Results for 'Female philosophers'

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  1.  10
    Female philosophers in contemporary Taiwan and the problem of women in Chinese thought.Jana Rošker - 2021 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book illuminates the problem of women in Chinese philosophy through the lens of the lives and work of two contemporary Taiwanese female philosophers. It takes two approaches that have been relegated, quite unfairly, to the margins of dominant discourses. The first is concerned with the work of women philosophical theorists who are still overshadowed by their male colleagues, regardless of where they live, their theoretical potential, and the value of their research. The second approach is related to (...)
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    The story of a female philosopher.Pratima Bowes - 1997 - Sussex, England: Book Guild.
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  3. On the Outskirts of the Canon: The Myth of the Lone Female Philosopher, and What to Do about It.Sandrine Berges - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (3):380-397.
    Women philosophers of the past, because they tended not to engage with each other much, are often perceived as isolated from ongoing philosophical dialogues. This has led—directly and indirectly—to their exclusion from courses in the history of philosophy. This article explores three ways in which we could solve this problem. The first is to create a course in early modern philosophy that focuses solely or mostly on female philosophers, using conceptual and thematic ties such as a concern (...)
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  4. Proclus and Theodore of Asine on female philosopher-rulers: Patriarchy, metempsychosis, and women in the Neoplatonic commentary tradition.Dirk Baltzly - 2013 - Ancient Philosophy 33 (2):403-424.
    The Platonic dialogues contain passages that seem to point in quite opposite directions on the question of the moral equality of women with men. Rep. V defends the view that sexual difference need not be relevant to a person’s capacity for philosophy and thus for virtue. Tim. 42a-c, however, makes incarnation in a female body a punishment for failure to master the challenges of embodiment. This paper examines the different ways in which two subsequent Platonists, Proclus (d. 485 CE) (...)
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  5. Pythagorean Women: An Example of Female Philosophical Protreptics.Caterina Pellò - 2024 - In Sara Brill & Catherine McKeen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Women and Ancient Greek Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 423-434.
    This chapter is about women and ancient Pythagorean philosophy. Specifically, the focus is on the letters and treatises written in the Hellenistic and Imperial Age under the name of Pythagorean female authors. Scholars have primarily raised two objections against these texts: first, they are likely to be spurious and might not have been authored by women, but rather male philosophers writing under female pseudonyms. Second, these texts are not philosophical. After a brief introduction to the role of (...)
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    A portrait of a female philosopher - (e.J.) Watts hypatia. The life and legend of an ancient philosopher. Pp. XII + 205, ills, map. New York: Oxford university press, 2017. Cased, £19.99, us$29.95. Isbn: 978-0-19-021003-8. [REVIEW]Stefan Hodges-Kluck - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):150-152.
  7.  1
    Female Soul and Feminine Spirit: Philosophical Prolegomena to a New (Women) Culture in the Interwar Radio Lectures Alice Voinescu’s and Constantin Noica’s.Ana Ocoleanu - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:91-101.
    Female Soul and Feminine Spirit. Philosophical Prolegomena to a New (Women) Culture in the Interwar Radio Lectures Alice Voinescu’s and Constantin Noica’s. The newly founded Romanian Radio (1927) invited since 1930 the most important personalities of the Romanian culture to speak in the frame of different radio conferences. Two of these personalities were the philosophers Alice Voinescu (1885-1961) and Constantin Noica (1909-1987). Although they represent two different philosophical orientations (Alice Voinescu as a post-metaphysical thinker and Constantin Noica as (...)
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    Philosophical representation of female artistic images in objectivism.A. O. Muntian - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:134-144.
    Purpose. Based on actualization of gender discursive features, the current piece aims to clarify and accentuate the manifestation of gender-philosophical ideas interaction: feminism in the framework of objectivism. The source material for the current article is a novel by Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged", which is a philosophical work on objectivism. Theoretical basis. The development of the gender discourse, in particular the discourse of feminism is researched from the retrospective angle. This piece is an attempt to underline peculiarities of female (...)
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    Philosophical criteria to identify false religious practices: should halal animal slaughter, child marriage, male and female circumcision, and the burqa be legally prohibited?Paul Cliteur - 2018 - Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales, United Kingdom: The Edwin Mellen Press.
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  10. The Philosopher and the Female in the Political Thought of Plato.Arlene W. Saxonhouse - 1976 - Political Theory 4 (2):195-212.
  11.  3
    Philosophical Study on the Other s Gaze of Jeju Female Study. 김치완 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 92:135-166.
    바람, 그리고 돌과 함께 제주 여성은 오래전부터 관심의 대상이었다. 그런데 이 관심은 他 者의 시선에서 비롯된 것이었다. 문제는 그러한 관심에 자극받아서 이루어진 주체의 시선도 타자의 시선에서 벗어나기 어렵다는 현실이다. 이러한 맥락에서 이 연구에서는 지금까지 제주 여성을 주제로 삼았던 선행연구의 ‘視線’을 검토해 보고자 한다. 먼저 신화의 여성성 연구에서 는 타자의 시선에 주목하였다. 민주화 운동을 기점으로 여성신화 연구가 활성화된 것은 대항 담론적 성격을 가지기 때문이다. 그런데 남성 중심의 주류문화에 대항하는 여성원리의 원형을 신화에서 찾고자 하는 시선에서는 제주 여성을 타자로 보는 문제점이 드러난다. 다음으로 (...)
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    The Female Drama: The Philosophical Feminine in the Soul of Plato’s Republic. By Charlotte C.S. Thomas.Catherine Craig - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (2):537-540.
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    The female drama: the philosophical feminine in the soul of Plato's Republic.Charlotte C. S. Thomas - 2020 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    Plato's most magisterial dialogue, the Republic, takes up the question "what is justice," and its central image is an imaginary city constructed in speech designed to aid in this inquiry. In Book V of the Republic, Socrates tells his interlocutors that they have completed the "Male Drama," of the city in speech and that it is now time for them to take up the "Female." The "Female Drama" is Socrates name for the action of the central books of (...)
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  14.  16
    What Happened to the Philosopher Queens? On the “Disappearance” of Female Rulers in PlatoPlato’s Statesman.Annie Larivée - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 61-90.
    Michèle Le Doeuff coined the term “déshérence” to describe a phenomenon affecting the relation of women to knowledge. Déshérence reflects the antithetical connection between women and value: if something is socially devalued, women may claim it; if something women already possess reveals itself as valuable, then they have to relinquish it. My article shows how Plato’s Statesman offers a perfect example of déshérence in its two complementary forms. But the article’s primary objective is to shed light on the connection between (...)
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    Korean women philosophers and the ideal of a female sage: essential writings of Im Yunjidang and Gang Jeongildang.Philip J. Ivanhoe - 2023 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. Edited by Hwa Yeong Wang.
    Korean Women Philosophers and the Ideal of a Female Sage: The Essential of Writings of Im Yungjidang and Gang Jeongildang introduces the lives and thought of two Korean women Confucian philosophers from the late Joseon Dynasty (18th -19th century), Im Yunjidang (1721-93) and Gang Jeongildang(1772-1832), and sketches some of the ways their work can contribute to contemporary philosophical inquiry. Both women are known for arguing, on the basis of distinctively Confucian philosophical claims about the original, pure moral (...)
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    Korean women philosophers and the ideal of a female sage: essential writings of Im Yunjidang and Gang Jeongildang. [REVIEW]Dobin Choi - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6).
    Korean Women Philosophers and the Ideal of a Female Sage explores the lives of two Korean women Confucian scholars of the late Joseon Dynasty, Im Yunjidang (1721–1793) and Gang Jeongildang (1772–18...
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    Human understanding of philosophical counseling for female client-centered therapy —the case of female schizophrenic patient Ellen West—.Soung-Suk Nho - 2013 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 20 (null):143-180.
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  18. Why Do Female Students Leave Philosophy? The Story from Sydney.Tom Dougherty, Samuel Baron & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (2):467-474.
    The anglophone philosophy profession has a well-known problem with gender equity. A sig-nificant aspect of the problem is the fact that there are simply so many more male philoso-phers than female philosophers among students and faculty alike. The problem is at its stark-est at the faculty level, where only 22% - 24% of philosophers are female in the United States (Van Camp 2014), the United Kingdom (Beebee & Saul 2011) and Australia (Goddard 2008).<1> While this is (...)
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  19.  15
    On the Philosophical Significance of Eighteenth-Century Female ‘Republicans’.Karen Green - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):371-380.
    While agreeing with Bergès on the importance for philosophy of reading the works of women such as Roland, Gouges, and Grouchy, her account of them as committed to the concept of liberty as non-domination, articulated by Philip Pettit, is questioned. It is argued that their views are more accurately described as involving a commitment to the tradition of positive liberty, that was criticised by Berlin in his famous essay ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’. The republican writings of Catharine Macaulay are shown (...)
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  20.  11
    The Ideals and Realities of Female Leadership: Focusing on the ‘Philosopher Queen’ in Plato’s Politeia. 문지영 & 강철웅 - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 126:1-35.
    이 연구의 목적은 『국가』에서 플라톤이 여성에게 열어 놓은 철인통치자의 가능성을 그의 이상국가론 전체 맥락 속에서 해석하고, 이른바 ‘철인여왕’(philosopher-queen) 비전이 여성과 정치의 관계 및 여성 리더십에 대해 시사하는 바가 무엇인지 살펴보는 데 있다. 플라톤은 여성이 남성과 평등한 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 획기적인 주장을 하필 ‘국가를 수호하고 경영하는 사안’과 관련하여 제기하는데, 이는 철인여왕에 대한 아이디어가 그의 이상국가론 및 이상국가의 정치와 연결시켜 이해해야 할 문제임을 말해준다. 이 연구는 ‘철인여왕’의 제안이 ‘철학적 지배’로서의 정치에 대한 구상과 연결되면서 누가 그런 이상적인 지배에 참여하는 정치 리더가 될 (...)
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    In a Man's words - the politics of female representation in the public.Rebecca Adami - 2018 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 6 (1):55-68.
    What one decides fit for appearance through writing and speech bears a political signifi cance that risk being distorted through both language, reception in the public, and through calls for gendered representations. How can work of female philosophers be interpreted as a concern for the world from that of having to respond to a male-dominated discourse through which speech becomes trapped into what one might represent as ‘other’? In this paper, I explore the public reception of two (...) thinkers who question, in diff erent ways, the dominant notion of the author or philosopher as a male subject; what kind of limitations does the relative notion of ‘female’ pose political action, and how can privilege constitute a hindrance to feminist solidarity? (shrink)
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    THE DISAVOWAL OF THE FEMALE “KNOWER”: reading literature in the light of pamela sue anderson’s project on vulnerability.Dorota Filipczak - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1):156-164.
    Pamela Sue Anderson’s project about vulnerability and the silencing of the female speaker began with her realization of the female philosopher’s position within academia. Exposing the disavowal of the female “knower,” Anderson lays bare the mechanisms of excluding women from intellectual, artistic and religious discourse. Moving beyond the negative configuration of vulnerability associated with an openness to violence, Anderson refigures it as an openness to affection. The denial of thus refigured vulnerability has led to the literal and (...)
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  23. Why Is There Female Under-Representation among Philosophy Majors?Sam Baron, Tom Dougherty & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
    The anglophone philosophy profession has a well-known problem with gender equity. A sig-nificant aspect of the problem is the fact that there are simply so many more male philoso-phers than female philosophers among students and faculty alike. The problem is at its stark-est at the faculty level, where only 22% - 24% of philosophers are female in the United States (Van Camp 2014), the United Kingdom (Beebee & Saul 2011) and Australia (Goddard 2008).<1> While this is (...)
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  24.  59
    Pregnant Females as Historical Individuals: An Insight From the Philosophy of Evo-Devo.Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavličev & Arantza Etxeberria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:572106.
    Criticisms of the “container” model of pregnancy picturing female and embryo as separate entities multiply in various philosophical and scientific contexts during the last decades. In this paper, we examine how this model underlies received views of pregnancy in evolutionary biology, in the characterization of the transition from oviparity to viviparity in mammals and in the selectionist explanations of pregnancy as an evolutionary strategy. In contrast, recent evo-devo studies on eutherian reproduction, including the role of inflammation and new maternal (...)
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  25.  10
    Women Philosophers on Autonomy.Sandrine Berges & Siani Alberto (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    We encounter autonomy in virtually every area of philosophy: in its relation with rationality, personality, self-identity, authenticity, freedom, moral values and motivations, and forms of government, legal, and social institutions. At the same time, the notion of autonomy has been the subject of significant criticism. Some argue that autonomy outweighs or even endangers interpersonal or collective values, while others believe it alienates subjects who don’t possess a strong form of autonomy. These marginalized subjects and communities include persons with physical or (...)
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  26. Why is there female under-representation among philosophy majors? Evidence of a pre-university effect.Tom Doherty, Samuel Baron & Kristie Miller - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2.
    Why does female under- representation emerge during undergraduate education? At the University of Sydney, we surveyed students before and after their first philosophy course. We failed to find any evidence that this course disproportionately discouraged female students from continuing in philosophy relative to male students. Instead, we found evidence of an interaction effect between gender and existing attitudes about philosophy coming into tertiary education that appears at least partially responsible for this poor retention. At the first lecture, disproportionately (...)
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  27. Commentary. Female circumcision in Nigeria: is it not time for government intervention?Donna Dickenson - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (1):27-30.
    The results of a recent survey of Nigerian women might give pause to opponents of female genital mutilation (FGM). One could well argue that if these Nigerian women themselves favour FGM, then it is ironically paternalistic to oppose it. Should Western feminists actually support FGM if it is what women in the South want? I argue in this commentary that such an argument rests on shaky statistical, psychological, medical, political and philosophical grounds. We should go on opposing female (...)
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  28.  70
    The Female in Aristotle's Biology: Reason or Rationalization.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (3):458-460.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 126.3 (2005) 458-460 [Access article in PDF] Robert Mayhew. The Female in Aristotle's Biology: Reason or Rationalization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. xii + 136 pp. Cloth, $28. Aristotle says quite a lot about sexual difference and the characteristics of male and female in his biological works, especially the Generation of Animals. He is interested in the purpose of sexual difference in (...)
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    The Female as Metaphor in William Blake's Poetry.Susan Fox - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):507-519.
    In his prophetic poems Blake conceives a perfection of humanity defined in part by the complete mutuality of its interdependent genders. Yet throughout the same poems he represents one of those mutual, contrary, equal genders as inferior and dependent , or as unnaturally and disastrously dominant. Indeed, females are not only represented as weak or power-hungry, they come to represent weakness and power-hunger . Blake's philosophical principle of mutuality is thus undermined by stereotypical metaphors of femaleness which I believe he (...)
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    Female subjectivity and feminist practices in visual art of the second half of the twentieth century.Natalya Dyadyk - forthcoming - Sotsium I Vlast.
    Introduction. The problem of the “female issue in art” is one of the most pressing today. “Gender art” or “female art” is one of the trends in modern art exhibitions. Thanks to art feminism, today women artists can fully demonstrate their talent, which arouses great interest in their work from the world art community. The purpose of the article is to identify specific stylistic features characteristic of “female subjectivity” and feminist practices in the art of the second (...)
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    Korean women philosophers and the ideal of a female sage: essential writings of Im Yunjidang and Gang Jeongildang. [REVIEW]Dobin Choi - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (6):1508-1512.
    Volume 32, Issue 6, December 2024, Page 1508-1512.
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    (1 other version)Female Freedom and The Neapolitan Novels.Sam Shpall - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (4):676-701.
    This essay begins to develop a philosophical interpretation of Elena Ferrante's L'amica geniale, a work of fiction that is known in English as The Neapolitan Novels. My ultimate aim is to explore the work's ambitious moral psychology, and particularly its subtle conceptualization of women's path to freedom. I begin by reconstructing some of the main ideas of Italian difference feminism as they are expressed in the texts of the Milan Women's Bookstore Collective—texts that are controversial milestones of Italian social theory, (...)
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  33. Female Misogyny.Berit Brogaard - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 91:53-59.
    Misogyny is a particular kind of unjustified hatred or contempt for women in a man’s world. By “a man’s world,” I mean a society where men have more power and privileges than women. The United States is a man’s world, or “patriarchal society,” as it’s also called. A few pieces of evidence: In 2019, 127 women held seats in the United States Congress, comprising only 23.7 percent of the 535 members. We, the American people, have never elected a female (...)
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  34. Are women adult human females?Alex Byrne - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (12):3783-3803.
    Are women (simply) adult human females? Dictionaries suggest that they are. However, philosophers who have explicitly considered the question invariably answer no. This paper argues that they are wrong. The orthodox view is that the category *woman* is a social category, like the categories *widow* and *police officer*, although exactly what this social category consists in is a matter of considerable disagreement. In any event, orthodoxy has it that *woman* is definitely not a biological category, like the categories *amphibian* (...)
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  35. Women Are Not Adult Human Females.Rebecca Mason - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):180-191.
    1 Some philosophers defend the thesis that women are adult human females. Call this the adult human female thesis (AHF). There are two versions of this thesis—one modal and one definitional. Accord...
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    Success in academic philosophy: What female students and junior academics need to know.Rebecca Roache - 2021 - Think 20 (59):133-142.
    Despite some important progress over the past decade, academic philosophy remains a male-dominated discipline. This raises questions about how established philosophers can best support and advise female students and junior academics in philosophy. We need to avoid encouraging them to adopt a fatalistic attitude to their success, while also avoiding encouraging them to believe that their success lies in their own hands and that therefore it must be their own fault if they don't succeed. I argue that we (...)
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  37. The female fulcrum: Rousseau and the birth of nationalism.Nicole Fermon - 1996 - Philosophical Forum 28 (1-2):21-41.
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    Will to power: Revaluating (female) empowerment in ‘fitspiration’.Aurélien Daudi - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (2):177-193.
    Female empowerment has long been a prominent social concern in Western culture. With the rise of social media, the quest for female empowerment has become embodied in self-presentational practices, occurring conspicuously throughout the Instagram fitness subculture: ‘fitspiration’. Here, female empowerment is merged with the body-centrality inherent to fitness, and the self-sexualization that has become characteristic of both photo-based social media in general, and fitspiration in particular. Meanwhile, an extensive body of research highlights numerous detrimental effects of self-sexualization (...)
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  39.  21
    Women and the Female in Neoplatonism.Jana Schultz & James Wilberding (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    This book explores the various ways, ranging over psychology, political philosophy and metaphysics, that both historical women and various conceptualizations of the female help shape Neoplatonism, one of the most influential philosophical schools of late antiquity, at various levels.
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    Female Participation and the Late Fourth-Century Preacher’s Audience.Wendy Mayer - 1999 - Augustinianum 39 (1):139-147.
  41. Aesthetic Relativism and Female Psychology.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2018 - Madison, WI, USA: Freud Institute.
    The same person who claims to be a relativist about musical beauty—who claims that all musical works are equally ‘valid’ and beautiful---adores certain musical works while detesting others. And the same person who claims to be a relativist about personal beauty—who claims that all people are beautiful, if only ‘on the inside’---finds certain people intensely attractive and finds others equally intensely repellent. And the same person who is guilty of the one hypocrisy is almost always guilty of the other. So (...)
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    Why Asian Female Stereotypes Matter to All.Kyoo Lee - 2013 - Critical Philosophy of Race 1 (1):86-103.
    Gender, race, ethnicity, class, religion, culture, etc., etc., etc…. How are we to rearticulate and retool those kaleidoscopic “problems” of social categories and identities each time differently, with different productivity, even as different “products”?—this capital, frontal problema, this “sufficient” bodily evidence in and of reality, “in front of you” and me. Such is the broad philosophical force, background and foreground, of the questions I dwell on here if only briefly. What interests me in particular, just as an example if not (...)
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    Ethics of Care Leadership, Racial Inclusion, and Economic Health in the Cities: Is There a Female Leadership Advantage?Kayla Stajkovic & Alexander D. Stajkovic - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):699-721.
    Growing evidence suggests the presence of a female leadership advantage (FLA), such that women leaders tend to be associated with more effective outcomes in uncertain conditions. However, mechanisms linking women's leadership to effective outcomes are less well understood. We integrate FLA insights with ethics of care philosophical framework to conceptualize how women leaders achieve effective outcomes in the context of the urban revitalization crisis in the United States. We propose and empirically test the mediating role of ethics of care (...)
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    Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals by Sophia M. Connell.Charlotte Witt - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):157-158.
    “How can it be that the female is both functional and a failure?”. Sophia Connell’s response comes in the form of a careful, thorough, and philosophically sensitive interpretation of Aristotle’s treatise on animal generation. By pursuing the topic of what Aristotle says about female animals and their role in reproduction, Connell casts light into many difficult corners of his theory: What does it mean to say that the male is the “hê archê [tês] kinêseos” of the generation? How (...)
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    Women, Philosophy, and Violence: St. Catherine and Hypatia from Alexandria or Being Women Philosophers in Alexandrian Late Antiquity.Ana Ocoleanu - 2024 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 7:53-61.
    What does it mean to be a female philosopher in late antiquity? This is the question that concerns us in this study and which I try to solve by referring to two personalities from Alexandria (IV-V century): St. Catherine and Hypatia. Although they are very well known, both in the Christian environment and in the world of profane sciences and the arts, the two philosophers from Alexandria share a common destiny: their works have not been preserved, although their (...)
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    The Suffering and Healing of Female Subjects : the Cases of Ellen West and Simone Weil Viewed from the Standpoint of Philosophical Counseling. 노성숙 - 2018 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 29:87-131.
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    (1 other version)On Female Body Experience: Throwing Life a Girl and Other Essays.Iris Marion Young - 2004 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Written over a span of more than two decades, the essays by Iris Marion Young collected in this volume describe diverse aspects of women's lived body experience in modern Western societies. Drawing on the ideas of several twentieth century continental philosophers--including Simone de Beauvoir, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty--Young constructs rigorous analytic categories for interpreting embodied subjectivity.
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  48. Review of Mayhew, The Female in Aristotle's Biology. [REVIEW]Thornton Lockwood - 2004 - Bryn Mawr Classical Review 9:19.
    Natural philosophers make mistakes. Descartes got the laws of inertia wrong, Kant misunderstood the primacy of Euclidian geometry, and almost everyone (except perhaps Aristarchus of Samos) prior to the discovery of the telescope mistakenly thought that the solar system was geocentric. That we find Aristotle mistaken on questions in the life sciences — questions which required advances such as the microscope to even articulate — should come as little surprise. There seems nothing remarkable in the fact that Aristotle mistakenly (...)
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    Queenly Philosophers: Renaissance Women Aristocrats as Platonic Guardians.Jane Duran - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Much recent work has been done on Plato’s notion of the female Guardian, but examples are limited. Jane Duran argues that aristocratic women of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are indeed exemplary and embody the concept of Guardianship.
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    Women Philosophers on Autonomy: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Sandrine Berges & Alberto L. Siani (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    We encounter autonomy in virtually every area of philosophy: in its relation with rationality, personality, self-identity, authenticity, freedom, moral values and motivations, and forms of government, legal, and social institutions. At the same time, the notion of autonomy has been the subject of significant criticism. Some argue that autonomy outweighs or even endangers interpersonal or collective values, while others believe it alienates subjects who don't possess a strong form of autonomy. These marginalized subjects and communities include persons with physical or (...)
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