Results for 'Finite variable logic'

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  1.  67
    Finite variable logics in descriptive complexity theory.Martin Grohe - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):345-398.
    Throughout the development of finite model theory, the fragments of first-order logic with only finitely many variables have played a central role. This survey gives an introduction to the theory of finite variable logics and reports on recent progress in the area.For each k ≥ 1 we let Lk be the fragment of first-order logic consisting of all formulas with at most k variables. The logics Lk are the simplest finite-variable logics. Later, we (...)
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    Finite variable logic, stability and finite models.Marko Djordjevic - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):837-858.
  3. Bounded Variable Logics and Counting. A Study in Finite Model Theory.M. Otto - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):288-290.
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    Complexity of finite-variable fragments of EXPTIME-complete logics ★.Mikhail Rybakov - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (3):359-382.
    The main result of the present paper is that the variable-free fragment of logic K*, the logic with a single K-style modality and its “reflexive and transitive closure,” is EXPTIMEcomplete. It is then shown that this immediately gives EXPTIME-completeness of variable-free fragments of a number of known EXPTIME-complete logics. Our proof contains a general idea of how to construct a polynomial-time reduction of a propositional logic to its n-variable—and even, in the cases of K*, (...)
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  5.  30
    Complexity of finite-variable fragments of propositional modal logics of symmetric frames.Mikhail Rybakov & Dmitry Shkatov - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
  6.  87
    Bounded variable logics: two, three, and more. [REVIEW]Martin Otto - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (4-5):235-256.
    Consider the bounded variable logics $L^k_{\infty\omega}$ (with k variable symbols), and $C^k_{\infty\omega}$ (with k variables in the presence of counting quantifiers $\exists^{\geq m}$ ). These fragments of infinitary logic $L_{\infty\omega}$ are well known to provide an adequate logical framework for some important issues in finite model theory. This paper deals with a translation that associates equivalence of structures in the k-variable fragments with bisimulation equivalence between derived structures. Apart from a uniform and intuitively appealing treatment (...)
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    Omitting types for finite variable fragments and complete representations of algebras.Hajnal Andréka, István Németi & Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):65-89.
    We give a novel application of algebraic logic to first order logic. A new, flexible construction is presented for representable but not completely representable atomic relation and cylindric algebras of dimension n (for finite n > 2) with the additional property that they are one-generated and the set of all n by n atomic matrices forms a cylindric basis. We use this construction to show that the classical Henkin-Orey omitting types theorem fails for the finite (...) fragments of first order logic as long as the number of variables available is > 2 and we have a binary relation symbol in our language. We also prove a stronger result to the effect that there is no finite upper bound for the extra variables needed in the witness formulas. This result further emphasizes the ongoing interplay between algebraic logic and first order logic. (shrink)
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  8.  46
    Omitting types for finite variable fragments of first order logic.T. Sayed Ahmed - 2003 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 32 (3):103-107.
  9.  40
    Undecidability results on two-variable logics.Erich Grädel, Martin Otto & Eric Rosen - 1999 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 38 (4-5):313-354.
    It is a classical result of Mortimer that $L^2$ , first-order logic with two variables, is decidable for satisfiability. We show that going beyond $L^2$ by adding any one of the following leads to an undecidable logic:– very weak forms of recursion, viz.¶(i) transitive closure operations¶(ii) (restricted) monadic fixed-point operations¶– weak access to cardinalities, through the Härtig (or equicardinality) quantifier¶– a choice construct known as Hilbert's $\epsilon$ -operator.In fact all these extensions of $L^2$ prove to be undecidable both (...)
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  10.  24
    On Preservation Theorems for Two-Variable Logic.Erich Gradel & Eric Rosen - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (3):315-325.
    We show that the existential preservation theorem fails for two-variable first-order logic FO2. It is known that for all k ≥ 3, FOk does not have an existential preservation theorem, so this settles the last open case, answering a question of Andreka, van Benthem, and Németi. In contrast, we prove that the homomorphism preservation theorem holds for FO2.
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  11.  19
    Finite satisfiability for two‐variable, first‐order logic with one transitive relation is decidable.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2018 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 64 (3):218-248.
    We consider two‐variable, first‐order logic in which a single distinguished predicate is required to be interpreted as a transitive relation. We show that the finite satisfiability problem for this logic is decidable in triply exponential non‐deterministic time. Complexity falls to doubly exponential non‐deterministic time if the transitive relation is constrained to be a partial order.
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  12.  61
    Many-place sequent calculi for finitely-valued logics.Alexej P. Pynko - 2010 - Logica Universalis 4 (1):41-66.
    In this paper, we study multiplicative extensions of propositional many-place sequent calculi for finitely-valued logics arising from those introduced in Sect. 5 of Pynko (J Multiple-Valued Logic Soft Comput 10:339–362, 2004) through their translation by means of singularity determinants for logics and restriction of the original many-place sequent language. Our generalized approach, first of all, covers, on a uniform formal basis, both the one developed in Sect. 5 of Pynko (J Multiple-Valued Logic Soft Comput 10:339–362, 2004) for singular (...)
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  13.  23
    Forking in Finite Models.Tapani Hyttinen - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (2):307-320.
    We study properties of forking in the classes of all finite models of a complete theory in a finite variable logic. We also study model constructions under the assumption that forking is trivial.
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  14.  93
    Provability with finitely many variables.Robin Hirsch, Ian Hodkinson & Roger D. Maddux - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):348-379.
    For every finite n ≥ 4 there is a logically valid sentence φ n with the following properties: φ n contains only 3 variables (each of which occurs many times); φ n contains exactly one nonlogical binary relation symbol (no function symbols, no constants, and no equality symbol): φ n has a proof in first-order logic with equality that contains exactly n variables, but no proof containing only n - 1 variables. This result was first proved using the (...)
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  15.  39
    Pure Refined Variable Inclusion Logics.Damian Szmuc & Mariela Rubin - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Logic 19 (5):147–166.
    In this article, we explore the semantic characterization of the (right) pure refined variable inclusion companion of all logics, which is a further refinement of the nowadays well-studied pure right variable inclusion logics. In particular, we will focus on giving a characterization of these fragments via a single logical matrix, when possible, and via a class of finite matrices, otherwise. In order to achieve this, we will rely on extending the semantics of the logics whose companions we (...)
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  16.  20
    Remark on a finite axiomatization of finite intermediate propositional logics.D. Skvortsov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):381-386.
    ABSTRACT A simple method of axiomatizing every finite intermediate propositional logic by a finite set of axioms with the minimal number of variables is proposed. The method is based on Jankov's characteristic formulas.
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  17. Characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving three-valued logic maps.Anton A. Esin - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper investigates structural properties of monotone function classes within the framework of three-valued logic (3VL), aiming to characterize dependencies and constraints that ensure structural finiteness and order-preserving properties. This research delves into characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving 3VL map. Monotonicity plays a critical role in understanding functional behaviour, which is essential for structuring closed logical operations within $ P_{k} $. We define $ F $ as a closed class in $ P_{k} $, consisting only of (...)
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  18.  88
    Finite Kripke models and predicate logics of provability.Sergei Artemov & Giorgie Dzhaparidze - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1090-1098.
    The paper proves a predicate version of Solovay's well-known theorem on provability interpretations of modal logic: If a closed modal predicate-logical formula R is not valid in some finite Kripke model, then there exists an arithmetical interpretation f such that $PA \nvdash fR$ . This result implies the arithmetical completeness of arithmetically correct modal predicate logics with the finite model property (including the one-variable fragments of QGL and QS). The proof was obtained by adding "the predicate (...)
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  19.  49
    Translating Non-classical Logics into Classical Logic by Using Hidden Variables.Juan C. Agudelo-Agudelo - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (2):205-224.
    Dyadic semantics is a sort of non-truth-functional bivalued semantics introduced in Caleiro et al. Logica Universalis, Birkhäuser, Basel, pp 169–189, 2005). Here we introduce an algorithmic procedure for constructing conservative translations of logics characterised by dyadic semantics into classical propositional logic. The procedure uses fresh propositional variables, which we call hidden variables, to represent the indeterminism of dyadic semantics. An alternative algorithmic procedure for constructing conservative translations of any finite-valued logic into classical logic is also introduced. (...)
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  20.  53
    On a theorem of Vaught for first order logic with finitely many variables.Tarek Sayed Ahmed - 2009 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (1):97-112.
    We prove that the existence of atomic models for countable atomic theories does not hold for Ln the first order logic restricted to n variables for finite n > 2. Our proof is algebraic, via polyadic algebras. We note that Lnhas been studied in recent times as a multi-modal logic with applications in computer science. 2000 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION. 03C07, 03G15.
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  21.  28
    Non-finitely axiomatisable modal product logics with infinite canonical axiomatisations.Christopher Hampson, Stanislav Kikot, Agi Kurucz & Sérgio Marcelino - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (5):102786.
    Our concern is the axiomatisation problem for modal and algebraic logics that correspond to various fragments of two-variable first-order logic with counting quantifiers. In particular, we consider modal products with Diff, the propositional unimodal logic of the difference operator. We show that the two-dimensional product logic $Diff \times Diff$ is non-finitely axiomatisable, but can be axiomatised by infinitely many Sahlqvist axioms. We also show that its ‘square’ version (the modal counterpart of the substitution and equality free (...)
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  22. Non-finitely axiomatisable two-dimensional modal logics.Agi Kurucz & Sérgio Marcelino - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):970-986.
    We show the first examples of recursively enumerable (even decidable) two-dimensional products of finitely axiomatisable modal logics that are not finitely axiomatisable. In particular, we show that any axiomatisation of some bimodal logics that are determined by classes of product frames with linearly ordered first components must be infinite in two senses: It should contain infinitely many propositional variables, and formulas of arbitrarily large modal nesting-depth.
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  23.  37
    Complexity and expressivity of propositional dynamic logics with finitely many variables.Mikhail Rybakov & Dmitry Shkatov - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (5):539-547.
  24.  26
    Existence of Finite Total Equivalence Systems for Certain Closed Classes of 3-Valued Logic Functions.Ilya Makarov - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (1):1-26.
    The article deals with finding finite total equivalence systems for formulas based on an arbitrary closed class of functions of several variables defined on the set {0, 1, 2} and taking values in the set {0,1} with the property that the restrictions of its functions to the set {0, 1} constitutes a closed class of Boolean functions. We consider all classes whose restriction closure is either the set of all functions of two-valued logic or the set T a (...)
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  25.  48
    Axiom systems for first order logic with finitely many variables.James S. Johnson - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):576-578.
    J. D. Monk has shown that for first order languages with finitely many variables there is no finite set of schema which axiomatizes the universally valid formulas. There are such finite sets of schema which axiomatize the formulas valid in all structures of some fixed finite size.
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  26.  95
    Two variable first-order logic over ordered domains.Martin Otto - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):685-702.
    The satisfiability problem for the two-variable fragment of first-order logic is investigated over finite and infinite linearly ordered, respectively wellordered domains, as well as over finite and infinite domains in which one or several designated binary predicates are interpreted as arbitrary wellfounded relations. It is shown that FO 2 over ordered, respectively wellordered, domains or in the presence of one well-founded relation, is decidable for satisfiability as well as for finite satisfiability. Actually the complexity of (...)
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  27. Supra-logic: using transfinite type theory with type variables for paraconsistency.Jørgen Villadsen - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (1):45-58.
    We define the paraconsistent supra-logic Pσ by a type-shift from the booleans o of propositional logic Po to the supra-booleans σ of the propositional type logic P obtained as the propositional fragment of the transfinite type theory Q defined by Peter Andrews (North-Holland Studies in Logic 1965) as a classical foundation of mathematics. The supra-logic is in a sense a propositional logic only, but since there is an infinite number of supra-booleans and arithmetical operations (...)
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  28.  15
    Complexity of intuitionistic and Visser's basic and formal logics in finitely many variables.Mikhail Rybakov - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 393-411.
  29.  10
    A Version of Predicate Logic with Two Variables That has an Incompleteness Property.Mohamed Khaled - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-23.
    In this paper, we consider predicate logic with two individual variables and general assignment models (where the set of assignments of the variables into a model is allowed to be an arbitrary subset of the usual one). We prove that there is a statement such that no general assignment model in which it is true can be finitely axiomatized. We do this by showing that the free relativized cylindric algebras of dimension two are not atomic.
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  30. On the decision problem for two-variable first-order logic.Erich Grädel, Phokion G. Kolaitis & Moshe Y. Vardi - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (1):53-69.
    We identify the computational complexity of the satisfiability problem for FO 2 , the fragment of first-order logic consisting of all relational first-order sentences with at most two distinct variables. Although this fragment was shown to be decidable a long time ago, the computational complexity of its decision problem has not been pinpointed so far. In 1975 Mortimer proved that FO 2 has the finite-model property, which means that if an FO 2 -sentence is satisfiable, then it has (...)
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  31.  21
    The Modelwise Interpolation Property of Semantic Logics.Zalán Gyenis, Zalán Molnár & Övge Öztürk - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (1):59-83.
    In this paper we introduce the modelwise interpolation property of a logic that states that whenever ϕψ\models\phi\to\psi holds for two formulas ϕ\phi and ψ\psi, then for every model M\mathfrak{M} there is an interpolant formula χ\chi formulated in the intersection of the vocabularies of ϕ\phi and ψ\psi, such that Mϕχ\mathfrak{M}\models\phi\to\chi and Mχψ\mathfrak{M}\models\chi\to\psi, that is, the interpolant formula in Craig interpolation may vary from model to model. We compare the modelwise interpolation property with the standard Craig interpolation and with the local (...)
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  32.  69
    Variables as stacks.C. F. M. Vermeulen - 2000 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9 (2):143-167.
    The development of the dynamic semantics of natural languagehas put issues of variable control on the agenda of formal semantics. Inthis paper we regard variables as names for stacks of values and makeexplicit several control actions as push and pop actions on stacks. Weapply this idea both to static and dynamic languages and compare theirfinite variable hierarchies, i.e., the relation between the number ofvariable stacks that is available and the expressivity of the language.This can be compared in natural (...)
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  33.  58
    Small substructures and decidability issues for first-order logic with two variables.Emanuel Kieroński & Martin Otto - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):729-765.
    We study first-order logic with two variables FO² and establish a small substructure property. Similar to the small model property for FO² we obtain an exponential size bound on embedded substructures, relative to a fixed surrounding structure that may be infinite. We apply this technique to analyse the satisfiability problem for FO² under constraints that require several binary relations to be interpreted as equivalence relations. With a single equivalence relation, FO² has the finite model property and is complete (...)
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    A new technique for proving realisability and consistency theorems using finite paraconsistent models of cut‐free logic.Arief Daynes - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (6):540-554.
    A new technique for proving realisability results is presented, and is illustrated in detail for the simple case of arithmetic minus induction. CL is a Gentzen formulation of classical logic. CPQ is CL minus the Cut Rule. The basic proof theory and model theory of CPQ and CL is developed. For the semantics presented CPQ is a paraconsistent logic, i.e. there are non-trivial CPQ models in which some sentences are both true and false. Two systems of arithmetic minus (...)
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  35.  45
    Salomaa Arto. On many-valued systems of logic. Ajatus, vol. 22 , pp. 115–159.Salomaa Arto. On the composition of functions of several variables ranging over a finite set. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Series A, Turun Yliopisto, Turku 1960, 48 pp. [REVIEW]Atwell R. Turquette - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (3):291-293.
  36.  37
    Salomaa Arto. A theorem concerning the composition of functions of several variables ranging over a finite set.Ivo Rosenberg - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):307.
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  37. Hybrid Logics: Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):977-1010.
    Hybrid languages are expansions of propositional modal languages which can refer to worlds. The use of strong hybrid languages dates back to at least [Pri67], but recent work has focussed on a more constrained system called $\mathscr{H}$. We show in detail that $\mathscr{H}$ is modally natural. We begin by studying its expressivity, and provide model theoretic characterizations and a syntactic characterization. The key result to emerge is that $\mathscr{H}$ corresponds to the fragment of first-order logic which is invariant for (...)
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  38.  36
    Formulas of one propositional variable in intuitionistic logic with the Solovay modality.Leo Esakia & Revaz Grigolia - 2008 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 17 (1-2):111-127.
    A description of the free cyclic algebra over the variety of Solovay algebras, as well as over its pyramid locally finite subvarieties is given.
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  39.  50
    Complexity of the two-variable fragment with counting quantifiers.Ian Pratt-Hartmann - 2005 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 14 (3):369-395.
    The satisfiability and finite satisfiability problems for the two-variable fragment of first-order logic with counting quantifiers are both in NEXPTIME, even when counting quantifiers are coded succinctly.
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  40.  19
    Modal Definability in Languages with a Finite Number of Propositional Variables and a New Extension of the Sahlqvist's Class.Dimiter Vakarelov - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 499-518.
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  41.  61
    Finite, integral, and finite-dimensional relation algebras: a brief history.Roger D. Maddux - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 127 (1-3):117-130.
    Relation algebras were invented by Tarski and his collaborators in the middle of the 20th century. The concept of integrality arose naturally early in the history of the subject, as did various constructions of finite integral relation algebras. Later the concept of finite-dimensionality was introduced for classifying nonrepresentable relation algebras. This concept is closely connected to the number of variables used in proofs in first-order logic. Some results on these topics are presented in chronological order.
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  42.  84
    The abstract variable-binding calculus.Don Pigozzi & Antonino Salibra - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (1):129 - 179.
    Theabstract variable binding calculus (VB-calculus) provides a formal frame-work encompassing such diverse variable-binding phenomena as lambda abstraction, Riemann integration, existential and universal quantification (in both classical and nonclassical logic), and various notions of generalized quantification that have been studied in abstract model theory. All axioms of the VB-calculus are in the form of equations, but like the lambda calculus it is not a true equational theory since substitution of terms for variables is restricted. A similar problem with (...)
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  43.  47
    Complexity of intuitionistic propositional logic and its fragments.Mikhail Rybakov - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2):267-292.
    In the paper we consider complexity of intuitionistic propositional logic and its natural fragments such as implicative fragment, finite-variable fragments, and some others. Most facts we mention here are known and obtained by logicians from different countries and in different time since 1920s; we present these results together to see the whole picture.
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  44. Modal Languages and Bounded Fragments of Predicate Logic.Hajnal Andréka, István Németi & Johan van Benthem - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (3):217 - 274.
    What precisely are fragments of classical first-order logic showing “modal” behaviour? Perhaps the most influential answer is that of Gabbay 1981, which identifies them with so-called “finite-variable fragments”, using only some fixed finite number of variables (free or bound). This view-point has been endorsed by many authors (cf. van Benthem 1991). We will investigate these fragments, and find that, illuminating and interesting though they are, they lack the required nice behaviour in our sense. (Several new negative (...)
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  45. A Finite Fragment Of S3.Tomasz Kowalski & John Slaney - 2008 - Reports on Mathematical Logic.
    It is shown that the pure implication fragment of the modal logic [3], pp. 385--387) has finitely many non-equivalent formulae in one variable. The exact number of such formulae is not known. We show that this finiteness result is the best possible, since the analogous fragment of S4, and therefore of [3], in two variables has infinitely many non-equivalent formulae.
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  46. Decidability of cylindric set algebras of dimension two and first-order logic with two variables.Maarten Marx & Szabolcs Mikulas - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1563-1572.
    The aim of this paper is to give a new proof for the decidability and finite model property of first-order logic with two variables (without function symbols), using a combinatorial theorem due to Herwig. The results are proved in the framework of polyadic equality set algebras of dimension two (Pse 2 ). The new proof also shows the known results that the universal theory of Pse 2 is decidable and that every finite Pse 2 can be represented (...)
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    Pseudo-finite sets, pseudo-o-minimality.Nadav Meir - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):577-599.
    We give an example of two ordered structures $\mathcal {M},\mathcal {N}$ in the same language $\mathcal {L}$ with the same universe, the same order and admitting the same one-variable definable subsets such that $\mathcal {M}$ is a model of the common theory of o-minimal $\mathcal {L}$ -structures and $\mathcal {N}$ admits a definable, closed, bounded, and discrete subset and a definable injective self-mapping of that subset which is not surjective. This answers negatively two question by Schoutens; the first being (...)
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    On normal forms in Łukasiewicz logic.A. Di Nola & A. Lettieri - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (6):795-823.
    Formulas of n variables of Łukasiewicz sentential calculus can be represented, via McNaughton’s theorem, by piecewise linear functions, with integer coefficients, from hypercube [0,1] n to [0,1], called McNaughton functions. As a consequence of the McNaughton representation of a formula it is obtained a canonical form of a formula. Indeed, up to logical equivalence, any formula can be written as an infimum of finite suprema of formulas associated to McNaughton functions which are truncated functions to $[0,1]$ of the restriction (...)
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  49.  81
    A Formalization of Set Theory Without Variables.István Németi - 1988 - American Mathematical Soc..
    Completed in 1983, this work culminates nearly half a century of the late Alfred Tarski's foundational studies in logic, mathematics, and the philosophy of science. Written in collaboration with Steven Givant, the book appeals to a very broad audience, and requires only a familiarity with first-order logic. It is of great interest to logicians and mathematicians interested in the foundations of mathematics, but also to philosophers interested in logic, semantics, algebraic logic, or the methodology of the (...)
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  50.  24
    Canonization for two variables and puzzles on the square.Martin Otto - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 85 (3):243-282.
    We consider infinitary logic with only two variable symbols, both with and without counting quantifiers, i.e. L2 L∞ω2 and C2 L∞ω2mεω. The main result is that finite relational structures admit canonization with respect to L2 and C2: there are polynomial time com putable functors mapping finite relational structures to unique representatives of their equivalence class with respect to indistinguishability in either of these logics. In fact we exhibit in verses to the natural invariants that characterize structures (...)
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