Results for 'Eyüp Yaka'

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  1. Akhlāq-i Islāmī: silsilah-i darsʹhā-yi dawrān-i jihād.Qurbān ʻAlī ʻIrfānī Yakaʹvalangī - 2004 - [Kabul]: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī, Taḥqīqātī va Ijtimāʻī-i Bāqir al-ʻUlūm.
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    Paścātnūtanavādaya: viślēṣaṇātmaka adhyayanayak.Manōj Prasanna Ratnāyaka - 2011 - Koḷamba: Ăs. Goḍagē saha Sahōdarayō.
    Post-modernism and its influence in Sri Lanka.
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    İlk Dönem Tasavvufi Tefsir Anlayışında Allah Korkusu (Tüsterî-Sülemî-Kuşeyrî Örneği).Nevzat İnci & Eyüp Yaka - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):123-151.
    Tüsterî (ö. 283/896), Sülemî (ö. 412/1021) ve Kuşeyrî (ö. 465/1072) ilk dönem tasavvufî tefsir açısından önemli müfessirlerdir. Tüsterî ve Sülemî tefsirleri Kur’ân’ı baştan sona tefsir eden sistemli eserler değildir. Ancak yapılan yorumların çoğunlukla rivayet tefsiri niteliği taşımalarının yanında ilk dönem tasavvuf ehlinin görüşlerini esas almaları bu tefsirleri önemli kılmaktadır. Kuşeyrî tefsirinin ise Tüsterî ve Sülemî tefsirlerine göre daha sistemli olmasının yanında bazı âyetler dışında Kur’ân’ı baştan sona tefsir eden ilk tasavvufî tefsir olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada her üç müfessirin Allah korkusu (...)
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    Taittirīyaka-vidyā-prakāśaḥ =. Mādhava & Bithika Mukerji - 2009 - Varanasi: Indica Books. Edited by Bithika Mukerji.
    On Advaita philosophy; commentary on Taittīriyopaniṣad.
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    Kāyaka kale.Ja Ca Ni - 1962 - Edited by J. C. N..
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  6. Brahmasūtram: sarvabhāṣyakāradhr̥tapāṭhabhedasahitam. Bādarāyaṇa - 1931 - [Śāntiniketana: Viśva Bhāratī]. Edited by Kapileśvaramiśra & Nityānandavinodagosvāmī.
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  7. Daśopaniṣadbhāṣyakāraviracitā Śrībhāṣyavyākhyāśrutaprakāśikāvyākhyā Bhāvaprakāśikā. Raṅgarāmānuja - 1958 - Tirupati: Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanams. Edited by Uttamur T. Viraraghavacharya, Sudarśanācārya & Bādarāyaṇa.
    Only the pratīkas of Śrutaprakāśikā are given.
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    Weaving the Threads of Life: The Khita Gyn‐Eco‐Logical Healing Cult among the Yaka.Edith Turner - 1996 - Anthropology of Consciousness 7 (2):33-35.
    Weaving the Threads of Life: The Khita Gyn‐Eco‐Logical Healing Cult among the Yaka. René Devisch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. 344 pp. $53.95 (cloth); $19.95 (paper).
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  9. Baṇḍāranāyaka cintanaya desa samājavidyātmaka ăsin.Nandasēna Ratnapāla - 1992 - Koḷamba: Ăs. Goḍagē saha Sahōdarayō.
    Commemorative lecture delivered on the former prime minister of Sri Lanka, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, 1899-1959.
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    Cūḍānātha Bhaṭṭarāyakā paurastya dārśanika kr̥tiharū.Chudanath Bhattarai - 2022 - Kāṭhamāḍaum̐: Nepāla Prajñā-Pratishṭhāna. Edited by Jagat Upādhyāya Prekshita.
    Compilation of articles on Indic philosophy.
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  11. Atipūjya Maḍiniyavela Śrī Mēdhaṅkarābhidhāna anunāyaka svāmīndra abhinandana śāstrīya saṃgrahaya.Maḍiniyavela Śrī Mēdhaṅkara, Delvala Aṅgīrasa & Anurādhapurē Dhammissara (eds.) - 2003 - [Koḷamba]: Buddha Śāstra Amātyaṃśaya, Bauddha Kaṭayutu Depārtamentuva.
    Festschrift for Maḍiniyavela Śrī Mēdhaṅkara, Sri Lankan Buddhist monk; contributed articles chiefly on economic and ethical aspects of Buddhism.
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    O batismo de terra, ou Yaka, um romance polifônico.Maria Geralda de Miranda - 2013 - Bakhtiniana 8 (1):120-139.
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  13. Premacanda ke jīvanadarsána ke vidhāyaka-tatva.Kṛshṇacandra Pāṇḍeya - 1970
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  14. Āndhra Bauddha bhāṣyakāruḍu Prophesar Pi. Lakṣmīnarasu: vyāsāvaḷi.Ṭi Ravicand - 2004 - Guṇṭūru: Miḷinda Pracuraṇalu.
    Articles on P. Lakshmi Narasu, Buddhist philosopher from Andhra Pradesh.
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    The legends of the Upaniṣads with special reference to Chāndogya and Br̥hadāraṇyaka: a philosophical study.Bagmita Sandilya - 2022 - Kolkata: Punthi Pustak.
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  16. Sāmānyaniruktisaugandhyam: Sāmānyaniruktestattvacintāmaṇi-Dīdhiti-Jāgadīśī-tadīyakālīśaṅkarī-tadīyavāmācaraṇ abhaṭṭācāryaviracitakroḍapatra-Gādādharī-tadīyakālīśaṅkarībhiḥ samadhyuṣitam.Rājārāma Śukla - 2003 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda Saṃskr̥ta Viśvavidyālaya.
    Interpretation of Hetvābhāsasāmānyanirukti of Gaṅgeśa, 13th cent., treatise on Nyaya philosophy; based on other classical commentaries.
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    Siddhānta pañjara of Vināyaka. Vināyaka - 1986 - Madras: Adyar Library and Research Centre. Edited by Sreekrishna Sarma, R. E., K. Kunjunni Raja & Usha Colas.
    Verse work on the rudiments of Hindu philosophy.
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    Bhaṭṭanāyaka and the Vedānta Influence on Sanskrit Literary Theory.James D. Reich - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3):533.
    In the history of Sanskrit literary theory Bhaṭṭanāyaka occupies an influential yet mysterious position. Abhinavagupta clearly owes a great debt to him, but since Bhaṭṭanāyaka’s works themselves have been lost, it has proven difficult to understand exactly what that debt is. The common understanding is that Bhaṭṭanāyaka was a Mīmāṃsaka and that he applied the principles of Vedic hermeneutics to literature. But this actually doesn’t fit well with much of what Abhinavagupta tells us about Bhaṭṭanāyaka, and upon closer inspection it (...)
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    To Look or Not To Look: Reading User Behavior in the Spatial Atmosphere of the City Skyline of Izmir.İlke Hiçsönmezler, Arzu Cılasun Kunduracı & Ahenk Yılmaz - 2024 - Environment, Space, Place 16 (1):51-82.
    This study focuses on the effects of spatial qualities of the viewing location on the behavior of citizens towards the observation of the skylines. The majority of the existing literature on skyline studies revolves around the discussions of the aesthetic qualities of the skyline per se, and ignores the observation space. Nevertheless, the differences in citizens' behavior towards viewing the skyline stem not only from their diverse personal characteristics and daily emotional states, but also from the spatial qualities of the (...)
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    (R)évolutions: pour une politique en actes.Lionel Astruc, Jean-Marc Borello, Patrick Viveret, Pierre Rabhi & Philippe Desbrosses (eds.) - 2012 - Arles: Actes Sud.
    L’objectif, éminemment politique, de cet ouvrage est de proposer pour 2012 une alternative aux programmes court-termistes et consensuels qui pourraient être développés par les candidats lors de la campagne officielle pour les élections présidentielles. Il vise à offrir une perspective de long terme de ce à quoi la société pourrait ressembler d’ici trente à cinquante ans si nous prenons un véritable virage écologique et humain et si nous opérons un changement concret de paradigme. Si, ces dernières années, un grand nombre (...)
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