Results for 'Fiammetta Comelli'

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    TOLKIEN AND CLASSICS - (H.) Williams J.R.R. Tolkien's Utopianism and the Classics. Pp. xiv + 206. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Cased, £75, US$100. ISBN: 978-1-350-24145-9. [REVIEW]Fiammetta Comelli & Serena Barbuto - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):644-645.
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    Samuel Pufendorf disciple of Hobbes: for a re-interpretation of modern natural law.Fiammetta Palladini - 2020 - Boston: Brill. Edited by David Saunders.
    Fiammetta Palladini's work is one of the most important discussions of Pufendorf to appear in the latter part of the twentieth century. It cut through the existing field of Pufendorf studies, laying bare its inherited templates and tacit assumptions. Palladini was thus able to peel back the 'Grotian' commentary in which the great thinker had been shrouded, revealing a Pufendorf well-known in the 1680s-a formidable and dangerous natural jurist and political theorist-but doubly obscured in the 1980s and still today, (...)
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    Pufendorf disciple of Hobbes: The nature of man and the state of nature: The doctrine of socialitas.Fiammetta Palladini - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (1):26-60.
    No doctrine of Pufendorf's is better known than that of socialitas. The reason is that Pufendorf himself declared that socialitas was the foundation of natural law. No interpreter of Pufendorf can therefore avoid dealing with it. Moreover, Pufendorf linked the issue of socialitas to the question of the state of nature, thus raising important issues with both theological and philosophical implications. Given the prominence and importance of this theme in Pufendorf's work, a close analysis of what he meant by it (...)
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    Three's a crowd: Fast ensemble perception of first impressions of trustworthiness.Fiammetta Marini, Clare A. M. Sutherland, Bārbala Ostrovska & Mauro Manassi - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105540.
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    I corpi infranti: tracce e intersezioni simboliche tra etica e politica.Fiammetta Ricci - 2013 - Roma: Edizioni Nuova cultura.
    L’ipotesi da cui muove la scelta di temi ed autori di questo percorso è quella di aprire esplorazioni ed incursioni nelle pieghe della cultura umana per cogliere le frizioni e le smagliature tra etica e politica in vista della possibilità, data o negata, di riconfigurare sé stessi e la cultura di cui ogni uomo è forza viva, mutante e trasfigurante. Un viaggio tra luoghi e stanze parallele, che a volte si svelano comunicanti, altre volte solo tracce di afone esistenze. Indagine (...)
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    Miti del potere: potere senza miti: simbolica e critica della politica tra modernità e postmodernità.Fiammetta Ricci & Giuseppe Sorgi (eds.) - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Farewell to Berlin: Two newly discovered letters by Jean Barbeyrac (1674–1744).Fiammetta Palladini - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (3):305-320.
    The paper presents important new information about the life of Jean Barbeyrac, the famous Huguenot translator of Grotius, Pufendorf, and Cumberland. Based on extensive research in the Secret State Archives (Geheimes Staatsarchiv) and the archive of the French Church (Französicher Dom) in Berlin, it discusses two previously unknown letters of Barbeyrac to court officials, and the role of this interaction in his departure, in 1710, to the University of Lausanne. It also reintroduces a relatively unknown work by Barbeyrac on gambling, (...)
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    Discussioni seicentesche su Samuel Pufendorf: scritti latini 1663-1700.Fiammetta Palladini - 1978 - [Bologna]: Il mulino.
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    Grotius’s Biography: On Henk Nellen’s Hugo Grotius. A Lifelong Struggle.Fiammetta Palladini - 2015 - Grotiana 36 (1):40-61.
    _ Source: _Volume 36, Issue 1, pp 40 - 61 In this review article of Henk Nellen, _Hugo Grotius. A lifelong struggle for Peace in Church and State, 1583–1645_ the story of Grotius’s life is outlined and issues of interpretation are discussed. It is argued that this biography supports the argument that Grotius towards the end of his life was close to becoming a Catholic. It seems plausible that Grotius’s principled refusal to request permission to return to the Republic may (...)
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    Pufendorf and Stoicism.Fiammetta Palladini - 2001 - Grotiana 22 (1):245-255.
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    Achievement of a median door‐to‐balloon time of less than 90 minutes by implementation of organizational changes in the 'Emergency Department to Cath Lab' pathway: a 5‐year analysis. [REVIEW]Ivan Comelli, Luigi Vignali, Angelo Rolli, Giuseppe Lippi & Gianfranco Cervellin - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):788-792.
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    Giulia Maria Labriola, Barbeyrac interprete di Pufendorf e Grozio. Dalla costruzione della sovranità alla teoria della resistenza, Napoli, Editorale Scientifica, 2003. [Pensiero giuridico e politico. Saggi, Collana diretta da Francesco M. De Sanctis, Nova Serie I, CRIE Centro di Ricerca sulle Istituzioni Europee dell’Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa], ISBN 8888321519, 50, p. 706. [REVIEW]Fiammetta Palladini - 2003 - Grotia 24 (1):159-165.
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    Samuel Pufendorf und die europäische Frühaufklärung: Werk und Einfluss eines deutschen Bürgers der Gelehrtenrepublik nach 300 Jahren (1964-1994).Fiammetta Palladini & Gerald Hartung - 1996 - De Gruyter Akademie Forschung.
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    The Image of Christ in Grotius’s De Veritate Religionis Christianae: Some Thoughts on Grotius’s Socinianism. [REVIEW]Fiammetta Palladini - 2012 - Grotiana 33 (1):58-69.
    An attempt is made to show, by means of an analysis of the way in which Grotius deals with the figure of Christ in De Veritate , and by a comparison of his account in that work with the ones in his earlier works Meletius and De Satisfactione Christi , that the accusations of Socinianism, raised against him by his adversaries, were by no means unjustified. In fact, the dogmas of the Trinity and of the dual nature of Christ play (...)
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    User-Centred Design of Communication Environments and Systems for Disabled People.Margherita Pillan & Fiammetta Costa - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (4):265-273.
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    Le afasie della politica: Achille e la tartaruga.Teresa Serra & Fiammetta Ricci (eds.) - 2013 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
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    De las asambleas barriales a las asambleas socio-ambientales: La construcción de nuevas subjetividades políticas. Argentina 2001-2011. [REVIEW]María Gisela Hadad, María Comelli & María Inés Petz - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 9.
    El siguiente artículo analiza la vinculación entre las asambleas barriales surgidas en Argentina a partir de las jornadas del 19 y 20 de diciembre de 2001 y las asambleas socioambientales que emergen en el país con posterioridad. Nos interesa indagar acerca de sus continuidades y rupturas, y de la posibilidad de concebirlas como formas políticas emergentes que estarían evidenciando, en ambos casos, una crisis de la institucionalidad, y en el caso particular de las asambleas socioambientales, también una crisis paradigmática del (...)
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    The paradox of functional heterochromatin.Patrizio Dimitri, Nicoletta Corradini, Fabrizio Rossi & Fiammetta Vernì - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (1):29-41.
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    Vulnerabilità come risorsa e valorizzazione della differenza nelle democrazie contemporanee: profili giuridici, sociologici ed etico-politici.Anna Di Giandomenico, Consuelo Diodati & Fiammetta Ricci (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
  20. Il pensiero di Maurice Blondel.Vanni Bourbon di Petrella & Fiammetta[From Old Catalog] - 1950 - Firenze,: Arte della stampa.
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  21. SCHEDARIO-Palladini Fiammetta, Die Berliner Hugenotten und der Fall Barbeyrac.F. Todescan - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (3).
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  22. Fiammetta Palladini, La Biblioteca di Samuel Pufendorf / Michael Oberhausen, Riccardo Pozzo, Vorlesungsverzeichnisse der Universität Königsberg. [REVIEW]Joachim Hruschka - 2000 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 8.
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    Claudie LESSELIER, Fiammetta VENNER (dir.), L'Extrême droite et les femmes. Enjeux et actualité, Villeurbanne, Golias, 1997, 299 p. [REVIEW]Christine Bard - 2000 - Clio 12:20-20.
    Cet ouvrage collectif, qui réunit 14 articles et une riche bibliographie aborde l'histoire récente de l'extrême droite pour mettre en lumière une dimension fondamentale et pourtant occultée de son idéologie et de sa pratique : le sexisme. Il est pour l'essentiel consacré au cas français, même si trois articles traitent de l'Allemagne, de l'Italie et de la Belgique. L'article de Caroline Fourest sur « les féministes contre l'extrême droite » expose d'une certaine façon la genèse intelle...
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  24. Samuel Pufendorf, Gesammelte Werke, hg. von W. Schmidt-Biggemann, Bde. 1 u. 2-Detlef Doering, Pufendorf-Studien. Beitraege zur Biographie Samuel von Pufendorfs und zu seiner Entwicklung als Historiker und als theologischer Schriftstelter-Fiammetta Palladini/Gerald Hartung (Hg.), Samuel Pufendorf und die europaeische Fruehaulklaerung. [REVIEW]M. Mulsow - 1999 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 106 (1):249-250.
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    Michelle Perrot, Mélancolie ouvrière : “Je suis entrée comme apprentie, j’avais alors douze ans”, Lucie Baud, 1908.Siân Reynolds - 2013 - Clio 38:317-319.
    « Héros et héroïnes sont le produit de discours historiques », écrivent Sophie Cassagnes-Brouquet et Mathilde Dubesset dans le numéro 30 de Clio. HFS, consacré aux Héroïnes (2009). C’est aussi le titre d’une collection éditée chez Grasset, dont l’intention n’est pas de célébrer encore une fois les femmes pionnières, connues depuis trente ans par les historien/ne/s du féminisme. Il s’agit plutôt, pour Fiammetta Vener et Caroline Fourest, qui la dirigent, de « sortir de l’obscurité » des femmes...
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    Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Various Various - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (2):349-371.
    Neal Wood, Reflections on Political Theory: A Voice of Reason from the Past , x + 178 pp., ?35.00, ISBN 0 333 96880 8. Reviewed by Christopher Brooke. James Connelly, Metaphysics, Method and Politics: The Political Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood , ix + 336 pp., ?25.00/$40.00, ISBN 0 907845 312. Reviewed by Andrew Lockyer. Ekbert Faas, The Genealogy of Aesthetics , xiv + 439 pp., ?47.50, ISBN 0 521 81182 1. Reviewed by John Hope Mason. Christopher Kelly, Rousseau as Author: (...)
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