Results for 'F. Lambert'

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  1. The theory-ladenness of observation and the theory-ladenness of the rest of the scientific process.William F. Brewer & Bruce L. Lambert - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (3):S176-S186.
    We use evidence from cognitive psychology and the history of science to examine the issue of the theory-ladenness of perceptual observation. This evidence shows that perception is theory-laden, but that it is only strongly theory-laden when the perceptual evidence is ambiguous or degraded, or when it requires a difficult perceptual judgment. We argue that debates about the theory-ladenness issue have focused too narrowly on the issue of perceptual experience, and that a full account of the scientific process requires an examination (...)
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  2. Le Colloque de Cordoue. Ibn Ruschd, Maimonide, saint Thomas, ou la filiation entre foi et raison.L. Bauloye, F. Beets & M. Lambert - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  3. Recherches Sur la Philosophie Et le Langage Xix Religiosité, Religions Et Identités Religieuses.P. Bréchon, G. Defois, F. Jacques, Y. Lambert, P. Magnard & F. Messner - 1998 - Vrin.
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    Gratitude and depressive symptoms: The role of positive reframing and positive emotion.Nathaniel M. Lambert, Frank D. Fincham & Tyler F. Stillman - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):615-633.
  5. Hybrid Computational Methods and New Algorithmic Approaches to Computational Kernels and Applications-A Generic Framework for Local Search: Application to the Sudoku Problem.T. Lambert, E. Monfroy & F. Saubion - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 3991--641.
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  6. Thomas d'Aquin, L'unite de l'intellect contre les averroistes: suivi des Textes contre Averroes anterieurs a 1270.M. Lambert & F. Beets - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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    Personal philosophy and personnel achievement: belief in free will predicts better job performance.Tyler F. Stillman, Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen D. Vohs, Nathaniel M. Lambert, Frank D. Fincham & Lauren E. Brewer - 2010 - .
    Do philosophic views affect job performance? The authors found that possessing a belief in free will predicted better career attitudes and actual job performance. The effect of free will beliefs on job performance indicators were over and above well-established predictors such as conscientiousness, locus of control, and Protestant work ethic. In Study 1, stronger belief in free will corresponded to more positive attitudes about expected career success. In Study 2, job performance was evaluated objectively and independently by a supervisor. Results (...)
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  8. Update of Clostridium difficile infection due to PCR ribotype 027 in Europe, 2008.E. J. Kuijper, F. Barbut, J. S. Brazier, N. Kleinkauf, T. Eckmanns, M. L. Lambert, D. Drudy, F. Fitzpatrick, C. Wiuff & D. J. Brown - forthcoming - Emergence: Complexity and Organization.
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  9. Authors’ Abstracts of Recent BooksMan’s Invincible SurmiseCreative Synthesis and Philosophic MethodGood and Evil: A New DirectionAgent, Action and ReasonAn Inquiry Into the Human MindContradiction and Mental ProcessReadings in the Philosophy of Education: A Study of CurriculumDoing and Deserving: Essays in the Theory of ResponsibilityOn the Idea of PhenomenologyPrinciples of Political Economy Books IV and VA Bibliography of F. C. S. SchillerHartshorne and Neoclassical Metaphysics: An InterpretationAspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of ScienceZeno’s ParadoxesFondamento e problemi della metafisica Vol. I: Essere e VeritàPaul Tillich’s Dialectical HumanismMetaphysics and British EmpiricismBeing, Man and Death: A Key to HeideggerAlienationJustice and EqualityMetaphysical Foundations of Natural ScienceAn Introduction to the Philosophy of ScienceHumanistic IdealsBasic Philosophical AnalysisEssays on Other MindsThe Problem of the SelfA Critical Preface to Phi. [REVIEW]JrThomas Garrigue MasarykCharles L. ReidHenry W. Johnstone Gerald M. SpringCharles HartshorneRichard TaylorThomas ReidLeland FergusonJoel FeinbergPhilip PettitJohn S. MillHerbert L. SearlesAllan ShieldsEugene H. PetersCarl G. HempelDomenico CampanaleLeonard F. WheatRobert L. ArmstrongJames M. DemskeRichard SchachtImmanuel KantKarel Lambert and Gordon G. Brittan - 1972 - The Monist 56 (4):626-641.
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    Subjective correlates and consequences of belief in free will.A. Will Crescioni, Roy F. Baumeister, Sarah E. Ainsworth, Michael Ent & Nathaniel M. Lambert - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (1):41-63.
    Four studies measured or manipulated beliefs in free will to illuminate how such beliefs are linked to other aspects of personality. Study 1 showed that stronger belief in free will was correlated with more gratitude, greater life satisfaction, lower levels of perceived life stress, a greater sense of self-efficacy, greater perceived meaning in life, higher commitment in relationships, and more willingness to forgive relationship partners. Study 2 showed that the belief in free will was a stronger predictor of life satisfaction, (...)
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    John F. Wippel, Mediaeval Reactions to the Encounter between Faith and Reason.Michel Lambert - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 97 (1):128-129.
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    Short notices.D. J. Foskett, K. C. Mukherjee, George Grieve, A. C. F. Beales, W. H. Burston, Gordon R. Cross, C. M. Fleming, Ann Dryland, John Lambert, C. W. Simpson & Brian Holmes - 1969 - British Journal of Educational Studies 17 (1):99-107.
  13.  16
    Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation: Essays in Reformational Philosophy.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2016 - Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Reformational philosophy rests on the ideas of nineteenth-century educator, church leader, and politician Abraham Kuyper, and it emerged in the early twentieth century among Reformed Protestant thinkers in the Netherlands. Combining comprehensive criticisms of Western philosophy with robust proposals for a just society, it calls on members of religious communities to transform harmful cultural practices, social institutions, and societal structures. Well known for his work in aesthetics and critical theory, Lambert Zuidervaart is a leading figure in contemporary reformational philosophy. (...)
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  14.  41
    Meinong und die Gegenstandstheorie.Karel Lambert - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):129-143.
    The major goal of this paper is to argue that a well known argument to overturn the principle that coextensive predicates substitute in any statement without alteration of truth value can be avoided - even in the simplest of languages. Apparently this can be done nonartificially only by expanding the universe with nonexisting objects. It is not proved that the principle of substitution salva veritate holds in Meinongian model structures, but in fact it does - as any completeness proof of (...)
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    Accuracy and error: Constraints on process models in social psychology.Alan J. Lambert, B. Keith Payne & Larry L. Jacoby - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):350-351.
    In light of an historical obsession with human error, Krueger & Funder (K&F) suggest that social psychologists should emphasize the strengths of social perception. In our view, however, absolute levels of accuracy (or error) in any given experiment are less important than underlying processes. We discuss the use of the process-dissociation procedure for gaining insight into the mechanisms underlying accuracy and error.
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    Comments on Episodic Superposition of Memory States.Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):63-66.
    This article develops a commentary to Charles Brainerd, Zheng Wang and Valerie F. Reyna's article entitled “Superposition of episodic memories: Overdistribution and quantum models” published in a special number of topiCS 2013 devoted to quantum modelling in cognitive sciences.
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  17.  36
    L'Inspiration, Art et Vie spirituelle. Par François Heidsieck. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1961. 301 pages. 18 N.F. [REVIEW]Marcel Lambert - 1963 - Dialogue 1 (4):432-437.
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  18. Dal calcolo logico alla riforma della metafisica: Johan Heinrich Lambert tra Wolff e Locke.F. Todesco - 1986 - Rivista di Filosofia 77 (2):337-358.
  19. LAMBERT, Sir H. -The Nature of History. [REVIEW]F. C. S. Schiller - 1934 - Mind 43:259.
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    Mind at large: Knowing in the technological age : Paul Levinson, Research in Philosophy and Technology Supplement #2, ed. F. Ferre , xvii + 271 pp., $31.75. [REVIEW]Kenneth A. Lambert - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):307-308.
  21.  31
    Derivation and Counterexample, an Introduction to Philosophical Logic. [REVIEW]F. K. C. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):136-137.
    The subtitle of this text intended for philosophy students’ 2nd course in logic is in no way misleading. It is a lucid introduction to the philosophic activities of uncovering metaphysical presuppositions of logical techniques and altering logical techniques, and hence assessments of deductive validity, to conform to metaphysical presuppositions. They do not, though, assume that techniques for assessing deductive validity are or should be wholly dependent upon metaphysical presuppositions. They write on p. 213 in their section on intensional discourse: "And (...)
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  22. Miscellanea Mediaevalia. [REVIEW]John F. Wippel - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (1):151-153.
    The studies contained in this volume range widely and include the following: K. Bormann, on the concept of truth and the doctrine concerning Nous in Aristotle and some of his commentators; K. Jacobi, on "good" and "evil" and their opposition in Aristotle, some Aristotelian commentators, and Thomas Aquinas; P.-B. Lüttringhaus, on God, freedom, and necessity in Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy; G. Vuillemin-Diem, a long study concerning William of Moerbeke's translation into Latin of Aristotle's Metaphysics; R. Wielockx, on Godfrey of Fontaines (...)
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  23.  14
    Figurative, Symbolic and Contemplative Cognition Part I: From F. Viet and G.W. Leibniz to J.H. Lambert.А.Н Круглов - 2022 - History of Philosophy 27 (2):27-41.
    By providing symbolic (operates by means of signs) and intuitive (operates without signs) types of cognition, G.W. Leibniz in the “Reasoning about cognition, truth and ideas” laid the foundation for the problem of visibility discussions in 18th century. Proceeding from Leibniz’s ideas, Chr. Wolff in the “German metaphysics” built a detailed doctrine about figurative and contemplating cognition, giving priority in the field of application and the degree of clarity to the first type. Wolff’s doctrine almost immediately became classic and found (...)
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    Lambert, mally, and the principle of independence.Edward N. Zalta - 1985 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25 (1):447-459.
    In this paper, the author analyzes critically some of the ideas found in Karel Lambert's recent book, Meinong and the Principle of Independence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). Lambert attempts to forge a link between the ideas of Meinong and the free logicians. The link comes in the form of a principle which, Lambert says, these philosophers adopt, namely, Mally's Principle of Independence, which Mally himself later abandoned. Instead of following Mally and attempting to formulate the principle (...)
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  25.  36
    The Nature of History. By Sir Henry Lambert, K.C.M.G., C.B., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. (London: Oxford University Press: Humphrey Milford. 1933. Pp. viii + 94. Price 5s. net.). [REVIEW]Adrian Coates - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (44):498-.
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    Riforma della metafisica e sapere scientifico. Saggio su J. H. Lambert (1728-1777) (review). [REVIEW]Antonio Clericuzio - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):136-137.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:136 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 28" 1 JANUARY 199 ~ to the principle of acting for the common good are played down by Grant in her discussion of Locke. Nevertheless, Grant advances the important proposition with respect to the tradition of liberalism as a political doctrine that "Locke's political theory contains two tendencies that are not entirely harmonious." That is, there is an uneasy blend of radical (...)
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  27. The Sculpted Image?Robert Hopkins - 2020 - In Fred Rush, Ingvild Torsen & Kristin Gjesdal (eds.), Philosophy of Sculpture: Historical Problems, Contemporary Approaches. Routledge. pp. 187-205.
    Representational pictures and sculptures both present their objects visually: to grasp what they represent is in some sense to see, not only the representation before one, but the object represented. But is the form of visual presentation the same? Or does a deep difference lie at the heart of our experience of these representations, a difference in how each presents us with its object? Almost all philosophical discussion of pictures and 3D representations has assumed or implied a negative answer to (...)
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  28. Two Treatments of Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic.Nils Kürbis - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (4):299-317.
    Sentences containing definite descriptions, expressions of the form ‘The F’, can be formalised using a binary quantifier ι that forms a formula out of two predicates, where ιx[F, G] is read as ‘The F is G’. This is an innovation over the usual formalisation of definite descriptions with a term forming operator. The present paper compares the two approaches. After a brief overview of the system INFι of intuitionist negative free logic extended by such a quantifier, which was presented in (...)
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  29. Bokk Review.Eleonore Stump, Charles B. Schmitt, James J. Murphy, M. Mugnai, Robin Smith, C. W. Kilmister, N. C. A. Da Costa, von G. Schenk, Robert Bunn, D. W. Barron & A. Grieder - 1982 - History and Philosophy of Logic 3 (2):213-240.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICS LAMBERT MARIE DE RIJK (ed.), Die mittelalterlichen Traktate De mod0 opponendiet respondendi, Einleitung und Ausgabe der einschlagigen Texte. (Beitrage zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters, Neue Folge Band 17.) Miinster: Aschendorff, 1980. 379 pp. No price stated. THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY MARTA FATTORI, Lessico del Novum Organum di Francesco Bacone. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo 1980. Two volumes, il + 543, 520 pp. Lire 65.000. VIVIAN SALMON, The study of language in 17th century England. (Amsterdam Studies in the (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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  31. Table of contents.F. N. Z. - 2016 - Philosophical Problems in Science 61:3-4.
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  32. Converging Worlds: Religion and Community in Peasant Russia, 1861-1917. By Chris J. Chulos.F. S. Zuckerman - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (6):677.
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    No Popery One Hundred Years Ago.F. J. Zwierlein - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 10 (1):108-117.
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    Rationality in Science: Studies in the Foundations of Science and Ethics.Risto Hilpinen - 1980 - Springer.
    The present volume is a product of an international research program 'Foundations of Science and Ethics', launched in 1976 by the Inter University Centre of Post-Graduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, with the financial support of the V olkswagen Foundation. According to the outline ofthe program, formulated in 1976 by a committee consisting of Professors Dagfinn F~llesdal, Rudolf Haller (coordinator), Lorenz Kruger, Karel Lambert, Keith Lehrer, Kuno Lorenz, Gunther Patzig, Ivan Supek and Paul Weingartner, its general purpose was to investigate the (...)
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank Yates (...)
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    The base rate controversy: Is the glass half-full or half-empty?Gideon Keren & Lambert J. Thijs - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):26-26.
    Setting the two hypotheses of complete neglect and full use of base rates against each other is inappropriate. The proper question concerns the degree to which base rates are used (or neglected), and under what conditions. We outline alternative approaches and recommend regression analysis. Koehler's conclusion that we have been oversold on the base rate fallacy seems to be premature.
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    The Epochal Nature of Process in Whitehead's Metaphysics.F. Bradford Wallack - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    " -- F. Bradford Wallack The twentieth century has seen the greatest innovations in philosophical cosmology since Newton and Descartes, and Alfred North Whitehead was the first and greatest of the philosophers to work out these innovations ...
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  38. The matching hypothesis-factors influencing dating preferences.F. Y. Wong, D. R. McCreary, C. C. Bowden & S. M. Jenner - 1991 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-31.
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    Dislocation distributions during stage I deformation of silver single crystals.F. J. Worzala & W. H. Robinson - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (137):939-957.
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    Horace and Philodemus.F. A. Wright - 1921 - American Journal of Philology 42 (2):168.
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    Umwelt theory implies heuristics.F. Eugene Yates - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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  42. Zakony i kategorii materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki.F. I. Zakharov - 1964 - Moskva,: Myslʹ.
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  43. The basis and particulars of the principle of democracy (Reprinted from Xin shengming, vol 1, no. 2, pg 11, 1928).F. H. Zhou - 1999 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (1):74-77.
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  44. Spis treści.F. N. Z. - 2015 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 59:3.
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  45. Making Sense of War: the Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution. By Amir Weiner.F. S. Zuckerman - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (1):136-136.
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  46. Money Unmade: Barter and the Fate of Russian Capitalism. By David Woodruff.F. S. Zuckerman - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (2):279-280.
  47. The Tsar's Colonels: Professionalism, Strategy, and Subversion in Late Imperial Russia. By David Alan Rich.F. S. Zuckerman - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):153-155.
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  48. Dimension eclesial de la evangelizacion en Viet-Nam in Dominicos en Oriente.F. Zurdo - 1987 - Studium 27 (3):613-629.
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    End of No-Popery in Continental Congress.F. J. Zwierlein - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 11 (3):357-377.
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  50. Rules, Perception and Intelligibility.F. A. Hayek - 1964
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