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  1. What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This powerfully iconoclastic book reconsiders the influential nativist position toward the mind. Nativists assert that some concepts, beliefs, or capacities are innate or inborn: "native" to the mind rather than acquired. Fiona Cowie argues that this view is mistaken, demonstrating that nativism is an unstable amalgam of two quite different--and probably inconsistent--theses about the mind. Unlike empiricists, who postulate domain-neutral learning strategies, nativists insist that some learning tasks require special kinds of skills, and that these skills are hard-wired into our (...)
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  2. Innateness and language.Fiona Cowie - 2008
  3. The mind is not (just) a system of modules shaped (just) by natural selection.James F. Woodward & Fiona Cowie - 2004 - In Christopher Hitchcock, Contemporary debates in philosophy of science. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 312-34.
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    (1 other version)Why isn't Stich an eliminativist?Fiona Cowie - 2009 - In Dominic Murphy & Michael Bishop, Stich and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 14--74.
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  5. Us, them and it: Modules, genes, environments and evolution.Fiona Cowie - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (3):284–292.
    The Architecture of Mind is an ambitious and informative work, surveying an impressive range of empirical literature and arguing that the mind is massively modular. However, it suffers from two major theoretical flaws. First, Carruthers’ concept of a module is weak, so much so that it robs his thesis of massive modularity of any real substance. Second, his conception of how the mind’s modules evolved ignores the role of niche construction and cultural evolution to its detriment.
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  6. (1 other version)The logical problem of language acquisition.Fiona Cowie - 1997 - Synthese 111 (1):17-51.
    Arguments from the Logical Problem of Language Acquisition suggest that since linguistic experience provides few negative data that would falsify overgeneral grammatical hypotheses, innate knowledge of the principles of Universal Grammar must constrain learners hypothesis formulation. Although this argument indicates a need for domain-specific constraints, it does not support their innateness. Learning from mostly positive data proceeds unproblematically in virtually all domains. Since not every domain can plausibly be accorded its own special faculty, the probative value of the argument in (...)
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  7. Mad dog nativism.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (2):227-252.
    In his recent book, Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong, Jerry Fodor retracts the radical concept-nativism he once defended. Yet that postion stood, virtually unchallenged, for more than twenty years. This neglect is puzzling, as Fodor's arguments against concepts being learnable from experience remain unanswered, and nativism has historically been taken very seriously as a response to empiricism's perceived shortcomings. In this paper, I urge that Fodorean nativism should indeed be rejected. I argue, however, that its deficiencies are not so (...)
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    By the Waters of Babel: Jean-Louis Dessalles' Why We Talk.Fiona Cowie - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (5):880-888.
    Why We Talk is a complex, ambitious, original, thought-provoking, and sometimes frustrating book. In it, Jean-Louis Dessalles argues that the critical spur to the development of human language—language’s true biological function—was political. It wasn’t political in any of the senses hitherto floated in the literature, though: language didn’t evolve because it fostered group cohesion or cooperation, or facilitated mind-reading or manipulation. Instead, language originally served more or less the same function as ritualized displays of aggression and submission in many social (...)
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    Conclusion.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book has been able to provide a thorough examination of certain aspects of nativism about the mind, such as its development throughout history and the modern advances in psychology and other fields that can be attributed to such. Part I was able to investigate historical debates regarding innateness, misconceptions and clarifications about this, and how we have been able to develop a novel explanation as to what nativism is. It explores the several nativist claims that involve psychological processes, as (...)
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    Hurford's partial vindication of classical empiricism.Fiona Cowie - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):289-290.
    Hurford's discussion also vindicates the classical empiricist program in semantics. The idea that PREDICATE(x) is the logical form of the sensory representations encoded via the dorsal and ventral streams validates empiricists' insistence on the psychological primacy of sense data, which have the same form. In addition to knowing the logical form of our primitive representations, however, we need accounts of (1) their contents and (2) how more complex thoughts are derived from them. Ideally, our semantic vocabulary would both reflect the (...)
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  11. Innate Ideas.Fiona Cowie - 1994 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    Recent years have seen a renewal of the perennial debate concerning innate ideas: Noam Chomsky has argued that much of our knowledge of natural languages is innate; Jerry Fodor has defended the innateness of most concepts. ;Part One concerns the historical controversy over nativism. On the interpretation there developed, nativists have defended two distinct theses. One, based on arguments from the poverty of the stimulus, is a psychological theory postulating special-purpose learning mechanisms. The other, deriving from arguments entailing that learning (...)
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  12. Innateness, Philosophical Issues about.Fiona Cowie - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  13.  14
    Language–Learning From Behaviorism to Nativism.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In contrast to the empiricist view, which states how all learning involves general strategies that can be applied in various fields and learning from experience, the nativist view explains how the acquisition of some knowledge cannot be associated with the domain-neutral empiricist model. In 1960, Noam Chomsky made his claims regarding how human beings are innately bestowed of knowledge of natural languages. This chapter attempts to provide an overview of Chomsky's explanation of language acquisition and how this has once again (...)
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  14. On Cussing in Church: In Defence of What’s Within?Fiona Cowie - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (2):231-245.
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    Prospects for a Psychology of Concept Acquisition.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Fodor gained a certain amount of embarrassment in 1981 after realizing that the intentional integrity of the link between the concept and the cause may be questioned. While the older Fodor, the one in 1998, is able to acknowledge that his earlier conceptions had to be modified, Fodor emphasizes that acquiring a concept is not to be recognized as a psychological process. In this chapter, however, we look into how psychological processing plays, in fact, no small part in the acquisition (...)
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    The Case Against Empiricism.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Examining impossibility arguments has allowed us to observe certain flaws in the empiricist construal of nativism, since such arguments point out that the empiricist views may entail some degree of self-contradiction and confusion. As the author makes use of Fodor's works such as The Language of Thought as reference, this chapter looks into Fodor's explanation regarding the empiricist view and how this relates to acquiring a concept of hypothesis-testing or learning and to its content or meaning. Since there are concepts, (...)
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    The Constitution Hypothesis.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    As the empiricist view relies much on the notion that concept acquisition involves coming up with and testing hypotheses about a concept's meaning or content, Fodor asserts that such is not possible and is self-defeating, since concepts do not possess the kinds of meanings that would allow the derivation of hypotheses. Looking into Fodor's writings, we see how he was able to conclude without having to deny the significance of experience in acquiring a concept, that most concepts must be innate (...)
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    The Poverty of the Stimulus.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Chomsky had been able to look into how various theses—representationalism, biological boundedness, domain specificity, innateness and universal grammar—may be used in explaining the acquisition and mastery of language. Chomsky was able to not only establish the inaccuracy of behaviorism through defending representationalism, but also initiate the development of a more mentalistic conception of both the learning of language and linguistic competence. Because other aspects of Chomsky's nativism are independent of each other, the falsity of behaviorism may be associated with the (...)
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    The Role of Universal Grammar in Language-Learning.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In contrast to what others may commonly believe, reflecting on the poverty of the stimulus does not sustain or reinforce the notion of learning a language within nativism. Also, although initially opposed, there are a lot more explanatory resources to empiricism than it is given credit for, particularly on issues regarding the domain-neutral mechanism for learning. While the enlightened empiricist would believe that the mechanism for language learning is general in purpose and that the theory choices of learners would be (...)
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    What Nativism Is Not.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    It can be observed that the doctrine of innate ideas may be as old as philosophy itself, as it may be one of the most basic conceptions. The notion that the character of our mental faculties is determined internally or innately is evident in works as early as that of Plato, which was revived between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by significant rationalist philosophers, and which underwent further examination in the twentieth century by mentalists such as Jerry Fodor and Noam (...)
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    What Nativism Is.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    The internalist construal of nativism appears to explain how nativism may be related to rationalism in epistemology, since nativism may be able to explain the link between an a priori belief and what such a belief may justify. According to Plato, a priori beliefs are justified by a benevolent God, since such beliefs are pre-set in our minds. Also, this interpretation, in a way, clarifies ideas regarding certain nonepistemological aspects of the debate regarding empiricist-rationalist ideals. As nativism is believed to (...)
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    What Nativism Is The Mystery Hypothesis.Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    While we realize that the empiricist interpretation of nativism may in fact be able to explain some of the central cases of both belief and concept acquisition, arguments from the poverty of the stimulus still assert how some acquisitions may not be obtained through merely making use of the general-purpose learning mechanisms brought on by empiricist thinking, and that we have to realize that the mind should contain other task-specific faculties for learning. This chapter looks into another form of argument, (...)
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    Will the Evidence for Linguistic Nativism Please Stand Up?Fiona Cowie - 1998 - In What’s Within? Nativism Reconsidered. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Regardless of whether Chomsky's grammar constraints may be learned from experience of not, the author argues that there is no “back door” to nativism. In relation to finding out whether there exists a special faculty for language learning, the author presents how she, on a more personal note and in terms of language acquisition, is more inclined to going with a weak nativist position since she believes that learning a language would probably entail one or more faculties of mind as (...)
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  24. Symposium on J.-L. Dessalles’s Why we Talk : Precis by J.-L. Dessalles, commentaries by E. Machery, F. Cowie, and J. Alexander, Replies by J.-L. Dessalles. [REVIEW]Edouard Machery, Jean-Louis Dessalles, Fiona Cowie & Jason Alexander - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (5):851-901.
    This symposium discusses J.-L. Dessalles's account of the evolution of language, which was presented in Why we Talk (OUP 2007).
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