Results for 'Final causes'

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  1.  48
    Final Causes in the System of Spinoza.Paul Siwek & Clement J. McNaspy - 1935 - Modern Schoolman 13 (2):37-39.
  2.  76
    Final Causes.Timothy L. S. Sprigge & Alan Montefiore - 1971 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 45 (1):149 - 192.
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    Final Causes in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments.Richard A. Kleer - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (2):275-300.
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    Introduction: Final Causes and Teleological Explanations.Dominik Perler & Stephan Schmid - 2011 - Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy 14 (1):11-19.
    Introduction: Final Causes and Teleological Explanations.
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  5. Final Causes and Actions.Matthew Sims - 2016 - Philosophy Pathways 203 (1).
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    Mechanism, Occasionalism and Final Causes in Johann Christoph Sturm’s Physics.Christian Henkel - 2021 - Early Science and Medicine 26 (4):314-340.
    This paper argues that mechanism, occasionalism and finality (the acceptance of final causes) can be and were de facto integrated into a coherent system of natural philosophy by Johann Christoph Sturm (1635–1703). Previous scholarship has left the relation between these three elements understudied. According to Sturm, mechanism, occasionalism and finality can count as explanatorily useful elements of natural philosophy, and they might go some way to dealing with the problem of living beings. Occasionalism, in particular, serves a unifying (...)
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    Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Active Intellect as Final Cause.Gweltaz Guyomarc’H. - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (1):93-117.
    In his own De anima, Alexander of Aphrodisias famously identifies the “active” (poietikon) intellect with the prime mover in Metaphysics Λ. However, Alexander’s claim raises an issue: why would this divine intellect come in the middle of a study of soul in general and of human intellection in particular? As Paul Moraux asks in his pioneering work on Alexander’s conception of the intellect, is the active intellect a “useless addition”? In this paper, I try to answer this question by challenging (...)
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    The Concept of a Final Cause and Contemporary Science.Andrei Iu Seval'nikov - 2010 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 49 (3):43-57.
    The author explains why some scientists try to resolve the paradoxes of quantum physics by adopting a teleological approach and attributing consciousness to matter. He presents a philosophical critique of this type of approach.
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    Aristotle on Efficient and Final Causes in Plato.Daniel Vázquez - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (1):29-54.
    In Metaphysics A 6, Aristotle claims that Plato only recognises formal and material causes. Yet, in various dialogues, Plato seems to use and distinguish efficient and final causes too. Consequently, Harold Cherniss accuses Aristotle of being an unfair, forgetful, or careless reader of Plato. Since then, scholars have tried to defend Aristotle’s exegetical skills. I offer textual evidence and arguments to show that their efforts still fall short of the desired goal. I argue, instead, that we can (...)
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  10. Leibniz on final causes.Laurence Carlin - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):217-233.
    : In this paper, I investigate Leibniz's conception of final causation. I focus especially on the role that Leibnizian final causes play in intentional action, and I argue that for Leibniz, final causes are a species of efficient causation. It is the intentional nature of final causation that distinguishes it from mechanical efficient causation. I conclude by highlighting some of the implications of Leibniz's conception of final causation for his views on human freedom, (...)
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  11. Darwin's concept of final cause: Neither new nor trivial. [REVIEW]T. L. Short - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (3):323-340.
    Darwin'suse of final cause accords with the Aristotelian idea of finalcauses as explanatory types – as opposed to mechanical causes, which arealways particulars. In Wright's consequence etiology, anadaptation is explained by particular events, namely, its past consequences;hence, that etiology is mechanistic at bottom. This justifies Ghiselin'scharge that such versions of teleology trivialize the subject, But a purelymechanistic explanation of an adaptation allows it to appear coincidental.Patterns of outcome, whether biological or thermodynamic, cannot be explainedbytracing causal chains, even were (...)
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  12.  43
    Newton as Final Cause and First Mover.B. Dobbs - 1994 - Isis 85 (4):633-643.
  13.  45
    Aristotle, final cause, and the intentional stance.Aaron Ben-Zeev - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):758-759.
  14.  66
    Aristotle, Heereboord, and the Polemical Target of Spinoza’s Critique of Final Causes.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):395-420.
    Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning—So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. in the appendix to the first part of the Ethics, Spinoza famously claims that “all final causes are nothing but human fictions”. From the very beginning of its reception (...)
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  15.  34
    Posterior analytics II.11, 94b8-26: Final cause and demonstration.Michail Peramatzis - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (4):323-351.
    I present the text at Posterior Analytics II.11, 94b8-26, offer a tentative translation, discuss the main construals offered in the literature, and argue for my own interpretation. Some of the general questions I discuss are the following: 1. What is the nature of the explanatory syllogisms offered as examples, especially in the case of the moving and the final cause? Are they scientific demonstrative explanations? In the case of the final cause, are they practical syllogisms? Are they productive? (...)
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    The efficient and final causes of the spiritual power in the D. Friar Álvaro Pais' sigth.José Antônio De C. R. De Souza - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:279-311.
    In this study, based in the main political works of D. Fr. Alvarus Pelagius O. Min. (c. 1270- c.1350) we analyze his conception on the origin or efficient cause of the spiritual power and, also, his thought about the finality or final cause of the mentioned power. Referring to the first topic, the Bishop of Silves wants principally refutes some Marsilius of Padua’s thesis contained in the Second Dictio of his Defensor Pacis, completely different of the theology of the (...)
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  17.  7
    The Infinite and the Final Cause of Creation Also the Intercourse Between the Soul and the Body: Outlines of a Philosophical Argement.Emanuel Swedenborg & Lewis Field Hite - 1902 - Swedenborg Society.
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    Are There Final Causes?John Peterson - 2004 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 78:161-167.
    Construing all efficient causes as beginning and ceasing with their effects invites the dilemma that a given effect or event either always occurs or neveroccurs. One escapes the dilemma by distinguishing basic and subsidiary efficient causes, according temporal priority of causes to their effects in the case of theformer. In the case of human making and doing, where the two efficient causes belong to the same subject, the two are supplemented by a final cause whichserves (...)
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  19.  10
    Chapter Eight. Technique And Final Cause In Psychoanalysis.Jonathan Lear - 2017 - In Wisdom Won From Illness: Essays in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp. 138-158.
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  20.  39
    Aristotle's Concept of God as Final Cause.T. M. Forsyth - 1947 - Philosophy 22 (82):112 - 123.
    During my student days at Edinburgh I became particularly interested in Aristotle's doctrine of God as Final Cause. Concern with other problems and periods of Philosophy, along with many years of teaching in most of its branches, has kept me from ever writing anything down on the subject except in the very briefest way. But it has always seemed to me to claim fuller attention than is commonly accorded to it. That Aristotle's conception, however independently it was worked out, (...)
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  21. Problem : The Relation between Formal and Final Cause.Carl W. Grindel - 1949 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 23:131.
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  22.  79
    Aristotle and Quantum Mechanics: Potentiality and Actuality, Spontaneous Events and Final Causes.Boris Kožnjak - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (3):459-480.
    Aristotelian ideas have in the past been applied with mixed fortunes to quantum mechanics. One of the most persistent criticisms is that Aristotle’s notions of potentiality and actuality are burdened with a teleological character long ago abandoned in the natural sciences. Recently this criticism has been met with a model of the actualization of quantum potentialities in light of Aristotle’s doctrine of ‘spontaneous events’. This presumably restores the nowadays acceptable idea of efficient causation in place of Aristotle’s original doctrine of (...)
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  23.  48
    Intentionality and final causes.Robert Pasnau - 2001 - In Dominik Perler, Ancient and medieval theories of intentionality. Leiden: Brill. pp. 301--24.
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  24.  21
    III.—Time, Necessity, Law, Freedom, Final Cause, Design in Nature.Shadworth H. Hodgson - 1903 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 3 (1):47-79.
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    The Efficient and Final Cause of Spiritual Power. The vision of D. Frei Álvaro Pais. [REVIEW]José Antônio de C. R. De Souza - 2008 - Cultura:77-111.
    Neste estudo, com base nos principais escritos políticos de D. Frei Álvaro Pais O. Min. (c. 1270-c. 1350) analisamos sua concepção a respeito da origem ou causa eficiente do poder espiritual e, igualmente, seu pensamento no tocante à finalidade ou causa final do referido poder. Quanto ao primeiro tópico, o Bispo de Silves quer principalmente refutar algumas das teses de Marsílio de Pádua contidas na 2.ª Parte do seu Defensor da Paz, completamente opostas à teologia do sacerdócio católico e (...)
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  26. Desire and natural classification: Aristotle and Peirce on final cause.Stephen B. Hawkins - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (3):521 - 541.
    Peirce was greatly influenced by Aristotle, particularly on the topic of final cause. Commentators are therefore right to draw on Aristotle in the interpretation of Peirce's teleology. But these commentators sometimes fail to distinguish clearly between formal cause and final cause in Aristotle's philosophy. Unless form and end are clearly distinguished, no sense can be made of Peirce's important claim that 'desires create classes.' Understood in the context of his teleology, this claim may be considered Peirce's answer to (...)
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  27. The Ontology of Aristotle's Final Cause.Rich Cameron - 2002 - Apeiron 35 (2):153-179.
    Modern philosophy is, for what appear to be good reasons, uniformly hostile to sui generis final causes. And motivated to develop philosophically and scientifically plausible interpretations, scholars have increasingly offered reductivist and eliminitivist accounts of Aristotle's teleological commitment. This trend in contemporary scholarship is misguided. We have strong grounds to believe Aristotle accepted unreduced sui generis teleology, and reductivist and eliminitivist accounts face insurmountable textual and philosophical difficulties. We offer Aristotelians cold comfort by replacing his apparent view with (...)
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  28. Truth as Final Cause: Eschatology and Hope in Lacan and Przywara.Christopher M. Wojtulewicz - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (3):75-94.
    Truth is a locus of guilt for the Christian, according to Jacques Lacan. The religious person, he argues, punitively defers truth eschatologically. Yet Lacan’s own view dissolves eschatological deferral to the world, as the “Real”. The metaphysics of Erich Przywara SJ helps highlight that this mirrors Lacan’s view of the religious person. Przywara’s Christian metaphysics and Lacanian psychoanalysis converge on the immanence of truth to history. But Przywaran analogy corrects Lacan’s position on the religious person, which by implication calls for (...)
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  29. Finality without Final Causes? – Suárez’s Account of Natural Teleology.Stephan Schmid - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
  30. Is the Form of the Good a Final Cause for Plato?Elizabeth Jelinek - 2016 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 33 (2):99-116.
    Many assume that Plato's Form of the Good is a final cause. This might be true if one assumes an Aristotelian definition of final cause; however, I argue that if one adopts Plato's conception of final causation as evidenced in the Phaedo and Timaeus, the claim that the Form of the Good is a final cause for Plato is untenable.
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  31. The difference between efficient and final causes in controlling human freedom.William Torrey Harris - 1902 - Bloomington, Ill.,: Public-school publishing co..
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    Leibniz on final causes.Marta Mendonça - 2013 - Cultura:145-166.
    Na filosofia continental dos finais do século XVII e inícios do XVIII, Leibniz é o filósofo que mais denodadamente defendeu a necessidade de recuperar a noção de causa final, não só na metafísica mas também na filosofia natural. A rejeição desta causa, ainda que puramente metodológica ou epistémica, é por ele considerada como um dos maiores erros da filosofia moderna. O texto: 1) aborda as razões que levaram Leibniz a defender a necessidade de recupe­ração da causa final; e (...)
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  33.  46
    A Disquisition About the Final Causes of Natural Things Wherein It is Inquir'd Whether, and with What Cautions, a Naturalist Should Admit Them?Robert Boyle - 1688 - Printed by H.C. For John Taylor.
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  34. Objective values, final causes: Stoics, Epicureans, and Platonists.Stephen Rl Clark - 1995 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3.
  35.  26
    Can the sciences do without final causes?Stephen Boulter - 2019 - In William Gibson, Dan O'Brien & Marius Turda, Teleology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Few ideas in the history of philosophy have come in for the sustained criticism meted out to Aristotle’s notion of final causation. According to Aristotle and the scholastics, final causes are not just one kind of cause among many, but the very ‘cause of causes’. To appreciate the connection between final causes and efficient causes, it is useful to gather a few reminders of the Aristotelian approach to causation in general. The Aristotelian notion (...)
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  36.  38
    An Integrated Account of Rosen’s Relational Biology and Peirce’s Semiosis. Part I: Components and Signs, Final Cause and Interpretation.Federico Vega - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    Robert Rosen’s relational biology and biosemiotics share the claim that life cannot be explained by the laws that apply to the inanimate world alone. In this paper, an integrated account of Rosen’s relational biology and Peirce’s semiosis is proposed. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the construction of a unified framework for the definition and study of life. The relational concepts of component and mapping, and the semiotic concepts of sign and triadic relation are discussed and compared, and a (...)
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  37. What Kind of Cause is Aristotle's Final Cause?David Furley - 1996 - In Michael Frede & Gisela Striker, Rationality in Greek thought. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 59--80.
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    Artistic creation as a semiotic process: The esthetic lure of final causes.Cecilia Almeida Salles - 1994 - Semiotica 102 (3-4):225-236.
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    Without purpose: Modernity and the loss of final causes.Owen Anderson - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):401-416.
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    The Interrelationship of Nature and the Final Cause.James A. Mcwilliams - 1951 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 25:108-116.
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    The Relation between Formal and Final Cause.Carl W. Grindel - 1949 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 23:131-136.
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    Book Review:Final Causes: A Refutation. Walthen Mark Wilks Call. [REVIEW]Jane Hume Clapperton - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 2 (2):269.
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    Vindicating Metaethical Naturalism: A Case for Final Causes in the Life Sciences.Lane DesAutels - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):175-182.
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  44. (1 other version)The Use and Abuse of Final Causes.G. E. Underhill - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:691.
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    The Potential and Limitations of Aristotelian Final Causes in the Life Sciences.Justin Simpson - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (2):75-78.
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  46. Problem : The Interrelationship of Nature and the Final Cause.James A. Mcwilliams - 1951 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 25:108.
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    Optimality and Aristotle's concept of final cause.Howard Rachlin - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (3):623-625.
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  48. Les causes finales dans l'encyclopédie.Michel Malherbe - 2006 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 51:85-101.
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  49. Les Causes Finales. 2e édition.Paul Janet - 1883 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 16:206-209.
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  50. (1 other version)Le problème des causes finales. Sully-Prudhomme & Charles Richet - 1902 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 10 (4):2-2.
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