Results for 'Fiorina Giuliani'

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  1.  21
    Does the Excellent Enactment of Highest Strengths Reveal Virtues?Fiorina Giuliani, Willibald Ruch & Fabian Gander - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  2.  34
    Identities for Realists.Morris P. Fiorina - 2018 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 30 (1-2):49-56.
    ABSTRACTChristopher Achen and Larry Bartels argue, in Democracy for Realists, that voters tend to be not only politically ignorant but irrationally attached to group identities. That they use group identities is not in dispute, but the irrationality of doing so is questionable. The instability and malleability of group identities suggests that they are more than primal, illogical attachments. While Achen and Bartels assume that they must be affective, they may in fact be rational. They may, for example, serve as heuristics (...)
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    Creating Shared Value Meets Human Rights: A Sense-Making Perspective in Small-Scale Firms.Elisa Giuliani, Annamaria Tuan & José Calvimontes Cano - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):489-505.
    How do firms make sense of creating shared value projects? In their sense-making processes, do they extend the meaning spectrum to include human rights? What are the dominant cognitive frames through which firms make sense of CSV projects, and are some frames more likely to have transformative power? We pose these questions in the context of small-scale firms in a low-to-middle income country—a context where CSV policies have been promoted extensively over the last decade in the expectation of improved economic (...)
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    Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries’ Industrial Clusters.Elisa Giuliani - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):39-54.
    A recent preoccupation in scholarly research is the capacity of firms in developing country industrial clusters to comply with international corporate social responsibility policies and codes of conducts. This research is at an early stage and draws on several—often quite distinct—scholarly traditions. In this paper, we argue that future work in this area would benefit from a more explicit examination of the connection between cluster firms and human rights defined according to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent (...)
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    Big Profits, Big Harm? Exploring the Link Between Firm Financial Performance and Human Rights Misbehavior.Elisa Giuliani, Federica Nieri & Andrea Vezzulli - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (6):1248-1299.
    We examine whether, relative to their global peers, the financial performance of firms from developing countries leads to increases in human rights abuses. We also study the institutional conditions that qualify this relationship. Based on a combination of behavioral and neo-institutional theories, we suggest there is a positive relationship between financial performance and human rights misbehavior as home country liabilities motivate firms to misbehave to achieve their primary goal of economic leadership. We also suggest that strong regulatory and normative pressures (...)
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    (1 other version)Rational choice, empirical contributions, and the scientific enterprise.Morris P. Fiorina - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (1-2):85-94.
    Don Green and Ian Shapiro's Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory, despite the impressive amount of work that has gone into it, is undercut by a number of serious misunderstandings of the use of the rational choice approach by students of American politics. Furthermore, Green and Shapiro adopt an extremely pinched notion of an empirical contribution and an outmoded and idealized view of the scientific method. If their standards were adopted, it would be difficult to allow that anyone in political science (...)
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  7.  18
    C. Donolo (a cura di), Il futuro delle politiche pubbliche.M. Giuliani - 2007 - Polis 21 (3):523-524.
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  8.  20
    Conoscere per metafore: aspetti estetici della metafora conoscitiva.Alice Giuliani & Lorenzo Manera (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  9.  48
    Mit Worten. Unterwegs zur Sprache der weiblichen Freiheit.Fabrizia Giuliani - 2004 - Die Philosophin 15 (29):11-25.
  10.  36
    Fackenhem su Rosenzweig. Ovvero della storicità e dell'eternità dell' esistenza ebraica nel suo autoesporsi alla filosofia moderna e all' evento-Auschwitz.Massimo Giuliani - 2003 - Idee 52:119-132.
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    I precetti noachidi secondo Maimonide tra Torà e legge naturale nella rivisitazione di alcuni maestri contemporanei.Massimo Giuliani - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:147-168.
    Il saggio presenta la definizione e l’interpretazione di Maimonide delle sette leggi noahidi come si trovano nel codice halakhico _Mishnè Torà, Hilkhot melakhim_, e come discusse ed elaborate dal pensatore ebreo contemporaneo (tedesco-americano) Steven S. Schwarzschild. Rispetto ad altre versioni rabbiniche, l’interpretazione di Maimonide aggiunge la condizione che l’osservanza di quelle leggi è valida solo se sono accettate e rispettate come leggi rivelate, non solo come _lex naturalis_. Su tale condizione esiste un disaccordo tra gli studiosi e i rabbini ebrei, (...)
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    Korczak, l'umanesimo a misura di bambino: storia del pedagogista martire nel lager con i suoi 203 ragazzi.Laura Giuliani - 2016 - Trento: Il margine.
  13. La filosofia del processo in Vico ed il suo influsso in Germania.Alessandro Giuliani - 1992 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 22:345-368.
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  14.  3
    Nell'oceano dell'ebraismo: brevi navigazioni tra Talmud e filosofia.Massimo Giuliani - 2023 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
  15.  10
    The Body, Sexuality and Precarity.Gaia Giuliani - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):113-121.
    The focus group held in Bologna on 2 October 2005 revolved around the relationships between ‘body’, ‘sexuality’ and ‘precarity’, which are concepts at the heart of the reflections and political agenda of the feminist and Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (GLBTQ) movements in Italy.
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    Theological implications of the Shoah: caesura and continuum as hermeneutic paradigms of Jewish theodicy.Massimo Giuliani - 2002 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Presents a philosophical-theological approach to the Holocaust, which is considered both a break in the continuity of tradition and continuity within the break of modernity. Considers that both Jewish belief in God and Jewish identity are now at stake. Among the modern Jewish thinkers, accords significant attention to Fackenheim, while developing an original approach to Jewish theodicy.
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  17.  30
    Culture war? The myth of a polarized America.Morris P. Fiorina, Samuel J. Abrams & Jeremy Pope - 2004 - Longman.
    "What culture war? Abortion, gay marriage, school prayer, gun control. Is the nation really polarized on these hot-button moral, religious, and cultural issues? Should we believe the media pundits and politicians who tell us that Americans are deeply divided? No, says Morris Fiorina. At a time when the rift between the "red" and the "blue" states can seem deeper than ever, Fiorina debunks the assumption that Americans are deeply split over national issues. He presents quite a contrary picture (...)
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    Book Review: Spaces between Us: Queer Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Decolonization. [REVIEW]Gaia Giuliani - 2015 - Feminist Review 109 (1):e17-e19.
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    Political polarization in the American public.Morris Fiorina & Samuel Abrams - 2008 - Annual Review of Political Science 11 (1):563-88.
    For more than two decades political scientists have discussed rising elite polarization in the United States, but the study of mass polarization did not receive comparable attention until fairly recently. This article surveys the literature on mass polarization. It begins with a discussion of the concept of polarization, then moves to a critical consideration of different kinds of evidence that have been used to study polarization, concluding that much of the evidence presents problems of inference that render conclusions problematic. The (...)
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  20. Polarization in the American public: misconceptions and misreadings.Morris Fiorina, Samuel Abrams & Jeremy Pope - 2008 - Journal of Politics 70 (2):556–60.
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    Contributi ad una nuova teoria pura del diritto.Alessandro Giuliani - 1954 - Milano,: Giuffrè.
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  22. Comparative legal history.Adolfo Giuliani (ed.) - 2019
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  23.  11
    Le corone della Torà: logica e midrash nell'ermeneutica ebraica.Massimo Giuliani - 2021 - Firenze: Giuntina.
    L’interpretazione dei testi è il cuore del giudaismo e lo studio in ebraico della Torà scritta e orale è uno dei suoi precetti fondamentali. Ma interpretare è un’arte sviluppatasi sulla base di regole precise che fissano dei limiti logici e insieme potenziano la fantasia dei maestri di Israele. In questi dodici capitoli si esplorano tali middot o norme ermeneutiche, la dialettica tra senso letterale e approccio midrashico, gli sviluppi dell’esegesi rabbinica soprattutto in età medievale, i dibattiti sul valore delle aggadot (...)
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  24. Le "Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres" di Adamo Smith.A. Giuliani - 1962 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 17 (3):328.
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  25. La «nuova retorica» e la logica del linguaggio normativo.Alessandro Giuliani - 1970 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 47:374-390.
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  26. Ricerche in tema di esperienza giuridica.Alessandro Giuliani - 1957 - Milano,: A. Giuffrè.
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  27. Salvatore Satta. Ricordi di un discepolo e riflessioni sul reato processualmente politico.Ubaldo Giuliani-Balestrino - 2008 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 85 (2):339-348.
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  28. The Socialist Interpretations of Legal History. The Histories and Historians of Law and Justice in the Socialist Regimes of East Central Europe.Adolfo Giuliani (ed.) - 2021
  29. It's the economy, stupid.Rudy Giuliani & Wall Street - 2005 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 19 (4):19-36.
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  30.  10
    Histoire, langage et art chez Walter Benjamin et Martin Heidegger.Mathias Giuliani - 2014 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    English summary: The present work demonstrates the important influence of Heidegger on the philosophical thought of Walter Benjamin, on his philosophy of history, as well as his philosophy of art and language. Concentrating on the formative periods for both philosophers, the work examines their early education, as well as the interlacing of the philosophy of art and history in their concept of art. The final section treats works by both philosophers on the philosophy of art from their early years. French (...)
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  31.  10
    Emil L. Fackenheim, un filosofo tra Auschwitz e la nuova Gerusalemme.Massimo Giuliani (ed.) - 2018 - Trento: Università degli studi di Trento, Dipartimento di lettere e filosofia.
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  32.  4
    La filosofia ebraica.Massimo Giuliani - 2017 - [Brescia]: Els La scuola.
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  33.  8
    La giustizia seguirai: etica e halakhà nel pensiero rabbinico.Massimo Giuliani - 2016 - Firenze: Giuntina.
    È possibile esporre e comprendere l’etica ebraica ‘stando su un piede solo’ ossia in poche e semplici formule? Non è piuttosto il giudaismo un cammino lungo e complesso, e dunque anzitutto halakhà, un insieme di norme tese a santificare la vita quotidiana e a rafforzare un’identità di popolo? Quali sono i nessi tra la sfera etica, di sua natura universale, e la sfera delle pratiche simbolico-rituali, che caratterizzano e rendono particolare lo stile di vita ebraico? Cosa dice poi il pensiero (...)
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  34. L'élément "Juridique" dans la Logique Médiévale.A. Giuliani - 1963 - Logique Et Analyse 6 (21):540.
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  35. La filosofía retórica de Vico Y la nueva retórica.Alessandro Giuliani - 1999 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 11 (12):1999-2000.
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  36. La questione del logos nel pensiero ebraico.Massimo Giuliani - 2021 - In Gabriele Palasciano (ed.), Alla ricerca del logos: un percorso storico-esegetico e teologico. Todi (PG): Tau editrice.
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    The Italian physics community and the crisis of classical physics: New radiations, quanta and relativity.Giuseppe Giuliani & Paolantonio Marazzini - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (4):355-390.
    The reaction of Italian physicists to the innovations of the ‘new physics’ has been studied by analysing their scientific production and their textbooks. Their stand appears to have been the result of several components: absence or weakness of lines of research in the last three decades of the nineteenth century ; firm attachment to the conceptual and philosophical foundations of classical mechanics; and hostility to the quantization of energy. The consequence has been a widening of the gap between the research (...)
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  38.  26
    Being Reassuring About the Past While Promising a Better Future: How Companies Frame Temporal Focus in Social Responsibility Reporting.Annamaria Tuan, Matteo Corciolani & Elisa Giuliani - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (3):626-667.
    How is time framed in corporate social responsibility (CSR) talk? The literature mostly fails to analyze how multiple CSR activities are framed from a temporal perspective. Moreover, those researchers who undertake temporal framing tend to overlook the role of home-country cultural characteristics. Using a mixed-method analysis of 2,720 CSR reports from developing country companies, we show that CSR talk is mostly framed in the future tense when firms communicate complex human rights issues such as slavery or child labor, while the (...)
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    Systematic analysis of video data from different human–robot interaction studies: a categorization of social signals during error situations.Manuel Giuliani, Nicole Mirnig, Gerald Stollnberger, Susanne Stadler, Roland Buchner & Manfred Tscheligi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    Human–robot interactions are often affected by error situations that are caused by either the robot or the human. Therefore, robots would profit from the ability to recognize when error situations occur. We investigated the verbal and non-verbal social signals that humans show when error situations occur in human–robot interaction experiments. For that, we analyzed 201 videos of five human–robot interaction user studies with varying tasks from four independent projects. The analysis shows that there are two types of error situations: social (...)
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  40.  20
    Brain Activity Associated With Regulating Food Cravings Predicts Changes in Self-Reported Food Craving and Consumption Over Time.Nicole R. Giuliani, Danielle Cosme, Junaid S. Merchant, Bryce Dirks & Elliot T. Berkman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    What Differentiates Poor- and Good-Outcome Psychotherapy? A Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Approach to Psychotherapy Research, Part Two: Network Analyses.Giulio de Felice, Alessandro Giuliani, Omar C. G. Gelo, Erhard Mergenthaler, Melissa M. De Smet, Reitske Meganck, Giulia Paoloni, Silvia Andreassi, Guenter K. Schiepek, Andrea Scozzari & Franco F. Orsucci - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  42.  61
    Ghost-in-the-Machine reveals human social signals for human–robot interaction.Sebastian Loth, Katharina Jettka, Manuel Giuliani & Jan P. de Ruiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    We used a new method called “Ghost-in-the-Machine” (GiM) to investigate social interactions with a robotic bartender taking orders for drinks and serving them. Using the GiM paradigm allowed us to identify how human participants recognize the intentions of customers on the basis of the output of the robotic recognizers. Specifically, we measured which recognizer modalities (e.g., speech, the distance to the bar) were relevant at different stages of the interaction. This provided insights into human social behavior necessary for the development (...)
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  43.  25
    Biodynamic Interfaces Are Essential for Human–Environment Interactions.Manish Arora, Alessandro Giuliani & Paul Curtin - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (11):2000017.
    The environment impacts human health in profound ways, yet few theories define the form of the relationship between human physiology and the environment. It is conjectured that such complex systems cannot interact directly, but rather their interaction requires the formation of an intermediary “interface.” This position contrasts with current epidemiological constructs of causation, which implicitly assume that two complex systems transfer information directly while remaining separate entities. Further, it is contended that dynamic, process‐based interfaces incorporate components from all the interacting (...)
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  44. After Comparative Legal History.Adolfo Giuliani - 2021 - In E. Calzolaio (ed.), Liber Amicorum Luigi Moccia. pp. 215-241.
    The 1930-60s saw the beginning of a fertile stream of research based on a historical-comparative methodology focused on case-law viewed as the paradigm of the true living law. Today, the new frontier is in the information age and in thinking law as information.
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  45.  21
    Antropologia halakhica: saggi sul pensiero di Rav Joseph B. Soloveitchik.Massimo Giuliani - 2021 - Livorno: Salomone Belforte & C. editori librai dal 1805.
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  46. Adamo Smith filosofo del diritto.Alessandro Giuliani - 1954 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 31:505-538.
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    Claude Langlois, On savait mais quoi? La pédophilie dans l’Église de la Révolution à nos jours.Fabienne Giuliani - 2020 - Clio 52:289-291.
    Publié en janvier 2020, cet ouvrage de Claude Langlois puise son origine dans un « sentiment d’urgence, urgence civique et toute séculière, d’apporter [sa] part de vérité » (p. 7) après la publication, le 20 août 2018, de la Lettre au peuple de Dieu du pape François. Directeur d’étude à l’École pratique des hautes études, Claude Langlois est historien et sociologue, spécialiste du catholicisme contemporain. Il s’empare du sujet de la pédophilie après avoir déjà fait une incursion croisée dans...
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  48.  5
    Espressione ed ethos: il linguaggio nella filosofia di Benedetto Croce.Fabrizia Giuliani - 2002 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi storici.
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  49.  17
    Nicole Edelman, L’Impossible consentement : l’affaire Joséphine Hugues.Fabienne Giuliani - 2018 - Clio 48.
    Spécialiste de l’histoire de l’hystérie, de la voyance et du genre, Nicole Edelman propose, avec cet ouvrage, un livre à la croisée de ses différents domaines de spécialités et à la croisée d’autres, plus nouveaux, comme l’histoire de la justice ou des violences sexuelles. Dans l’Impossible consentement, l’historienne entend en effet livrer une analyse – sa version – de l’histoire du procès qui a abouti à la condamnation à 12 ans de perpétuité de Timothée Castellan pour de multiples viols sur...
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  50.  14
    What is comparative legal history? Legal historiography and the revolt against formalism, 1930–60.Adolfo Giuliani - 2019 - In Comparative legal history. pp. 30-77.
    What is comparative legal history? This essay argues that to understand this new field of legal-historical studies, we need first to clarify how legal historiography has changed over time. To this purpose, this essay begins from two main ideas. -/- First, the writing of legal history is deeply intertwined with an image of law that tells us what law is, how it is created and by whom. This is, in fact, the premise for writing legal history, as it determines the (...)
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