Results for 'Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans'

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  1. The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans: Should Conservative Anglicans Sign Up?Daniel Howard-Snyder - unknown
    The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA), whose leaders govern well over half of the 80 million Anglicans worldwide, have put forward ‘a contemporary rule,’ called The Jerusalem Declaration, to guide the Anglican realignment movement. The FCA and its affiliates, e.g. the newly-formed Anglican Church in North America, require assent to the Declaration. To date, there has been little serious appraisal of the Declaration and the status accorded to it. I aim to correct that omission. Unlike ap-praisals (...)
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  2. The Fellowship of the Ninth Hour: Christian Reflections on the Nature and Value of Faith.Daniel Howard-Snyder & Daniel J. McKaughan - 2020 - In James Arcadi & James T. Turner (eds.), The T&T Clark Handbook of Analytic Theology. New York: T&T Clark/Bloomsbury. pp. 69-82.
    It is common for young Christians to go off to college assured in their beliefs but, in the course of their first year or two, they meet what appears to them to be powerful defenses of scientific naturalism and crushing critiques of the basic Christian story (BCS), and many are thrown into doubt. They think to themselves something like this: "To be honest, I am troubled about the BCS. While the problem of evil, the apparent cultural basis for the diversity (...)
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    Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Vladimir Latinovic, Gerard Mannion & O. F. M. Jason Welle (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume explores how Catholicism began and continues to open its doors to the wider world and to other confessions in embracing ecumenism, thanks to the vision and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. It explores such themes as the twentieth century context preceding the council; parallels between Vatican II and previous councils; its distinctively pastoral character; the legacy of the council in relation to issues such as church-world dynamics, as well as to ethics, social justice, economic activity. Several chapters (...)
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    The Diversity of Religions: A Christian Perspective by J. A. DiNoia, O.P.Gavin D'Costa - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):524-528.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:524 BOOK REVIEWS Word is to interpret us" (189). That two-way response to the Word of God neatly summarizes William Hill's witness to us as theologian as well: to he the mediator between classical and contemporary idiomata in such a way as to enrich the deliverances of both, reminiscent of Matthew's commendation of the " disciple in the kingdom of Heaven [being] like a householder who brings out from (...)
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    Catholicism Opening to the World and Other Confessions: Vatican Ii and its Impact.John Borelli, Drew Christiansen, Gerard Mannion, Jason Welle O. F. M., Vladimir Latinovic, John O’Malley, Agnes de Dreuzy, Charles E. Curran, Matthew A. Shadle, Patricia Madigan, Mary McClintock Fulkerson, Anne E. Patrick, Jan Nielen, Agnes M. Brazal, Paul G. Monson, Dale T. Irvin, Dagmar Heller, Anastacia Wooden, Mark D. Chapman, Dorothea Sattler, Patrick J. Hayes, Susan K. Wood, H. E. Cardinal W. Kasper & Brian Flanagan - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume explores how Catholicism began and continues to open its doors to the wider world and to other confessions in embracing ecumenism, thanks to the vision and legacy of the Second Vatican Council. It explores such themes as the twentieth century context preceding the council; parallels between Vatican II and previous councils; its distinctively pastoral character; the legacy of the council in relation to issues such as church-world dynamics, as well as to ethics, social justice, economic activity. Several chapters (...)
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    The Elements of Moral Science (review). [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):276-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:276 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY The Elements of Moral Science. By Francis Wayland. Edited by Joseph L. B1au. (Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. 1 + 413. $7.50.) We are indebted to Professor Blau of Columbia University and to the series of John tIarvard Books of the Harvard University Press for this attractive edition of a genuine American antique. Of this college text 100,000 copies were sold. Editions were (...)
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    Religious Enthusiasm, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Disenchantment of the World.Andrew W. Keitt - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (2):231-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religious Enthusiasm, the Spanish Inquisition, and the Disenchantment of the WorldAndrew KeittIn 1688 Anglican divine William Wharton published a short tract entitled The Enthusiasm of the Church of Rome demonstrated in some observations upon the life of Ignatius Loyola. Typical of the confessional propaganda of the day, Wharton's work contrasted the "rationality" of Protestantism with what he considered to be the superstition and obscurantism of the Catholic faith:It has (...)
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  8. Mill on capital punishment--retributive overtones?Michael Clark - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):327-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mill on Capital Punishment-Retributive Overtones?Michael ClarkI.In his famous parliamentary speech of 18681 Mill defends the retention of capital punishment for the worst murderers on the Benthamite grounds of frugality and exemplarity.2 Punishment being an intrinsic "mischief," it should be no more severe than it needs to be to achieve its desired effect, principally that of deterring others from crime. That effect can be achieved more economically if the suffering (...)
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    Prayer Book Catechism: Past its sell-by date?Raymond Potgieter - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (3):01-08.
    The Book of Common Prayer is the first introduction to Anglican belief and liturgy for many. More specifically, the Book of Common Prayer of 1662 contains the traditional catechism of the Church of England, enjoining catechumens to receive training and instruction in basic doctrines and Christian living. This takes place in the contexts of the liturgy and the more comprehensive doctrinal statements of the 39 Articles of Religion. Anglican religion traditionally allowed its members to verbalise their faith in both ritual (...)
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    Sacraments for Growth in Mission: Eucharistic Faith and Practice in the Theology of Roland Allen.Åke Talltorp - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (3):214-224.
    Roland Allen emerged as an independent missionary and theologian within the Anglican Mission to North China from 1895 to 1903. For the rest of his life, he continued as a freelance missiological writer, debater and priest for some time connected to the interdenominational World Dominion Press. As a theologian and churchman, with a genuine incarnational ecclesiology as his foundation, he combined a Catholic view of Anglicanism with a deliberate concern for local Christian initiatives and the spontaneous expansion of local Christian (...)
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    Lutheran perspectives on the unity of the church.Dieter H. Reinstorf - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (1).
    From personal experience, this article shares to what degree the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria was and continues to be a gateway to the future, challenging among others the divisions that characterise the Church of Christ worldwide. The article argues that for the 16th-century Reformers the unity of the church was a given and that the confessions were written to establish such a unity through agreement in confession and joint rejection of false doctrines. However, such statements of (...)
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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    Ecumenismo: perspectiva eclesiológica, das grandes rupturas ao debate ecumênico atual (Ecumenism: ecclesiological perspective, of major disruptions to the current ecumenical debate) - DOI: 10.5752/ P.2175-5841.2011v9n20p127. [REVIEW]Antonio Carlos Ribeiro - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (20):127-152.
    O rompimento da Igreja Católica com a Igreja Ortodoxa em 1054 gerou sofrimento, mas o maior impacto foi a unicidade rompida pela Reforma Protestante, da qual surgiram as Igrejas Luterana, Reformada, Anglicana e as oriundas dos anabatistas no século XVI. O movimento ecumênico atual surgiu na Conferência Mundial de Missão 1910, que reuniu 1200 delegados para debater fé e comunhão. A celebração do centenário pôs o ecumenismo, o diálogo, a diferença, a expressão e a comunhão na agenda. O século XX (...)
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    The fellowship of the new life: English ethical socialism reconsidered.Kevin Manton - 2003 - History of Political Thought 24 (2):282-304.
    This paper presents an examination of the Fellowship of the New Life, a pioneering British socialist organization from the 1880s and 1890s. The paper outlines the organizations and some of the prominent individuals involved in the Fellowship, presents an overview of Fellowship analyses of existing society, and details their political programmes and actions. It shows that in both their analysis and their activities the Fellowship were very much of the socialist mainstream in their day. They rejected (...)
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    The reader of confession in María Zambrano.Patricia Palomar - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):853-863.
    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this article is an attempt to understand the concept of ‘confession’ as a literary genre in the works of Spanish philosopher María Zambrano. Firstly, we will try to understand confession within Zambrano's most relevant philosophical concepts, in particular her study La confesión: género literario y método [Confession. Literary Genre and Method]. Secondly, we will offer reinterpretation to confession in dialogue with theories of Reception by Wolfgang Iser and Hans Robert Jauss, and other authors like St. Agustin, Rosa (...)
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  16. Tears of Grief and Joy.Confessions Book - 1997 - Augustinian Studies 28 (1):141-154.
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    The Fellowship of Being.James Daly - 1967 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 16:368-369.
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    The fellowship of being.Harold A. Durfee - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (4):408-408.
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    The fellowship of being: an essay on the concept of person in the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel.John B. O'Malley - 1966 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    This book is the fruit of a critical inquiry into the nature and scope of Marcel's philosophie achievement. As such, it is concerned less with affixing the appropriate label (personalist or existentialist) to Marcel's thought -and with it making it stick - than with discovering the precise impulse and tenor ofhis philosophy. In the process ofthat more general inquiry, the writer found being forced upon hirn a central concept as integrating focus of Marcel's philosophie investigations. This eoneept was that of (...)
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  20. Seal of confession: A strict obligation for priests.Brendan Daly - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (1):3.
    Daly, Brendan A famous case involving the seal of confession was that of Father Francis Douglas. In 1938, a New Zealand Columban priest, Father Francis Douglas was appointed to Pililla, a town near Manila in the Philippines. It was a difficult assignment, made worse by the Japanese occupation of the country in January 1942. In July 1943 he was asked to visit some guerrillas who said that they needed his priestly services. Afterwards, the Japanese then thought he was a spy. (...)
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  21. The Fellowship of the Saints: An Anthology of Christian Devotional Literature.Thomas S. Kepler - 1948
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    ‘Unlikely Partnerships’: Global Discipleship in the Twenty-first Century1.Ruth Padilla DeBorst - 2011 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 28 (4):241-252.
    ‘Stories of unlikeliness’ are woven through this paper that explores a question of significant relevance to the Oxford Center for Mission Studies and its educational and missiological endeavor: How can Christians from powerful and powerless places of the world engage as unlikely but true partners in God’s reconciling mission in spite of all the differences and distances between them? The writer begins with a brief explanation of the belongings out of which she faces the question. She then invites readers to (...)
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    The Fellowship of Men That Die: The Legacy of Albert Camus.Daniel Stern - 1998 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 10 (2):183-198.
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    Foucault’s Concept of Confession.Philippe Büttgen - 2021 - Foucault Studies 29:6-21.
    Setting out from the difficulty of translating the Foucauldian notion of aveu, this paper proposes an account of Foucault’s concept of confession in the years 1979-1983 surrounding the writing of Confessions of the Flesh. I focus on Foucault’s relative failure to bring together the complementary dimensions of confession as confession of sins and confession of faith in early Christianity. Foucault’s attempts to tackle this challenge nonetheless reveal a number of crucial aspects of his thought throughout the 1970s, e.g., the critique (...)
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  25. Fellowship of the word : on complexes, chaos, and attractors.Leonard Cruz - 2016 - In Kathryn Madden (ed.), The unconscious roots of creativity. Asheville, North Carolina: Chiron Publications.
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  26. The fellowship of the world.Niven Busch - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    The practice of confession and absolution as an agent of change in a prophetic Pentecostal Church during COVID-19.Maria Frahm-Arp - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3):8.
    During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in South Africa, one Prophetic Pentecostal Church, Rabboni Centre Ministries, brought about a marked change in their practice and theology of confession and absolution. Before COVID-19, the Prophet would exorcise the evil spirits that caused sinful behaviour in people and in this way restore them as good Christians acceptable to the congregation. During the COVID-19 lockdown, people could not meet in church and therefore the Prophet changed the practice and theology of confession and (...)
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    The personality profile of female Anglican clergy in Britain and Ireland.Susan H. Jones, Leslie J. Francis, Chris J. Jackson & Mandy Robbins - 2003 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 25 (1):222-231.
    A sample of 523 newly ordained female Anglican clergy in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales completed the Eysenck Personality Profiler. The data demonstrated that the female clergy tended to be less extravert than women in general, less neurotic than women in general, and less toughminded than women in general. These findings help to clarify the way in which women clergy tend to project a characteristically masculine personality profile in respect of one major dimension of personality, but a characteristically feminine personality (...)
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    The Politics of the Anglican Modernists.Alan Wilkinson - 1989 - The Chesterton Review 15 (1/2):139-155.
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    Fellowship of Love: Martin Luther King's Legacy and the Renewal of the Labor Tradition.Adrian Pabst - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (182):139-160.
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  31. The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets: The Achievement of Association in Canon Formation.Christopher Seitz - 2009
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    And another thing... The fellowship of the book.Hazel Bell - 1999 - Logos 10 (3):174-179.
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    From social shame to spiritual shame: On the rite of confession of guilt and sin in Toraja.Frans P. Rumbi, Ivan T. J. Weismann, Daniel Ronda, Robi Panggarra & Yosua F. Camerling - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    This study examines the shame that drives the rite of confession of guilt and sin in the Toraja tradition and then dialogues with the Christian faith. In this study, a qualitative research method was used with an ethnographic approach. Observations and interviews were conducted with figures who knew the topic. The results show that Toraja people experience collective shame when community members commit moral violations. A sense of shame before others or social shame is felt. However, spiritual shame is an (...)
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  34. The Goodly Fellowship of the Prophets.John Paterson, Gordon Pratt Baker & Ludwig Fuerbringer - 1948
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    Hobbits as Buddhists and an Eye for an "I".Paul Andrew Powell - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:31-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hobbits as Buddhists and an Eye for an "I"Paul Andrew PowellWhen a medieval scholar friend of mine1 (knowing that I am a longstanding student of Zen), asked me if I would read J. R. R. Tolkien's famous fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings to see what Buddhism, if any, could be culled from it, I was not enthusiastic, especially after watching the movie (yes, I watched the movie (...)
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    Memorandum of the Anglican Bishops Concerning the Roman Catholic Hierarchy’s Brief on Education.Henry Roper Roper & Arthur Davis - 2005 - In Henry Roper Roper & Arthur Davis (eds.), Collected Works of George Grant: Volume 3. University of Toronto Press. pp. 224-226.
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    Unity and Fellowship of Christians from a Pentecostal Perspective.Stanko Jambrek - 2008 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2 (1):61-77.
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  38. The seal of confession.Ian Waters - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (3):330.
    Waters, Ian One of the most universally acclaimed films of 2014 was Calvary, a parable of the betrayal of the Irish people by the Irish Catholic Church. The context for the film was the Irish Catholic Church, which had previously defined Ireland's soul, and had recently been revealed to have consciously and methodically covered up atrocities perpetrated in church institutions.
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    Subverting the fellowship of the wedding ring.Kate Parsons - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (3):393-410.
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    Orientalism as a form of Confession.Andrea Teti - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:193-212.
    In addition to being characterised as a ‘regime of truth’, Orientalist discourses also display the general properties of confessional discourses outlined in Foucault’s Will to Knowledge. The article argues that there is a similarity in the ‘effects of power’ made possible within these frameworks, particular regarding the legitimisation and application of discipline. Finally, the paper draws out a few implications for the analysis of power and resistance in confessional economies of power. The perspective this paper provides an insight into the (...)
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  41. Safeguarding the seal of confession.Anthony Fisher - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (2):131.
    Fisher, Anthony In 1834 convicts of the Norfolk Island penal colony conspired to overpower the troops and take possession of the island. A gang on its way to work turned on their guards. Others, having feigned illness and been transferred to hospital, broke their chains and came to their assistance. But the third wave, of farm workers with farm implements, arrived too late to be of any help. In the fiasco that followed several were killed and after a trial in (...)
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    The Culture of Confession From Augustine to Foucault: A Genealogy of the 'Confessing Animal'.Chloë Taylor - 2008 - Routledge.
    Drawing on the work of Foucault and Western confessional writings, this book challenges the transhistorical and commonsense views of confession as an innate impulse resulting in the psychological liberation of the confessing subject. Instead, confessional desire is argued to be contingent and constraining, and alternatives to confessional subjectivity are explored.
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    Wittgenstein and the Theatre of Confession.Urszula Idziak-Smoczyńska - 2018 - Wittgenstein-Studien 9 (1):31-49.
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    The Fruit of Confessing Lips.Michael P. Foley - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):425-452.
    In an effort to identify the genre of the Confessions, this essay: 1) explains the patristic notion of confession and how Augustine expands upon this already-rich concept to include that of sacrifice; 2) offers an overview of Augustine’s pervasive sacrificial imagery in the Confessions, especially with respect to himself, Monica, Alypius, and the philosophi; and 3) teases out the implications of this imagery and how Augustine’s theology of sacrifice relates to the genre of his Confessions. We conclude the Confessions is (...)
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    What Kind of Confession is the Augsburg Confession?Steven D. Paulson - 2014 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 56 (1):12-34.
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    The meaning of confession.Donald V. Morano - 1980 - Journal of Value Inquiry 14 (3-4):169-180.
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    The Fellowship of Being. [REVIEW]David A. Bolleau - 1968 - New Scholasticism 42 (3):458-459.
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  48. Introduction: The Literature of Confession'.Kelly James Clark - 1993 - In Philosophers Who Believe. Intervarsity Press.
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    A Pathway Into the Holy Scripture.Philip E. Satterthwaite, David F. Wright & Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research - 1994 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    Revised versions of papers presented at the 1994 Tyndale Fellowship jubilee conference held in Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick.
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    The Role of Confession in Community of Inquiry.Megan Laverty - 2003 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 16 (3):30-35.
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