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Frank J. Hoffman [62]Franz Hoffman [3]Frank Sargent Hoffman [3]Frank Hoffman [3]
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  1.  42
    Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia.Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    This book brings together different intercultural philosophical points of view discussing the philosophical impact of what we call the ‘appropriated’ religions of Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is home to most of the world religions. Buddhism is predominantly practiced in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore, Laos, and Cambodia; Islam in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei; and Christianity in the Philippines and Timor-Leste. Historical data show, however, that these world religions are imported cultural products, and have been reimagined, assimilated, and appropriated by the culture (...)
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  2.  46
    Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman - 1987, 1992, 2002 - Motilal Banarsidass.
    Chapter 4 MIND AND REBIRTH I The argument of the first three chapters is essentially that the study of early Buddhism is neither methodologically, logically, nor emotively flawed. These chapters argue for the rationality of.
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    The Buddhist Empiricism Thesis.Frank J. Hoffman - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):151 - 158.
    In what follows I argue for two interrelated theses: that early Buddhism is not a form of empiricism, and that consequently there is no basis for an early Buddhist apologetic which contrasts an empirical early Buddhism with either a metaphysical Hinduism on the one hand, or with a baseless Christianity on the other.
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  4.  47
    The pragmatic efficacy of saddhā.FrankJ Hoffman - 1987 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 15 (4):399-412.
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  5.  14
    Google, ChatGPT, questions of omniscience and wisdom.Frank J. Hoffman & Klairung Iso - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 35 (1):14-28.
    The article explores how platforms like Google and ChatGPT, which claim omniscience and wisdom-like attributes, prompt philosophical questions. It revisits religious perspectives on omniscience and their influence on the pursuit of wisdom. The article suggests that while Google may offer compartmentalized omniscience based on user preferences, ChatGPT’s factual accuracy challenges its characterization as omniscient. Nonetheless, ChatGPT can still help humans progress toward wisdom, by integrating the co-creation of knowledge between humans and the unfolding of divine knowledge from Process Thought and (...)
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  6.  53
    Rationality in early buddhist four fold logic.F. J. Hoffman - 1982 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 10 (4):309-337.
  7.  27
    Google, ChatGPT, questions of omniscience and wisdom.Frank J. Hoffman & Klairung Iso - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 35 (1):14-28.
    The article explores how platforms like Google and ChatGPT, which claim omniscience and wisdom-like attributes, prompt philosophical questions. It revisits religious perspectives on omniscience and their influence on the pursuit of wisdom. The article suggests that while Google may offer compartmentalized omniscience based on user preferences, ChatGPT’s factual accuracy challenges its characterization as omniscient. Nonetheless, ChatGPT can still help humans progress toward wisdom, by integrating the co-creation of knowledge between humans and the unfolding of divine knowledge from Process Thought and (...)
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  8.  81
    Dao and Process.Frank J. Hoffman - 2002 - Asian Philosophy 12 (3):197 – 212.
    This paper is about different types of silence, and about differing processes of philosophical investigation and sagely illumination. It is argued that the sagely Dao of wu wei leads to silence in the sense of no spoken words, and the philosophical way of proof leads to silence in the sense of no spoken words. So both proof and wu wei both lead to silence in the sense of no spoken words. Accordingly there is a type of silence that results from (...)
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  9. “The Concept of Focal Point in Models for Inter-religious Understanding”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1993 - In James Kellenberger, Inter-religious Models and Criteria. St. Martin's and Macmillan.
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  10.  20
    Global Philosophy of Religion and the Perspectives from Southeast Asia.Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman - 2023 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman, Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 1-8.
    Global Philosophy of Religion is a constructive approach to the philosophy of religion. It aims to incorporate various religious perspectives to diversify the field’s theoretical and practical resources. Proponents of this approach hope that these diverse resources may aid in the progress of the traditional problems of the field. In this introductory chapter, we discuss how the perspectives from Southeast Asia, particularly those from what we call “appropriated religions,” may help in this endeavor.
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  11. “Remarks on Blasphemy”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1983 - Scottish Journal of Religious Studies 4 (2).
  12. “Karma in Buddhism and Jainism: Karma, Rebirth, and the Question of Transferability of Karma”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2001-2002 - Indian Philosophical Annual 23.
  13.  13
    Process concepts of text, practice, and no self in Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman - 2012 - In William Sweet, Migrating Texts and Traditions. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. pp. 221-232.
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  14.  23
    A Critical Study of Hinduism.Frank J. Hoffman - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (3):373-373.
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    The Morals of Cicero. Containing, I. His Conferences de Finibus: Or, Concerning the Ends of Things Good and Evil. In Which, All the Principles of the Epicureans, Stoics, and Academics, Concerning the Ultimate Point of Happiness and Misery, are Fully Discuss'd. II. His Academics ; Or, Conferences Concerning the Criterion of Truth, and the Fallibility of Human Judgment. Translated Into English, by William Guthrie, Esq.Marcus Tullius Cicero, William Guthrie & Francis Hoffman - 1744 - Printed for T. Waller, at the Crown and Mitre, Opposite Fetter-Lane, in Fleet-Street.
  16. “Asoka”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2000 - In William M. Johnston, Encyclopedia of Monasticism: A-L. Fitzroy Dearborn.
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  17. “Buddha”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2000 - In William M. Johnston, Encyclopedia of Monasticism: A-L. Fitzroy Dearborn.
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  18. “Buddhology”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2000 - In William M. Johnston, Encyclopedia of Monasticism: A-L. Fitzroy Dearborn.
  19.  7
    Breaking Barriers: Essays in Asian and Comparative Philosophy in Honor of Ramakrishna Puligandla.Frank J. Hoffman - 1982 - Jain Publishing Company.
    Breaking Barriers is a collection of invited contributions by distinguished philosophers, scientists, and religious thinkers of East and West in honor of Professor Ramakrishna Puligandla. The twenty-three essays in this volume may be divided into four groups: Philosophy of Advaita, Buddhism, Indian Philosophy and Physics, and Asian and Comparative Thought. Contributors have written on topics such as the phenomenology of consciousness, science and religion, and comparative philosophy and religion. The volume is designed to stimulate the interest of students, professors, and (...)
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  20.  79
    Buddhist Belief ‘In’: F. J. HOFFMAN.F. J. Hoffman - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (3):381-387.
    Recent articles in Religious Studies have underscored the questions of whether Buddhism presents any empirical doctrines, and whether, if it does, such doctrines are false or vacuous. In what follows I want to sketch an interpretation of Buddhism according to which it does not offer doctrines which are empirically false, on the one hand, or trivially true on the other. In doing so I take my cue from an earlier, and by now classic, paper by H. H. Price. For the (...)
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  21. Buddhism in the Developing World.Frank J. Hoffman - 2005 - In Thomas M. Leonard, Encyclopedia of the Developing World. Psychology Press.
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  22. “Buddhism: Overview”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2000 - In William M. Johnston, Encyclopedia of Monasticism: A-L. Fitzroy Dearborn.
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  23. “Before ‘Post Zen’: A Discussion of Buddhist Ethics”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1996 - In D. Z. Phillips, Religion and Morality (London: Macmillan 1996; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996). New York: Macmillan and St. Martin's.
  24.  45
    Contemporary buddhist philosophy: A bibliographical essay.Frank J. Hoffman - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (1):79 – 100.
  25. “Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1997 - In Brian Carr and Indira Mahalingam, Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy. Routledge.
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  26.  26
    Editorial: Meanings and applications of dao.Frank J. Hoffman - 2002 - Asian Philosophy 12 (3):155.
  27. “Evam Me Sutam: Oral Tradition in Nikaya Buddhism” in Jeffrey Timm (ed.), Text in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South Asia (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992).Frank J. Hoffman - 1992 - In Jeffrey Timm, Jeffrey Timm (ed.), Text in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South Asia. State University of New York Press.
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  28. Encyclopedia of Philosophy.Frank J. Hoffman (ed.) - 1985 - Philosophical Library.
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  29.  67
    Freudianism and the Literary Mind.Frederick J. Hoffman - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (4):455-456.
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  30. “Gandhi”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1996 - In Edward Craig, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Genealogy to Iqbal. New York: Routledge.
  31.  20
    Introduction to Early Buddhism: Philosophical Texts, Concepts, and Questions.Frank Hoffman - 2013 - Research Centre for Buddhist Studies.
    SUMMARY OF INTRODUCTION TO EARLY BUDDHISM Introduction to Early Buddhism by Frank J. Hoffman is a work designed for introducing students to the central philosophical themes and issues in early Buddhism. The book is divided topically into chapters that give an overview of the life of the Buddha, Buddhism and Buddhist texts, Logic, Epistemology, Ethics, and Metaphysics. Each of the chapters focus on a selection of Pali sutta (discourses) that explain the Buddhist position on the topic of that chapter. Buddhism (...)
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  32. “Is Won Buddhism, Buddhism?”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2008 - In Bokin Kim, Won Buddhism in the U.S.: Issues and Visions for the Future.
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  33. “Knowledge and Ethics in Early Buddhism” (Zao Qi Fo Jiao Zhong De Dao De).Frank J. Hoffman - 2013 - In Li Lian, Fo Jiao Yu Dang Dai Wen Hua Jian She Xue Shu Yan Tao Hui Lun Wen Ji. Northwest University Press (Shi Bei Daxue).
  34. “Miracles and Conversion Experiences in Early Buddhism”.Frank J. Hoffman - 2003 - In Conference Committee, Proceedings of the Won Buddhism Conference, Iksan, South Korea. Youngsan Won Buddhist Seminary.
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  35. “Mind and Mental States in Buddhist Philosophy” in Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Macmillan, 2006).Frank J. Hoffman - 2005 - In Donald M. Borchert, Encyclopedia of Philosophy. macmillan reference.
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  36.  44
    More on blasphemy.Frank J. Hoffman - 1989 - Sophia 28 (2):26-34.
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  37. “Meanings of 'The Meaning of Life' in Buddhism”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1996 - In Ramakrishna Puligandla David Lee Miller, Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization. Southern Illinois University Press,.
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  38.  94
    Non-dual awareness and logic.Frank J. Hoffman - 2001 - Asian Philosophy 11 (2):125 – 132.
    The thesis of this paper is that the question of whether and how statements of the form 'p and not-p' can have religious meaning in Buddhism can be answered in the affirmative and how in terms of a movement from pre-meditative to meditative state to a post-meditative state in life. The paper focuses on the Diamond Sutra in light of Shigenori Nagatomo's study (Asian Philosophy Vol. 10, No. 3, 2000) and advances an additional line of inquiry. This view emphasises the (...)
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  39.  21
    No Title available: REVIEWS.F. J. Hoffman - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (1):119-122.
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    (8 other versions)No title available: Religious studies.Frank J. Hoffman - 1980 - Religious Studies 16 (4):506-509.
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  41.  12
    Psychology and Common Life.Frank D. Hoffman - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:254.
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    Pali Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman & Deegalle Mahinda (eds.) - 1996 - Curzon Press.
    And the Bactrian King, a possible convert to Buddhism, responds at this point, " Well said, Nagasena! So it is, and as such I accept it." Conclusion Between the times of these two apparently contradictory texts about nirvana, the Mahavagga and ...
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  43. “Process Concepts of Text, Practice, and No Self in Buddhism” in William Sweet (ed.), Migrating Texts and Traditions.Frank J. Hoffman - 2012 - In William Sweet, Migrating Texts and Traditions. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
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  44. .“Problemi komparativne filozofije”.Frank J. Hoffman - 1990 (july-Sept. - Kulture Istoka (Beograd, Yugoslavia) (Broj. 23).
  45. On Nagarjuna.Frank J. Hoffman - 1976 - Middle Way: Journal of the London Buddhist Society (3).
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  46. Rethinking Experience in Early Buddhism.Frank J. Hoffman - 1996 - In Frank J. Hoffman & Deegalle Mahinda, Pali Buddhism. Curzon Press.
  47. Review of Bruce Reichenbach, The Law of Karma.Frank J. Hoffman - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 35.
  48. Review of Damien Keown, The Nature of Buddhist Ethics.Frank J. Hoffman - 1993 - Choice (1993).
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  49.  62
    Response to Mary Bockover's review of "rationality and mind in early buddhism".Frank J. Hoffman - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2):235.
  50. Response to Mary Bockover's review of Rationality.Frank J. Hoffman - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (2).
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