Results for 'Ethics of food safety'

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  1. The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the Twenty-First Century.Ronald Bailey, Wendell Berry, Norman Borlaug, M. F. K. Fisher, Nichols Fox, Greenpeace International, Garrett Hardin, Mae-Wan Ho, Marc Lappe, Britt Bailey, Tanya Maxted-Frost, Henry I. Miller, Helen Norberg-Hodge, Stuart Patton, C. Ford Runge, Benjamin Senauer, Vandana Shiva, Peter Singer, Anthony J. Trewavas, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In The Ethics of Food, Gregory E. Pence brings together a collection of voices who share the view that the ethics of genetically modified food is among the most pressing societal questions of our time. This comprehensive collection addresses a broad range of subjects, including the meaning of food, moral analyses of vegetarianism and starvation, the safety and environmental risks of genetically modified food, issues of global food politics and the food (...)
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  2. Food law, ethics, and food safety regulation: Roles, justifications, and expected limits. [REVIEW]Daniel Sperling - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (3):267-278.
    Recent food emergencies throughout the world have raised some serious ethical and legal concerns for nations and health organizations. While the legal regulations addressing food risks and foodborne illnesses are considerably varied and variously effective, less is known about the ethical treatment of the subject. The purpose of this article is to discuss the roles, justifications, and limits of ethics of food safety as part of public health ethics and to argue for the development (...)
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    The Ethics of Food: A Reader for the Twenty-First Century.Gregory E. Pence (ed.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In The Ethics of Food, Gregory E. Pence brings together a collection of voices who share the view that the ethics of genetically modified food is among the most pressing societal questions of our time. This comprehensive collection addresses a broad range of subjects, including the meaning of food, moral analyses of vegetarianism and starvation, the safety and environmental risks of genetically modified food, issues of global food politics and the food (...)
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    The Ethics of Labeling Food Safety Risks.Haley Swartz - 2019 - Food Ethics 2 (2-3):127-137.
    Food producers have answered increasing consumer demand for transparency through disclosure of information on food labels. Food safety labels act as a signal to consumers that certain products may pose a risk to human health. These labels are based on developments in microbiology and/or represent a required response to foodborne illness outbreaks. However, the scope of the risk posed by product consumption, as well as who is most vulnerable to harm, varies based on the ethical reasoning (...)
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    Meeting consumer concerns for food safety in south korea: The importance of food safety and ethics in a globalizing market. [REVIEW]Renee B. Kim - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (2):141-152.
    As the issue of food safety became one of the important public agenda, consumer concern for food safety became the general public concern. The Korea U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA) completion allowing import of U.S. beef to Korea has turned into a massive public uproar and a series of demonstrations, revealing widespread concerns on the part of Korean producers and consumers about government food safety regulations and mishandling of the beef trade requirement. The (...)
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    Transitioning practices of vegetable small-scale actors in Vietnam: an interplay of food safety, labor demand, and soil environment.Quoc Nguyen-Minh, Raffaele Vignola, Inge D. Brouwer & Peter Oosterveer - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    Food safety is a critical and persistent issue that challenges the sustainability of agri-food systems in Vietnam. The government has launched multiple food safety initiatives, but there is limited understanding of their contribution to changing the practices of small-scale producers and distributors. This study explores these changing practices by applying Social Practice Theory (SPT) to analyze the transitions in everyday routines of small-scale vegetable producers while being embedded in socio-institutional contexts of agri-food system transitions. (...)
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    Scientific boundary work and food regime transitions: the double movement and the science of food safety regulation.Amy A. Quark & Rachel Lienesch - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):645-661.
    What role do science and scientists play in the transition between food regimes? Scientific communities are integral to understanding political struggle during food regime transitions in part due to the broader scientization of politics since the late 1800s. While social movements contest the rules of the game in explicitly value-laden terms, scientific communities make claims to the truth based on boundary work, or efforts to mark some science and scientists as legitimate while marking others as illegitimate. In doing (...)
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    The ethics of uncertainty: The regulation of food safety in the United States. [REVIEW]Arthur L. Caplan - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (1-2):180-190.
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    One ecosystem, one food system: The social and ecological context of food safety strategies. [REVIEW]David Waltner-Toews - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (1):49-59.
    Eating is the most intimate relationship people can have with their environment. As people have migrated, in very large numbers, from various parts of the globe, as well as from the countryside to the city, they have brought to their new homes not only their intimate familial relationships, but also their intimate environmental relationships. Intraand international trade in human foods and animal feeds amounting to billions of dollars annually support these transplanted eating habits. Infectious disease agents, toxins and environmental contaminants (...)
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  10. Food safety, quality, and ethics – a post-normal perspective.Jerome R. Ravetz - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):255-265.
    I argue that the issues of foodquality, in the most general sense includingpurity, safety, and ethics, can no longer beresolved through ``normal'' science andregulation. The reliance on reductionistscience as the basis for policy andimplementation has shown itself to beinadequate. I use several borderline examplesbetween drugs and foods, particularly coffeeand sucrose, to show that ``quality'' is now acomplex attribute. For in those cases thesubstance is either a pure drug, or a bad foodwith drug-like properties; both are marketed asif they (...)
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  11. Food safety and ethics: The interplay between science and values. [REVIEW]Karsten Klint Jensen & Peter Sandøe - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):245-253.
    The general public in Europe seems tohave lost its confidence in food safety. Theremedy for this, as proposed by the Commissionof the EU, is a scientific rearmament. Thequestion, however, is whether more science willbe able to overturn the public distrust.Present experience seems to suggest thecontrary, because there is widespread distrustin the science-based governmental controlsystems. The answer to this problem is thecreation of an independent scientificFood Authority. However, we argue thatindependent scientific advice alone is unlikelyto re-establish public confidence. It (...)
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    Communicating food safety: Ethical issues in risk communication. [REVIEW]Clifford W. Scherer & Napoleon K. Juanillo - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (2):17-26.
    This paper discusses two paradigms of risk communication that guide strategies for communicating food safety issues. Built on the principles of social utility and paternalism, the first paradigm heavily relies on science and technical experts to determine food safety regulations and policies. Risk communication, in this context, is a unidirectional process by which experts from the industry or government regulatory agencies inform or alert potentially affected publics about the hazards they face and the protective actions they (...)
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    Ethics of Dissent: A Plea for Restraint in the Scientific Debate About the Safety of GM Crops.Payam Moula & Per Sandin - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):903-924.
    Results of studies that cast doubt on the safety of genetically modified crops have been published since the first GM crop approval for commercial release. These ‘alarming studies’ challenge the dominant view about the adequacy of current risk assessment practice for genetically modified organisms. Subsequent debates follow a similar and recurring pattern, in which those involved cannot agree on the significance of the results and the attached consequences. The standard response from the government—a reassessment by scientific advisory bodies—seems insufficient (...)
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    Seven samurai to protect “our” food: the reform of the food safety regulatory system in Japan after the BSE crisis of 2001. [REVIEW]Keiko Tanaka - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):567-580.
    Using the case of food safety governance reform in Japan between 2001 and 2003, this paper examines the relationship between science and trust. The paper explains how the discovery of the first BSE positive cow and consequent food safety scandals in 2001 politicized the role of science in protecting the safety of the food supply. The analysis of the Parliamentary debate focuses on the contestation among legislators and other participants over three dimensions of risk (...)
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    Ethics of Dissent: A Plea for Restraint in the Scientific Debate About the Safety of GM Crops.Ruth Mampuys & Frans W. A. Brom - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):903-924.
    Results of studies that cast doubt on the safety of genetically modified crops have been published since the first GM crop approval for commercial release. These ‘alarming studies’ challenge the dominant view about the adequacy of current risk assessment practice for genetically modified organisms. Subsequent debates follow a similar and recurring pattern, in which those involved cannot agree on the significance of the results and the attached consequences. The standard response from the government—a reassessment by scientific advisory bodies—seems insufficient (...)
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    Ethical aspects of the safety of medicines and other social chemicals.Professor Dennis V. Parke - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):283-298.
    The historical background of the discovery of adverse health effects of medicines, food additives, pesticides, and other chemicals is reviewed, and the development of national and international regulations and testing procedures to protect the public against the toxic effects of these drugs and chemicals is outlined. Ethical considerations of the safety evaluation of drugs and chemicals by human experimentation and animal toxicity studies, ethical problems associated with clinical trials, with the falsification of clinical and toxicological data, and with (...)
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    Food Security and Food Safety for the Twenty-first Century: Proceedings of APSAFE2013.Soraj Hongladarom (ed.) - 2015 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is a collection of selected papers that were presented at the First International Conference of the Asia-Pacific Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (APSAFE 2013), which was held at Chulalongkorn University from November 28 - 30, 2013. The papers are interdisciplinary, containing insights into food security and food ethics from a variety of perspectives, including, but not limited to, philosophy, sociology, law, sociology, economics, as well as the natural sciences. The theme of the (...)
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    Safety assurance of foods: Risk management depends on good science but it is not a scientific activity. [REVIEW]Beniamino T. Cenci Goga & Francesca Clementi - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):303-313.
    We make many decisions in our livesand we weigh the benefits against thedrawbacks. Our decisions are based on whatbenefits are most important to us and whatdrawbacks we are willing to accept. Decisionsabout what we eat are made in the same way; butwhen it comes to safety, our decisions areusually made more carefully. Food containsnatural chemicals and it can come into contactwith many natural and artificial substancesduring harvest, production, processing, andpreparation. They include microorganisms,chemicals, either naturally present or producedby cooking, (...)
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    Constrained choice and ethical dilemmas in land management: Environmental quality and food safety in california agriculture. [REVIEW]Diana Stuart - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (1):53-71.
    As environmental and conservation efforts increasingly turn towards agricultural landscapes, it is important to understand how land management decisions are made by agricultural producers. While previous studies have explored producer decision-making, many fail to recognize the importance of external structural influences. This paper uses a case study to explore how consolidated markets and increasing corporate power in the food system can constrain producer choice and create ethical dilemmas over land management. Crop growers in the Central Coast region of California (...)
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    Ethical aspects of the safety of medicines and other social chemicals.Dennis V. Parke - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):283-298.
    The historical background of the discovery of adverse health effects of medicines, food additives, pesticides, and other chemicals is reviewed, and the development of national and international regulations and testing procedures to protect the public against the toxic effects of these drugs and chemicals is outlined. Ethical considerations of the safety evaluation of drugs and chemicals by human experimentation and animal toxicity studies, ethical problems associated with clinical trials, with the falsification of clinical and toxicological data, and with (...)
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    Shifting configurations of shopping practices and food safety dynamics in Hanoi, Vietnam: a historical analysis.Sigrid C. O. Wertheim-Heck & Gert Spaargaren - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):655-671.
    This paper offers a historical analysis of contemporary practices of shopping for vegetables in the highly dynamic context of urban Hanoi during the period from 1975 to 2014. Focusing on everyday shopping practices from a food safety perspective, we assess the extent to which the policy-enforced process of supermarketization has proven to be an engine of change in daily vegetable purchasing while improving food safety. In depicting transitions in shopping practices, we combine a social practices approach (...)
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    The ethical dimensions of acceptable risk in food safety.Deborah Johnson - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (1-2):171-179.
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    Can food safety policy-making be both scientifically and democratically legitimated? If so, how?Erik Millstone - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (5):483-508.
    This paper provides an analysis of the evolution of thinking and talking about the role of scientific knowledge and expertise in food safety policy-making, and in risk policy-making more generally from the late 19th century to the present day. It highlights the defining characteristics of several models that have been used to represent and interpret the relations between policy-makers and expert scientific advisors and between scientific and political considerations. Both conceptual and empirical strengths and weaknesses of those models (...)
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    The livestock revolution, food safety, and small-scale farmers: Why they matter to us all. [REVIEW]David C. Hall, Simeon Ehui & Christopher Delgado - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (4-5):425-444.
    Global consumption, production, and trade of livestock products have increased rapidly in the last two decades and are expected to continue. At the same time, safety concerns regarding human and animal disease associated with livestock products are increasing. Efforts to increase public health safety standards aimed at legitimately reducing the risks of human and animal disease have focused internationally on standards to regulate the movement of livestock products. There is concern, though, that measures to regulate these standards internationally, (...)
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    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Evaluation of the Safety of Animal Clones: A Failure to Recognize the Normativity of Risk Assessment Projects.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Zahra Meghani - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (1):9-17.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced recently that food products derived from some animal clones and their offspring are safe for human consumption. In response to criticism that it had failed to engage with ethical, social, and economic concerns raised by livestock cloning, the FDA argued that addressing normative issues prior to issuing a final ruling on animal cloning is not part of its mission. In this article, the authors reject the FDA's claim that its mission (...)
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  26. Global Food Safety, Institutional Intergity Capacity and Global Sustainability.Joseph Petrick & John Quinn - 2006 - Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics 8 (1).
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    Exponential Growth, Animal Welfare, Environmental and Food Safety Impact: The Case of China’s Livestock Production. [REVIEW]Peter J. Li - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (3):217-240.
    Developmental states are criticized for rapid “industrialization without enlightenment.” In the last 30 years, China’s breathtaking growth has been achieved at a high environmental and food safety cost. This article, utilizing a recent survey of China’s livestock industry, illustrates the initiating role of China’s developmental state in the exponential expansion of the country’s livestock production. The enthusiastic response of the livestock industry to the many state policy incentives has made China the world’s biggest animal farming nation. Shortage of (...)
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    Food safety is political.Peter Sandøe - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (3):341-343.
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    Of COVID-19 and Chickens: The Ethics of One Workplace Safety Policy Early in the Pandemic.Kathleen Burke & Shafik Bhalloo - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 19:247-252.
    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic created considerable challenges for the food supply chain. One of the industries hardest hit was the agricultural and agri-foods industry. This industry has long faced worker shortages and regularly relied on temporary foreign workers. In this case, Roosters, a chicken processing and production company in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, had just come off a very costly 12-day closure following a COVID-19 exposure risk in two of its processing plants. With the company back in (...)
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    The private governance of food: equitable exchange or bizarre bazaar? [REVIEW]Lawrence Busch - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):345-352.
    In recent years, we have witnessed three parallel and intertwined trends: First, food retail and processing firms have embraced private standards, usually with some form of third party certification employed to verify adherence to those standards. Second, firms have increasingly aligned themselves with, as opposed to fighting off, environmental, fair trade, and other NGOs. Third, firms have embraced supply chain management as a strategy for increasing profits and market share. Together, these trends are part and parcel of the neoliberal (...)
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    The ethics of truth-telling and the problem of risk.Paul B. Thompson - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (4):489-510.
    Risk communication poses a challenge to ordinary norms of truth-telling because it can easily mislead. Analyzing this challenge in terms of a systematic divergence between expertise and public attitudes fails to recognize how two specific features of the concept of risk play a role in managing daily affairs. First, evaluating risk always incorporates an estimate of the reliability of information. Since risk communication is an effort at providing information, audiences will naturally and appropriately incorporate their assessment of the reliability of (...)
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    The Ethics of Clinical Trials: A Child's View.Jennifer Rosato - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4):362-378.
    Until a few years ago, the prevailing view was that children should not be participants in clinical research trials because children were incapable of consenting to such nontherapeutic interventions and are particularly vulnerable to abuse. That view has undergone a significant shift in the last few years, particularly in the context of trials to test the safety and effectiveness of drugs. A number of events facilitated this change, including the widespread off-label distribution of drugs to children and developments in (...)
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    Risk, anti-reflexivity, and ethical neutralization in industrial food processing.Diana Stuart & Michelle R. Worosz - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (3):287-301.
    While innovations have fostered the mass production of food at low costs, there are externalities or side effects associated with high-volume food processing. We focus on foodborne illness linked to two commodities: ground beef and bagged salad greens. In our analysis, we draw from the concepts of risk, reflexive modernization, and techniques of ethical neutralization. For each commodity, we find that systems organized for industrial goals overlook how production models foster cross-contamination and widespread outbreaks. Responses to outbreaks tend (...)
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    Food Ethics: The Basics.Ronald L. Sandler - 2014 - Routledge.
    Food Ethics: The Basics is a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the ethical dimensions of the production and consumption of food. It offers an impartial exploration of the most prominent ethical questions relating to food and agriculture including: • Should we eat animals? • Are locally produced foods ethically superior to globally sourced foods? • Do people in affluent nations have a responsibility to help reduce global hunger? • Should we embrace bioengineered foods? • What should (...)
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    A preliminary assessment of food policy obstacles in California’s produce recovery networks.Cristina Chiarella, Yulia Lamoureaux, Alda A. F. Pires, Rachel Surls, Robert Bennaton, Julia Van Soelen Kim, Suzanne Grady, Thais M. Ramos, Vikram Koundinya & Erin DiCaprio - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):1239-1258.
    California is a landmark setting for studying produce recovery efforts and policy implications because of its global relevance in agricultural production, its complex network of food recovery organizations, and its environmental and public health regulations. Through a series of focus groups with organizations involved in produce recovery (gleaning organizations) and emergency food operations (food banks, food pantries), this study aimed to deepen our understanding of the current produce recovery system and determine the major challenges and opportunities (...)
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    Food Labeling and Consumer Associations with Health, Safety, and Environment.Joanna K. Sax & Neal Doran - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (4):630-638.
    The food supply is complicated and consumers are increasingly calling for labeling on food to be more informative. In particular, consumers are asking for the labeling of food derived from genetically modified organisms based on health, safety, and environmental concerns. At issue is whether the labels that are sought would accurately provide the information desired. The present study examined consumer perceptions of health, safety and the environment for foods labeled organic, natural, fat free or low (...)
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    The Paradox of E-Numbers: Ethical, Aesthetic, and Cultural Concerns in the Dutch Discourse on Food Additives. [REVIEW]Dirk Haen - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (1):27-42.
    Persistent public distrust of food additives is often explained in terms of safety and health issues. The broad variety of ethical, aesthetic, and cultural concerns tends to be structurally ignored by food engineers and occasionally even by consumers themselves. The public controversy of food additives—commonly known as “E-numbers”—in the Netherlands is a case in point. Two discursive mechanisms prevent these concerns from becoming legitimate public issues: irrationalization and privatization. But these consumer concerns may not be as (...)
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    Food Ethics.David M. Kaplan - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 439–441.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Food Safety Food Processing Genetically Modified Food Functional Food Food Nanotechnology.
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    Determinants of Individual Attitudes Toward Animal Welfare-Friendly Food Products.L. Cembalo, F. Caracciolo, A. Lombardi, T. Del Giudice, K. G. Grunert & G. Cicia - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):237-254.
    Animal welfare involves societal and human values, ethical concerns and moral considerations since it incorporates the belief of what is right or what is wrong in animal treatment and care. This paper aims to ascertain whether the different dimensions of individual attitudes toward animal welfare in food choices may be characterized by general human values, as identified by Schwartz. For this purpose, an EU-wide survey was carried out, covering almost 2500 nationally representative individuals from five European countries. Compared with (...)
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    The Ethics of Food for Tomorrow: On the Viability of Agrarianism—How Far can it Go? Comments on Paul Thompson’s Agrarian Vision.Raymond Anthony - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (4):543-552.
    Abstract I consider Paul Thompson’s Agrarian Vision from the perspective of the philosophy of technology, especially as it relates to certain questions about public engagement and deliberative democracy around food issues. Is it able to promote an attitudinal shift or reorientation in values to overcome the view of “food as device” so that conscientious engagement in the food system by consumers can become more the norm? Next, I consider briefly, some questions to which it must face up (...)
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    Eating Ethically: Towards a Communitarian Food Model.Shivani Sharma - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1):1-16.
    It is no secret that there have been radical changes in the way we produce and consume food ever since the introduction of industrial methods of production to food. Such changes have raised several ethical concerns about loss of biodiversity, ethical treatment of animals, nutritional quality of industrial food, safety of genetically modified food, and adequate working conditions of people in agricultural sector among many others. Food ethics has recently started to respond to (...)
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    Non-safety Assessments of Genome-Edited Organisms: Should They be Included in Regulation?Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2601-2627.
    This article presents and evaluates arguments supporting that an approval procedure for genome-edited organisms for food or feed should include a broad assessment of societal, ethical and environmental concerns; so-called non-safety assessment. The core of analysis is the requirement of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act that the sustainability, ethical and societal impacts of a genetically modified organism should be assessed prior to regulatory approval of the novel products. The article gives an overview how this requirement has been implemented (...)
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    How to continue COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials? The ethics of vaccine research in a time of pandemic.Silvia Ceruti, Marco Cosentino & Mario Picozzi - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (1):32-40.
    Between December 2020 and March 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency issued Emergency Use Authorizations and Conditional Marketing Authorizations for the distribution of the first COVID-19 vaccines. Although these vaccines were thoroughly assessed before their approval, regulators required companies to continue ongoing placebo-controlled clinical trials in order to gather further reliable scientific information on their safety and efficacy, as well as to start new studies to evaluate additional candidates. The aim of this (...)
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    Food System Fragility and Resilience in the Aftermath of Disruption and Controversy.Robert M. Chiles - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):1021-1042.
    Discussions about “disruptive” food controversies abound in popular and academic literatures, particularly with respect to meat production and consumption, yet there is little scholarship examining what makes an event disruptive in the first instance. Filling this gap will improve our understanding of how food controversies unfold and why certain issues may be more likely to linger in the public consciousness as opposed to others. I address these questions by using focus groups and in-depth interviews to analyze five potentially (...)
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    (1 other version)Providing Ethical Healthcare in Resource-Poor Environments.Kenneth V. Iserson - 2018 - HEC Forum:1-20.
    The ethics of providing health care in resource-poor environments is a complex topic. It implies two related questions: What can we do with the resources on hand? Of all the things we can do, which ones should we do? “Resource-poor” environments are situations in which clinicians, organizations, or healthcare systems have the knowledge and skills, but not the means, to carry out highly effective and beneficial interventions. Determinants of a population’s health often rely less on disease and injury management (...)
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    Patients' Knowledge of Key Messaging in Drug Safety Communications for Zolpidem and Eszopiclone: A National Survey.Aaron S. Kesselheim, Michael S. Sinha, Paula Rausch, Zhigang Lu, Frazer A. Tessema, Brian M. Lappin, Esther H. Zhou, Gerald J. Dal Pan, Lee Zwanziger, Amy Ramanadham, Anita Loughlin, Cheryl Enger, Jerry Avorn & Eric G. Campbell - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (3):430-441.
    Drug Safety Communications are used by the Food and Drug Administration to inform health care providers, patients, caregivers, and the general public about safety issues related to FDA-approved drugs. To assess patient knowledge of the messaging contained in DSCs related to the sleep aids zolpidem and eszopiclone, we conducted a large, cross-sectional patient survey of 1,982 commercially insured patients selected by stratified random sampling from the Optum Research Database who had filled at least two prescriptions for either (...)
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  47. Food, consumer concerns, and trust: Food ethics for a globalizing market. [REVIEW]Frans W. A. Brom - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (2):127-139.
    The use of biotechnology in food productiongives rise to consumer concerns. The term ``consumerconcern'' is often used as a container notion. Itincludes concerns about food safety, environmental andanimal welfare consequences of food productionsystems, and intrinsic moral objections againstgenetic modification. In order to create clarity adistinction between three different kinds of consumerconcern is proposed. Consumer concerns can be seen assigns of loss of trust. Maintaining consumer trustasks for governmental action. Towards consumerconcerns, governments seem to have limitedpossibilities for (...)
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    Advantages and disadvantages of the use of irradiation for food preservation.Paisan Loaharanu & Mainuddin Ahmed - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (1):14-30.
    Food irradiation is a physical method of processing food (e.g. freezing, canning). It has been thoroughly researched over the last four decades and is recognized as a safe and wholesome method. It has the potential both of disinfesting dried food to reduce storage losses and disinfesting fruits and vegetables to meet quarantine requirements for export trade. Low doses of irradiation inhibit spoilage losses due to sprouting of root and tuber crops. Food- borne diseases due to contamination (...)
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  49.  82
    Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption? [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):895-907.
    Labeling of food consumption is related to food safety, food quality, environmental, safety, and social concerns. Future politics of food will be based on a redefinition of commodity food consumption as an expression of citizenship. “Citizen-consumers” realize that they could use their buying power in order to develop a new terrain of social agency and political action. It takes for granted kinds of moral selfhood in which human responsibility is bound into human agency (...)
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  50.  46
    Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption? [REVIEW]Johan Tavernier - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):895-907.
    Labeling of food consumption is related to food safety, food quality, environmental, safety, and social concerns. Future politics of food will be based on a redefinition of commodity food consumption as an expression of citizenship. “Citizen-consumers” realize that they could use their buying power in order to develop a new terrain of social agency and political action. It takes for granted kinds of moral selfhood in which human responsibility is bound into human agency (...)
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