Results for 'Felix Arndt'

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  1.  26
    Looking Backward and Forward: Political Links and Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility in China.Peng Zhou, Felix Arndt, Kun Jiang & Weiqi Dai - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (4):631-649.
    This study aims to enrich our understanding of the relationship between political connections and the adoption of environmental corporate socially responsible investments. In addition to the individual-level political connections, i.e., entrepreneurs’ personal ties to government officials, we propose in China the creation of Communist Party of China branches in privately owned firms serve as organizational and institutionalized dimensions of political connection building. Drawing on the social exchange theory, this paper details how CPC branches function in privately owned firms and how (...)
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    Cognitive Processes in the CSR Decision-Making Process: A Sensemaking Perspective.Ulf H. Richter & Felix F. Arndt - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):587-602.
    Applying the sensemaking perspective in the field of corporate social responsibility is a recent but promising development. Using an in-depth exploratory case study, we analyze and discuss the CSR character of British American Tobacco Switzerland. Our findings indicate that BAT Switzerland does not follow traditional patters of building CSR. BAT Switzerland can be classified as a “legitimacy seeker,” characterized mainly by a relational identity orientation and legitimation strategies that might provide pragmatic and/or cognitive legitimacy. We conclude that understanding the cognitive (...)
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    Young children proactively remedy unnoticed accidents.Felix Warneken - 2013 - Cognition 126 (1):101-108.
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    Realism, the War in the Ukraine, and the Limits of Diplomacy.Felix Rösch - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):201-218.
    Since the outbreak of the war in the Ukraine, realism has made a comeback in public discourses but it is not clear what realism actually means as it seems to stand for everything: from supporting the Ukraine against Russian aggression to the war is the West’s fault. This is the result of decades of not distinguishing between neorealism and classical realism and implicitly acknowledging neorealist storytelling of having systematized classical realist thought. The present paper is a further intervention to carefully (...)
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    The role of reference in cross-situational word learning.Felix Hao Wang & Toben H. Mintz - 2018 - Cognition 170 (C):64-75.
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    Being suspicious of suspicious coincidences: The case of learning subordinate word meanings.Felix Hao Wang & John Trueswell - 2022 - Cognition 224 (C):105028.
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    Statistical Learning of Unfamiliar Sounds as Trajectories Through a Perceptual Similarity Space.Felix Hao Wang, Elizabeth A. Hutton & Jason D. Zevin - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12740.
    In typical statistical learning studies, researchers define sequences in terms of the probability of the next item in the sequence given the current item (or items), and they show that high probability sequences are treated as more familiar than low probability sequences. Existing accounts of these phenomena all assume that participants represent statistical regularities more or less as they are defined by the experimenters—as sequential probabilities of symbols in a string. Here we offer an alternative, or possibly supplementary, hypothesis. Specifically, (...)
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  8.  24
    Giambattista Vico, Eugene of Savoy and Hugo Grotius’s De jure belli ac pacis, 1719.Felix Waldmann - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):243-284.
    The following article discusses an edition of Hugo Grotius’s De jure belli ac pacis, issued without a place of publication or publisher in 1719. The article focuses on the claim first advanc...
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    Explicit and implicit memory representations in cross-situational word learning.Felix Hao Wang - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104444.
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  10.  21
    Neuere Literatur zur deutschen Wehrwirtschaft.Felix Weil - 1938 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 7 (1-2):200-218.
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    20 Altruistic Behaviors from a Developmental and Comparative.Felix Warneken - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser, Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 399.
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  12.  30
    Gedenkschrift z. 100. Wiederkehr seines TodestagesAlexander von HumboldtGespracheA. von Humboldts.Felix Wassermann - 1960 - Isis 51 (2):220-221.
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    Science and Education. Thomas Huxley.Felix Wassermann - 1964 - Isis 55 (3):375-376.
  14.  38
    From the Secretary’s Desk.Felix Watts - 1946 - New Scholasticism 20 (4):361-367.
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    Computable Vs Descriptive Combinatorics of Local Problems on Trees.Felix Weilacher - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1835-1849.
    We study the position of the computable setting in the “common theory of locality” developed in [4, 5] for local problems on $\Delta $ -regular trees, $\Delta \in \omega $. We show that such a problem admits a computable solution on every highly computable $\Delta $ -regular forest if and only if it admits a Baire measurable solution on every Borel $\Delta $ -regular forest. We also show that if such a problem admits a computable solution on every computable maximum (...)
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    Die Lehre von der Wiedergeburt und das musikalische Drama.Felix Weingartner - 1895 - Leipzig: Lipsius & Tischer.
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    Neuere Literatur zum „New Deal“.Felix Weil - 1936 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 5 (3):404-410.
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  18. Can Evidence be a Sanction in Ethics?Felix Weltsch - 1955 - Iyyun 6 (1):1-7.
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  19. Das Wagnis der Mitte.Felix Weltsch - 1965 - Mainz,: Kohlhammer.
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    Selbstanzeige.Felix Weltsch & Max Brod - 2017 - In Claus Zittel, Anschauung Und Begriff: Grundzüge Eines Systems der Begriffsbildung. De Gruyter. pp. 199-200.
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  21.  5
    Erziehung im Lichte des Humors.Felix Wendler - 1948 - Zürich,: Juros-Verlag.
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    An Unpublished Letter from Herbert of Cherbury to Grotius on the Expeditio in Ream Insulam: Commentary, Text, and Translation.Felix Waldmann - 2018 - Grotiana 39 (1):1-14.
  23. Algunas falacias profundamente arraigadas.Félix García Moriyón - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 12:353-358.
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  24. A Radical Democratic Critique Of Capitalist Education.Felix Moriyon - 1995 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 16 (1):62-63.
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  25. Algunas reflexiones provocadas por la lectura de la "encíclica Fides et ratio".Félix García Moriyón - 1999 - Diálogo Filosófico 43:89-94.
    En la conmemoración del octavo centenario del fallecimiento de Averroes, el recuerdo de un esfuerzo filosófico por armonizar fe y razón, por presentar la esperanza de la revelación monoteísta, por mantener el talante del pensar crítico aprendido en la tradición griega. Demasiada pretensión, quizá, para una cultura tan desagarrada como la nuestra que no quiere o no puede penetrar en lo mejor del impulso filosófico medieval. Por eso, quizá Averroes va a congresos presididos por altas jerarquías de la sociedad, pero (...)
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    Diálogo con Greg Biesta: Filosofía Y educación.Félix García Moriyón - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
    Biesta approaches different important educational topics that deserve some clarification and exploration. To begin with, Biesta emphasizes the preferential position that subjectification should occupy in education, a thesis I agree with. Nevertheless, qualification and socialization are also fundamental domains in education, much more in formal education. The aim of education, therefore, is to achieve an adequate balance between the three domains that makes possible a full educational process. On the other hand, it is valuable proposal to recover the importance of (...)
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  27. ¿Es necesario fundamentar los derechos humanos?Félix García Moriyón - 2009 - Diálogo Filosófico 73:63-84.
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  28. El trabajo y los trabajadores. ¿Tiene algún futuro el sindicalismo?Félix García Moriyón - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 54:477-494.
    Desde comienzos del siglo XIX, los trabajadores buscaron asociarse para defender sus derechos y mejorar sus condiciones de existencia. Buscaban también en algunas ocasiones cambiar radicalmente la sociedad capitalista. Más de un siglo de lucha contribuyó decisivamente a la consolidación del estado del bienestar, con el consiguiente éxito del sindicalismo. Las condiciones de trabajo en las últimas décadas han cambiado significativamente y los sindicatos tradicionales, a pesar del reconocimiento social de que disponen, no han sido capaces de hacer frente a (...)
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  29. Fray Gabriel de Saona, artífice de la Provincia agustiniana de Quito.Félix Carmona Moreno - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (2):509-551.
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  30. Fray Luis López de Solís, OSA. Actitud indigenista de un obispo evangelizador en América.Félix Carmona Moreno - 1992 - Ciudad de Dios 205 (2):459-584.
  31. IV Congreso de la S.E.P.F.I. La Reforma: un marco para la enseñanza de la Filosofía. Madrid, 25-27 de febrero de 1988.Félix García Moriyón - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 11:223-225.
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  32. Isabel la Católica y América en el V centenario de su muerte.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (2):379-422.
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  33. La filosofía y su historia.Félix García Moriyón - 1997 - Diálogo Filosófico 37:4-32.
    La historia de la filosofía ha experimentado grandes cambios a lo largo de los últimos decenios. Algunos de ellos afectan a la forma de entender la propia historia, es decir, la filosofía de la historia, estando sometidos a revisión conceptos fundamentales como los de progreso, sujeto de la historia, posibilidad de un conocimiento objetivo de los hechos históricos y el sentido mismo de la historia. Por otra parte, se han enriquecido considerablemente los estudios históricos y han ido apareciendo nuevas temáticas (...)
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  34. Los sentimientos y la vida moral.Félix García Moriyón - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 62:188-222.
    En las corrientes filosóficas continuadoreas de las dos grandes tradiciones filosóficas de la modernidad, empiristas y racionalestas, el papel de los sentimientos en la vida moral ha contado con una atención insuficiente. No obstante, en los últimos decenios han aparecido numerosas aprtaciones sobre este tema. Por un lado están los trabajos que han pretendido clarificar la definición de los sentimientos desde la filosofía y la psicología, haciendo ver la profucnda relación que existe entre la dimensión afectiva y cognitiva de la (...)
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  35. La Virgen del Socorro en Baleares: Iconografía e historia.Félix Carmona Moreno - 2003 - Ciudad de Dios 216 (1):5-37.
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    Opción por la verdad y la justicia: Cartas del Obispo Fray Luis López de Solís al Rey (IV Centenario de su muerte).Félix Carmona Moreno - 2007 - Ciudad de Dios 220 (1):5-41.
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  37. Una buena persona.Félix García Moriyón - 2000 - Diálogo Filosófico 47:221-240.
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  38. La condition chrétienne selon les chapitres V et VI de la Lettre à Diognète.Félix Moser - 2012 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 144 (1):29-46.
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    When it gets personal in “personalised medicine”: clinical researchers’ and patients’ perspectives on counseling and communication in an empirical–ethical comparison.Sabine Wöhlke, Arndt Heßling & Silke Schicktanz - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (3):215-222.
    ZusammenfassungDas Paradigma einer „personalisierten Medizin“ in der klinischen Forschung und Praxis wirft verschiedene Fragen nach Notwendigkeit, Erwartung, Chancen und Risiken auf. In einer laufenden empirisch-ethischen Studie untersuchen wir klinische Forscher- und Patientenperspektiven hinsichtlich des zukünftigen Einsatzes „personalisierter Medizin“ beim Rektumkarzinom. Ziel der Studie ist es, mittels Interviews mit Ärzten/forschern und Patienten und teilnehmender Beobachtung bei Arzt-Patient-Gesprächen ethisch relevante Aspekte der Erforschung und Behandlung im Kontext „personalisierter Medizin“ zu explorieren. Die Analyse von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Gruppierungen dient der Detektion (...)
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    Gesammelte Werke.Christian Wolff & Hans Werner Arndt - 1980 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole.
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  41.  25
    Language acquisition is model-based rather than model-free.Felix Hao Wang & Toben H. Mintz - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Perceptual intake explains variability in statistical word segmentation.Felix Hao Wang, Meili Luo & Suiping Wang - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105612.
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    Crisis, Values, and the Purpose of Science: Hans Morgenthau in Europe.Felix Rösch - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (1):23-31.
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  44. Richtiges recht und rechtsidee.Felix Muehlner - 1926 - Breslau,:
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  45. Die Diskussion um die falsche "Consolatio" von 1583 im Kontext des Ciceronianismus.Felix Mundt - 2018 - In Anne Eusterschulte & Günter Frank, Cicero in der frühen Neuzeit. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog Verlag.
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  46. Supremacía de las ideas: la comunicación digital, frente de preocupación.Félix Muñoz - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 82:107-109.
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    The fundamentally uncertain economic agent: Brian J. Loasby’s growth of knowledge approach to the psychology of human action.Félix-Fernando Muñoz - 2024 - Mind and Society 23 (1):163-192.
    Economists’ conceptions about the “nature of the economic agent” are central to understanding their economic thinking, the phenomena that deserve their attention, the way they build models and theories—as well as the scope and relevance of those theories. Moreover, according to the “psychological” traits of the agent, the subsequent economic theory can accommodate (or not) certain economic phenomena. These claims certainly apply to Brian J. Loasby’s economics. The objective of this article is to survey and analyse Loasby’s reconstruction of economics (...)
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    A Conversation with Richard Kearney.Felix Ó Murchadha - 2004 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 8 (3):667-683.
  49. Being as ruination.Felix A. Murchadha - 2002 - Philosophy Today 46 (5):10-18.
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    Face And Flesh.Felix Ó Murchadha - 2009 - Philosophy Today 53 (Supplement):244-249.
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