the most relevant. In his later work on subjectivation and ethics technology is absent. However, notably by recombining Foucault’s work on power with his work on subjectivation, does his work contribute to solving pertinent problems in current approaches to the ethics of technology. First, Foucault’s position is compared to critical theory and Heidegger, and associated with the (...)
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  24.  20
    Foucault's futures: a critique of reproductive reason.Penelope Deutscher - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Penelope Deutscher reconsiders the role of procreation in Foucault's thought, especially its proximity to risk, mortality, and death. Foucault's Futures brings together his work on sexuality and biopolitics to provide new insights into the conflicted political status of reproductive conduct and what it means for feminism and critical theory.
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  25.  22
    Psychiatric power: lectures at the Collège de France, 1973-74.Michel Foucault - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Jacques Lagrange.
    In this new addition to the Collège de France lecture series, Michel Foucault's historical enquiry into the uses and techniques of power and knowledge finds itself directed towards a study of the birth of psychiatry. Psychiatric Power shows not only how Western society's division of the "mad" from the "sane" began, but also how society, medicine, and law and their treatment of the "mad" developed into what we now recognize as modern psychiatry, and how modern social and political attitudes (...)
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  26.  34
    Essay review: Michel Foucault's The Archaeology of Knowledge.E. S. Shaffer - 1976 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 7 (3):269-275.
  27.  28
    Introduction to Kant’s ‘Anthropology’.Michel Foucault - 2008 - Semiotext(E). Edited by Roberto Nigro.
    Foucault's previously unpublished doctoral dissertation on Kant offers the definitive statement of his relationship to Kant and to the critical tradition of philosophy. This introduction and commentary to Kant's least discussed work, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, is the dissertation that Michel Foucault presented in 1961 as his doctoral thesis. It has remained unpublished, in any language, until now. In his exegesis and critical interpretation of Kant's Anthropology, Foucault raises the question of the relation between psychology (...)
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  28.  62
    Foucault's enlightened reaction.Benjamin S. Pryor - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (3):317-321.
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    Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Scientific Reason.Joseph S. O’Leary - 1991 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 33 (3):362-364.
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    Foucault's alimentary philosophy: Care of the self and responsibility for the other. [REVIEW]David Boothroyd - 1996 - Man and World 29 (4):361-386.
  31.  43
    Ungovernable: reassessing Foucault’s ethics in light of Agamben’s Pauline conception of use.Morten Sørensen Thaning, Marius Gudmand-Høyer & Sverre Raffnsøe - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):191-218.
    In the final volume of his Homo Sacer series, The use of bodies, Agamben claims that for Foucault ethics never escapes the horizon of governmentality and therefore his conception of ethics is ‘strategic.’ In light of this criticism, motivated by Agamben’s Pauline conception of ‘use,’ we reassess the status and function of ethics in Foucault’s late lectures. We investigate how Foucault’s approach to ethics develops from his treatment of liberal governmentality and also how its methodological foundation is developed in an (...)
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  32.  27
    Foucault's Law.Ben Golder & Peter Fitzpatrick - 2009 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish. Edited by Peter Fitzpatrick.
    _Foucault’s Law_ is the first book in almost fifteen years to address the question of Foucault’s position on law. Many readings of Foucault’s conception of law start from the proposition that he failed to consider the role of law in modernity, or indeed that he deliberately marginalized it. In canvassing a wealth of primary and secondary sources, Ben Golder and Peter Fitzpatrick rebut this argument. They argue that rather than marginalize law, Foucault develops a much more radical, nuanced and coherent (...)
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  33.  33
    Introduction: Foucault’s Rome.Richard Alston - 2017 - Foucault Studies 22:8-30.
    This introductory chapter situates the Classical within Foucault’s philosophical work and summarizes the complex reaction of Classical scholars to Foucault’s work. To do so, it considers the issue of freedom of the self in society as explored by Foucault. This issue is, we suggest, the axis around which the Classical works operate: we argue that Foucault’s Classical turn was an encounter with the problematics and possibilities of freedom for and in the self. The possibility of discovering in the antique (and (...)
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    Foucault's Ontology and Epistemology of Ethics.James D. Faubion - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki, A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 491–509.
    Foucault characterizes ethics as “the reflexive practice of freedom”. He does not have the ambitions of the usual moral philosopher. Foucault develops a robust conceptual apparatus appropriate to the ethical domain, but he does not seek an exhaustive stipulation of its invariant features. Instead, he explores and elucidates the problematics of the reflexive practice of freedom that genealogically connect an extended family of ethical systems. His exploration is increasingly confined within the boundaries of what the author identifies as an analytical (...)
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    Foucault’s Last Decade.Peter Gratton - 2016 - Symposium 20 (2):181-211.
    At the time of his death in 1984, Foucault’s late career forays into Stoicism and other sets of ancient texts were often little understood, except as part of a larger project on the history of sexuality. Indeed, outside of France and outside of an incipient queer theory, Foucault was often taken up in terms of debates over post-structuralism and postmodernism—themes all but absent from his writings. More than thirty years later, after the publication of all of his lecture courses at (...)
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  36.  13
    Foucault's political challenge: from hegemony to truth.Henrik Paul Bang - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Tracing increasing distrust of politicians and democratic institutions back to the negative idea of political power and freedom as always being a 'power over' and 'freedom from', this text examines Foucault's alternative conception of the politician as one who has the courage to tell people the truth about what has to be done in the face of the dangers they confront. Telling the truth is not sufficient, but must be complemented with empowering people to actively help in overcoming the (...)
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  37.  22
    (1 other version)Foucault's Archaeology: Science and Transformation.David Webb - 2012 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Puts The Archaeology of Knowledge at the heart of Foucault's thoughtDavid Webb reveals the extent to which Foucault's approach to language in The Archaeology of Knowledge was influenced by the mathematical sciences, adopting a mode of thought indebted to thinkers in the scientific and epistemological traditions. By aligning his thought with the challenge to Kantian philosophy from mathematics and science in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, he shows how Foucault established his own perspective on the future of (...)
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  38.  78
    Language, Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews.Michel Foucault - 1977 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Because of their range, brilliance, and singularity, the ideas of the philosopher-critic-historian Michel Foucault have gained extraordinary currency throughout the Western intellectual community. This book offers a selection of seven of Foucault's most important published essays, translated from the French, with an introductory essay and notes by Donald F. Bouchard. Also included are a summary of a course given by Foucault at College de France; the transcript of a conversation between Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; and an interview with Foucault (...)
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  39. Structures and strategies of discourse: remarks towards a history of Foucault's philosophy of language.Arnold Davidson - 1997 - In Arnold Ira Davidson, Foucault and his interlocutors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 1--22.
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    Foucault's seminars on antiquity: learning to speak the truth.Paul Allen Miller - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In 1980, Michel Foucault's work makes two decisive turns. On the one hand, as announced at the start of his course at the Collège de France for that year, Le Gouvernement des vivants, his topic will be the modalities through which power constitutes itself in relation to truth. On the other hand, the texts on which he will concentrate will no longer be those of the early modern period. Rather, he begins with one by Dio Cassius on the emperor (...)
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    Foucault’s Virtual Force Ontology.Christopher Penfield - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):447-457.
    ABSTRACT Gilles Deleuze’s monograph on Michel Foucault has often been construed as a “metaphysical fiction,” to use Frédéric Gros’s sympathetic phrase. This article takes a different approach, arguing that Foucault’s microphysics of power and Deleuze’s metaphysics of the virtual in fact share a common ontology of forces. In addition to enriching understanding of the two thinkers’ philosophical relation, the article argues that this virtual force ontology clarifies the continuity between Foucault’s earlier and later formulations of power, from microphysics to governmentality. (...)
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    The Limits of Radical Historicism: The Methodological Significance of Foucault’s Relationship to Transcendental Philosophy.Leonard D’Cruz - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (6):53-76.
    This article examines the methodological significance of Foucault’s relationship to transcendental philosophy. While Foucault presents his work as a historicist transformation of Kant’s critical project, some commentators question whether he succeeds in eradicating the transcendental dimension of critique. In this way, they raise doubts over whether he can sustain his methodological commitment to radical historicism. In response, I argue that Foucault can reflexively account for his use of transcendental motifs while remaining faithful to his historicist methodology. More specifically, I (...)
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    Foucault’s Alleged Irrationalism.Corey McCall - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (1):1-13.
    Commentators often construe Foucault as an anti-Enlightenment thinker; much of this criticism assumes that Foucault inherits early German Romanticism in some sense. This essay examines these claims by assessing the role the German Romantics play in Foucault’s work, both early and late. After a brief consideration of the meaning of the term “Romanticism,” the essay examines the role that language and literature plays in Foucault early texts before examining the place of self-formation or Bildung in his later work. I conclude (...)
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  44. Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason: Science and the History of Reason.Gary Gutting - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is an important introduction to the critical interpretation of the work of the major French thinker Michel Foucault. Through comprehensive and detailed analyses of such important texts as The History of Madness in the Age of Reason, The Birth of the Clinic, The Order of Things, and The Archaeology of Knowledge, Professor Gutting provides a lucid exposition of Foucault's 'archaeological' approach to the history of thought - a method for uncovering the 'unconscious' structures that set boundaries on (...)
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  45. The Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984.Michel Foucault & Paul Rabinow - 1997
    Michel Foucault is generally considered one of the most brilliant and influential philosophers of the twentieth century, yet much of his writing has remained unpublished and/or unavailable in English. It is only recently that the French publisher Gallimard issued Dis et Ecrits, the first complete collection of everything Foucault published outside of his monographs. Ethics, the first of three volumes in the collection, provides a lucid and accessible overview of Foucault's work. Included in the first section of this volume (...)
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    Foucault's genealogy and teaching multiculturalism as a subversive activity.Y. Kazmi - 1997 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 16 (3):331-345.
    It is being argued, in this article, that multicultural education is subversive because it challenges the assumed inevitability and superiority of the dominant culture by presenting alterna-tives to it. For multicultural education to be subversive, however, culture has to be understood as an order of things mapped across truth and power axis à la Foucault. These order of things are sup-pressed by the dominant culture in order to maintain its hegemony. It is being further argued that with the help of (...)
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    Michel Foucault’s Rhetorical Practice: The 1961 Preface to History and Madness.Michael Ure - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (2):142-167.
    ABSTRACT This article examines Foucault as a rhetorician rather than as a historian of parrhesia and rhetoric. It explores what we can learn about his philosophy by examining it through the lens of his rhetorical practices. Focusing on his famous 1961 preface to History and Madness, it suggests that Foucault’s model of philosophy entails a rhetoric of conversion or transformation.
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    Deleuze and Foucault's Virtual Ontology of the Event.Christopher Penfield - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (4):517-541.
    Deleuze's monograph on Foucault is often construed as a ‘metaphysical fiction’ (Frédéric Gros), which would attribute to Foucault a metaphysics of Deleuze's own issue. Notably, Paul Patton has argued that Deleuze thereby deeply mischaracterises Foucault's concepts of actuality, history, power and philosophy itself. Against this view, I argue that Deleuze's interpretation in Foucault clarifies the virtual force ontology that the two thinkers effectively developed in common. This ontological framework not only resolves Patton's specific objections; it also outlines a (...)
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  49. Foucault’s Critical Project: Between the Transcendental and the Historical, tr.Béatrice Han - 2002 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This book uncovers and explores the constant tension between the historical and the transcendental that lies at the heart of Michel Foucault’s work. In the process, it also assesses the philosophical foundations of his thought by examining his theoretical borrowings from Kant, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, who each provided him with tools to critically rethink the status of the transcendental. Given Foucault’s constant focus on the (Kantian) question of the possibility for knowledge, the author argues that his philosophical itinerary can be (...)
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    Foucault's Bad Angels of History.Lynne Huffer - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):239-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Foucault's Bad Angels of HistoryLynne HufferDo not believe everything I say.... Look for multiple, resistant, rhizomatic readings. This is not the text I intended to produce, and it is not the same as the text you are reading. Read the white spaces, hear the silences, peer into the shadows, look beyond the margins. Reach for "[t]hat voice at the edge of things." I am there as well.—Juana María (...)
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