Results for 'Existential apologetics'

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  1.  14
    Existential Reasons for Belief in God: A Defense of Desires and Emotions for Faith.Clifford Williams - 2011 - Downers Grove, IL, USA: IVP Academic.
    An exposition and defense of an existential argument for believing in God.
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    C. S. Lewis and the Christian worldview: a philosophical, theological, and apologetic exploration.Michael L. Peterson - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although Lewis's personal journey was a deeply philosophical search for the most adequate worldview, the few extant books about his Christian philosophy focus on specific topics rather than his overall worldview. In this book, Michael Peterson develops a comprehensive, coherent framework for understanding Lewis's Christian worldview-from his arguments from reason, morality, and desire to his ideas about Incarnation, Trinity, and Atonement. All worldviews address fundamental questions about reality, knowledge, human nature, meaning, and so forth. Peterson therefore examines Lewis's Christian approach (...)
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    Testing Christianity's Truth Claims: Approaches to Christian Apologetics.Gordon Russell Lewis - 1990 - Upa.
    In this outstanding defense of Christianity, the author compares and contrasts six methods of reasoning used by philosophers during the resurgence of evangelical beliefs in the latter half of the 20th century. He looks at the empirical, rational, presuppositional, mystical, existential and verificational methods that stimulate critical thought about God, as seen in the Jesus of history and in the teachings of Scripture. Originally published in 1976 by Moody Press.
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  4. Common Ground in Inter-Religious Dialogue: A brief analysis of religion as a response to existential suffering.Colonel Adam L. Barborich - 2019 - International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1):1-11.
    Philosophy of religion, approached from a comparative perspective, can be a valuable tool for advancing inter-religious dialogue. Unfortunately, “comparative religion” today is usually characterised by two extreme positions: 1) Comparing religions in order to come to the conclusion that one's own religion is superior 2) Arguing for a type of “religious pluralism” that relativises all religious truth claims. -/- The former approach reduces religion to a confrontational form of apologetics, theatrical “debates” and polemics, while the latter reduces religion to (...)
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    Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy.Peter Eli Gordon - 2003 - University of California Press.
    Franz Rosenzweig is widely regarded today as one of the most original and intellectually challenging figures within the so-called renaissance of German-Jewish thought in the Weimar period. The architect of a unique kind of existential theology, and an important influence upon such philosophers as Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, and Emmanuel Levinas, Rosenzweig is remembered chiefly as a "Jewish thinker," often to the neglect of his broader philosophical concerns. Cutting across the artificial divide that the traumatic memory of (...)
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    Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics: Husserl’s Critique of Heidegger. Volume 1.Daniele De Santis - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The book offers a systematic reconstruction of the disagreement between Husserl and Heidegger from the former's perspective, but without falling into any form of Husserlian apologetics. The main thesis is that Husserl's critique of Heidegger's existential analytics as a form of philosophical anthropology entails a deeper fundamental thesis, namely that Heidegger confuses the object of first philosophy (the transcendental determination of the subject) with metaphysics (in the Husserlian sense of the expression). Addressing the Husserl-Heidegger confrontation, this text provides (...)
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    Concluding unscientific postscript to the Philosophical crumbs.Søren Kierkegaard - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Alastair Hannay & Søren Kierkegaard.
    Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript is a classic of existential literature. It concludes the first and richest phase of Kierkegaard's pseudonymous authorship and is the text that philosophers look to first when attempting to define Kierkegaard's own philosophy. Familiar Kierkegaardian themes are introduced in the work, including truth as subjectivity, indirect communication, the leap, and the impossibility of forming a philosophical system for human existence. The Postscript sums up the aims of the preceding pseudonymous works and opens the way to (...)
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    Psychoanalytic and Existentialist Versions of Don Juanism: Lesia Ukrainka’s The Stone Host.Mariia Moklytsia - 2021 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 8:34-44.
    The article substantiates the necessity of psychoanalytical and existential methodology in interpreting Lesia Ukrainka’s drama Kaminnyi hospodar, including the works of José Ortega y Gasset and Miguel de Unamuno on Don Quixote, Albert Camus on absurd characters, and Jacques Lacan’s The Mirror Stage. Biographical data testify to the critical attitude of the writer to world treatments of the legend. Her challenge to tradition was bold and conscious. It is regarded that the main point of Lesia Ukrainka’s polemics with tradition (...)
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    Finitude in Maurice Blondel.Victor Emma-Adamah - 2022 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 4 (2):166-189.
    The thought of Maurice Blondel has been read (representatively by Emmanuel Falque) as the theological aspirational movement of human action towards the divine, and therefore as the pre-emptive presence of the infinite to human experience. In this reading, absent has been the appreciation of an original Blondelian account of finitude as the essential experience of a human being-toward-death. Against this approach, this essay explores Blondel’s notion of human finitude as a ‘metaphysical experience’ of the existentially revelatory function of death. To (...)
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    Christianity and Nonsense.Henry E. Allison - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):432 - 460.
    THE Concluding Unscientific Postscript is generally regarded as the most philosophically significant of Kierkegaard's works. In terms of a subjectivistic orientation it seems to present both an elaborate critique of the pretensions of the Hegelian philosophy and an existential analysis which points to the Christian faith as the only solution to the "human predicament." Furthermore, on the basis of such a straightforward reading of the text, Kierkegaard has been both vilified as an irrationalist and praised as a profound (...) thinker who has uncovered the only legitimate starting point for a philosophical analysis of the religious life and a Christian apologetic. (shrink)
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    Criminal Law Guilt and Ontological Guilt: A Heideggerian Perspective.Charis N. Papacharalambous - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (2):149-173.
    The paper deals with the notion of guilt according to Heidegger’s philosophy and its repercussions for the understanding of guilt according to criminal law doctrine and theory. Heidegger’s notion on guilt is tantamount to Dasein’s incapacity to exhaust all its existential possibilities, whereas legal guilt has to do only with man’s legal indebtedness, which is an aspect of inauthenticity, a deficient mode of ontological responsibility. This does not mean, though, sheer amoralism or apologetics to violence. In late Heidegger (...)
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    Transcendental Idealism and Metaphysics: Husserl’s Critique of Heidegger. Volume 2.Daniele De Santis - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    The book offers a systematic reconstruction of the disagreement between Husserl and Heidegger from the former's point of view, but without falling into any form of Husserlian apologetics. The main thesis is that Husserl's critique of Heidegger's existential analytics as a form of philosophical anthropology entails a deeper fundamental thesis, namely, that Heidegger confuses the subject matter of first philosophy (the transcendental subject) with metaphysics (in the Husserlian sense of the expression). At stake in Husserl's critique of Heidegger's (...)
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    Kierkegaard's 'Concluding Unscientific Postscript': A Critical Guide.Rick Anthony Furtak (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Søren Kierkegaard's Concluding Unscientific Postscript has provoked a lively variety of divergent interpretations for a century and a half. It has been both celebrated and condemned as the chief inspiration for twentieth-century existential thought, as a subversive parody of philosophical argument, as a critique of mass society, as a forerunner of phenomenology and of postmodern relativism, and as an appeal for a renewal of religious commitment. These 2010 essays written by international Kierkegaard scholars offer a plurality of critical approaches (...)
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    Ter verdediging Van het christendom: Grondtrekken Van kierkegaards ethos Van de bewapende neutraliteit.Timo Slootweg - 2008 - Bijdragen 69 (4):382-410.
    This article refers to Kierkegaard’s complex Christian apologetics. Several of his works, mainly those stemming from the ‘second authorship’, are interpreted under the aspect of Kierkegaard’s paradoxical defense of Christianity, aimed in particular, not against the so-called ‘heathens’, but against those who self-confidently advance its credibility on dubious grounds. To substantiate the importance of this defense it is shown that it has recently received a noteworthy actuality in the light of a ‘newly arisen superior tone in philosophy’; a tone (...)
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  15. The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities, and: Sex and Existence: Simone de Beauvoir's 'The Second Sex', and: Beauvoir and The Second Sex : Feminism, Race, and the Origins of Existentialism, and: Philosophy as Passion: The Thinking of Simone de Beauvoir (review).Nancy Bauer - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):688-691.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologıes, Erotic Generosities by Debra B. Bergoffen, Sex and Existence: Simone de Beauvoir’s ‘The Second Sex’ by Eva Lundgren-Gothlin, Beauvoir and The Second Sex: Feminism, Race, and the Origins of Existentialism by Margaret A. Simons, Philosophy as Passion: The Thinking of Simone de Beauvoir by Karen VintgesNancy BauerDebra B. Bergoffen. The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologıes, Erotic Generosities. Albany: (...)
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    Sixfold Pramāṇic Method in Śaṅkara’s and Rāmānuja’s Vedānta.Steven Tsoukalas - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 27:88-115.
    Śaṅkara and Rāmānuja were not solely textists; nor were they merely existential metaphysicians; nor were they a combination of both. Rather, their epistemologies involve a sixfold use of vitally important sacred and secular pramāṇa-s as instruments in orchestrated fashion where symphonies of their respective ontologies are given to their listeners. With the two Vedāntins, no pramāṇa is in every case the lead instrument. Rather, they employ any of the six as lead instrument at various times, depending on the pedagogic (...)
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  17. A PHILOSOPHICAL ENQUIRY INTO THE SCANDAL OF EVIL AND SUFFERING.Edvard Kristian Foshaugen - 2004 - Baptist SA (x):x.
    This paper will explore some of the issues and arguments and offer some critical reflection on the ideas and ways that people have proposed to overcome or uphold the dilemma or conflict between the existence of the God of classical theism and evil and the consequence of evil - suffering. I seek explanation of the plain fact of evil and suffering but I do not seek it in the arrogant belief that I can explain evil away. My Christian faith is (...)
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider, Richard H. Popkin, Philip Merlan & Hans Dieter Betz - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):303-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 303 philosophical, artistic) forms as a vivid protest "from within." If, on the contemporary scene, religion wants to actualize itself and the Church "to answer the question implied in man's very existence" (p. 49), then theology has to use the material of an "existential analysis" of the various cultural realms, confronting this material "with the answer implied in the Christian message" (p. 49). Part II gives (...)
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    Beyond the new theism: a philosophy of religion.Germain Gabriel Grisez - 1975 - Notre Dame [Ind.]: University of Notre Dame Press.
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  20. Part IV how to improve european east-west cooperation in the face of existential environmental threats?Existential Environmental Threats - 1990 - World Futures 29 (3):173.
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  21. Nothingness at the heart of being.Existential Psychoanalysis & Betty Cannon - 2010 - In Adrian Mirvish & Adrian Van den Hoven (eds.), New perspectives on Sartre. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 412.
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  22. Many toys are in box.Existential Sentences - 1971 - Foundations of Language: International Journal of Language and Philosophy 7.
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  23. La boadi.Existential Sentences In Akan - 1971 - Foundations of Language 7:19.
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    An interview with Iohn Cottingham.Existential Laughter - 1996 - Cogito 10 (1):5-15.
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  25. Jj Christie.Possessive Locative & Existential In Swahili - 2015 - Foundations of Language.
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    Living Poetically: Kierkegaard's Existential Aesthetics.Sylvia Walsh - 1990 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    _Living Poetically_ is the first book to focus primarily on Kierkegaard's existential aesthetics as opposed to traditional aesthetic features of his writings such as the use of pseudonyms, literary techniques and figures, and literary criticism. _Living Poetically_ traces the development of the concept of the poetic in Kierkegaard's writings as that concept is worked out in an ethical-religious perspective in contrast to the aesthetics of early German romanticism and Hegelian idealism. Sylvia Walsh seeks to elucidate what it means, in (...)
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    The future of ethics and education: philosophy in a time of existential crises.Charles C. Verharen - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (3):371-389.
    Philosophy confronts two existential crises: the threats to its existence from scientists like Stephen Hawking who claim that philosophy is dead; and the threat to life itself from catastrophic climate change. The essay’s first theoretical part critiques Nietzsche’s claim that philosophy’s primary function is to guarantee the future of life. The essay’s second practical part claims that philosophy must meet the challenge of life’s extinction through a revised model for ethics in education. Taking its start from recent conceptualizations of (...)
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    Dignity as non-discrimination: Existential protests and legal claim-making for reproductive rights.Wairimu Njoya - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (1):51-82.
    Analysing two reproductive rights claims brought before the High Court of Namibia and the European Court of Human Rights, this article argues that human dignity is not reducible to a recognized warrant to demand a particular set of goods, services, or treatments. Rather, dignity in the contexts in which women experience sterilization abuse would be better characterized as an existential protest against degradation, a protest that takes concrete form in legal demands for equal citizenship. Equality is conceived here as (...)
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  29.  17
    Waking to Wonder: Wittgenstein's Existential Investigations.Gordon C. F. Bearn - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    The central claim of this book is that, early and late, Wittgenstein modelled his approach to existential meaning on his account of linguistic meaning. A reading of Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy sets up Bearn’s reading of the existential point of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Bearn argues that both books try to resolve our anxiety about the meaning of life by appeal to the deep, unutterable essence of the world. Bearn argues that as Wittgenstein’s and Nietzsche’s thought matured, they both (...)
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  30.  67
    ‘No Strings Attached’: Welcoming the Existential Gift in Business.Sandrine Frémeaux & Grant Michelson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1):63-75.
    Social relations are predominantly influenced by an exchange paradigm whereby the logic of reciprocity shapes behaviour. If the notion of exchange instrumentalism is common across different business disciplines, this does not deny attempts – such as through gift exchange theory – to present different conceptions of traditional exchange-based relations. Gift exchange theory appears promising as it seeks to establish more meaning and significance to the nature and context of exchange relations between human actors or parties. The underlying processes may be (...)
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  31. Incommensurability of values-An existential approach.O. Sisakova - 1999 - Filozofia 54 (7):474-482.
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    Propositional and Existential Truth in Edmund Husserl’s Logical Investigations.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2016 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 20 (1):150-180.
    This essay explores questions first posed by Ernst Tugendhat: Can Edmund Husserl’s conception of truth help philosophers connect the concept of propositional truth with a more comprehensive and life-oriented idea of truth? Can it do so without short-circuiting either side? If so, to what extent? I focus on the conception of truth in Husserl’s path breaking Logical Investigations, originally published in 1900-01. First, I review critical interpretations of Husserl by three influential post-Heideggerian philosophers: Emmanuel Levinas, Theodor Adorno, and Jacques Derrida. (...)
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    Suffering a Healthy Life—On the Existential Dimension of Health.Per-Einar Binder - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the existential context of physical and mental health. Hans Georg Gadamer and The World Health Organization’s conceptualizations are discussed, and current medicalized and idealized views on health are critically examined. The existential dimension of health is explored in the light of theories of selfhood consisting of different parts, Irvin Yalom’s approach to “ultimate concerns” and Martin Heidegger’s conceptualization of “existentials.” We often become aware of health as an existential concern during times of illness, and (...)
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  34. A critique of existential subject (Sartre and Foucault).I. Buraj - 1998 - Filozofia 53 (7):424-434.
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    Society for Existential Analysis.Elena Zanger - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (3):307-308.
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  36. The Oceanic Feeling: A Case Study in Existential Feeling.Jussi Saarinen - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (5-6):196-217.
    In this paper I draw on contemporary philosophy of emotion to illuminate the phenomenological structure of so-called oceanic feelings. I suggest that oceanic feelings come in two distinct forms: as transient episodes that consist in a feeling of dissolution of the psychological and sensory boundaries of the self, and as a relatively permanent feeling of unity, embracement, immanence, and openness that does not involve occurrent experiences of boundary dissolution. I argue that both forms of feeling are existential feelings, i.e. (...)
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  37. Faith as Existential Choice.James M. Edie - 1963 - In William A. Earle, James M. Edie & John Wild (eds.), Christianity and existentialism. [Evanston, Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. pp. 37.
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  38. William S. Hamrick, An Existential Phenomenology of Law: Maurice Merleau-Ponty Reviewed by.Henri Paillard - 1990 - Philosophy in Review 10 (2):64-66.
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  39. Le Spiritualisme Existential de René Le Senne.Jean Paumen - 1951 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 7 (3):346-347.
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  40. “I could have been you”: Existential Envy and the Self.Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran - 2022 - In Sara Protasi (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Envy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 77-92.
    This paper explores “existential envy” as a kind of envy in which the subject targets the rival’s entire being rather than one of her possessions, achievements or talents. It argues that existential envy is characterized by a weakening of the distinction between good and rival and by a strong focus on the envious self. In existential envy, the subject becomes aware that another person is closer to her ideal self than she is, such that the rival painfully (...)
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  41. Atemporal Essence and Existential Freedom in Schelling.Charlotte Alderwick - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):115-137.
    Although it is clear in Schelling's Freiheitsschrift that he takes an agent's atemporal choice between good and evil to be central to understanding human freedom, there is no consensus in the literature and no adequate account of how to understand this choice. Further, the literature fails to render intelligible how existential freedom is possible in the light of this atemporal choice. I demonstrate that, despite their differences, the dominant accounts in the literature are all guilty of these failings and (...)
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    Enacting Enaction: Conceptual Nest or Existential Mutation?S. Vörös - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):148-150.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Enaction as a Lived Experience: Towards a Radical Neurophenomenology” by Claire Petitmengin. Upshot: I reflect and expand upon three aspects of Petitmengin’s illuminating article. After contrasting existential and theoretical views of neurophenomenology, I embed Petitmengin’s account of the experiential dissolution of the hard problem of consciousness into a larger framework by drawing parallels with previous experiments on unitive/non-dual experiences raise the question of how seriously we are willing to take the pragmatics of investigating (...)
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    Integrating an Existential Perspective in Youth Care: A Care Ethical Argument.Ton Zondervan & Gert Olthuis - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (1):18-34.
  44. Personal Maturity: The Existential Dimension.B. J. BOELEN - 1978
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  45. The Moral and existential dilemmas of the Israeli soldier.Daṿid Hardan & Aleks Zehavi (eds.) - 1985 - Jerusalem: Center for Programming, Dept. of Development and Community Services, World Zionist Organization.
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    We the cosmopolitans: moral and existential conditions of being human.Lisette Josephides (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    The provocative title of this book is deliberately and challengingly universalist, matching the theoretically experimental essays, where contributors try different ideas to answer distinct concerns regarding cosmopolitanism. Leading anthropologists explore what cosmopolitanism means in the context of everyday life, variously viewing it as an aspect of kindness and empathy, as tolerance, hospitality and openness, and as a defining feature of pan-human individuality. The chapters thus advance an existential critique of abstract globalization discourse. The book enriches interdisciplinary debates about hitherto (...)
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    Heidegger's existential analytic.Frederick A. Elliston (ed.) - 1978 - New York: Mouton.
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    On the existential positivity of our ability to be deceived.Mark A. Wrathall - 2009 - In Clancy W. Martin (ed.), The philosophy of deception. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 67.
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    The Role of Emotion in an Existential Education: Insights from Hegel and Plato.Kym Maclaren - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4):471-492.
    Emotion is usually conceived as playing a relatively external role in education: either it is raw material reshaped by rational practices, or it merely motivates intellectual reasoning. Drawing upon the philosophy of Hegel and Plato’s Socrates, I argue, however, that education is a process of existential transformation and that emotion plays an essential, internal role therein. Through an analysis of Hegel’s master and slave dialectic, I argue that emotions have their own logic and that an individual can be propelled (...)
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  50. Everyday Mysteries: Existential Dimensions of Psychotherapy.Edwin E. Gantt - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):228-229.
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