Results for 'Everett’s relative state formulation of quantum mechanics'

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  1. Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics.Jeffrey Barrett - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics is an attempt to solve the measurement problem by dropping the collapse dynamics from the standard von Neumann-Dirac theory of quantum mechanics. The main problem with Everett's theory is that it is not at all clear how it is supposed to work. In particular, while it is clear that he wanted to explain why we get determinate measurement results in the context of his theory, it is unclear (...)
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    Assessment of Everett's "Relative State" Formulation of Quantum Theory.John A. Wheeler - 1973 - In B. DeWitt & N. Graham, The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Princeton UP. pp. 1--151.
  3. On Everett’s Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1997 - The Monist 80 (1):70-96.
    Everett wanted a formulation of quantum mechanics that (i) took the linear dynamics to be a complete and accurate description of the time-evolution of all physical systems and (ii) logically entailed the same subjective appearances predicted by the standard formulation of quantum mechanics. While most everyone would agree with this description of Everett’s project, there is little agreement on exactly how his relative-state formulation was supposed to work. In this paper, (...)
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  4. Everett’s pure wave mechanics and the notion of worlds.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):277-302.
    Everett (1957a, b, 1973) relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics has often been taken to involve a metaphysical commitment to the existence of many splitting worlds each containing physical copies of observers and the objects they observe. While there was earlier talk of splitting worlds in connection with Everett, this is largely due to DeWitt’s (Phys Today 23:30–35, 1970) popular presentation of the theory. While the thought of splitting worlds or parallel universes has captured the popular (...)
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  5. What it feels like to be in a superposition, and why: Consciousness and the interpretation of Everett's quantum mechanics.Christoph Lehner - 1997 - Synthese 110 (2):191-216.
    This paper attempts an interpretation of Everett's relative state formulation of quantum mechanics that avoids the commitment to new metaphysical entities like ‘worlds’ or ‘minds’. Starting from Everett's quantum mechanical model of an observer, it is argued that an observer's belief to be in an eigenstate of the measurement (corresponding to the observation of a well-defined measurement outcome) is consistent with the fact that she objectively is in a superposition of such states. Subjective states (...)
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  6. The single-mind and many-minds versions of quantum mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1995 - Erkenntnis 42 (1):89-105.
    There is a long tradition of trying to find a satisfactory interpretation of Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics. Albert and Loewer recently described two new ways of reading Everett: one we will call the single-mind theory and the other the many-minds theory. I will briefly describe these theories and present some of their merits and problems. Since both are no-collapse theories, a significant merit is that they can take advantage of certain properties of the (...)
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  7. Pure wave mechanics and the very idea of empirical adequacy.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3071-3104.
    Hugh Everett III proposed his relative-state formulation of pure wave mechanics as a solution to the quantum measurement problem. He sought to address the theory’s determinate record and probability problems by showing that, while counterintuitive, pure wave mechanics was nevertheless empirically faithful and hence empirical acceptable. We will consider what Everett meant by empirical faithfulness. The suggestion will be that empirical faithfulness is well understood as a weak variety of empirical adequacy. The thought is (...)
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  8. Pan(proto)psychism and the Relative-State Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Yu Feng - manuscript
    This paper connects the hard problem of consciousness to the interpretation of quantum mechanics. It shows that constitutive Russellian pan(proto)psychism (CRP) is compatible with Everett’s relative-state (RS) interpretation. Despite targeting different problems, CRP and RS are related, for they both establish symmetry between micro- and macrosystems, and both call for a deflationary account of Subject. The paper starts from formal arguments that demonstrate the incompatibility of CRP with alternative interpretations of quantum mechanics, followed (...)
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  9. Quantum Mechanics Without the Collapse Postulate.Jeffrey Alan Barrett - 1992 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    Because of the measurement problem, the standard theory of quantum mechanics is at best incomplete and at worst logically inconsistent. Everett suggested that the measurement problem could be resolved by taking the linear dynamics to be a complete and accurate description of the time-evolution of every physical system. The purpose of this dissertation is to see what happens when one takes Everett's proposal seriously. This dissertation includes a discussion of the standard theory of quantum mechanics and (...)
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  10. Review of Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent, David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds? Everett, Quantum Theory, and Reality[REVIEW]Amit Hagar - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (10).
    Hugh Everett III died of a heart attack in July 1982 at the age of 51. Almost 26 years later, a New York Times obituary for his PhD advisor, John Wheeler, mentioned him and Richard Feynman as Wheeler’s most prominent students. Everett’s PhD thesis on the relative state formulation of quantum mechanics, later known as the “Many Worlds Interpretation”, was published (in its edited form) in 1957, and later (in its original, unedited form) in (...)
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    On the nature of experience in the bare theory.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1997 - Synthese 113 (3):347-355.
    Quantum mechanics without the collapse postulate, the bare theory, was proposed by Albert (1992) as a way of understanding Everett's relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics. The basic idea is to try to account for an observer's beliefs by appealing to a type of illusion predicted by the bare theory. This paper responds to some recent objections to the bare theory by providing a more detailed description of the sense in which it can and (...)
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  12. Van Fraassen's modal model of quantum mechanics.Nancy Cartwright - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (2):199-202.
    Bas van Fraassen in [4] has recently tried to use modal logic to solve the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. His model is based on a method of expressing quantum states developed by Hugh Everett [1] called the “relative state formulation.” Unfortunately, Everett's mathematics cannot be generalized as van Fraassen requires. The difficulty itself is elementary enough. But a revision of van Fraassen's postulates can save the mathematics only on pain of making the whole (...)
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  13. Empirical adequacy and the availability of reliable records in quantum mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (1):49-64.
    In order to judge whether a theory is empirically adequate one must have epistemic access to reliable records of past measurement results that can be compared against the predictions of the theory. Some formulations of quantum mechanics fail to satisfy this condition. The standard theory without the collapse postulate is an example. Bell's reading of Everett's relative-state formulation is another. Furthermore, there are formulations of quantum mechanics that only satisfy this condition for a (...)
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    Can Everett be Interpreted Without Extravaganza?Louis Marchildon - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):357-362.
    Everett’s relative states interpretation of quantum mechanics has met with problems related to probability, the preferred basis, and multiplicity. The third theme, I argue, is the most important one. It has led to developments of the original approach into many-worlds, many-minds, and decoherence-based approaches. The latter especially have been advocated in recent years, in an effort to understand multiplicity without resorting to what is often perceived as extravagant constructions. Drawing from and adding to arguments of others, (...)
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  15. Physical Relations or Functional Relations? A non-metaphysical construal of Rovelli’s Relational Quantum Mechanics.Michel Bitbol - unknown
    Rovelli’s RQM is first characterized by contrast with both Everett’s and Bohr’s interpretations of quantum mechanics. Then, it is shown that a basic difficulty arises from the choice of formulating RQM in a naturalistic framework. Even though, according to Rovelli’s interpretation, statements about the world only make sense relative to certain naturalized observers described by means of quantum mechanics, this very meta-statement seems to make sense relative to a sort of super-observer which does (...)
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    Dieks' realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics: A comment.Howard Barnum - unknown
    D. Dieks has proposed a semantical rule which he claims yields a realistic interpretation of the formalism of quantum mechanics without the projection postulate. I argue that his proposal is unacceptable because it violates a natural requirement of psychophysical parallelism. His "semantical rule" is not an acceptable interpretive rule because it does not identify structures in the theory with structures in our experience, but postulates a merely probabilistic relationship between the two. Dieks' interpretation is contrasted with Everett's (...) state interpretation, which attempts the same task but respects psychophysical parallelism. (shrink)
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  17. Quantum Superposition, Necessity and the Identity of Indiscernibles.Allan F. Randall - unknown
    Those who interpret quantum mechanics literally are forced to follow some variant of Everett's relative state formulation (or "many worlds" interpretation). It is generally assumed that this is a rather bizarre result that many physicists (especially cosmologists) have been forced into because of the evidence. I look at the history of philosophy, however, reveals that rationalism has always flirted with this very idea, from Parmenides to Leibniz to modern times. I will survey some of the (...)
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    The Formalisms of Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction.Francois David - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    These lecture notes present a concise and introductory, yet as far as possible coherent, view of the main formalizations of quantum mechanics and of quantum field theories, their interrelations and their theoretical foundations. The "standard" formulation of quantum mechanics (involving the Hilbert space of pure states, self-adjoint operators as physical observables, and the probabilistic interpretation given by the Born rule) on one hand, and the path integral and functional integral representations of probabilities amplitudes on (...)
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    Identity and probability in Everett's multiverse.P. Tappenden - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (1):99-114.
    There are currently several versions of Everett's relative state interpretation of quantum mechanics, responding to a number of perceived problems for the original proposal. One of those problems is whether Everett's idea is in accord with the standard 'probabilistic' interpretation implicit in the Born rule. I argue in defence of what appears to be Everett's original view on this. The contribution I aim to make is a more complete discussion of the central issues of the identity (...)
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  20.  51
    Informational branching universe.Pierre Uzan - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (1):1-28.
    This paper suggests an epistemic interpretation of Belnap’s branching space-times theory based on Everett’s relative state formulation of the measurement operation in quantum mechanics. The informational branching models of the universe are evolving structures defined from a partial ordering relation on the set of memory states of the impersonal observer. The totally ordered set of their information contents defines a linear “time” scale to which the decoherent alternative histories of the informational universe can be (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics on Hilbert Manifolds: The Principle of Functional Relativity. [REVIEW]Alexey A. Kryukov - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (2):175-226.
    Quantum mechanics is formulated as a geometric theory on a Hilbert manifold. Images of charts on the manifold are allowed to belong to arbitrary Hilbert spaces of functions including spaces of generalized functions. Tensor equations in this setting, also called functional tensor equations, describe families of functional equations on various Hilbert spaces of functions. The principle of functional relativity is introduced which states that quantum theory (QT) is indeed a functional tensor theory, i.e., it can be described (...)
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  22. Time, quantum mechanics, and probability.Simon Saunders - 1998 - Synthese 114 (3):373-404.
    A variety of ideas arising in decoherence theory, and in the ongoing debate over Everett's relative-state theory, can be linked to issues in relativity theory and the philosophy of time, specifically the relational theory of tense and of identity over time. These have been systematically presented in companion papers (Saunders 1995; 1996a); in what follows we shall consider the same circle of ideas, but specifically in relation to the interpretation of probability, and its identification with relations in the (...)
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  23.  86
    Van Frasssen, Everett, and the critique of the copenhagem view of measurement.Stefano Osnaghi - 2008 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 12 (2):155-176.
    Bas van Fraassen advocates a “Copenhagen variant” of the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics. However, he believes that the Copenhagen approach to measurement is not fully satisfactory, since it seems to rule out the possibility of providing a physical account of the observation process. This was also what John Wheeler had in mind when, in the mid-1950’s, he sponsored the “relative stateformulation proposed by his student Hugh Everett. Wheeler, who considered himself an orthodox Bohrian, (...)
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    Everett’s Missing Postulate and the Born Rule.Per Arve - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (7):665-692.
    Everett’s Relative State Interpretation has gained increasing interest due to the progress of understanding the role of decoherence. In order to fulfill its promise as a realistic description of the physical world, two postulates are formulated. In short they are for a system with continuous coordinates \, discrete variable j, and state \\), the density \=|\psi _j|^2\) gives the distribution of the location of the system with the respect to the variables \ and j; an equation (...)
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  25.  19
    The Tyranny in Science: The Case of Hugh Everett’s Universal Wave Theory Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.Sheldon Richmond - 2018 - In Raphael Sassower & Nathaniel Laor, The Impact of Critical Rationalism: Expanding the Popperian Legacy Through the Works of Ian C. Jarvie. Springer Verlag. pp. 225-239.
    Hugh Everett’s “Universal Wave Theory Formulation of Quantum Mechanics”, though endorsed and promoted by his mentor John Wheeler, was dismissed by the mainstream in quantum mechanics. Why was it sidelined by those who endorsed the Copenhagen interpretation and John von Neumann’s approach to the famous measurement problem? Everett’s theory was taken up later by Bryce DeWitt under an interpretation, the many worlds universe theory, that is not actually how Everett interpreted his own (...). I argue that by looking at science as a social institution according to Ian C. Jarvie’s critique of Karl Popper’s view of science as a “Republic,” we can see how Everett was sidelined: external pressures of the Cold War and McCarthy and internal pressures of Big Science and the “military-industrial complex.”. (shrink)
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    The Historical Roots of ''Foundations of Quantum Physics'' as a Field of Research (1950–1970).Olival Freire - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1741-1760.
    The rising interest, in the late 20th century, in the foundations of quantum physics, a subject in which Franco Selleri has excelled, has suggested the fair question: how did it become so? The current answer says that experiments have allowed to bring into the laboratories some previous gedanken experiments, beginning with those about EPR and related to Bell’s inequalities. I want to explore an alternative view, by which there would have been, before Bell’s inequalities experimental tests, a change in (...)
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    On the covariant formulation of quantum mechanics.U. Kasper, E. Kreisel & H. J. Treder - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (5-6):375-389.
    We give picture-covariant formulations of the equations of motion for observables and states such that the Hamiltonian operator is transformed asH-0304;=U(t)HU † (t) under a time-dependent unitary transformationU(t). Next, we consider the explicit and implicit covariance of Heisenberg's equations of motion for observables with respect to general transformations of coordinate operators. Most of our representation is spread out over a number of textbooks and articles, where the subject has been considered with greater or lesser clarity from different points of view.
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  28. Non-locality and Gauge Freedom in Deutsch and Hayden’s Formulation of Quantum Mechanics.David Wallace & Christopher G. Timpson - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):951-955.
    Deutsch and Hayden have proposed an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics which is completely local. We argue that their proposal must be understood as having a form of ‘gauge freedom’ according to which mathematically distinct states are physically equivalent. Once this gauge freedom is taken into account, their formulation is no longer local.
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  29. The Everett Faq.Michael Clive Price - unknown
    Q0 Why this FAQ? Q1 Who believes in many-worlds? Q2 What is many-worlds? Q3 What are the alternatives to many-worlds? Q4 What is a "world"? Q5 What is a measurement? Q6 Why do worlds split? What is decoherence? Q7 When do worlds split? Q8 When does Schrodinger's cat split? Q9 What is sum-over-histories? Q10 What is many-histories? What is the environment basis? Q11 How many worlds are there? Q12 Is many-worlds a local theory? Q13 Is many-worlds a deterministic theory? Q14 (...)
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  30. Hamiltonian Formulation of Statistical Ensembles and Mixed States of Quantum and Hybrid Systems.N. Burić, D. B. Popović, M. Radonjić & S. Prvanović - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (12):1459-1477.
    Representation of quantum states by statistical ensembles on the quantum phase space in the Hamiltonian form of quantum mechanics is analyzed. Various mathematical properties and some physical interpretations of the equivalence classes of ensembles representing a mixed quantum state in the Hamiltonian formulation are examined. In particular, non-uniqueness of the quantum phase space probability density associated with the quantum mixed state, Liouville dynamics of the probability densities and the possibility to (...)
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  31. Quantum Phenomenology.Allan F. Randall - unknown
    Starting with the Descartes' cogito, "I think, therefore I am"--and taking an uncompromisingly rational, rigorously phenomenological approach--I attempt to derive the basic principles of recursion theory (the backbone of all mathematics and logic), and from that the principles of feedback control theory (the backbone of all biology), leading to the basic ideas of quantum mechanics (the backbone of all physics). What is derived is not the full quantum theory, but a basic framework--derived from a priori principles along (...)
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    The information-theoretic view of quantum mechanics and the measurement problem(s).Federico Laudisa - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):1-26.
    Until recently Jeffrey Bub and Itamar Pitowsky, in the framework of an information-theoretic view of quantum mechanics, claimed first that to the measurement problem in its ordinary formulation there correspond in effect two measurement problems (simply called the big and the small measurement problems), with a different degree of relevance and, second, that the analysis of a quantum measurement is a problem only if other assumptions – taken by Pitowsky and Bub to be unnecessary ‘dogmas’ – (...)
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  33. On the Faithful Interpretation of Pure Wave Mechanics.Jeffrey A. Barrett - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (4):693-709.
    Given Hugh Everett III's understanding of the proper cognitive status of physical theories, his relative-state formulation of pure wave mechanics arguably qualifies as an empirically acceptable physical theory. The argument turns on the precise nature of the relationship that Everett requires between the empirical substructure of an empirically faithful physical theory and experience. On this view, Everett provides a weak resolution to both the determinate record and the probability problems encountered by pure wave mechanics, and (...)
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  34. A Real Ensemble Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Lee Smolin - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (10):1239-1261.
    A new ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics is proposed according to which the ensemble associated to a quantum state really exists: it is the ensemble of all the systems in the same quantum state in the universe. Individual systems within the ensemble have microscopic states, described by beables. The probabilities of quantum theory turn out to be just ordinary relative frequencies probabilities in these ensembles. Laws for the evolution of the beables of (...)
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  35.  57
    The World as Wavefunction.Paul Tappenden - unknown
    Murray Gell-Mann and James Hartle have made an original proposal for a version of decoherent histories quantum mechanics which is specifically tailored so as not to imply the emergence of multiple quasi-classical worlds. I argue that there is an explanatory gap in the proposal but that there remains an important insight which might be used to tackle what can be seen as an outstanding problem for Hugh Everett III’s “relative state” interpretation of quantum mechanics, (...)
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  36. Why special relativity should not be a template for a fundamental reformulation of quantum mechanics.Harvey R. Brown & Christopher G. Timpson - 2006 - In William Demopoulos & Itamar Pitowsky, Physical Theory and its Interpretation. Springer. pp. 29-42.
    In a comparison of the principles of special relativity and of quantum mechanics, the former theory is marked by its relative economy and apparent explanatory simplicity. A number of theorists have thus been led to search for a small number of postulates - essentially information theoretic in nature - that would play the role in quantum mechanics that the relativity principle and the light postulate jointly play in Einstein's 1905 special relativity theory. The purpose of (...)
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  37.  50
    Does Bohm’s Quantum Force Have a Classical Origin?David C. Lush - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):1006-1021.
    In the de Broglie–Bohm formulation of quantum mechanics, the electron is stationary in the ground state of hydrogenic atoms, because the quantum force exactly cancels the Coulomb attraction of the electron to the nucleus. In this paper it is shown that classical electrodynamics similarly predicts the Coulomb force can be effectively canceled by part of the magnetic force that occurs between two similar particles each consisting of a point charge moving with circulatory motion at the (...)
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    (1 other version)Everettian Mechanics with Hyperfinitely Many Worlds.Jeffrey Barrett & Isaac Goldbring - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1-20.
    The present paper shows how one might model Everettian quantum mechanics using hyperfinitely many worlds. A hyperfinite model allows one to consider idealized measurements of observables with continuous-valued spectra where different outcomes are associated with possibly infinitesimal probabilities. One can also prove hyperfinite formulations of Everett’s limiting relative-frequency and randomness properties, theorems he considered central to his formulation of quantum mechanics. Finally, this model provides an intuitive framework in which to consider no-collapse formulations (...)
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  39. A Perspectival Version of the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Origin of Macroscopic Behavior.Gyula Bene & Dennis Dieks - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):645-671.
    We study the process of observation (measurement), within the framework of a “perspectival” (“relational,” “relative state”) version of the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics. We show that if we assume certain features of discreteness and determinism in the operation of the measuring device (which could be a part of the observer's nerve system), this gives rise to classical characteristics of the observed properties, in the first place to spatial localization. We investigate to what extent semi-classical behavior (...)
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    Relative compatibility in conventional quantum mechanics.Gary M. Hardegree - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):495-510.
    The notion of relative compability is introduced, according to which compatibility is construed as relative to individual quantum states. The compatibility domain of two observablesA, B is defined to be the set com(A, B) of states relative to whichA andB are compatible. Three basic categories of relative compatibility are then defined according to the character of com(A, B): absolute compatibility (ordinary compatibility), absolute incompatibility, and partial compatibility. Then com(A, B) is seen to be a subspace (...)
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  41. Everettian Formulation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.Yu Feng - manuscript
    The second law of thermodynamics is traditionally interpreted as a coarse-grained result of classical mechanics. Recently its relation with quantum mechanical processes such as decoherence and measurement has been revealed in literature. In this paper we will formulate the second law and the associated time irreversibility following Everett’s idea: systems entangled with an object getting to know the branch in which they live. Accounting for this self-locating knowledge, we get two forms of entropy: objective entropy measuring the (...)
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    The Problem of Time: Quantum Mechanics Versus General Relativity.Edward Anderson - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is a treatise on time and on background independence in physics. It first considers how time is conceived of in each accepted paradigm of physics: Newtonian, special relativity, quantum mechanics (QM) and general relativity (GR). Substantial differences are moreover uncovered between what is meant by time in QM and in GR. These differences jointly source the Problem of Time: Nine interlinked facets which arise upon attempting concurrent treatment of the QM and GR paradigms, as is required (...)
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  43. The Projection Postulate in the Conceptual Structure of Quantum Mechanics.Sergio Martinez - 1987 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The projection postulate is the source of a long standing controversy in the interpretation of the axiomatic foundations of quantum mechanics. In a sense which is made precise in chapter II the projection postulate is a mathematical theorem easily derivable within the mathematical framework of the theory. This theorem receives a clear and straightforward interpretation if Luders' rule is given only statistical significance. Under the assumption that an interpretation of quantum mechanics has to provide an account (...)
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    Relational Quantum Mechanics: Ozawa’s Intersubjectivity Theorem as Justification of the Postulate on Internally Consistent Descriptions.Andrei Khrennikov - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-12.
    The Ozawa’s intersubjectivity theorem (OIT) proved within quantum measurement theory supports the new postulate of relational quantum mechanics (RQM), the postulate on internally consistent descriptions. But from OIT viewpoint postulate’s formulation should be completed by the assumption of probability reproducibility. We remark that this postulate was proposed only recently to resolve the problem of intersubjectivity of information in RQM. In contrast to RQM for which OIT is a supporting theoretical statement, QBism is challenged by OIT.
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    What Makes a Quantum Physics Belief Believable? Many‐Worlds Among Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast.Shaun C. Henson - 2023 - Zygon 58 (1):203-224.
    An extraordinary, if circumscribed, positive shift has occurred since the mid-twentieth century in the perceived status of Hugh Everett III's 1956 theory of the universal wave function of quantum mechanics, now widely called the Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI). Everett's starkly new interpretation denied the existence of a separate classical realm, contending that the experimental data can be seen as presenting a state vector for the whole universe. Since there is no state vector collapse, reality as a whole (...)
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    Lagrangian Description for Particle Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Entangled Many-Particle Case.Roderick I. Sutherland - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (2):174-207.
    A Lagrangian formulation is constructed for particle interpretations of quantum mechanics, a well-known example of such an interpretation being the Bohm model. The advantages of such a description are that the equations for particle motion, field evolution and conservation laws can all be deduced from a single Lagrangian density expression. The formalism presented is Lorentz invariant. This paper follows on from a previous one which was limited to the single-particle case. The present paper treats the more general (...)
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    Standing Waves in the Lorentz-Covariant World.Y. S. Kim & Marilyn E. Noz - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (7):1289-1305.
    When Einstein formulated his special relativity, he developed his dynamics for point particles. Of course, many valiant efforts have been made to extend his relativity to rigid bodies, but this subject is forgotten in history. This is largely because of the emergence of quantum mechanics with wave-particle duality. Instead of Lorentz-boosting rigid bodies, we now boost waves and have to deal with Lorentz transformations of waves. We now have some nderstanding of plane waves or running waves in the (...)
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  48. The case of quantum mechanics mathematizing reality: the “superposition” of mathematically modelled and mathematical reality: Is there any room for gravity?Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 2 (24):1-15.
    A case study of quantum mechanics is investigated in the framework of the philosophical opposition “mathematical model – reality”. All classical science obeys the postulate about the fundamental difference of model and reality, and thus distinguishing epistemology from ontology fundamentally. The theorems about the absence of hidden variables in quantum mechanics imply for it to be “complete” (versus Einstein’s opinion). That consistent completeness (unlike arithmetic to set theory in the foundations of mathematics in Gödel’s opinion) can (...)
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  49. Two dogmas about quantum mechanics.Jeffrey Bub & Itamar Pitowsky - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace, Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    We argue that the intractable part of the measurement problem -- the 'big' measurement problem -- is a pseudo-problem that depends for its legitimacy on the acceptance of two dogmas. The first dogma is John Bell's assertion that measurement should never be introduced as a primitive process in a fundamental mechanical theory like classical or quantum mechanics, but should always be open to a complete analysis, in principle, of how the individual outcomes come about dynamically. The second dogma (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics and the Principle of Least Radix Economy.Vladimir Garcia-Morales - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (3):295-332.
    A new variational method, the principle of least radix economy, is formulated. The mathematical and physical relevance of the radix economy, also called digit capacity, is established, showing how physical laws can be derived from this concept in a unified way. The principle reinterprets and generalizes the principle of least action yielding two classes of physical solutions: least action paths and quantum wavefunctions. A new physical foundation of the Hilbert space of quantum mechanics is then accomplished and (...)
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