Results for 'First philosophy '

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  1.  54
    First Philosophy: Lectures 1923/24 and Related Texts From the Manuscripts.Edmund Husserl - 2019 - Dordrecht: Springer Verlag. Edited by S. Luft & Thane M. Naberhaus.
    This volume presents, for the first time in English, Husserl’s seminal 1923/24 lecture course First Philosophy together with a selection of material from the famous research manuscripts of the same time period. The lecture course is divided into two systematic, yet interrelated parts. It has long been recognized by scholars as among the most important of the many lecture courses he taught in his career. Indeed it was deemed as crucially important by Husserl himself, who composed it (...)
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    (12 other versions)First Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy.Andrew Bailey (ed.) - 2004 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    First Philosophy : Knowledge and Reality brings together classic and ground-breaking readings on epistemology and the philosophy of science. Mindful of the intrinsic difficulty of much of the material, the editor has provided comprehensive introductions both to the central topics and to each individual selection. By providing a detailed discussion of the historical and intellectual background to each piece, he aims to enable readers to approach the material without unnecessary barriers to understanding. In an introductory chapter, the (...)
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    First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy.Chaim Perelman, David A. Frank & Michelle K. Bolduc - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (3):189-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.3 (2003) 189-206 [Access article in PDF] First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy Chaïm Perelman "As a crystal reconstitutes itself from one of its particles, all philosophy creates itself from the idea of an open dialectic, and carries, in itself, the same dialectical character." —Ferdinand Gonseth A number of metaphysicians, including Bergson and Heidegger, consider metaphysics the only knowledge of consequence and use (...)
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    (1 other version)First Philosophy II: Knowledge and Reality - Second Edition: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy.Robert M. Martin (ed.) - 2011 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    _First Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality_ brings together classic and ground-breaking readings on epistemology and the philosophy of science. Andrew Bailey’s highly regarded introductory anthology has been revised and updated in this new edition. The comprehensive introductory material for each chapter and selection remains, and new sections on philosophical puzzles and paradoxes and philosophical terminology have been added. New readings include Edmund Gettier on justified true belief, Wesley Salmon on induction, and Helen Longino on feminist science.
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    First Philosophy in the Pragmatic Humanism of F.C.S. Schiller.H. P. McDonald - 2003 - International Philosophical Quarterly 43 (4):503-525.
    During his lifetime, F.C.S. Schiller was viewed as a major figure in the pragmatist movement, but his reputation has faded. This article will challenge the view that he was an unoriginal or less important figure. In particular, I will attempt a reconstruction of Schiller’s position on first philosophy, which will examine the differences between Schiller and the other major figures in the pragmatist movement. By using texts from Schiller’s writings, I attempt to create an undistorted reconstruction of what (...)
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    First Philosophy and the Religious.Tyler Tritten - 2011 - Philosophy and Theology 23 (1):29-52.
    This article responds to Merold Westphal’s assertion that Paul Tillich suffers from “ontological xenophobia.” Westphal 1) subverts Tillich’s Augustinian/Thomistic typology into a Neoplatonist/Augustinian one and 2) critiques Tillich via Levinasian alterity. In response I show that 1) Westphal has misunderstood Tillich’s notion of Augustinianism insofar as he minimizes the role of estrangement in this viewpoint and that 2) Tillich’s notion of personhood and responsibility are anything but incompatible with Levinasian Ethics as First Philosophy. Tillich’s endorsement of theonomy in (...)
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  7. Naturalism, materialism, and first philosophy.D. M. Armstrong - 1978 - Philosophia 8 (2-3):261-276.
    First, The doctrine of naturalism, That reality is spatio-Temporal, Is defended. Second, The doctrine of materialism or physicalism, That this spatio-Temporal reality involves nothing but the entities of physics working according to the principles of physics, Is defended. Third, It is argued that these doctrines do not constitute a "first philosophy." a satisfactory first philosophy should recognize universals, In the form of instantiated properties and relations. Laws of nature are constituted by relations between universals. What (...)
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  8. First Philosophy in Metaphysics Λ‎.Lindsay Judson - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 54.
    I argue that Metaphysicsλ‎ is a unified work, and one which is not a continuation of the central books ΖΗΘ‎. It outlines an extensive project in First Philosophy, which has close connections with ΑΒΓΕ‎, but which proceeds on a different trajectory from ΖΗ‎. The principal problem in understanding λ‎ as a whole is how to reconcile Aristotle's explicit presentation of the book as a highly unified study with the disparate character of its two halves – the first (...)
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  9. Transcendental Philosophy As Capacities‐First Philosophy.Karl Schafer - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 103 (3):661-686.
    In this essay, I propose a novel way of thinking about Kant’s philosophical methodology during the critical period. According to this interpretation, the critical Kant can generally be understood as operating within a “capacities‐first” philosophical framework – that is, within a framework in which our basic rational or cognitive capacities play both an explanatorily and epistemically fundamental role in philosophy – or, at least, in the sort of philosophy that limited creatures like us are capable of. In (...)
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  10.  37
    Meditations on First Philosophy.Andrew R. Bailey & Ian Johnston (eds.) - 2013 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Considered a foundational text in modern philosophy, the _Meditations on First Philosophy_ presents numerous powerful arguments that to this day influence debates in epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of religion. This new translation incorporates revisions from the second Latin edition and the later French translation to make Descartes’ reasoning as lucid and engaging as possible. Also included in this edition is a brief introduction to Descartes and the _Meditations_, revised and expanded from Andrew (...)
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  11.  21
    First Philosophy in Aristotle.Mary Louise Gill - 2018 - In Sean D. Kirkland & Eric Sanday (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press. pp. 347–373.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What is First Philosophy? The Science of Being qua Being Categories and Change What Being is Primary? Overview of Metaphysics Z Subject Essence The Problem of Matter The Status of Form Potentiality and Actuality Form–Matter Predication Form and Functional Matter Primary Substances Theology Bibliography.
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    Meditations on First Philosophy/Meditationes de Prima Philosophia: A Bilingual Edition.René Descartes - 1990 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    This bilingual edition of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy is aimed both specifically at serious students and professors of philosophy, and generally at anyone motivated by a strong philosophical interest.
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    Chaim Perelman's "First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy": Commentary and Translation.A. Frank David & Michelle K. Bolduc - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (3):177-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.3 (2003) 177-188 [Access article in PDF] Chaïm Perelman's "First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy":Commentary and Translation David A. Frank Michelle K. Bolduc Chaïm Perelman's 1949 article, "First Philosophies and Regressive Philosophy," has remained unavailable to readers unable to read French. Our commentary and translation is intended to provide English readers access to the context, influences, and themes that make the article (...)
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  14. First Philosophy, The Second Sex, and the Third Wave.Nancy Bauer - 1999; rpt 2004 - In Raynova Yvanka & Moser Susanne (eds.), Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre nach dem Anderen Geschlecht. Peter Lang.
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    Thinking without desire: a first philosophy of law.Panu Minkkinen - 1999 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    The response developed in this book is the creation of a metaphysical understanding of law or, in other words, what Aristotle called a 'first philosophy'.
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  16. First philosophy as scientia-transcendens according to Duns Scotus: The science of being or'onto-logic'?R. Darge - 2004 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 111 (1):43-61.
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    First Philosophy in the Border Zone.Viggo Rossvaer - 2016 - Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija 24 (2):95-107.
    The article will be devoted to such problems as a idea of subsidiarity, a cosmopolitan right and a visitor figure in context and interpretation of ancient and modern philosophy. The article deals with the concept of subsidiarity which is taken as a point of departure for the discipline of borderology, an academic study with Kantian roots. Borderology, according to the principle of subsidiarity, can present as a new field of investigation which invites philosophers and social scientists to replace a (...)
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    First philosophy and the kinds of substance.Joseph G. DeFilippo - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (1):1-28.
    First Philosophy and the Kinds of Substance JOSEPH G. DEFILIPPO ON A CERTAIN INTERPRETATION Aristotle's Metaphysics contains two incompati- ble conceptions of metaphysics or, as he calls it, first philosophy. At two points in the treatise he identifies first philosophy with theology . Along with this identification comes a certain view about the nature and number of theoretical sciences. We are told in E. 1 that there are three: natural philosophy, mathematics, and theology. (...)
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    First philosophy: an introduction to philisophical issues.Max Hocutt - 1986 - Malabar, Fla.: R.E. Krieger Pub. Co..
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  20. Descartes' First Philosophy and His Natural Philosophy: Unearthing the Roots Projecting from the Branches.E. C. Arvizo - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):645-648.
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  21.  23
    First philosophy and the foundation of knowledge.Yves-Charles Zarka - 1996 - In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62--85.
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    Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy.Claudia Baracchi - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy Claudia Baracchi demonstrates the indissoluble links between practical and theoretical wisdom in Aristotle's thinking. Referring to a broad range of texts from the Aristotelian corpus, Baracchi shows how the theoretical is always informed by a set of practices, and specifically, how one's encounter with phenomena, the world, or nature in the broadest sense, is always a matter of ethos. Such a 'modern' intimation can, thus, be found at the heart of Greek thought. (...)
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  23. First philosophy and education.James E. McClellan - 1981 - In Jonas F. Soltis & Kenneth J. Rehage (eds.), Philosophy and education. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press. pp. 264.
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    Aristotle's first philosophy in proper perspective.A. Pampapathy Rao - 1968 - [Santiniketan]: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Visva-Bharati.
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    Prelude to First Philosophy.Richard L. Velkley - 2003 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (2):189-198.
    Benardete reads Aristotle as Socratic dialectician writing in treatise form. The sciences of various subject matters appear at first separate (like Platonic eide) but they contain diverging accounts of being, nature, and the soul, which demand to be put together by the reader. De Anima abstracts from the soul as such in order to treat the soul “precisely.” This places limits on the unfolding of problems in phantasia and the heterogeneity of mind and being. As prelude to first (...)
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    Meditations of Global First Philosophy: Quest for the Missing Grammar of Logos.Ashok K. Gangadean - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    _Traces the roots of logos in different cultural milieux._.
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    Ekkehard Martens (Germany) A Little UN Philosophy Book for All New World Citizens Skeptical Considerations and a First Proposal.First Proposal - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber (eds.), Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 9--75.
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  28. (8 other versions)Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes - 1641/1984 - Ann Arbor: Caravan Books. Edited by Stanley Tweyman.
    I have always considered that the two questions respecting God and the Soul were the chief of those that ought to be demonstrated by philosophical rather than ...
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  29.  14
    A worldview of everything: a contemporary first philosophy.Brian Cronin - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Mark T. Miller.
    Philosophy has sometimes been described as the discipline in which you can never be wrong, as the reserve of absentminded professors, aloof academics and purveyors of obscure ideas or interesting opinions. Quite the contrary. Philosophy answers the hard questions: Does everything happen by chance? Is there anything more than matter in the universe? Are humans in the same class as animals? Is there a God? Can we know the correct answer to these questions? The answers to these questions (...)
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  30. Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy in Focus.Stanley Tweyman (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume presents the excellent and popular translation by Haldane and Ross of Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy , an introduction by Stanley Tweyman which explores the relevance of Descartes' Regulae and his method of analysis in the Meditations , and six articles which indicate the diversity of scholarly opinion on the topic of method in Descartes' philosopy.
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    Walter Benjamin’s First Philosophy: Experience, Ephemerality and Truth.Nathan Ross - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides a study of Walter Benjamin's first philosophy in two senses: it focuses on his early philosophy as a source of insight into his later works, and it explores his thinking about the nature of truth, method, experience, the relation of body and mind, and the limits of human knowledge. While most attention is paid to Benjamin's later works, his writings from roughly 1914-1925 explore philosophical themes and develop a critical method. This book argues that (...)
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    « Aphilosophical » First Philosophy.Robert Brumbaugh - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 11:55-58.
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    Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy: An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide.Kurt Brandhorst - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy is often a starting point for students of philosophy. It forms the basis for much of Continental thought, metaphysics, and philosophy of religion. Descartes’ text invites readers on a philosophical journey and this brief overview by Kurt Brandhorst is designed to prepare and accompany them. Brandhorst guides first-time readers through Descartes' language and offers pathways to a clear understanding of his method, ideas, and conclusions, while at the same time stimulating (...)
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    The cartesian paradigm of first philosophy: A critical appreciation from the perspective of another (the next?) Paradigm.Karl-Otto Apel - 1998 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 6 (1):1 – 16.
    There are several paradigms of 'first philosophy' (e.g. Aristotle, Descartes). A third paradigm of first philosophy is transcendental pragmatics or transcendental semiotics (exemplified by Peirce and Wittgenstein). Husserl correctly grasped that Descartes inaugurated first philosophy in the sense of a transcendental inquiry into the foundations of absolute knowledge. But Husserl's retrieval of Descartes remains within the second paradigm in that it ignores the role of language as a condition of the possibility of objectively constituted (...)
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    First philosophy and the problem of the world.Marvin Farber - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (3):315-334.
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    Existence as first philosophy.Darryl Wardle - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (4):338-347.
    The philosophical contemplation of “first philosophy” is as old as Western philosophy itself, and yet “first philosophy” is often eschewed in contemporary philosophical thought. This is because attempts at arriving at a first philosophy have often been steeped in metaphysical thinking that aims at non-finite foundations as the constitutive ground of human reality. However, in our contemporary world in which metaphysical postulates render themselves increasingly outmoded and immaterial, can we still speak of (...) philosophy today? This is to ask whether or not it may be possible to formulate a first philosophy based on strictly finite principles. This article seeks to demonstrate that the concept of finite “existence” can be read as first philosophy in the contemporary thought of Jean-Luc Nancy (1940–2021). Firstly, a conceptual analysis on the concepts of “being” and “existence” will be carried out with the express purpose of trying to ascertain the meaningful difference between these two concepts in Nancy’s thought, if indeed such a difference exists at all. From this conceptual analysis, it will be demonstrated that Nancy consistently and effectively elevates the concept of finite existence to philosophical primacy above that of non-finite being and, as a result, brings to light the possibility of (re)thinking existence as first philosophy in Nancy’s thought. (shrink)
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    II. First philosophy.Catherine Wilson - 1992 - In Donald Rutherford (ed.), Leibniz's Metaphysics: A Historical and Comparative Study. Duke University Press. pp. 45-78.
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    Nietzsche, Psychology, and First Philosophy.Robert B. Pippin - 2010 - University of Chicago Press.
    Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most elusive thinkers in the philosophical tradition. His highly unusual style and insistence on what remains hidden or unsaid in his writing make pinning him to a particular position tricky. Nonetheless, certain readings of his work have become standard and influential. In this major new interpretation of Nietzsche’s work, Robert B. Pippin challenges various traditional views of Nietzsche, taking him at his word when he says that his writing can best be understood as a (...)
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  39. Kant: constitutivism as capacities-first philosophy.Karl Schafer - 2019 - Philosophical Explorations 22 (2):177-193.
    Over the last two decades, Kant’s name has become closely associated with the “constitutivist” program within metaethics. But is Kant best read as pursuing a constitutivist approach to meta- normative questions? And if so, in what sense? In this essay, I’ll argue that we can best answer these questions by considering them in the context of a broader issue – namely, how Kant understands the proper methodology for philosophy in general. The result of this investigation will be that, while (...)
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  40.  24
    First philosophy naturalized: Peirce’s place in the Analytic tradition.Paul Forster - 2017 - Cognitio 18 (1):33.
    A epistemologia de Charles Sanders Peirce parece paradoxal quando comparada a de Rudolf Carnap e W.V. Quine. Como Carnap, mas diferentemente de Quine, Peirce considera que o conhecimento científico reside em princípios lógicos que devem se sustentar para que o discurso sobre o verdadeiro e o falso tenha sentido. Ele também compartilha a visão de Carnap de que esses princípios são anteriores à, e independentes das constatações nas ciências naturais, uma visão que Quine notoriamente rejeita. Todavia, como Quine, mas diferentemente (...)
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    The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.Giovanni Reale - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale's monumental work establishes the exact dimensions of Aristotle's concept of first philosophy and proves the profound unity of concept that exists in Aristotle's Metaphysics.
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    Meditations on First Philosophy/Meditationes de Prima Philosophia: A Bilingual Edition.George Heffernan (ed.) - 1990 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    This bilingual edition of Descartes' _Meditations on First Philosophy_ is aimed both specifically at serious students and professors of philosophy, and generally at anyone motivated by a strong philosophical interest.
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    Discourse on Method ; And, Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes (ed.) - 1993 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Contains English translations of Descartes' 1637 treatise Discourse on the Method for Conducting One's Reason Well and for Searching for Truth in the Sciences and a subsequent development of the ideas contained in it, Meditations on First Philosophy, first published in 1641. Includes a selected bibliography. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Naturalized epistemology and ?First philosophy?Harvey Siegel - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (1-2):46-62.
  45.  48
    First philosophy.Robert J. Kreyche - 1959 - New York,: Holt.
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    Semiotics and First Philosophy.John Deely - 1988 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 62:136.
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  47. Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy.Claudia Baracchi - forthcoming - Ethics.
    Book Description\n\nIn Aristotle's Ethics as First Philosophy, Claudia Baracchi demonstrates\nthe indissoluble links between practical and theoretical wisdom in\nAristotle's thinking. Baracchi shows how the theoretical is always\ninformed by a set of practices, and, specifically, how one's encounter\nwith phenomena, the world, or nature in the broadest sense, is always\na matter of ethos. \n\nAbout the Author\n\nClaudia Baracchi is a Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Universit...\ndi Milano-Bicocca, Italy and the author of Of Myth, Life, and War\nin Plato's Republic.
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  48. Meditations on first philosophy = Meditationes de prima philosophia.René Descartes & George Heffernan - 1990 - University of Notre Dame Press.
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    First Philosophy[REVIEW]J. E. M. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (3):532-532.
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  50. First Philosophy and Natural Philosophy in Descartes.Gary Hatfield - 1985 - In Alan Holland (ed.), Philosophy, Its History and Historiography. Reidel. pp. 149-164.
    Descartes was both metaphysician and natural philosopher. He used his metaphysics to ground portions of his physics. However, as should be a commonplace but is not, he did not think he could spin all of his physics out of his metaphysics a priori, and in fact he both emphasized the need for appeals to experience in his methodological remarks on philosophizing about nature and constantly appealed to experience in describing his own philosophy of nature. During the 1630s, he offered (...)
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