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Fiorenzo Facchini [6]François Facchini [4]F. Facchini [2]Francesco Facchini [1]
  1.  33
    Intersectional coalitions towards a just agroecology: weaving mutual aid and agroecology in Barcelona and Seville.Francesco Facchini, Daniel López-García, Sergio Villamayor-Tomas & Esteve Corbera - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):955-973.
    Although in theory social justice is considered as a core dimension of agroecological transitions, alternative food initiatives related to agroecology have been criticised for their exclusionary practices based on important social and economic biases. In this article, we adopt the lens of political intersectionality to study two cases of Agroecology-oriented Food Redistribution Coalitions in Spain that emerged to address the rising levels of food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that the coalitions represent a convergence of diverse social struggles, (...)
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  2. Coscienza, mente, cervello. Alcune annotazioni di un antropologo.Fiorenzo Facchini - 2012 - Divus Thomas 115 (1):187-201.
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  3. Il tempo dell'antropogenesi.Fiorenzo Facchini - 2004 - Studium 100 (4-5):669-685.
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  4. L'evoluzione della vita e dell'uomo.Fiorenzo Facchini - 2009 - Studium 105 (2):167-195.
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  5.  13
    Le grandi sfide all'uomo nello scorcio del secondo millennio.F. Facchini - 1988 - Global Bioethics 1 (2):53-55.
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  6. L'evoluzione umana.Fiorenzo Facchini - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (1):179-191.
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  7. L'evoluzione umana: evidenze scientifiche, problemi, interpretazioni.F. Facchini - 1998 - Studium 94 (2-3):383-398.
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  8.  18
    Non-Neutral Money: A Market Process Perspective.François Facchini - 2018 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 24 (1).
    This article studies the impact of a credit expansion monetary policy on output and unemployment rate. In the introduction the history of the Phillips curve and its interpretation are presented to understand why New Consensus Macroeconomics argues that monetary policy is neutral in long-run i. e. has no effect on economic activity and natural unemployment rate. This New Consensus Macroeconomics supports the independence of the Central Bank, inflation-targeting and the strategy of constrained discretion model and influences strongly the monetary policy (...)
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    Results of Monetary Priceless on Political Coordination.François Facchini - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (2):345-362.
    Cet article étudie les effets de l’absence de prix monétaires sur la coordination des actions individuelles sur le marché politique. Il s’articule autour de deux parties. Il rappelle, dans la première, que le prix monétaire est une condition nécessaire du calcul économique et qu’il est un pré-requis institutionnel de la coordination des anticipations opérée par l’entrepreneur sur le marché. La deuxième partie se cale sur ce résultat. Elle expose, tout d’abord, les conséquences sur la formation des préférences politiques de l’impossibilité (...)
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  10.  27
    What Does Money Tell Us? [REVIEW]Francois Facchini - 2018 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 24 (2).
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