Results for 'Finos Livio'

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  1.  40
    The role of co-parenting alliance as a mediator between trait anxiety, family system maladjustment, and parenting stress in a sample of non-clinical Italian parents.Elisa Delvecchio, Andrea Sciandra, Livio Finos, Claudia Mazzeschi & Daniela Di Riso - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Up right, not right up: Primacy of verticality in both language and movement.Véronique Boulenger, Livio Finos, Eric Koun, Roméo Salemme, Clément Desoche & Alice C. Roy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:981330.
    When describing motion along both the horizontal and vertical axes, languages from different families express the elements encoding verticality before those coding for horizontality (e.g., going up right instead of right up). In light of the motor grounding of language, the present study investigated whether the prevalence of verticality in Path expression also governs the trajectory of arm biological movements. Using a 3D virtual-reality setting, we tracked the kinematics of hand pointing movements in five spatial directions, two of which implied (...)
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    Visual and Auditory Evoked Potentials in migraine: sensitivity and specificity as diagnostic tools.Ambrosini Anna, Kisialiou Aliaksei, Finos Livio, Afra Judit, Coppola Gianluca, Di Clemente Laura, Iezzi Ennio, Magis Delphine, Sandor Peter, Sasso D'Elia Tullia, Viganò Alessandro, Fataki Michel, Pierelli Francesco & Schoenen Jean - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4.  6
    Jaume Pórtulas & Sergi.Livio Rossetti - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:291-295.
    Da qualche anno il piccolo mondo dei Presocratici è in movimento, se non in subbuglio, e a smuovere le acque interviene ora un cospicuo volume scritto in catalano, Saviesa grega arcaica, che è curato da un autorevole grecista di Barcellona, Pórtulas, e da un suo valido allievo, Grau. Il volume si distingue anzitutto per il fatto di circoscrivere il suo campo di osservazione al periodo delle guerre persiane (così da spingersi fino ad Eraclito e Parmenide, ma non oltre) e di (...)
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    Valoración e investigación en el continuo de la experiencia. Desde el pragmatismo de John Dewey al debate sobre el ideal de ciencia libre de valores. Resumen de tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Livio Mattarollo.Livio Mattarollo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (2):e061.
    Valoración e investigación en el continuo de la experiencia. Desde el pragmatismo de John Dewey al debate sobre el ideal de ciencia libre de valores. Resumen de tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Livio Mattarollo.
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    Is God a mathematician?Mario Livio - 2009 - New York: Simon & Schuster.
    This fascinating exploration of the great discoveries of history's most important mathematicians seeks an answer to the eternal question: Does mathematics hold the key to understanding the mysteries of the physical world?
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    Behavior genetics: Causality as a dialectical pursuit.Livio Tarchi, Giuseppe Pierpaolo Merola, Giovanni Castellini & Valdo Ricca - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e203.
    The overarching theme of causality in behavioral genetics is discussed on epistemological grounds. Evidence is offered in favor of a continuum spectrum in causality, in contrast to discrimination between causal factors and associations. The risk of invalidating exploratory studies in behavior genetics is discussed, especially for the potential impact on those fields of medicine interested in complex behaviors.
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    Ripensare i presocratici: da Talete (anzi da Omero) a Zenone.Livio Rossetti - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  9. Aristote: Anthropologie, logique, metaphysique.Livio Sichirollo - 1970 - Archives de Philosophie 33 (2-4):491.
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    (1 other version)La dialettica.Livio Sichirollo - 1973 - Milano,: ISEDI.
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  11. Athēnaiōn politeia.Livio Catullo Stecchini - 1950 - Glencoe, Ill.,: Free Press. Edited by Aristotle.
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  12. Thank you: the language of truth.Livio Amato - 1977 - São Paulo: [S.N.].
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    Introduction.Livio Gaeta - 2020 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2 (2):113-117.
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    Amare Platone: una lettura del Fedro.Livio Garzanti - 2006 - Milano: Garzanti.
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    Benedetto Croce e l'Unione democratica nazionale.Livio Ghersi - 2008 - Roma: Bibliosofica.
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    Regreso a la experiencia: lecturas de Peirce, James, Dewey y Lewis.Livio Mattarollo - 2014 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 40 (2):260-261.
    Algunos autores han sostenido que es posible que en el pasaje de la mano invisible, en La teoría de los sentimientos morales, Smith esté contestando a Rousseau. Esta hipótesis se basa en una fraseología similar que usan tanto Smith como Rousseau en el Discurso sobre el origen de la desigualdad. En esta nota se mostrará que es posible realizar una distinción importante con relación al período histórico que Smith está analizando en el pasaje de la mano invisible de TSM IV: (...)
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    Coscienza e prudenza: la ricostruzione del soggetto morale cristiano.Livio Melina - 2018 - Città del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto teologico Giovanni Paolo II per le scienze del matrimonio e della famiglia, Pontificia Università lateranense.
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    "If We Link the Essence of Rhetoric with Deception": Vincenzo on Socrates and Rhetoric.Livio Rossetti - 1993 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 26 (4):311 - 321.
  19. La 'questione socratica': un problema malposto.Livio Rossetti - 1983 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 38 (1):3.
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    Ricerca Specialistica e Politica Culturale Nell’Opera di Conrado Eggers Lan.Livio Rossetti - 1997 - Méthexis 10 (1):125-128.
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  21. Attualità di Banfi.Livio Sichirollo - 1986 - Urbino: Distribuzione P.D.E..
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    Morale e morali.Livio Sichirollo - 1985 - Roma: Editori riuniti. Edited by Eric Weil.
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    Case report: Dancing in the dark: A critical single case study engaging a blind father in the rehabilitation journey of his visually impaired child.Livio Provenzi, Giada Pettenati, Antonella Luparia, Daria Paini, Giorgia Aprile, Federica Morelli, Eleonora Mascherpa, Luisa Vercellino, Serena Grumi & Sabrina Signorini - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundFace-to-face visual contact is a key component of the early parent-child interaction, therefore a visual impairment condition of the parent or the child represents a risk factor for dyadic patterns' development.AimsThe study presents a critical single case of a blind father and a 18-month-old visually impaired child. The study aims to explore changes in the relational functioning of this dyad during an early family-centered intervention.Methods and proceduresTen parent-child sessions were videotaped and micro-analytically coded. Data were analyzed through a State Space (...)
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    Disentangling the Dyadic Dance: Theoretical, Methodological and Outcomes Systematic Review of Mother-Infant Dyadic Processes.Livio Provenzi, Giunia Scotto di Minico, Lorenzo Giusti, Elena Guida & Mitho Müller - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. Hölderlin e Leopardi sull¿idea del tragico.Livio Bottani - 2003 - Filosofia Oggi 26 (104):461-478.
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  26. Il tentativo diltheyano di una fondazione delle scienze dello spirito e la storia.Livio Bottani - 1990 - Filosofia Oggi 13 (1):103-126.
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    Pragmatic identification of the witness sets.Livio Robaldo & Jakub Szymanik - 2012 - Proceeding of the 8th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
    Among the readings available for NL sentences, those where two or more sets of entities are independent of one another are particularly challenging from both a theoretical and an empirical point of view. Those readings are termed here as ‘Independent Set (IS) readings'. Standard examples of such readings are the well-known Collective and Cumulative Readings. (Robaldo, 2011) proposes a logical framework that can properly represent the meaning of IS readings in terms of a set-Skolemization of the witness sets. One of (...)
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  28. Atti del Symposium Heracliteum 1981, vol. I : Studi, vol. II : La « fortuna » di Eraclito nel pensiero moderno.Livio Rossetti - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (2):249-249.
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  29. Consumismo epistemico e primato della domanda sulla risposta: a proposito della Problematologia di M. Meyer.Livio Rossetti - 2010 - Giornale di Metafisica 32 (2):465-478.
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    El Symposium Platonicum de la Ciudad de Mexico.Livio Rossetti - 1988 - Méthexis 1 (1):108-110.
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    Ora di religione e filosofia in Italia.Livio Rossetti - 2013 - Philotheos 13:279-282.
    To teach catholic religion to Italian pupils from 6 to 18 years may not be a very gratifying experience. However, a new option is worth being considered, I submit, namely to devote half of the time to a very simple way of doing philosophy, i.e. to offer pupils attention to their ideas, hopes and problems by means of whole hours devoted to free exchanges with them and among them. Why the teachers of Religion instead of their colleagues, no matter which? (...)
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    Sull’intreccio di logica e retorica in alcuni paradossi di Zenone di Elea.Livio Rossetti - 1992 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 74 (1):1-25.
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  33. Understanding the Phaedrus, proceedings of the II Symposium platonicum.Livio Rossetti - 1995 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 100 (2):280-283.
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  34. Dialegesthai.Livio Sichirollo - 1966 - Hildesheim,: Gg Olms.
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    Ensaio sôbre a moral de Descartes.Livio Teixeira - 1955 - São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras.
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    EXISTÊNCIA E CULPABILIDADE: Um estudo do parágrafo 58 de Ser e Tempo, de Martin Heidegger.Livio Osvaldo Arenhart - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (1):5-23.
    SÍNTESE - Em consonância com o método fenomenológico- hermenêutico traçado por Martin Heidegger em Sein und Zeit, a expressão prático-auto-referencial "eu sou" [sum] deve anteceder toda predicação sobre o humano ser/estar-aí-no-mundo. A este pertence a culpa/ dívida [Schuld] enquanto sentir-se/compreender-se e confessar-se como ser-culpado/devedor [Schuldigsein]. "Sou culpado por" resulta da junção de "sou responsável por" com o "não" implícito na idéia de falta. O responder ativo-projetivo do ser-aí [Dasein] por seu ter-queser está marcado, prévia e ontologicamente, pela impossibilidade de autofundação (...)
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  37. Esperienza, realtà e significato nell'estetica di Dilthey.Livio Bottani - 1991 - Filosofia Oggi 14 (55):419-438.
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    Ha pasado ya tiempo suficiente desde que se fundó foro interno como para poder tener Una primera impresión de su recorrido.Tito Livio - 2006 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 6:7-9.
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    Experimentalismo democrático, crecimiento y educación.Livio Mattarollo - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 1.
    En el campo de la epistemología política, un problema clave es cómo balancear los compromisos epistémicos para tomar decisiones políticas adecuadas con los compromisos morales sustantivos. El presente artículo se propone abordar este problema desde el enfoque del pragmatista clásico John Dewey, habida cuenta de que en su pensamiento es posible identificar un argumento epistémico y un argumento formativo en favor de la democracia. Para ello, en primer lugar se reconstruye el argumento epistémico y se analizan las críticas respecto de (...)
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  40. La reconstrucción de las continuidades. Aportes de John Dewey al debate sobre el ideal de ciencia libre de valores.Livio Mattarollo - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 21 (24):38-75.
    En el contexto del debate contemporáneo sobre el ideal de ciencia libre de valores, el propósito general del artículo es recuperar la pregunta por la dimensión valorativa tradicionalmente denominada extra-epistémica de la investigación científica desde el marco teórico del filósofo pragmatista John Dewey. Mediante la reconstrucción de distintos sentidos de continuidad entre investigación científica, valoración y valores, se pretende sostener que el enfoque deweyano da cuenta de la efectiva incidencia de valores sociales, morales y políticos en la investigación, y que (...)
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    Storicità della dialettica antica: Platone, Aristotele, Hegel.Livio Sichirollo - 1965 - [Padova]: Marsilio.
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    Basic human needs as values: exploring John Dewey’s normative perspective on social philosophy.Livio Mattarollo - 2018 - Cognitio 19 (2):282-295.
    O projeto de John Dewey sobre a filosofia social não tem sido considerado como uma peça importante de seu pensamento. Entretanto, seus textos sobre esse tópico constituem um notável esforço para articular diversos novos conceitos e ideias, os quais não podem ser encontrados em outra parte de sua extensa obra filosófica. Inserida nesse contexto, a nova edição de suas “Palestras em filosofia política e social” – série de palestras que Dewey apresentou quando esteve na China – fornece um material único (...)
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    Formalizing GDPR Provisions in Reified I/O Logic: The DAPRECO Knowledge Base.Livio Robaldo, Cesare Bartolini, Monica Palmirani, Arianna Rossi, Michele Martoni & Gabriele Lenzini - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):401-449.
    The DAPRECO knowledge base is the main outcome of the interdisciplinary project bearing the same name. It is a repository of rules written in LegalRuleML, an XML formalism designed to be a standard for representing the semantic and logical content of legal documents. The rules represent the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, the new Regulation that is significantly affecting the digital market in the European Union and beyond. The DAPRECO knowledge base builds upon the Privacy Ontology, which provides (...)
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    L'image pour enjeu: essais sur le cinéma expérimental contemporain.Livio Belloï - 2021 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
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    (1 other version)Ermeneutiche del sospetto e tradizione della violenza.Livio Bottani - 1991 - Idee 17:81-104.
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    The existential and its exits: literary and philosophical perspectives on the works of Beckett, Ionesco, Genet, & Pinter.Livio A. C. Dobrez - 1986 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
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    Humanitas presocrática, humanitas socrática.Livio Rossetti - 2015 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 27 (2):123-140.
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    L. Candiotto – O. Renaut (eds.), Emotions in Plato, Leiden-Boston, Brill 2020.Livio Rossetti - 2022 - Plato Journal 23:111-115.
  49.  13
    'Talete sophos' (ad Atene, sotto l'arcontato di Damasia).Livio Rossetti - 2010 - Humanitas 62:33-40.
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    Distributivity, Collectivity, and Cumulativity in Terms of (In)dependence and Maximality.Livio Robaldo - 2011 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20 (2):233-271.
    This article proposes a new logical framework for NL quantification. The framework is based on Generalized Quantifiers, Skolem-like functional dependencies, and Maximality of the involved sets of entities. Among the readings available for NL sentences, those where two or more sets of entities are independent of one another are particularly challenging. In the literature, examples of those readings are known as Collective and Cumulative readings. This article briefly analyzes previous approaches to Cumulativity and Collectivity, and indicates (Schwarzschild in Pluralities. Kluwer, (...)
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