Results for 'Femicide'

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  1.  35
    Femicide and Public Health Ethics: Approaching Gender-based Violence and Death in the Health Professions.Esha Bansal, Krishna Patel, Yonis Hassan & Timothy Rice - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):117-122.
    Femicide is an ongoing public health and human rights crisis of global proportions. Currently, however, there is a relative vacuum of ethics theory and discussion about femicide amongst the health professions. This article draws from three illustrative case examples along the continuum of femicide to explore contemporary ethical concerns relevant to addressing gender-based violence and death through clinical medicine and public health. Using an epistemic justice framework, we analyze the relative invisibility of femicide in public health (...)
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  2.  25
    Femicide and Gun Control: The Application of Symbolic Penal Law in The Mexican Criminalization of Femicide.Lucas Martínez-Villalba - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1755-1775.
    The criminalization of femicide in Mexico has been introduced as a tool to address the violence, discrimination, and oppression against women. The criminalization strategy has a symbolic function: going beyond deterring the crime to be used as tool for education. In that sense, the criminalization of femicide emerges as an educational tool used to introduce new principles and societal values, highlighting the reality of discrimination and subordination against women, thereby transforming an individual conduct into a watershed issue worthy (...)
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  3.  75
    From Femicide to Feminicidio.Camila Ordorica - 2022 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 17 (1):45-61.
    Feminisms in the second half of the twentieth century were reshaped by the efforts to end violence against women. Feminist activists in national and international settings invented concepts to refer to previously unquestioned societal practices as oppressive to women and changed the world by naming them. In this article, I engage with the concepts of femicide/feminicidio : the murder of women for gender reasons. I follow the history of this concept and its incursion into the broader political and public (...)
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  4.  11
    Sexual femicide, non-sexual femicide and rape: Where do the differences lie? A continuum in a pattern of violence against women.Georgia Zara, Sarah Gino, Sara Veggi & Franco Freilone - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Violence against women is a growing health problem, especially when perpetrated in intimate relationships. Despite increasing attention, there is little comparative evidence on the different types of violence involved and there is a paucity of research on sexual femicides. This study examines cases of violence against women in northern Italy, focusing on sexual and non-sexual femicides and comparing them with rape that does not result in femicides. The sample included 500 women who were victims of sexual and non-sexual femicides, and (...)
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  5. Femicide: A framework for understanding genocide.Natalie Nenadic - 1996 - In Diane Bell & Renate Klein (eds.), Radically speaking: feminism reclaimed. North Melbourne, Vic.: Spinifex Press. pp. 456--464.
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  6.  22
    The Foreign Exchange Rate-Femicide Nexus in Turkey: Evidence from the Cointegration Tests Based on Nonlinear and Fourier Functions.Gülgün Çiğdem - 2023 - Studia Humana 12 (4):86-103.
    The purpose of this study is to look at femicide from a different perspective, even though it may seem unrelated at first. Accordingly, it investigated the existence of a link between foreign exchange, which was a major cause of the crises and unemployment, and femicide, which was the outcome of violence against women other than murder. The data were acquired from the We Will Stop Femicide Platform and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in light (...)
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  7.  24
    Provocation defence for femicide in Turkey: The interplay of legal argumentation and societal norms.Canan Muftuler & Meltem Muftuler-Bac - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):159-174.
    Increasing numbers of women in Turkey are murdered by their relatives, spouses or significant others. The perpetrators plead provocation for their crimes, claiming their actions are provoked by women’s initial acts which they deem to violate societal norms. Pleading provocation enables more lenient sentences. This article investigates the interplay of the legal rules and societal norms on ‘proper’ female behaviour in femicide, based on data drawn from the Journal of Legal Proceedings, which publishes select rulings of the Court of (...)
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  8.  14
    Being an educator for developing age subjects, having experienced their mother’s femicide. Constitutive elements for a pedagogy of bereavement.Maria Rita Mancaniello - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):81-93.
    The phenomenon of femicide is a social tragedy, keeping on being perpetrated across time. Its consequences are deeply traumatic for children and adolescents, becoming motherless, by their father or by their agent of fatherly care. It represents a serious trauma, still needing to be adequately addressed, by the different human sciences and, especially, involving pedagogy in a careful reflection, in order to facilitate full development processes for a subject in a childhood and adolescence age. The reference, here, is to (...)
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  9.  41
    (1 other version)Why Love Kills: Power, Gender Dichotomy, and Romantic Femicide.Federica Gregoratto - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4).
    This article conceptually investigates a type of gender murder, “romantic femicide.” I understand this as the extreme form of violence that occurs as a result of men's incapacity to cope with their partners’ autonomy and power. The incapacity is not merely an individual pathology but is rather rooted in the dynamic of recognition characterizing love under structural conditions of gender dichotomy. After having sketched out the current discussion about femicide and its shortcomings, I argue for the hypothesis in (...)
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  10. Committing Cultural Femicide.Louise Goueffic - manuscript
    Paper 6 A personal voyage through the seminal tunnel of language made up of 20,000 names embedding male-bias.
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  11.  44
    Making Black Femicide Visible.Shatema Threadcraft - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (1):35-44.
    Black women struggle to make the violence they experience visible for at least four reasons: the violence occurs in private, not in public; it is associated with sex, sexuality and intimacy; the violence is not amplified within the public and counterpublic spheres; and, finally and importantly, activists have not been as successful in constructing resonate narratives regarding the violence. Contemporary violence against black men, for example, is often understood through the lens of lynching, a phenomenon that earlier activists were able (...)
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  12.  46
    Killings in Context: an Analysis of the News Framing of Femicide.Camelia Bouzerdan & Jenifer Whitten-Woodring - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (2):211-228.
    While attacks against members of the LGBT community are increasingly covered as hate crimes and are widely viewed as a form of repression, attacks on women are almost never covered as violations of human rights. We propose that until violence against women is recognized as a form of repression and a threat to the physical security of women, we cannot expect much to be done to prevent it. We posit that policies aimed at preventing violence against women are unlikely to (...)
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  13.  28
    Dialogic Analysis of Discourses Mobilized by Defendants Accused of Femicide in Jury Trial.Adriana Delmira Mendes Polato, Andreia Aparecida de Souza & Neil Franco - forthcoming - Bakhtiniana.
    RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é analisar como se constituem axiologicamente os discursos de réus do crime de feminicídio no Tribunal do Júri. Sob perspectiva da Análise Dialógica do Discurso (ADD), analisamos dois depoimentos de assassinos, colhidos no triênio 2018-2020. A partir das camadas componentes da dimensão extralinguística dos enunciados eleitos para análise, os resultados apontam: a) no cronotopo do Júri, os discursos dos réus se manifestam defensivo-vitimistas-acusativos; b) na esfera ideológica jurídica, constituem-se híbridos, íntimo-cotidianos, morais e legais; c) na (...)
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  14.  8
    Injured and Suffering Bodies: The Trafficking and Femicide of Dominican Immigrant Women in Puerto Rico.Osvaldo Di Paolo Harrison - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (2):47-58.
    After drug and weapon trafficking, trafficking of women is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world. According to sociologists César Rey Hernández and Luisa Hernández Angueira in People Trafficking in Puerto Rico: The Challenge of Invisibility (2010), fifty percent of the victims are women and minors. This translates to 2.7 million women and girls that are enslaved in this inhuman business. Puerto Rico is no exception. One of its main problems is the slavery of Dominican women who, in (...)
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  15.  31
    Intimate Partner Violence and its Escalation Into Femicide. Frailty thy Name Is “Violence Against Women”.Georgia Zara & Sarah Gino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  16.  62
    Rape and Enforced Pregnancy as Femicide: Comments on Claudia Card's “The Paradox of Genocidal Rape Aimed at Enforced Pregnancy”.Ann E. Cudd - 2008 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 46 (S1):190-199.
  17.  13
    8 Programmed or licensed to kill? The new biology of femicide.Lorraine Radford - 2004 - In Dai Rees & Steven Rose (eds.), The New Brain Sciences: Perils and Prospects. Cambridge University Press. pp. 131.
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  18.  18
    Memorials to murdered women: A study of the dynamics of claiming, marking and making place in publics of commemoration.Margaret Gibson & Kelly Burstow - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 172 (1):66-92.
    This paper examines the emergence and trajectory of a vernacular femicide memorial tree at Mount Gravatt (Meanjin/Brisbane) which is juxtaposed with established and regulated official commemorative placemaking practices in this social geography. The paper explores the implicit rules about marking gender in official publics of commemoration, arguing that they perform or conversely risk a doubling of women’s invisibility through assimilation into symbols and aesthetic conventions of seemingly settled history and settled subjects. They can become barely noticeable for the kinds (...)
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  19.  13
    Arbitrage on Life, Differánce of the Flesh.Jonathan Beller - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (2):95-129.
    Who/what can be had at an ontological discount? By grasping the “anitrelationality” and “dismediation” of social relations by capital’s system of accounts, we discern not only the epistemicide and the expropriation of the cognitive-linguistic by capital, we shed new light on racial abstraction and gender abstraction. We grasp in “the coloniality of race and gender” the logistics of abstraction that at once code the social factory and give rise to what I have called the derivative condition—a condition in which the (...)
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  20.  47
    Mastering Emotions or Still Losing Control? Seeking Public Engagement with 'Sexual Infidelity' Homicide.Adrian Howe - 2013 - Feminist Legal Studies 21 (2):141-161.
    This article explores the prospects and pitfalls faced by a feminist legal scholar wanting to set up a ‘sexual infidelity’ homicide public engagement project. Following Carol Smart’s suggestion that law is an important site of engagement, counter-discourse and critical feminist interventions, it argues that provocation by infidelity femicide cases are ideal sites for continuing the project of encouraging discursive struggle. The cases cry out for conversion into a critical, pedagogical means of mobilising consciousness about emotional excuses for violence against (...)
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  21.  42
    A Theoretical Approach to the Concept of Femi(ni)cide.Aleida Luján Pinelo - 2018 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 2 (1).
    The concept of ‘femicide’ was first formulated in 1992 by Jill Radford and Diana Russell; nonetheless, it has not been widely discussed in feminist philosophical arenas.This situation has led to a narrow understanding and/or misunderstanding of the concept. For example, it is often applied to a phenomenon mistakenly assumed to occur “only in third world countries” or said to essentialize women. Through a new-materialist methodology, this paper contributes to the discussion on this concept from a feminist theoretical perspective.
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  22.  9
    Violence of Adult Sons Against Mothers in the Context of Matricide.Ilona Michailovič & Lina Šumskaitė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2 Special).
    This article endeavours to analyse an important and concerning phenomenon: women killed by their adult sons. It focuses on parricide (killing of parents or close relatives), with special attention on killing of mothers (matricide), while the term ‘homicide’ is used as an overarching term for killing human beings. The article gives an overview of statistics on reported cases of matricide over a five-year period. Employing qualitative analysis, it refers to four court judgments in instances of matricide committed by adult offspring (...)
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  23.  14
    Misogyny as the Fundamental Principle of the Structure of Reality : From horror against the men to the ethics of immersio-pathy. 윤지영 - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 115:197-243.
    필자는 본 논문에서 미소지니의 어원학적 정의방식과 이 개념의 철학적, 형이상학적 함의를 고찰할 것이다. 나아가 이것의 사회, 문화적 개념화 작업을 현 사회의 맥락 안에서 재정의해 나가며 이것이 여성멸시와 여성비하로 번역되는 것이 왜 부적합한가를 논증할 것이다.BR 두 번째로 여성들이 어떠한 감각판 위에서 고질화된 폭력의 지반으로서의 일상을 경험하고 있는가를 살펴보기 위해 폭력의 현상학을 도입해 볼 것이다. 이를 통해 남성혐오가 아닌 남성공포를 기반으로 작동하는 여성의 일상 재편방식을 폭로함과 동시에 사회적 죽음과 생물학적 죽음의 두 죽음 사이에 가로놓인 여성의 경험을 통감의 윤리학을 통해 조망해 낼 것이다. (...)
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  24.  59
    Risk of Death or Life-Threatening Injury for Women with Children Not Sired by the Abuser.Emily J. Miner, Todd K. Shackelford, Carolyn Rebecca Block, Valerie G. Starratt & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (1):89-97.
    Women who are abused by their male intimate partners incur many costs, ranging in severity from fleeting physical pain to death. Previous research has linked the presence of children sired by a woman’s previous partner to increased risk of woman abuse and to increased risk of femicide. The current research extends this work by securing data from samples of 111 unabused women, 111 less severely abused women, 128 more severely abused women, and 26 victims of intimate partner femicide (...)
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  25.  36
    Allusion and Broken VAW: The Hermeneutics in Cebuano-Visayan Feminist Poetry.Kathleen B. Solon-Villaneza - 2014 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 5 (1).
    Violence against women is a global stigma. At least two conditionsstirred the global community: Malala Yousafzai who took a bullet in 2012 andwho advocate girl’s education to date, and the 2014 reported kidnap of 300Nigerian girls by Boko Haram. There are oppressive stereotypes of women.Violence can come in different forms. These can come as verbal abuse, intimatepartners violence, non-intimate partner violence, trafficking, forced prostitution,exploitation of labor, debt bondage, physical and sexual violence, sex selectiveabortion, female infanticide and femicide, deliberate neglect (...)
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  26.  29
    Blessings or curses? The contribution of the blesser phenomenon to gender-based violence and intimate partner violence.Brent V. Frieslaar & Maake Masango - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-9.
    This article examines the blesser phenomenon in South Africa, which gained rapid popularity in 2016. A large body of research exists that reveals that transactional sex is a significant theme within the phenomenon of blesser and blessee relationships. Scholarship has demonstrated that transactional sex has contributed to an increase in human immunodeficiency virus infection rates, especially amongst women aged 15–24 years, as well as a concerning increase in teenage pregnancy. Whilst these are dire realities of blesser–blessee relationships, the one that (...)
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  27.  4
    Safeguarding Bodies That Matter.Danny Marrero - 2024 - The Acorn 24 (1):41-68.
    Judith Butler’s 2021 essay “Bodies That Still Matter” offers a compressed rehearsal of themes and moves that are developed in more detail in their 2020 book, The Force of Nonviolence: An Ethico-Political Bind. In both projects, Butler spotlights the term feminicidio as an instructive indicator of brutality and violence against feminized individuals, including trans women. Feminicidio exemplifies the violence of “unequal grievability” that Butler’s recent work seeks to overcome; therefore, in particular relation to their recent work on nonviolence, Butler insists (...)
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  28.  51
    Confronting Domestic Violence in Turkey.Zeynep Direk - 2019 - Eco-Ethica 8:75-92.
    In this paper, I discuss how Turkish feminists have approached the phenomenon of male violence in Turkey as a political problem by following the feminist precept that the private is public. In the last twenty years, feminist activists in media have made male violence increasingly visible, by criticizing the framing of femicides as fatalities of jealousy and love. I argue that Turkish feminists do not consider male violence as just a “situation” or a structure of “oppression.” They problematize it as (...)
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  29.  19
    Postcolonial Patriarchal Nativism, Domestic Violence and Transnational Feminist Research in Contemporary Uganda.Anneeth Kaur Hundle - 2019 - Feminist Review 121 (1):37-52.
    This article examines the development of a multidimensional, transnational feminist research approach from and within Uganda in relation to a high-profile case of domestic violence and femicide of a middle-class, upper-caste Indian migrant woman in Kampala in 1998. It explores indigenous Ugandan public and Ugandan Asian/indian community interpretations and the dynamics of cross-racial feminist mobilisation and protest that emerged in response to the Joshi-Sharma domestic violence case. In doing so, it advocates for a transnational feminist research approach from and (...)
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  30.  14
    Das Problem der Kolonialität des Geschlechts.Breny Mendoza - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (1):67-82.
    In this article, Breny Mendoza examines and critically discusses María Lugones’ concept of the “coloniality of gender.” Lugones’ influential thesis asserts that the binarity of gender was introduced in the colonies as part of colonial rule and displaced previously predominant egalitarian systems of gender relations. As Mendoza outlines, this thesis has been challenged in recent years by Latin American and indigenous feminisms (such as the Argentinean anthropologist Rita Segato, and indigenous feminists from countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala, and Mexico). In (...)
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  31.  9
    Labor Protection for Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Brazil.Alyane Almeida de Araujo - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1739-1753.
    Law No. 11,340/2006, also known as the "Maria da Penha" Law, was created after the condemnation to exclusively protect women victims of violence. In Article 9, § 2, item II, there is a specific rule on the employment contract, which allows the judge to ensure that women in situations of domestic and family violence maintain the employment relationship for up to six months. During this period, women have the right to be absent from work, thus contributing to the preservation of (...)
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  32.  21
    A survey on gender-based violence – The paradox of trust between women and men in South Africa: A missiological scrutiny.Zuze J. Banda - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):9.
    South Africa continues to be plagued by gender-based violence (GBV). Recurring incidents of GBV cram news tabloids, social and electronic media, creating the impression of a country at war with itself. Of great concern is that, at the centre of these killings, men are allegedly the main culprits. This then has unleashed national protest campaigns, one notably, by the name #menaretrash, led by activists, mostly women, who angrily voice their disquiet against men. As a response, it was followed by another, (...)
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  33.  5
    Humility in Practices of Transitional Justice.Heather Battaly - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-28.
    Building on the limitations-owning view of intellectual humility, this essay argues that performing acts of humility in carrying out practices of transitional justice requires the owning of grave wrongs and limitations. It contends that acknowledgements and apologies can pay lip service to grave wrongs and limitations without owning them, and without performing acts of humility. The opening section explains the limitations-owning analysis of humility. Section 2 argues that one can perform illocutionary acts of acknowledging and apologizing for grave wrongs and (...)
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  34.  17
    Women in the Crossfire: Understanding and Ending Honor Killing.Robert Paul Churchill - 2018 - , US: Oup Usa.
    Women in the Crossfire seeks to understand the practice of honor killing from a variety of cultural and disciplinary perspectives and analyzes empirical research on honor killing, including a large original study published here for the first time. The book examines the root causes of honor killing both in human psychology and cultural evolution, and it recommends specific measures for protecting potential victims and ending honor killing altogether.
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