Results for 'Felicitas Dörr-Backes'

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  1. Von Qual-zu Wahlverwandtschaften oder Freundschaften als adäquate Beziehungen freier Individuen in der Postmoderne.Felicitas Dörr-Backes - 1997 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 8 (1).
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  2. Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril.Daniel Susser, Daniel S. Schiff, Sara Gerke, Laura Y. Cabrera, I. Glenn Cohen, Megan Doerr, Jordan Harrod, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Jasmine McNealy, Michelle N. Meyer, W. Nicholson Price & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):8-13.
    Researchers and practitioners are increasingly using machine‐generated synthetic data as a tool for advancing health science and practice, by expanding access to health data while—potentially—mitigating privacy and related ethical concerns around data sharing. While using synthetic data in this way holds promise, we argue that it also raises significant ethical, legal, and policy concerns, including persistent privacy and security problems, accuracy and reliability issues, worries about fairness and bias, and new regulatory challenges. The virtue of synthetic data is often understood (...)
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    Synthetic Health Data: Real Ethical Promise and Peril.Daniel Susser, Daniel S. Schiff, Sara Gerke, Laura Y. Cabrera, I. Glenn Cohen, Megan Doerr, Jordan Harrod, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Jasmine McNealy, Michelle N. Meyer, I. I. W. Nicholson Price & Jennifer K. Wagner - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):8-13.
    Researchers and practitioners are increasingly using machine-generated synthetic data as a tool for advancing health science and practice, by expanding access to health data while—potentially—mitigating privacy and related ethical concerns around data sharing. While using synthetic data in this way holds promise, we argue that it also raises significant ethical, legal, and policy concerns, including persistent privacy and security problems, accuracy and reliability issues, worries about fairness and bias, and new regulatory challenges. The virtue of synthetic data is often understood (...)
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    Revisiting Greek Psychiatry.James Phillips - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):291-292.
    Dr. Otto Doerr-Zegers's article is so interesting and insightful that I have nothing critical to say about it. On the other hand, in finding Greek, mainly Platonic, origins for psychotherapy, he offers us much to think about. In this brief commentary I will attempt to draw out some of the implications of his analysis for contemporary psychotherapy.Doerr-Zegers's analysis begins with a reflection on Socrates' Maieutics, Socrates' invoking the midwife metaphor to convey his use of dialectics to bring forth the ignorance (...)
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    From the Patient's Perspective: Engaging With the Other.Giovanni Stanghellini - 2022 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 29 (4):287-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Patient's Perspective:Engaging With the OtherGiovanni Stanghellini*, MD, DPhil Honoris Causa (bio)Homo homini salusOne century after the first conference gathering first-generation clinical phenomenologists in Zurich in 1922, today's psychiatry is far from exploring phenomena from the patient's perspective—that is, "letting-be" the Other, and "giving or compromising"—that is, engaging with the Other (Doerr-Zegers, 2022).The motto of phenomenology has been since its beginning "To things themselves!". Edmund Husserl—the founder of (...)
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    Sulle ali degli amici: una filosofia dell'incontro.Pietro Del Soldà - 2020 - Venezia: Marsilio.
    Che cos'è l'amicizia? Un legame più o meno intenso dell'amore passionale? È solo una questione privata o, come pensavano i greci, mi mette in gioco totalmente e racchiude la mia natura di animale politico? Come può aiutarci a definirla il dialogo con Socrate, Aristotele, Platone e Montaigne? E in che cosa consiste "l'amicizia stellare" di cui parla il Nietzsche? Un nuovo appassionante viaggio della felicità--Back cover.
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    What is the Arabic for zoon politikon? Ethics and politics in Ibn Tufayl (d. 581/1185).Corrado la Martire - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:79-105.
    È possibile delineare due filoni interpretativi sul _Hayy b. Yaqzān_ (_Il vivente, figlio del desto_) di Ibn Tufayl: secondo l’uno, l’opera è uno sguardo realistico su un solitario in una società corrotta e si ispira agli insegnamenti della _Repubblica_ di Platone; secondo l’altro, l’opera ritrae un ideale puro e astratto di vita ascetica e insiste sull’imperativo morale dell’isolamento. Tuttavia entrambe queste interpretazioni precludono qualsiasi possibilità di felicità per l’uomo o per il filosofo all’interno di una società. In altre parole, tendono (...)
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    Group Risks: Thinking Outside the Box.Megan Doerr & Sara Meeder - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):61-64.
    In their recent article Consideration and Disclosure of Group Risks in Genomics and Other Data-Centric Research: Does the Common Rule Need Revision? Chapman et al. (2025) thoughtfully explore aspec...
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  9. Me, Myself and My Brain Implant: Deep Brain Stimulation Raises Questions of Personal Authenticity and Alienation.Felicitas Kraemer - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (3):483-497.
    In this article, I explore select case studies of Parkinson patients treated with deep brain stimulation in light of the notions of alienation and authenticity. While the literature on DBS has so far neglected the issues of authenticity and alienation, I argue that interpreting these cases in terms of these concepts raises new issues for not only the philosophical discussion of neuro-ethics of DBS, but also for the psychological and medical approach to patients under DBS. In particular, I suggest that (...)
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    Women Inventors in Context: Disparities in Patenting across Academia and Industry.Laurel Smith-Doerr & Kjersten Bunker Whittington - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (2):194-218.
    Explanations of productivity differences between men and women in science tend to focus on the academic sector and the individual level. This article examines how variation in organizational logic affects sex differences in scientists' commercial productivity, as measured by patenting. Using detailed data from a sample of academic and industrial life scientists working in the United States, the authors present multivariate regression models of scientific patenting. The data show that controlling for education- and career-history variables, women are less likely to (...)
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    Charity or empowerment? The role of COVAX for low and middle‐income countries.Felicitas Holzer, Tania Manríquez Roa, Federico Germani, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Florencia Luna - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (1):59-66.
    What has the past reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic taught us? We have seen that many low and middle-income countries (LMICs) still lack access to vaccines, and it seems little progress has been made in the last few months and year. This article discusses whether the current strategies, most notably, vaccine donations by the international community and the COVID-19 global access facility COVAX, offer meaningful solutions to tackle the problem. At the centre of our analysis, we compare the concepts of (...)
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    When discourse analysts tell stories: what do we ‘do’ when we use narrative as a resource to critically analyse discourse?Felicitas Macgilchrist - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):387-403.
    Critical discourse analysts are being pulled in two directions. On one side, in the age of validity, inter-rater reliability and evidence-based research, it can seem subversive when researchers ‘tell stories’ (rather than ‘write reports’, ‘produce findings’ or ‘demonstrate effectiveness’). On the other side, public relations departments encourage researchers to use ‘storytelling’ techniques to engage public audiences. In this paper, I draw on social and cultural theory to assume that critical discourse analyses are always already narrative. I propose that we embrace (...)
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  13.  20
    Erinnerungskulturen in den Wissenschaften – eine Frage hegemonialer Narrative?Felicitas Söhner - 2024 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 47 (1-2):128-150.
    Individual and institutional memories tend to form hegemonic narratives that serve to create identity and meaning. If history is written by experts and not by professional historians, historical retrospectives and narratives are usually written by leading figures in a particular field. They try to use their idea of exclusive knowledge about certain events, backgrounds and motivations to shape these narratives. In order to question such narratives, a critical analysis of scientific memory and its cultural significance is required. This article reflects (...)
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    Oral History in Medicine—Challenges and Opportunities.Felicitas Söhner, Nils Hansson & Thorsten Halling - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (1):39-51.
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  15. Authenticity or autonomy? When deep brain stimulation causes a dilemma.Felicitas Kraemer - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (12):757-760.
    While deep brain stimulation (DBS) for patients with Parkinson's disease has typically raised ethical questions about autonomy, accountability and personal identity, recent research indicates that we need to begin taking into account issues surrounding the patients’ feelings of authenticity and alienation as well. In order to bring out the relevance of this dimension to ethical considerations of DBS, I analyse a recent case study of a Dutch patient who, as a result of DBS, faced a dilemma between autonomy and authenticity. (...)
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  16. Gestalttheorie und morphologische Krankheitsforschung.W. Doerr - 1984 - In Eduard Seidler (ed.), Medizinische Anthropologie: Beiträge für eine theoretische Pathologie. New York: Springer.
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    The unbiased black-box complexity of partition is polynomial.Benjamin Doerr, Carola Doerr & Timo Kötzing - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 216:275-286.
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    Archetypal Sunnī Scholar: Law, Theology, and Mysticism in the Synthesis of al-Bājūrī. By Aaron Spevack.Felicitas Opwis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4).
    The Archetypal Sunnī Scholar: Law, Theology, and Mysticism in the Synthesis of al-Bājūrī. By Aaron Spevack. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2014. Pp. viii + 212. $80.
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    The encounter with God in myth and madness.Otto Doerr & Óscar Velásquez - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:12.
    It is well known how often psychiatric patients report religious experiences. These are especially frequent in schizophrenic and epileptic patients as the subject of their delusions. The question we pose is: are there differences between this kind of religious experiences and those we find in religious texts or in the mythological tradition?
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  20. Epistemic Cultures of Collaboration : Coherence and Ambiguity in Interdisciplinarity.Laurel Smith-Doerr, Jennifer Croissant, Itai Vardi & Timothy Sacco - 2017 - In Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert & Barbara Prainsack (eds.), Investigating interdisciplinary collaboration: theory and practice across disciplines. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
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    Stuck in the Middle: Doctoral Education Ranking and Career Outcomes for Life Scientists.Laurel Smith-Doerr - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):243-255.
    Why do some Ph.D.'s languish in positions with little authority, and what does educational background have to do with it? Hypotheses predicted that life scientists with Ph.D.'s from elite programs would be the most likely, those from middle-ranked programs the next most likely, and those from lower ranked programs the least likely to achieve supervisory positions. A sample of 2,062 life scientists with doctorates from U.S. universities was collected from records archived from 1983 to 1995. In contrast to hypotheses, Ph.D.'s (...)
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  22. Authenticity Anyone? The Enhancement of Emotions via Neuro-Psychopharmacology.Felicitas Kraemer - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (1):51-64.
    This article will examine how the notion of emotional authenticity is intertwined with the notions of naturalness and artificiality in the context of the recent debates about ‘neuro-enhancement’ and ‘neuro-psychopharmacology.’ In the philosophy of mind, the concept of authenticity plays a key role in the discussion of the emotions. There is a widely held intuition that an artificial means will always lead to an inauthentic result. This article, however, proposes that artificial substances do not necessarily result in inauthentic emotions. The (...)
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    Dying like a dog: the convergence of concepts of a good death in human and veterinary medicine.Felicitas Selter, Kirsten Persson, Johanna Risse, Peter Kunzmann & Gerald Neitzke - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):73-86.
    Standard views of good death in human and veterinary medicine considerably differ from one another. Whereas the good death ideal in palliative medicine emphasizes the positive aspects of non-induced dying, veterinarians typically promote a quick and painless killing with the aim to end suffering. Recent developments suggest a convergence of both professions and professional attitudes, however. Palliative physicians are confronted with patients wishing to be ‘put to sleep’, while veterinarians have begun to integrate principles and practices from hospice care. We (...)
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    Whose health and which health? Two theoretical flaws in the One Health paradigm.Felicitas Selter & Sabine Salloch - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (7):674-682.
    The One Health approach is a prominent paradigm for research and healthcare practice and increasingly applied in various fields. Theoretical and normative implications of the approach, however, remain underexposed so far, leading to conceptual incoherencies and uncertainties in the application of the concept. This article sheds light on two particularly influential theoretical flaws inherent to the One Health approach. The first difficulty relates to the question of whose health is considered in the One Health paradigm: humans and animals are obviously (...)
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    Carteggio Croce-Carducci (1887-1906).Felicita Audisio, Benedetto Croce & Giosuè Carducci (eds.) - 2023 - Torino: Nino Aragno Editore.
    Le lettere che compongono il carteggio intercorso fra Benedetto Croce e Giosue Carducci sfuggono, per l'una e l'altra parte, alle classificazioni dell'epistolografia e vari sono i motivi: la limitata consistenza delle lettere, in tutto ventiquattro, inclusive di carte da visita e telegramma, che si susseguono, talvolta a lunghi intervalli e in numero decrescente, nell'arco di tempo 1887-1906; la distanza anagrafica che si dà tra i due interlocutori: l'uno, il 'poeta vate' che alla data dell'incontro, pur ancora in piena attività, inizia (...)
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    Filologia e filosofia: sull'estetica di Benedetto Croce e altri saggi.Felicita Audisio - 2003 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
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  27. Una giunta a "Giovanni Gentile a Firenze ": i quaderni ritrovati e il carteggio con Luigi De Franco.Felicita Audisio & Alessandro Savorelli - 2003 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 23 (3).
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    The Prescience of Father Brown.Felicitas Corrigan - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (4):473-485.
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    Influence of electronic medical records (EMR) on the physician–patient relationship: a systematic review of the medical and ethical implications.Felicitas Eckrich, Ines Baudendistel, Dominik Ose & Eva C. Winkler - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (4):295-310.
    ZusammenfassungIn einem Modellprojekt soll durch die Einführung einer persönlichen, einrichtungsübergreifenden, elektronischen Patientenakte nicht nur die Behandlungskontinuität verbessert, sondern auch das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung dahingehend realisiert werden, dass jeder Patient zum Administrator einer Datencloud gemacht wird, die alle seine Gesundheitsdaten enthält. Eine systematische Literaturrecherche zum Thema „elektronische Patientenakten “ soll mögliche ethische Herausforderungen in Verbindung mit der oben genannten PEPA antizipieren. Von initial 2487 Publikationen wurden 51 Publikationen ausgewertet: 30 empirische Studien, 10 medizinethische Analysen und 11 Meinungspapiere. In den empirischen (...)
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  30. Ontology or phenomenology? How the lvad challenges the euthanasia debate.Felicitas Kraemer - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (3):140-150.
    This article deals with the euthanasia debate in light of new life-sustaining technologies such as the left ventricular assist device (LVAD). The question arises: does the switching off of a LVAD by a doctor upon the request of a patient amount to active or passive euthanasia, i.e. to ‘killing’ or to ‘letting die’? The answer hinges on whether the device is to be regarded as a proper part of the patient's body or as something external. We usually regard the switching (...)
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    Dashboard stories: How narratives told by predictive analytics reconfigure roles, risk and sociality in education.Felicitas Macgilchrist & Juliane Jarke - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    In this paper, we explore how the development and affordances of predictive analytics may impact how teachers and other educational actors think about and teach students and, more broadly, how society understands education. Our particular focus is on the data dashboards of learning support systems which are based on Machine Learning. While previous research has focused on how these systems produce credible knowledge, we explore here how they also produce compelling, persuasive and convincing narratives. Our main argument is that particular (...)
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    Temporal Binding in Multi-Step Action-Event Sequences is Driven by Altered Effect Perception.Felicitas V. Muth, Robert Wirth & Wilfried Kunde - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 99 (C):103299.
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    Picturing the authenticity of emotions.Felicitas Kraemer - 2009 - In Mikko Salmela & Verena Mayer (eds.), Emotions, Ethics, and Authenticity. John Benjamins. pp. 5--71.
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    Students in the Sex Industry: Motivations, Feelings, Risks, and Judgments.Felicitas Ernst, Nina Romanczuk-Seiferth, Stephan Köhler, Till Amelung & Felix Betzler - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Student sex work is a current phenomenon all over the world, increasingly reported by the media in recent years. However, student sex work remains under-researched in Germany and is lacking direct first-hand reports from the people involved. Further, sex work remains stigmatized, and therefore, students practicing it could be at risk of social isolation and emotional or physical danger. Therefore, this study examines students working in the sex industry focusing on their personal experiences and attitudes toward them. An online questionnaire (...)
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    Rawls and Social Value in Research.Felicitas Sofia Holzer - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (2):47-47.
    The writer responds to the article “The Social Value Requirement in Research: From the Transactional to the Basic Structure Model of Stakeholder Obligations,” by Danielle M. Wenner, in the January‐February 2019 issue of the Hastings Center Report.
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  36. Faith, blood, and the reliability of conversion : the Directorium ad passagium faciendum (1332).Felicitas Schmieder - 2012 - In Anja Eisenbeiss & Lieselotte E. Saurma-Jeltsch (eds.), Images of otherness in medieval and early modern times: exclusion, inclusion and assimilation. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag.
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    The role of social justice in triage revisited: a threshold conception.Felicitas Holzer, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Holger Baumann - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-9.
    Saving as many lives as possible while ensuring equity for vulnerable groups through access to triage resources has been the dominant position since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. However, the exact relationship between the principles of social justice and efficiency remains a controversial and unresolved issue. In this paper, we aim to systematically distinguish between different models of this relationship and show that conceptualizing social justice as a ‘moral side-constraint’ or adopting a ‘balancing approach’ that attempt to (...)
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    Discrepancies Between Explicit Feelings of Power and Implicit Power Motives Are Related to Anxiety in Women With Anorexia Nervosa.Felicitas Weineck, Dana Schultchen, Freya Dunker, Gernot Hauke, Karin Lachenmeir, Andreas Schnebel, Matislava Karačić, Adrian Meule, Ulrich Voderholzer & Olga Pollatos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundSeveral studies identified low subjective feelings of power in women with anorexia nervosa. However, little is known about implicit power motives and the discrepancy between explicit feelings of power and implicit power motives in AN.AimThe study investigated the discrepancy between explicit feelings of power and implicit power motives and its relationship to anxiety in patients with AN.MethodFifty-three outpatients and inpatients with AN and 48 participants without AN were compared regarding subjective feelings of power and anxiety. Explicit power [investigated with the (...)
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    Innovative Practice in Latin America: Medical Tourism and the Crowding Out of Research.Felicitas Holzer & Ignacio Mastroleo - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):42-44.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 42-44.
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    Los viajes europeos de Charles S. Peirce: 1870-1883, de Sara Barrena y Jaime Nubiola.Felicitas Casillo - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 80.
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    Some Problems with Genetic Emotional Enhancement.Felicitas Kraemer - 2012 - Journal of Value Inquiry 46 (4):435-447.
  42. Support for Full Disclosure Up Front.Felicitas Holzer & Ignacio Mastroleo - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):3-3.
    A commentary on “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research,” by Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price II, and Wendy K. Chung, in the July‐August 2014 issue.
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  43. Spekulative und wissenschaftliche Philosophie.Felicitas Belke - 1966 - Meisenheim am Glan,: Hain.
  44. Phenomenology of corporeality (and spatiality) in anorexia nervosa with a reference to the problem of its temporality.Otto Doerr-Zegers & Héctor Pelegrina-Cetran - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    School, Church, and State Reconsidered.Edd Doerr - 1983 - Education and Culture 3:2.
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    The Acquisition of Glossolalia Behavior.Felicitas D. Goodman - 1971 - Semiotica 3 (1).
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    Correction: The role of social justice in triage revisited: a threshold conception.Felicitas Holzer, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Holger Baumann - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-1.
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    Perspectives on embryo donation.Felicitas Kraemer - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (6):634-636.
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    Defending the social value of knowledge as a safeguard for public trust.Felicitas S. Holzer - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (7):559-567.
    The ‘socially valuable knowledge’ principle has been widely acknowledged as one of the most important guiding principles for biomedical research involving human subjects. The principle states that the potential of producing socially valuable knowledge is a necessary requirement, although not sufficient, for the ethical conduct of research projects. This is due to the assumption that the social value of knowledge avoids exploitation of research subjects and justifies the use of health resources. However, more recently, several authors have started interrogating the (...)
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    Forum: Oral History in der Medizin. Etwas Besonderes?Felicitas Söhner, Agnès Arp, Thorsten Halling, Nils Hansson, Uta Hinz, Nils Löffelbein, Constanze Schliwa & Frank Sparing - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (1):35-37.
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